Republican Judgement

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The Man

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You got it backwards partner, revenue must be increased not cut to get us out of our current dilemma. The GOP has found great success in in cutting revenue.
Lowering the debt by increased revenues does not cure the problem....curing what causes the debt is the solution.
What you are proposing is the same as using American express to pay for a master card debt...when the solution is to lowers ones lifestyle to match his income


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And as you see the sanctions failed....and yes the citizens were pissed...thus why it took so long once we went in.
Iraq is is about 60 percent the size of texas how long should it take to whip about half of texas if it was divided of,not very long...about 3 weeks
Insurgents from SA and Iran were merely a thorn compared to the problem within.
Years of sanctions caused a huge hate for America making the war 10 times harder than it needed to be..

The citizens were pissed? Did you not see the coverage as the US and Allied troops marched into Bahgdad to cheering throngs(New York Post Jonathan Foreman quoted as saying "the intensity of the population's pro-American enthusiasm is astonishing") ? Did you not see the Statue being pulled down(4-29-2003)? Did you not see his pictures and posters ripped down and torn to shreds by his people? We were the great liberators! Our struggles had to do with AQ and Taliban operatives infiltrating the borders and collecting in pockets of resistance. NOT Iraqi citizens!

Dont be so sure about your fellow patriotism ....but if an enemy nation had starved us of supplies for many years and our govt instilled in our minds that they are some major might get some resistance.

I don't know where you live but I live in the deep south. They would have a hard time getting through here!

You cant compare teaching a child to not play with denial of nukes for savage nations...come on Rob..little out there isnt it?
But if you want to use teach as a mechanism...I guess your line of thought would be to teach a bank robber the dangers of bank robbery as an effort to prevent bank robbery?....No its the punishment...its the fear the fear of doing time when you get caught,,thats the deterrent.

No, You don't teach a Bank Robber the dangers of robbing a bank, you initially teach the person the difference between right and wrong. The threat of punishment only works when there is an understanding in that difference. I don't believe in the principle that we should use fear to control others. I am philisophically against that principle!!

The Man

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The citizens were pissed? Did you not see the coverage as the US and Allied troops marched into Bahgdad to cheering throngs(New York Post Jonathan Foreman quoted as saying "the intensity of the population's pro-American enthusiasm is astonishing") ? Did you not see the Statue being pulled down(4-29-2003)? Did you not see his pictures and posters ripped down and torn to shreds by his people? We were the great liberators! Our struggles had to do with AQ and Taliban operatives infiltrating the borders and collecting in pockets of resistance. NOT Iraqi citizens!

I don't know where you live but I live in the deep south. They would have a hard time getting through here!

No, You don't teach a Bank Robber the dangers of robbing a bank, you initially teach the person the difference between right and wrong. The threat of punishment only works when there is an understanding in that difference. I don't believe in the principle that we should use fear to control others. I am philisophically against that principle!!

The citizens were pissed? Did you not see the coverage as the US and Allied troops marched into Bahgdad to cheering throngs(New York Post Jonathan Foreman quoted as saying "the intensity of the population's pro-American enthusiasm is astonishing") ? Did you not see the Statue being pulled down(4-29-2003)? Did you not see his pictures and posters ripped down and torn to shreds by his people? We were the great liberators! Our struggles had to do with AQ and Taliban operatives infiltrating the borders and collecting in pockets of resistance. NOT Iraqi citizens!
Then how could you not be in support of that war?....Oh you forgot to mention the civilian snipers.

I don't know where you live but I live in the deep south. They would have a hard time getting through here!
Why so?...A high level of patriotism present...not some pussies that remove a flag from their chest :D
No, You don't teach a Bank Robber the dangers of robbing a bank, you initially teach the person the difference between right and wrong. The threat of punishment only works when there is an understanding in that difference. I don't believe in the principle that we should use fear to control others. I am philisophically against that principle!!

And how do you suggest we teach world leaders right from wrong?
Didnt work with saddam...the list goes on.
Name one world leader that was taught right from wrong


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Then how could you not be in support of that war?....Oh you forgot to mention the civilian snipers.

I wasn't in support of the war, I was simply contradicting your statement that the Iraqi people had a vendetta against the US. Just because they welcomed us doesn't mean they weren't responsible for their own freedom in the first place. Look at egypt, sudan, and lybia. They are doing it on their own, Iraq could have as well!!

Why so?...A high level of patriotism present...not some pussies that remove a flag from their chest :D


And how do you suggest we teach world leaders right from wrong?
Didnt work with saddam...the list goes on.
Name one world leader that was taught right from wrong

Whether they know right or wrong or not, I am not for using fear as a means to "control" another group of people. War should be a LAST result, and every other possible option should be thouroughly exhausted before it comes to that!!! That has been my main point in all of this!!

The Man

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I wasn't in support of the war, I was simply contradicting your statement that the Iraqi people had a vendetta against the US. Just because they welcomed us doesn't mean they weren't responsible for their own freedom in the first place. Look at egypt, sudan, and lybia. They are doing it on their own, Iraq could have as well!!


Whether they know right or wrong or not, I am not for using fear as a means to "control" another group of people. War should be a LAST result, and every other possible option should be thouroughly exhausted before it comes to that!!! That has been my main point in all of this!!

I wasn't in support of the war, I was simply contradicting your statement that the Iraqi people had a vendetta against the US. Just because they welcomed us doesn't mean they weren't responsible for their own freedom in the first place. Look at egypt, sudan, and lybia. They are doing it on their own, Iraq could have as well!!

How could you not be in support of a war as to where you describe essentially a celebration upon our invasion?/
Let em suffer at the hands of a barbarian?

Whether they know right or wrong or not, I am not for using fear as a means to "control" another group of people. War should be a LAST result, and every other possible option should be thouroughly exhausted before it comes to that!!! That has been my main point in all of this!

Fear has always been the controlling is what keeps crime at the low levels it is...It is what stops most people from running across a busy highway...fear is a part of life ...there is nothing wrong with placing fear in a world leader for compliance purposes.

You forgot to mention a world leader who was taught right from wrong as I had requested:tooth


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How could you not be in support of a war as to where you describe essentially a celebration upon our invasion?/
Let em suffer at the hands of a barbarian?

You didnt read the rest of the sentence did you? tsk tsk

Fear has always been the controlling is what keeps crime at the low levels it is...It is what stops most people from running across a busy highway...fear is a part of life ...there is nothing wrong with placing fear in a world leader for compliance purposes.

I disagree with that principle, as I have already said...are you reading the whole thing or juts my first sentences?

You forgot to mention a world leader who was taught right from wrong as I had requested:tooth

oh Pish Posh!! Mother Theresa, Ghandi, and Martlin Luther King Jr agree with me, and Kadhaffi, Hitler, and Pol Pot agree with you....who has a better argument about how effective fear is!!

The Man

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You didnt read the rest of the sentence did you? tsk tsk

I disagree with that principle, as I have already said...are you reading the whole thing or juts my first sentences?

oh Pish Posh!! Mother Theresa, Ghandi, and Martlin Luther King Jr agree with me, and Kadhaffi, Hitler, and Pol Pot agree with you....who has a better argument about how effective fear is!!

Let me rephrase.
Name one "evil" world leader who has been taught right from wrong


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Let me rephrase.
Name one "evil" world leader who has been taught right from wrong

I am going to say all of them probably had soem basic instruction when they were younger, and then you are going to say exactly and that didnt work so we had to go shoot their people, and I am going to say that with some of them all other options were exhausted but here is my main point to redirect our discussion:

There is a point where the Leader has to be brought to his/her reckoning by the people they are oppressing and not by outside influences more interested in their resources than any humanitarian concerns. Thats why we let Libya and Sudan fight there own, as opposed to going into oil rich Iraq! Trying to control foreign world leaders by fear has not been effective....where has it actually gotten us?

Minor Axis

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For the local religious conservatives, this is a great opportunity to defend this view. :D

Think Progress: Children with Disabilities are God's Punishment

The number of children who are born subsequent to a first abortion with handicaps has increased dramatically. Why? Because when you abort the first born of any, nature takes its vengeance on the subsequent children,” said Marshall, a Republican.
“In the Old Testament, the first born of every being, animal and man, was dedicated to the Lord. There’s a special punishment Christians would suggest.”​


Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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This religious crap is what drove me away from being a republican

The religious right has way too much power over the party

I would venture to guess I am not the minority on the right that think this way but it is what it is.

Minor Axis

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If you want to know what is wrong with this country, why it can't pay it's bills, here is some insight. PS, liberals can't make this stuff up...

Huffington Post: Harold Hamm, Romney Advisor Demands Lower Taxes

One of Mitt Romney’s advisers thinks a tax rate of about 2 percent is just a little too damn high.

Harold Hamm, the CEO of Continental Resources, asked lawmakers to keep tax breaks for oil and gas companies in place during a hearing Thursday. Romney’s chief energy adviser claimed that his company pays taxes at a rate of about 38 percent. The only problem: Continental Resources’ effective tax rate has been more like 2.2 percent over the past five years, according to an analysis from the left-leaning Citizens for Tax Justice (h/t ThinkProgress).

Minor Axis

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Good grief it is Jimmy the Peanut Farmer all over again. Has nothing to do with race. It is all about the policies promoted by Obama

It does appear to me like it's today's politics- find any angle you can and run with it. The birther movement seems to be alive and well in certain corners.