Republican Judgement

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DT3's Twinkie
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Oh and while we're at it....lay waste to criminal, unconstitutional banks by severing the Fed and backing Fiat currencies with something more than junk bonds...
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Minor Axis

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Posted for generally needed education in this forum:


They cheered for Reagan, Bush and Bush 2, but somehow want to evade responsibility. NO, it's all Obama fault. What nerve! Just don't be smug about how the GOP who has been in the middle of this problem FROM THE START (see 1981) is going to fix it. They are too worried about comforting their rich and influential friends. Their tax cutting proposals and trickle down theories confirm it.
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Minor Axis

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Romney claims he paid 13% income tax

Let's assume for a minute this is the truth... do you have to ask what is wrong with this country? ;)

Snooping around the Net, I found this NYTimes chart which is supposed to be representative of the Obama Stimulus Package:


All most half of this 800 Billion package went to tax cuts, highway, and infrastructure repairs. I thought conservatives love tax cuts and infrastructure, no? My guess is that they will publicly spas out about anything Obama does...
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Romney claims he paid 13% income tax

Let's assume for a minute this is the truth...
True or not true, what does it matter? Do you think he broke the law? Don't you think that if he had done something illegal then the IRS would have been performing a colonoscopy on his returns by now?

Why are you letting yourself be distracted by trivia? You dems with this, the repubs with Obama's school records. Sheesh.


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Snooping around the Net, I found this NYTimes chart which is supposed to be representative of the Obama Stimulus Package:


All most half of this 800 Billion package went to tax cuts, highway, and infrastructure repairs. I thought conservatives love tax cuts and infrastructure, no? My guess is that they will publicly spas out about anything Obama does...
My guess is you ignore this proof that Obama & Bush are more similar than you'd like to admit. ;)

My guess is that they will publicly spas out about anything Obama does...
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Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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True or not true, what does it matter? Do you think he broke the law? Don't you think that if he had done something illegal then the IRS would have been performing a colonoscopy on his returns by now?

Why are you letting yourself be distracted by trivia? You dems with this, the repubs with Obama's school records. Sheesh.

Trivia?? Ok, ok, I need to spell it out for you. The focus is not so much on what Romney paid, but what the system allowed him to pay. Don't wonder why we are having fiscal problems...

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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and what exactly did he pay in dollar?

why is it when liberals talk about taxes on the rich they love use percentages but now the actual dollars?

in a fair system we would have a consumption tax and not an income tax..

that way everybody contributes and the rich would still way over compensate because they would be buying a lot more stuff


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Trivia?? Ok, ok, I need to spell it out for you. The focus is not so much on what Romney paid, but what the system allowed him to pay. Don't wonder why we are having fiscal problems...
You don't need to see his tax returns to know what kind of kickbacks Congress' corporate sponsors are getting. Don't complain about Romney taking what's legally his to take. Complain about the dems' Charlie Rangel for writing the tax code in the first place, and successive Chairmen Sander Levin (D) and Dave Camp (R) for not changing it.

Minor Axis

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You don't need to see his tax returns to know what kind of kickbacks Congress' corporate sponsors are getting. Don't complain about Romney taking what's legally his to take. Complain about the dems' Charlie Rangel for writing the tax code in the first place, and successive Chairmen Sander Levin (D) and Dave Camp (R) for not changing it.

Actually the tax code must be completely rewritten in a fair and responsible way. Unfortunately you'd have to remove current Republican leadership from the equation. Lately I've been watching a lot of "Upstairs, Downstairs" on Netflix a show originally broadcast in the 1970's about turn of the century (1900) England. It's about the Lords and Ladies (upstairs) and all the servants slaving away (downstairs). It's outstanding, and I've come to realize this is the GOP vision for the USA with the 1% living Upstairs. ;) The cook worked her entire career and managed to save a whole 50 pounds.

If Romney is proud about the intelligence he possesses to work the system, he should be proud to display his handiwork. His returns remain hidden for a reason. Personally, I'd like to know more about his off shore accounts, the net loss of jobs in this country thanks to the efforts of Bain, and his association with South American death squads. :)

The sad thing is that half the country has no interest in his tax returns. They don't want to know because it's more important to just get rid of Obama regardless of the reason. Fabricate reasons, lie their asses off, no problem because conservative morality is that the end justifies the means. There is no such thing as having a mature fact based discussion. Here I'll help "Obama is the agent of the devil. We need to get God back into the White House." ;)
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I've figured out a long time ago that anything you (as with most of us) don't agree with is drivel. :)
My opinion on the tax returns is that it's a distraction that both parties are more than happy to wave in front of you, the easily distracted, so that no body will notice that nothing is different no matter which one is in the majority. Pay no attention to the curtain! Just enjoy the show.


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My opinion on the tax returns is that it's a distraction that both parties are more than happy to wave in front of you, the easily distracted, so that no body will notice that nothing is different no matter which one is in the majority. Pay no attention to the curtain! Just enjoy the show.

You mean Gay marriage, Abortion, proof of citizenship, alcohol abuse, AWOL from national guard duty, whether or not someone was on a swift boat....these are all distractions? You mean that all these divisive and highly emotional issues are meant to distract us from what we should be focused on? And you tell me the American people are just that gullible? I scoff at that!!!


Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Minor when will you ever learn that the democrats are just a dirty in this game as the repbulicans

They just shine the turd better is all

And you are an enabler who continues to be in denial

We get it that the republicans suck

They did not lead us into this abyss all on their own though. You can whine all you like but this downward spiral started a hundred years ago. Long before the current leaders on the so called right had any power.


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You mean Gay marriage, Abortion, proof of citizenship, alcohol abuse, AWOL from national guard duty, whether or not someone was on a swift boat....these are all distractions? You mean that all these divisive and highly emotional issues are meant to distract us from what we should be focused on? And you tell me the American people are just that gullible? I scoff at that!!!

Yes. Do you disagree? (
Please tell me you're being sarcastic.)


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Yeah....I have said for years that every election there is a certain hot button non issue that is introduced to send people into a tizzy over one issue to the detriment of every other important issue that actually matter in an election. I am far more concerned with a candidates position on foreign affairs, taxation, and contributions to social programs than I am with his/her position on gay rights or abortion.
Not that I find those issues to be unimportant, I believe in my positions on those issues very strongly. I just think that with unemployment through the roof and the economy in the toilet, Our foreign policy is an international disaster, we are fighting an unwinnable mission in a country that hasnt ever been successfully occupied by a foreign power. We are running out of financial credit in the world, and China now, for all intents and purposes, fiscally owns us.
These issues affect us all as a nation much more than the high emotion hot button issues, and that is what our nations leaders should focus on.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Yeah....I have said for years that every election there is a certain hot button non issue that is introduced to send people into a tizzy over one issue to the detriment of every other important issue that actually matter in an election. I am far more concerned with a candidates position on foreign affairs, taxation, and contributions to social programs than I am with his/her position on gay rights or abortion.
Not that I find those issues to be unimportant, I believe in my positions on those issues very strongly. I just think that with unemployment through the roof and the economy in the toilet, Our foreign policy is an international disaster, we are fighting an unwinnable mission in a country that hasnt ever been successfully occupied by a foreign power. We are running out of financial credit in the world, and China now, for all intents and purposes, fiscally owns us.
These issues affect us all as a nation much more than the high emotion hot button issues, and that is what our nations leaders should focus on.

well stated

and I bet the majority..... that are not fringe right or left agree with you

Which shows how apathetic we are.

Keep holding my breath for the day a candidate arrives that says to cut the crap with the side issues and deal with the real ones.

Oh wait we had that guy. His name is Ron Paul and the media convinced the public he is a kook.

Funny how that works. For all their quirkiness both Trump and Perot had their eye on the ball. And also got bashed by the media. Sure some of it was earned but the media focused on the fringe crap and not the substance.