Republican Judgement

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A reasonable question Moonie - with a simple answer.
And then you go on a 519-word rant. :24:

And I'll check the "They all suck" box - however,
However, you continue to support the republocrat machine. You KNOW both "sides" are bought and paid for by the same corporatocracy and only present two sides to distract us from the truth, yet you support them ... continue to support them enthusiastically.

Stop supporting the Republocrat corporatocracy. The more people that vote for other parties the weaker it becomes. Think about it. with the fools that still support that system so evenly balanced, an alternative only needs 34% to topple them.
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Moonie - you are 100% correct that they don't give a fuck about us. And they never will until we FORCE them to. Every time an American checks the "R" box on election day, they are telling Washington that we like getting fucked and that we approve of the moneyed interests running things.

If we check the "R" because we think they will do something about NDAA, we are sadly mistaken. We have to vote in our own self interests and put these assholes that screw us in the street permanently. When we get sidetracked with the "freedom and liberty" ruse from the right, along with the distracting issues of abortion and gay marriage, we LOSE economically. The right and the corporatocracy are masters of distraction.

Checking the "R" on election day means a fucking for the working class, middle class and small business class - and that's a FACT. The"D's" suck, but they have not completely vowed to outright fuck us all like the "R's" have. Until we can get a viable labor party to represent the majority of American's that LABOR for a living, we only have the "D's". Voting any other way is voting against our own families best economic interests no matter how the conservobots try to spin it.


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Moonie - you are 100% correct that they don't give a fuck about us. And they never will until we FORCE them to. Every time an American checks the "R" box on election day, they are telling Washington that we like getting fucked and that we approve of the moneyed interests running things.
And Every time an American checks the "D" box on election day, they are telling Washington that we like getting fucked and that we approve of the moneyed interests running things.

If we check the "R" because we think they will do something about NDAA, we are sadly mistaken.
If we check the "D" because we think they will do something about NDAA, we are sadly mistaken.

The right and the corporatocracy are masters of distraction.
They have certainly distracted you.

Checking the "R" on election day means a fucking for the working class, middle class and small business class - and that's a FACT. The"D's" suck, but they have not completely vowed to outright fuck us all like the "R's" have.
Checking the "D" on election day means a fucking for the working class, middle class and small business class - and that's a FACT. The"D's" suck, but they have not completely vowed to outright fuck us all like the "R's" have. That means it's much better to be clandestinely fucked than fucked outright .... right?

Until we can get a viable labor party to represent the majority of American's that LABOR for a living, we only have the "D's". Voting any other way is voting against our own families best economic interests no matter how the conservobots try to spin it.
Until we can get people to stop voting for the republocrats, no party, labor or otherwise, will be viable. You don't have the "D's" at all. They are tools of the corporatocracy. Voting "D" is voting against our own families best long-term interests no matter how you try to spin it.

You know you're getting fucked. You're just too afraid to break away from your rapist.


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Unfortunately, we live in a state with the strictest ballot access laws in the nation. Our choice is "R", "D" or no vote at all since 'write-ins' are not allowed, either. So much for the land of the free...yeah, you're free to vote for one of the two candidates we'll allow you to vote for and you'll like it and you'll fight amongst yourselves the imaginary differences between the two.


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An example of "Republican Judgement" right out of Oklahoma. Ashamed.gif

Rep. James Lankford (R-OK) told ThinkProgress last week that he believes someone should be able to be fired for his or her sexual orientation.
In a conversation on Capitol Hill, Lankford expressed his strong belief that being gay is a choice, and that LGBT workers should not be protected from workplace discrimination because it’s something they can change.

How I wish this were James Lankford next election...



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And Every time an American checks the "D" box on election day, they are telling Washington that we like getting fucked and that we approve of the moneyed interests running things.

WRONG. (I knew you'd be the first libertarian with this defeatist mentality out of the box, btw)

Every one of your public employee benefits was won by liberals and unions Accountable - yet you continue to vote against your own best interests.

Why do you do that?

Sadly, many Dems see the idiocracy of the American electorate and try and bend to the idiocy to remain in office long enough to try and get some legislation on health care and living wages passed. The average idiocracy American is more concerned with jealosy of another American that enjoys better pay and benefits. Rather than demanding better pay and benefits for themselves, they vote for the party who will fuck their neighbor so they are both equally miserable. Misery loves company in this race to the bottom.

If we check the "D" because we think they will do something about NDAA, we are sadly mistaken.

WRONG. Again, American's keep voting with pension envy. If we stick 100% to our own best economic interests, this NDAA and other idiocy will be taken care of in the process.

They have certainly distracted you.

WRONG. I see the pension envy clearly, while you and others do not. I am not distracted by the gun rights lies, the abortion lies or the gay rights lies. I want universal health care and strong labor laws for the MAJORITY of LABORING Americans. For some reason, you refuse to understand that simple concept.

Checking the "D" on election day means a fucking for the working class, middle class and small business class - and that's a FACT. The"D's" suck, but they have not completely vowed to outright fuck us all like the "R's" have. That means it's much better to be clandestinely fucked than fucked outright .... right?

WRONG. The Democrats once were the party of the huddling masses and the working classs, middle class and the small business class. The Republicans NEVER WERE and NEVER will be. The Democrats can possibly be persuaded back into doing what they pleged to do. The Republicans are doing EXACTLY what they have always done - fucking over labor in favor of capital.

Until we can get people to stop voting for the republocrats, no party, labor or otherwise, will be viable. You don't have the "D's" at all. They are tools of the corporatocracy. Voting "D" is voting against our own families best long-term interests no matter how you try to spin it.

WRONG. How is voting for a candidate who will absolutely positively prevent your family from having afordable health care and a living wage not voting against your own best interests but voting for one you know will at least try and prevent insurance companies from fucking you out of coverage and into bankruptcy not a better choice?

You know you're getting fucked. You're just too afraid to break away from your rapist.

I'm sorry, but I'm done coddling bullshit philosophies and being nice when someone votes for fucking complete idiocy. There is no other choice presently than an asshole Republican that represents ONLY the monied interests and the befuddled Democrats who are blown away by moronic Americans hell bent on voting with pension envy and having to stoop down for PAC money just to get elected. Right now we have to vote for one or the other until we can get a real Labor Party to represent LABORING Americans. This Labor Party has a better chance of spinning off Democrats.

And voting for Republicans is just plain fucking stupid, and voting for Libertarians is even more stupid. Libertarians take the most radical, working class fucking philosophies from Republicans and fuck the working class even harder. Great improvement huh?

So are you going to keep checking the "R" for the certain fucking until they finally take your own government pensions and health care away ACC?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Johnny defends the dems to the end of the earth

He is right about the reps being worthless

Too bad he is stuck in the lets pick the best of the worst

So much for free thinking Johnny

You are as entrenched in your liberalism as you claim the conservatives are in their ideology. Can I guess you just have too many union dollars invested over the years to ever think other than the democrat party line? I mean come on there has to be a reason you are so beholden to the same old shit the liberals spit out.

I admit I am conservative and make no apologies for being a libertarian.

You think you know me so well and have never seen who I voted for

Once again Johnny is right and anybody who disagrees is.... fill in the blank

Let the name calling begin

Which will it be Johnny?


You have a truly limited vocabulary so enlighten us with something new for a change


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you keep thinking I give a shit Johnny

carry on

LMFAO! :24: Alien Alice sooooo does not give a shit what I post that he had to demonstrate it by posting this:

Johnny defends the dems to the end of the earth

He is right about the reps being worthless

Too bad he is stuck in the lets pick the best of the worst

So much for free thinking Johnny

You are as entrenched in your liberalism as you claim the conservatives are in their ideology. Can I guess you just have too many union dollars invested over the years to ever think other than the democrat party line? I mean come on there has to be a reason you are so beholden to the same old shit the liberals spit out.

I admit I am conservative and make no apologies for being a libertarian.

You think you know me so well and have never seen who I voted for

Once again Johnny is right and anybody who disagrees is.... fill in the blank

Let the name calling begin

Which will it be Johnny?


You have a truly limited vocabulary so enlighten us with something new for a change

I officially claim you as my favorite conservobot bitch Alice. :D You cannot deny my points, but atleast you admit you are a conservobot libtardatarian.

I used to be a dumbass brain dead bot just like you Allen. But over time, their shit simply did not add up. You know - the little suttle things like the term "Big Labor" and all the money they put into the liberal coffers? One day I actually looked it up, and it turns out that any one Fortune 500 company makes more in profit than all gross union reciepts COMBINED. So much for big labor huh? But you bat shit crazy bots continue to perpetuate that lie.

You have stated here on Otz that you are a small business owner. You of all people would benefit from Universal Health Care that required 100% of Americans to fund through taxation. Presto! No more $$$ Thousands $$$ per month in health insurance premiums and the associalted administrative headaches. But Nooooooooo! You gotta drink that conservobot libtardatarian koolaide and fuck yourself and your own family rather than using common fucking horse sense.

If we actually made work pay by making the minimum wage at least twice what welfare payments would be, there would be few Americans on welfare. But Nooooooo! You brainwashed conservobot libtardatarians fight against that tooth and nail.

Bottom line voting against your own families best interests makes one a Fucktard-Conservobot-Idiot-Moron. :)


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own best interests
Oklahoma vernacular for short-term gain despite long-term damage.

The Democrats once were the party of the huddling masses and the working classs, middle class and the small business class. ... The Democrats can possibly be persuaded back into doing what they pleged to do.
That's distressingly dimilar to what victims of violent abuse say about their abusers. "He used to be so good to me. Bought me flowers and said he loved me. I'm sure that I can be better, then we can go back to how it used to be."
Get out John. Get out, don't look back, and get some counseling.

So are you going to keep checking the "R" for the certain fucking until they finally take your own government pensions and health care away ACC?
I can't keep doing what I'm not doing. Are you going to continue taking it up the ass hoping that the dems will get tired of it and flip you over?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You have stated here on Otz that you are a small business owner. You of all people would benefit from Universal Health Care that required 100% of Americans to fund through taxation. Presto! No more $$$ Thousands $$$ per month in health insurance premiums and the associalted administrative headaches. But Nooooooooo! You gotta drink that conservobot libtardatarian koolaide and fuck yourself and your own family rather than using common fucking horse sense.
Yeah right.... all that money to pay for it just comes out of thin air.... I mean democrat asshat wishes :D

If we actually made work pay by making the minimum wage at least twice what welfare payments would be, there would be few Americans on welfare. But Nooooooo! You brainwashed conservobot libtardatarians fight against that tooth and nail.
Why the fuck start with double the welfare payments. Might as well make it $100k minimum

You liberals have the economic sense of a friggin ant. Guess who would get impacted by such lunacy.. The poor people who can least afford it. You liberals actually believe there are no consequences to raising minimum wage. Like I said you belong in Cuba. It has everything you espouse. Your Garden of Eden all in one package. Oh wait you don't believe there was a Garden of Eden

Fucking liberal logic

Thanks for the laughs Johnny


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Alien Alice - you're not the brightest bot in the box. When 100% of Americans pay for their own health care premiums through payroll taxation aka Medicare expansion, your dumb small business inheriting ass will no longer have to pay a share of your employees premiums - assuming your daddy's business actually provides health insurance for his employees.

When you make work more profitable than welfare, more people will work for the opportunity to exist above the subsistence level. Contrary to your dark pessimistic conservobot libtardatarian view of the world - most people WANT to work and do a good job and be paid fairly. If you have a different experience, it is because your employees are a direct reflection of you. Assholes attract assholes - and that's a well known fact of life.
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Oklahoma vernacular for short-term gain despite long-term damage.

WRONG. It's simple common sense. Only a moron votes against his or her families best economic interests. Oklahoma has a shitload of those type of morons that vote for Republicans. I'm taking up donations to bus their dumb asses to Texas.

Those same morons voted back in 2000 to make Oklahoma a "Right to Work" state. When wages immediately began to plummet, those same morons wondered why their wages were not keeping pace with inflation. The only rights anyone has in a right to work state, is the right to quit your job and go work somewhere else for even less, in most cases.

That's distressingly dimilar to what victims of violent abuse say about their abusers. "He used to be so good to me. Bought me flowers and said he loved me. I'm sure that I can be better, then we can go back to how it used to be."
Get out John. Get out, don't look back, and get some counseling.

That's a stupid fucking analogy Acc. The Democrats have never fucked the working class like the Republicans always have. When you have a trend, as we are having currently in America with all these "Pension Envier" TEA Party idiots voting against their own best economic interests, WTF else are the Dems going to do but try and adapt to the Idiocracy of the electorate?

I can't keep doing what I'm not doing.

So who are you going to vote for? Ron Paul - Mr. Trickle Down Economics on steroids? Libertarians are the absolute worst type of conservative - so bad that their stance on foriegn war and drug use cannot abate how fucked up they are.

Are you going to continue taking it up the ass hoping that the dems will get tired of it and flip you over?

I stopped voting Republican a couple of election cycles ago. I'm going to vote for who won't fuck me. And so far, not a single Republican or recycled Libertarian fits that ticket.


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WRONG. It's simple common sense.
A little too simple. You really should give thinking beyond next year a chance.

That's a stupid fucking analogy Acc. The Democrats have never fucked the working class like the Republicans always have. When you have a trend, as we are having currently in America with all these "Pension Envier" TEA Party idiots voting against their own best economic interests, WTF else are the Dems going to do but try and adapt to the Idiocracy of the electorate?
Defending the abuser's abusive behavior is pretty common among abuse victims.

I stopped voting Republican a couple of election cycles ago. I'm going to vote for who won't fuck me.
That knocks out republocrats. How can you see that everything's infested with the corporatocracy yet plug your ears & close your eyes to all the proof that the dems are in just as thick as the repubs? Oh yea, never mind.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Alien Alice - you're not the brightest bot in the box. When 100% of Americans pay for their own health care premiums through payroll taxation aka Medicare expansion, your dumb small business inheriting ass will no longer have to pay a share of your employees premiums - assuming your daddy's business actually provides health insurance for his employees.

When you make work more profitable than welfare, more people will work for the opportunity to exist above the subsistence level. Contrary to your dark pessimistic conservobot libtardatarian view of the world - most people WANT to work and do a good job and be paid fairly. If you have a different experience, it is because your employees are a direct reflection of you. Assholes attract assholes - and that's a well known fact of life.

There in lies your dumb ass liberal logic

Because 100% of the people getting that insurance aint working. Not even fucking close.

Nice try though


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There in lies your dumb ass liberal logic

Because 100% of the people getting that insurance aint working. Not even fucking close.

Nice try though

Your Alien Asshattery knows no bounds. 100% of working Americans, how 'bout that. People do retire - You brain dead conservotards have difficulty with simple comprehension. Only right wing fucktards would fight against fixing our current system, which is the most expensive health care system in the world. You've spent far too many hours listening to Rush Lardballs and Fox News - your brain is fucking mush.

Wacha drinking tonight Alice?