Republican Judgement

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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do you wear a condom to contain the cleanup when you post these cartoons?

Yeah Wall St. gave us the shaft. Aint no disputing that and you can thank both parties for that.

Too bad Mulder was not around to try and school you on the public sector legacy liabilities though.

He might enjoy the challenge

I won't waste my time trying to debate a clown who enjoys name calling and posting cartoon drivel

Have a good weekend Johnny


In Memoriam - RIP
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Indeed Minor.....

Tho, I'm confused. Last I checked Alien isn't a Tea Party person? At least not the corporate Tea Party. So why the hassle John? I don't read every post is this thread, but my understanding of most of us here is that we all realize BOTH parties have completely sold us out. The Dems are not going to change our path nor are the Repubs. Both sides are shills for the monied interests - corporate and foreign nation.

Unless I've missed something - which is possible.

A show of hands: Who thinks both sides of the aisle suck?

*raises hand*


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I just threw up in my mouth a little:

Cuz Heaven forbid either one of them jump to a third party.... pppfffttttt Well, at least our Owners coattails are showing a bit...:24:
From your link:
Romney has firmly indicated that he will continue to focus the war on terror domestically against U.S. citizens by backing the National Defense Authorization Act and its provision that allows Americans to be kidnapped and held indefinitely without trial.​
Ignoring the rhetoric, Romney’s political history clearly illustrates how he is barely any different from Barack Obama.​
As we have documented, Romney laid down the template for Obamacare, has supported the call for carbon taxes, has proven himself to be anti-second amendment, as well as failing to oppose illegal immigration and abortion. If anything Romney is more dangerous than a second Obama term because he would put conservatives to sleep while continuing the same policies.​
Romney and Obama are also bankrolled by the same financial interests, namely Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse Group, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, UBS, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Barclays.


Well-Known Member
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Indeed Minor.....

Tho, I'm confused. Last I checked Alien isn't a Tea Party person? At least not the corporate Tea Party. So why the hassle John? I don't read every post is this thread, but my understanding of most of us here is that we all realize BOTH parties have completely sold us out. The Dems are not going to change our path nor are the Repubs. Both sides are shills for the monied interests - corporate and foreign nation.

Unless I've missed something - which is possible.

A show of hands: Who thinks both sides of the aisle suck?

*raises hand*
Aw geez. You're going to give Minor an embolism, having to pretend to raise his hand, then throw in a ton of caveats to appease his conscience.


In Memoriam - RIP
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Aw geez. You're going to give Minor an embolism, having to pretend to raise his hand, then throw in a ton of caveats to appease his conscience.

Is your hand raised? :ninja

Regarding the article - If more people were intent on where the money comes from instead of gay marriage or abortion perhaps things might change? (i'm talking general public - not here)


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Indeed Minor.....

Tho, I'm confused. Last I checked Alien isn't a Tea Party person? At least not the corporate Tea Party. So why the hassle John? I don't read every post is this thread, but my understanding of most of us here is that we all realize BOTH parties have completely sold us out. The Dems are not going to change our path nor are the Repubs. Both sides are shills for the monied interests - corporate and foreign nation.

Unless I've missed something - which is possible.

A show of hands: Who thinks both sides of the aisle suck?

*raises hand*

A reasonable question Moonie - with a simple answer. Allen and other conservatives will STILL check the "R's" on election day. Regardless of their words, they are still right wingers at heart who harbor resentment toward their fellow middle class and working class Americans. They despise unions which represent middle class and working class wage earners. They are all for anti-union legislation, anti universal health care and anti living wage laws. They will come up with reason after reason after reason why it is better to screw over the middle class than to force the moneyed interests to fund more of our infrastructure. They look at the OWS movement, the only movement that actually understands what is happening - and parrot the FOX News line about OWS rather than actually learning about it and supporting the one movement that could actually result in meaningful economic change.

Moonie - no matter what Allen says, he is still an R-checking conservobot that votes against his own best interests and I enjoy pointing that out and giving him and other conservobots like him the shit they deserve.

What just happened in Wisconsin was pure "Pension Envy". Rather than looking at teachers, cops and fire fighters and thinking "Hey, how can we get those kinds of benefits for all Wisconsin citizens?" The TEA Party hate fueled voters instead asked "Why should those public employees have decent pay and health care? My life sucks and theirs should too!" So what has resulted is a race to the bottom - misery loves company.

As to the popular switch from conservatism to libertarianism? Libertarianism is nothing more than conservatism on steriods. They are more anti union, more anti universal health care and more supply side economics. How is that an improvement????

And I'll check the "They all suck" box - however, when a choice has to be made between an "R" you KNOW is going to fuck you over, and a "D" who isn't representing their constituancy as well as they should - who should you vote for?

The "D" will at least:

1. Vote for legislation that will at least prevent health insurance companies from dropping your coverage for getting sick

2. Allowing families to keep their kids on their policies until age 26

3. Is not completely anti-union

4. Will at least attempt to raise the minimum wage

5. Will at least attempt to legislate affordable univeral health care

One would be a complete and utter moron to check the "R" and vote against your families own best economic interests. But half the population has been convinced to do exactly that.

Jay Gould, a railroad robber baron once stated after hiring scabs to break a railroad strike:

I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.

Allen and others like him are the half that has been hired by the corporatocracy to kill the rest of us who want Universal Health Care, Living Wages and Strong Labor Laws for all Americans.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing brainwashed people fuck it up for the rest of us, hence my disdane for them. I'm tired of dancing around the idiocy and call it like I see it.

Did that answer your question? :)


In Memoriam - RIP
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Sorry John, I just posted my link and hadn't yet seen your response. I think you assume a lot. But, the real answer doesn't come from my mouth.

This is my view on Obama. Before the last election Newsweek put up a comic that had Barry sitting at a table taping back together the Bill of Rights. I clipped it and put it on my fridge w/a small glimmer of hope. It became apparent quite quickly that this wasn't going to happen - now w/the NDAA it is even more apparent it isn't happening. Neither side works for us. Ron Paul would speak for us. That's not happening either. It is quite apparent that both sides do not work for us and don't plan on doing so anytime soon. All of it is smoke and mirrors. One can say this side is trying to do that or that side is trying to do this. What are the real facts?

Perhaps I've become way too fracking cynical w/politics? I think this election will give us the best President the monied interests can buy and that's it. I'm tempted for the first time in my life not to vote because I'm so over the bullshit. Barry inherited a fucked up mess and, in my humble and uneducated opinion, hasn't done much to clean it up but instead further it along. The more I learn the more I see how George Carlin had it right. They don't give a fuck about you.

On that note, I have spent more than my allotted time on the folly of politics and the fine art of :horse:horse:horse:horse:horse:horse:horse

I must now go back to what really matters - getting ready to go to the grocery store :cool


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This sums up what happened in Wisconsin and how so many Americans have "Pension Envy" and would rather see their fellow American's screwed over rather than demanding better pay and benefits for all.
