Republican Judgement

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you wanted reasons....this is just one republican, I can find about 300 others if you like....
Thank you. This is what I'm getting at. Out of thousands of pages, they couldn't come up with one specific item to complain about. They only spout rhetoric and hope people believe them. Dems have listed several things that everyone would agree with (you'd think there would be a hundred or more in 2000 pages) and repubs list ZERO that (1) everyone would disagree with and (2) that they would be willing to cut out.
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Minor Axis

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You really don't see a goddamn thing that doesn't match your preconceptions. No matter what I've written, you're mind's made up. You've decided you know what I think. Again, open your fucking eyes.

You said they were not against it, just wanted to change the name of Obama Care. I disagree.

Most every time I post anything that is critical of GOP, you are practically the only one trying to undermine my criticism. The GOP either deserves criticism or it does not. Don't try to belittle my critiques of the GOP just because you think the Dems are just as bad. Like it or not they are two very different groups. Dems are not working night and day to take away women's rights (as evidenced below). Countering every GOP critique makes you sound like you are defending them. Make some stand alone critiques of the Democrats or criticize both the GOP and Dems with specifics, not some broad generalizations, (example, they both love big business) and I'll be happy to respond to them.

Me: GOP is taking away womens rights. GOP is pandering to the wealthy. GOP is destroying the Middle Class. GOP is in love with big business. GOP wants to shit on public education.

You: They are both alike.

WRONG! :) However, regarding political parties, I'm always interested in viable alternatives...
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Minor Axis

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Now that Ryan is on the GOP ticket and Rep Todd Aiken blew up... Let me clarify. The thoughts of Rep Aiken have figured in Republican thinking since the first time Romney ran for President. Those thoughts originated in one Dr. Jack Willke, (the father of the anti-abortion movement? not clear on that) who is credited with originating the idea that when a woman is really raped (vs consensual sex), her body will reject this unwanted sperm and no pregnancy can possibly result. Does anyone really believe this premise? I don't.

In Romney's first run for President he endorsed Dr. Willke:
“Dr. Willke is a leading voice within the pro-life community and will be an important surrogate for Governor Romney's pro-life and pro-family agenda,” the Romney campaign said in an October 2007 statement.
(Source: DailyKos)

This time around Romney has met with Dr. Willke for private meetings and consultations, whose ideas about "forcible" rape, as opposed to voluntary rape found its way into the wording of HR3 cosponsored by Paul Ryan. Now that all of this s*** has hit the public's consciousness, I thought I'd emphasis the GOP standard along these lines.

*Ryan co-sponsored the "forcible rape" redefinition/language in HR3 which after the Akin blowup has now been dropped. And now that it's blown up in his face in recent interview he claims his view is that rape is rape and there is no splitting hairs about it. (Source:No Splitting Hairs)

*The GOP Party platform calls for a Constitutional ban on abortion without exception for rape or incest. (source link,politicalticker.blogs)

*When it comes to women's eggs and control over their bodies, VP candidate Ryan is on board with taking all rights away from women. Paul Ryan co-sponsored the Sanctity of Life Act WITH TODD AKIN and co-sponsored or voted for by virtually all of the GOP, which defines a fertilized egg as a person and grants it "all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of Personhood." No exceptions. (Source link:HR212)

*Forced Ultrasounds- And if he can't get rid of abortion all together, VP candidate Ryan supports a national forced ultrasound bill which would be conducted prior to any abortion. The reason for the ultasound other than to harass anyone wanting an abortion is unclear. (source link)

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Minor said:
Me: GOP is taking away womens rights. GOP is pandering to the wealthy. GOP is destroying the Middle Class. GOP is in love with big business. GOP wants to shit on public education.

GOP is taking away womens rights
There is some merit to this although that is a pretty wide brush. Most of it related to abortion. Which I wish both parties would shut up about and let those involved deal with it.

GOP is pandering to the wealthy
Tit for tat. The DEMS pander to the poor.

GOP is destroying the Middle Class.
Tit for tat again. The DEMS favor legislation which results in more and more being reliant upon govt handouts. That probably is not by accident. The more people getting handouts the more they want to side with those who give them the goodies.

GOP is in love with big business.
So do the DEMS. And you forgot the DEMS are in bed with BIG LABOR

GOP wants to shit on public education.
Code words for keep away from holding teachers accountable because the DEMS are in bed with them

Minor you can make all the claims about the GOP you want but when you do it expect to be exposed. They are not as different from the DEMS when it comes down to the basics of controlling govt. They both will do whatever it takes to gain and maintain power. You should really look at stuff other than the bullet points like you do. Until then you play right into the hands of those who you think give a rats ass about us. Actions speak louder than words and actions of both parties make both unacceptible.

Minor Axis

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There is some merit to this although that is a pretty wide brush. Most of it related to abortion. Which I wish both parties would shut up about and let those involved deal with it.

Tit for tat. The DEMS pander to the poor.

Tit for tat again. The DEMS favor legislation which results in more and more being reliant upon govt handouts. That probably is not by accident. The more people getting handouts the more they want to side with those who give them the goodies.

So do the DEMS. And you forgot the DEMS are in bed with BIG LABOR

Code words for keep away from holding teachers accountable because the DEMS are in bed with them

It's not just abortion, it's contraception which the government should be encouraging, not discouraging imo.
Regarding the wealthy vs poor, the poor need help more than the rich do.
Regarding the Middle Class, it's not tit for tat imo. The Middle Class is being destroyed by the economic choices being made in this country by corporations. Yes, I realize that globalization is part of the issue.
Big labor is required to counter big business.
Regarding education- wrong. Education funding is being cut. Holding teachers to standards is a different issue AND they should not be required to be functional parents too.

Minor you can make all the claims about the GOP you want but when you do it expect to be exposed. They are not as different from the DEMS when it comes down to the basics of controlling govt. They both will do whatever it takes to gain and maintain power. You should really look at stuff other than the bullet points like you do. Until then you play right into the hands of those who you think give a rats ass about us. Actions speak louder than words and actions of both parties make both unacceptible.

Groups composed of humans as a rule try to gain and hold on to power. It's human nature. If both groups are unacceptable, what do we do? The easy answer is have a revolution, but even after that, there is no guarantee that things would get or remain better then they now are. The other option is to encourage the action we want and discourage the action we don't want through the current players. In the end, due to crisis, we will eventually be forced to change in some manner.


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Tit for tat. The DEMS pander to the poor.

Thats what they are supposed to do. the country is riding and built on the backs of the poor and working class!

Tit for tat again. The DEMS favor legislation which results in more and more being reliant upon govt handouts. That probably is not by accident. The more people getting handouts the more they want to side with those who give them the goodies.

You call it handouts, I call it legitimate help for those who genuinely need it. While there are those that take advantage and misuse and abuse the system, I believe that it exists for the right reasons, as my wife can tell you: she was a single mothe rof 2 trying to go to school to better herself and her family. She used it when she needed it and when she got a decent job because of her education she payed her taxes and gave back to the system.

So do the DEMS. And you forgot the DEMS are in bed with BIG LABOR

Big Labor supports millions of workers get fair pay and treatment, where Big Business is ruthless and uncaring to reach it's bottom line. which is in more need of protection?

Code words for keep away from holding teachers accountable because the DEMS are in bed with them

Without Dem influence your teachers would be making barely over minimum wage with crappy benefits and no job security. Teaching is one of the most important jobs in this country because they are educating our future science , math and business leaders!

Minor Axis

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The So Mitt, What Do You Really Believe? A man for all people! ;)

WHEN Mitt Romney was governor of liberal Massachusetts, he supported abortion, gun control, tackling climate change and a requirement that everyone should buy health insurance, backed up with generous subsidies for those who could not afford it. Now, as he prepares to fly to Tampa to accept the Republican Party’s nomination for president on August 30th, he opposes all those things. A year ago he favoured keeping income taxes at their current levels; now he wants to slash them for everybody, with the rate falling from 35% to 28% for the richest Americans.

All politicians flip-flop from time to time; but Mr Romney could win an Olympic medal in it (see article). And that is a pity, because this newspaper finds much to like in the history of this uncharismatic but dogged man, from his obvious business acumen to the way he worked across the political aisle as governor to get health reform passed and the state budget deficit down. We share many of his views about the excessive growth of regulation and of the state in general in America, and the effect that this has on investment, productivity and growth. After four years of soaring oratory and intermittent reforms, why not bring in a more businesslike figure who might start fixing the problems with America’s finances?

Mr Romney may calculate that it is best to keep quiet: the faltering economy will drive voters towards him. It is more likely, however, that his evasiveness will erode his main competitive advantage. A businessman without a credible plan to fix a problem stops being a credible businessman. So does a businessman who tells you one thing at breakfast and the opposite at supper. Indeed, all this underlines the main doubt: nobody knows who this strange man really is. It is half a decade since he ran something. Why won’t he talk about his business career openly? Why has he been so reluctant to disclose his tax returns? How can a leader change tack so often? Where does he really want to take the world’s most powerful country?

It is not too late for Mr Romney to show America’s voters that he is a man who can lead his party rather than be led by it. But he has a lot of questions to answer in Tampa.


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Repub Parrot said:
It will be a shame if Hurricane Isaac washes out the GOP convention in Tampa. Mitt Romney has done all the big things right so far in his run for the White House. He won a hotly contested Republican primary by sticking to an issues-oriented message that avoided attacking his opponents and isolating their supporters. Then, by picking Rep. Paul Ryan as his running-mate, he enheartened the conservative base and unified the party behind the ticket. Even though elephants are lined up for battle behind Romney-Ryan, there are a few policy differences bubbling beneath the surface.
Read more: DECKER: Rough waters at GOP convention - Washington Times

:popcorn2: I just love fiction, don't you?

Minor Axis

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Why is the Romney campaign insisting that the Obama Administration removed the work requirement from welfare? This appears to be a flat out lie. There is a theory floating around liberal corners that the Romney campaign is going to try to win the election by appealing to (prejudice) whites only.

Huffington Post: Mitt Romney Suggests Obama Welfare Waivers Are A Tactic To 'Shore Up His Base':

In an interview with USA Today, Romney defended his much-criticized ads, which falsely accuse the president of removing the work requirement in welfare. He insisted that the spots were accurate and that Obama had pursued his policy as part of an electoral calculation.


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Interesting that you view an attack on welfare as a racist attack on minorities. One might think that you hold a prejudice that all minorities are on welfare.

Minor Axis

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Interesting that you view an attack on welfare as a racist attack on minorities. One might think that you hold a prejudice that all minorities are on welfare.

You have no comment about the truthfulness of Romney lies? ;)

In my last post, I messed up and should not have included the word "(prejudice)". The prejudice are all ready in Romney's column. I should of said, Romney was going to try to win by maximizing the white vote in his column and not caring about how many Blacks, Latinos, & women vote for him. These efforts are to influence as many white's as possible. According to what I've read, victory will be difficult to achieve based on this strategy. So if I put two and two together, it makes the voter suppression efforts across the country conducted by the GOP make sense. I am aghast there is no outcry in the defense of freedom and democracy coming from those who are supposed to champion it- Republicans. So what does that mean? As evidenced from the last 30 years, they believe the end justifies the means and are willing to sell their values to achieve victory. Use whatever adjectives you want. I prefer corrupt and hypocritical.

Regarding Romney's birther joke in Michigan, I think he used it as a method of emphasizing he's a good ole home grown American and Obama may not be. IMO, he was using this joke to make points with the blindly patriotic, the continuous effort to paint Obama as a foreigner.


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You have no comment about the truthfulness of Romney lies? ;)
Why would I start now?

In my last post, I messed up and should not have included the word "(prejudice)". The prejudice are all ready in Romney's column. I should of said, Romney was going to try to win by maximizing the white vote in his column and not caring about how many Blacks, Latinos, & women vote for him. These efforts are to influence as many white's as possible. According to what I've read, victory will be difficult to achieve based on this strategy. So if I put two and two together, it makes the voter suppression efforts across the country conducted by the GOP make sense. I am aghast there is no outcry in the defense of freedom and democracy coming from those who are supposed to champion it- Republicans. So what does that mean? As evidenced from the last 30 years, they believe the end justifies the means and are willing to sell their values to achieve victory. Use whatever adjectives you want. I prefer corrupt and hypocritical.

Regarding Romney's birther joke in Michigan, I think he used it as a method of emphasizing he's a good ole home grown American and Obama may not be. IMO, he was using this joke to make points with the blindly patriotic, the continuous effort to paint Obama as a foreigner.
I find that the people that yell racism the most are the ones most likely to judge based on skin color. I don't recall your comments complaining about Biden't race baiting chains remark. Perhaps you can provide the link for me?

Minor Axis

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Is this who we want leading the country? Not me.


Huffingon Post: Romney Campaign- We Will Not Be Dictated by Fact Checkers

TAMPA, Fla. -- The Romney campaign said on Tuesday that its ads attacking President Obama's waiver policy on welfare have been its most effective to date. And while the spots have been roundly criticized as lacking any factual basis, the campaign said it didn't really care.

"We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers," Romney pollster Neil Newhouse said at a panel organized by ABC News.

Translation: "We are not going to let our campaign be dictated by facts."
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Minor Axis

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Why would I start now?

That's right, you're giving them a pass.

I find that the people that yell racism the most are the ones most likely to judge based on skin color. I don't recall your comments complaining about Biden't race baiting chains remark. Perhaps you can provide the link for me?

I've not heard what he said. If he made "race bating" comments, I would disapprove. I've all ready clarified my take on Romney's birther remarks. Sounds like a job for you.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You did not hear what Biden said?

Then you just proved you live in a closet.

And if republicans pander to the white then WTF do you think the democrats are doing with regard to latinos and blacks.


How the blacks continue to blindly follow the democrats is byond me. You would think they would boycott elections all together or band together to get somebody that represents their interests.

Minor Axis

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You did not hear what Biden said?

Then you just proved you live in a closet.

And if republicans pander to the white then WTF do you think the democrats are doing with regard to latinos and blacks.


How the blacks continue to blindly follow the democrats is byond me. You would think they would boycott elections all together or band together to get somebody that represents their interests.

It's your opinion that I live in a closet and you are welcome to your opinion regardless of how inaccurate it is. :)

For those who are interested. By all means lets blame Obama, not Bush, not the GOP and the imbedded warmongers who are now rallying that they are the solution, not at least, a major part of the problem, who since day one have been in there trying to stop Obama from accomplishing anything, until they can seize control again. How patriotic, how noble.

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Having way too much fun
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The next time someone tells you that Obama destroyed the economy, remind them that corporate profits are at a 50 year high, wall street is almost at an all time high and the income for the top 1% has grown over 46%.
And if they tell you that those things don't help them any, simply remind them they've just admitted that "trickle down" economics doesn't work.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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yup you live in a closet Minor if you had not heard about the Bidens comments

tells me you are very dismissive of anything critical of democrats.


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The next time someone tells you that Obama destroyed the economy, remind them that corporate profits are at a 50 year high, wall street is almost at an all time high and the income for the top 1% has grown over 46%.
And if they tell you that those things don't help them any, simply remind them they've just admitted that "trickle down" economics doesn't work.
That can't be right. Minor swears the dems are against the corporate elite. That's strictly repubs. Your research is obviously wrong. ;)

Minor Axis

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The next time someone tells you that Obama destroyed the economy, remind them that corporate profits are at a 50 year high, wall street is almost at an all time high and the income for the top 1% has grown over 46%.
And if they tell you that those things don't help them any, simply remind them they've just admitted that "trickle down" economics doesn't work.

You've just described GOP paradise. :smiley24:

That can't be right. Minor swears the dems are against the corporate elite. That's strictly repubs. Your research is obviously wrong.

We won't really know what the Democratic Party Leadership is capable until Obama wins (I'm not planning on it) and the GOP decides they want to participate in moving the country forward. That's not going to happen either. They want to move the country backwards. I like the Upstairs, Downstairs analogy or how about serfdom? Gotta keep things well greased for the movers and shakers. :p