Republican Judgement

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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We won't really know what the Democratic Party Leadership is capable until Obama wins (I'm not planning on it) and the GOP decides they want to participate in moving the country forward. That's not going to happen either. They want to move the country backwards. I like the Upstairs, Downstairs analogy or how about serfdom? Gotta keep things well greased for the movers and shakers. :p

are you serious?

what was that when Obama was elected?

A super majority in case you forgot

the dems had carte blanche to do what ever they wanted

what did that get you??

Minor Axis

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are you serious?

what was that when Obama was elected?

A super majority in case you forgot

the dems had carte blanche to do what ever they wanted

what did that get you??

You and Accountable just can't bring yourselves to acknowledge 8 years of credit card war and tax cuts have done to our debt and pushed us to the edge. Open your eyes and look at the chart. Most economists agree that more money had to be thrown at the terrible situation brought to us by a SPEND USING CREDIT, REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION to stop the free fall. The overall effectiveness of that spending is highly debated. OF COURSE, all your going to hear from the GOP what a dismal failure it was. That's in their best political interests to do so, right? right. You keep relying on your sources and I'll keep reading mine. ;)


Having way too much fun
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I absolutely LOVE when people bring up the fact that Obama had a "super majority" the first two years.

Oh how soon they forget...

Do you remember the hundreds of bills congress passed only to have them die in the senate? Do you remember that more filibusters were perpetrated by the republicans in those two years than ever before, by a very large margin?

Do you remember how many bills were passed into law through the senate?

The president wasn't successful in turning this country around because the republicans did EVERYTHING in their power to stop him. They required 60 votes on every significant bill coming through the senate just to have it make it to the floor.

Don't you dare have the balls to sit there and say that the president failed to turn this country around when the republicans did everything in their power to keep things as bad as they could as long as they could so they could regain power.
You guys keep saying both sides are as bad as each other. Bullshit! I have never seen the democrats block as much legislation at the peril of the country before and I would love to see you point out the contrary.
It was so fucking bad at one point, the republicans were blocking legislation fully supported by the republicans because it would have helped. What the hell do you call that?

So to sit there and say the economy didn't get better under Obama and to point the finger at him is not only dishonest, it's down right sad.

How soon you all forget

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Any you forgot the bullshit pulled to pass Obamacare

That will come to haunt the democrats and this country

When you pull that crap the other party will do the same when they get the chance

There was a time the democrats did have 60 senators Tim if I am not mistaken. Even if it was 59 I would call it a super majority. If you can not get even one of the northeast pseudo republicans to roll over on their party then you know it has to be shit legislation.


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The effort to pass the much needed Affordable Healthcare Act was emmense because of the detractors whom (most of which) never even read the bill to begin with. Why shouldnt we cut medicare/aid if we are replacing it with something better! it would make no sense to have both forms of health insurance out there costing money when they are providing the same benefits!!


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Taxes- Hit an 30 year low under Obama
Under Obama, Taxes Hit A 30-Year Low | ThinkProgressjavascript:void(0)

Job Growth-
Considering the depth of the recession we hit to have a 4 % growth in the private sector was a miracle, even more than the growth that Bush saw without a recession

Foreign Relations- Really? since we have successfully rid the world of the "if you aren't with us you are against us" foreign relations disaster there have been immense improvements between US and our Foreign allies.


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and please lets not harp on the flag pin issue...he is the President of this Country...who would want that job if you werent a patriot??? ONE pin does not make a difference


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he is the President of this Country...who would want that job if you werent a patriot???
You're kidding right? I'll bet one could find literally thousands if not millions of non-patriots who would like a shot at the most powerful position in the world. I've seen nothing that could be construed as patriotic from President Obama. That's not to say that others only pretend, only that this president doesn't even bother.


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Do you remember that more filibusters were perpetrated by the republicans in those two years than ever before, by a very large margin?
There's something I don't get. The fillibuster, that is. As I understand it - and I could easily be miles off base here - they fairly recently changed the fillibuster rules to allow breaks and such. Why?? It seems to me that something really important would inspire supporters to say 'fuck you and your filibuster. We'll make you stand there and talk until your bladder explodes, then vote the measure through anyway.

It just seems to me that the Senate has become lazy.
Now back to the regularly scheduled sniping & backbiting.


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Oh Lord, you are as bad as The man! Does he need a john deer hat and american flags on his F150 to be considered patriotic? I would say that to hold the highest office of a nation, one has the best interests of the nation(or at least there view of whats the best interest, not everyone agrees) at heart. thats why one leads! aside from a obviously misconstrued Pin issue, and manufactured timed photos to show Obama during the pledge...what actions has he done to be considered un-patriotic???
BTW what does it mean to be Un-Patriotic? wouldnt that take an active, firm stance of opinion against the country?? How has he done that?


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It would really help me, if no one else, if you would use the Reply With Quote button. It gets confusing sometimes.
Oh Lord, you are as bad as The man! Does he need a john deer hat and american flags on his F150 to be considered patriotic? I would say that to hold the highest office of a nation, one has the best interests of the nation(or at least there view of whats the best interest, not everyone agrees) at heart. thats why one leads!
It would certainly help for one to have the best interests at heart, but it's naive to assume that simply running for office necessarily means that the good intentions are there. Ask a kid what he wants to be when he grows up, or ask a young politician the similar question. If the answer is "I want to be President!" ask why. Odds are that the first response you'll get is silence and a confused look. People want to be president because then they would be President! I saw the same thing time after time in the enlisted ranks of the Air Force. Chief Master Sergeant was the goal, but few could tell you what they would do once they got the power.

aside from a obviously misconstrued Pin issue, and manufactured timed photos to show Obama during the pledge...what actions has he done to be considered un-patriotic???
BTW what does it mean to be Un-Patriotic? wouldnt that take an active, firm stance of opinion against the country?? How has he done that?
I don't know. I didn't use the word.