Republican Judgement

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you proved my point

What point would that be? That you're a fucking hypocrite? My tax dollars will be paying for your poor health decisions. That is unless you decline Medicare coverage. You gonna do that Allen?

you won't even accept a freeze on spending

Last I checked, I've been paying into SS and Medicare for well over 30 years so that I'd have health care and a supplemental income for when I reach my geezer years like you. It's called pay-as-you-go. It was Saint Ronnie Reagan that first raided SS so his wealthy pals could have their tax cuts. Now you brain dead right wingers want to continue fucking over the middle class. What a sick bunch of fucks you people are. And fucking stupid too - you have to be a complete moron to believe supply side economics works in the face of it's glaring failure.

and as is the usual liberal blather talk about impacting the old

So - are you going to put your money where your mouth is and make the sacrifice for the good of your country and decline SS and MC? Or will you be the typical right wing hypocritical, grumbling asshat that sucks up those social benefits right alongside those you despise?

You're a miserable, cranky old geezer aren't ya Alice? Your life sucks and you want everone elses life to suck right alongside you.

Misery loves company in the race to the bottom.

you forgot about the killing the kids part

And stop lying and saying you are not a Rush Lardbaugh Foxbot. That's a direct quote right out of Limpballs right wing douchbag playbook.

How fucking stupid do 60+ year old men have to be to allow themselves to be programmed by a mega millionaire that convinced them it was smart to vote against their own best interests? Answer? Pretty goddamnned stupid. I feel sorry for the families of these idiots.
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Upon checking, apparently I hadn't mentioned my vote here. I know that it'll be well beyond John's comprehension, even if he weren't so lazy as to actually try to comprehend anything. But for the rest of you, this is what I posted in another forum:

LOL - You're getting better at the sarcasm game. Amazing what Socialist benefits like paid vacation can do for individual creativity. ;)

So, let's check John's comprehension level shall we?

You are eschewing traditional conservatism for libertarianism. We all agree conservatism has failed. So now, you turn to libertarianism, which has a platform of even less banking regulation, and even more radical supply side economic tax policy as superior replacement for conservatism.

Given the economic meltdown caused by the deregulation of the financeial industry, and the decline of the middle class caused by supply side economic policy, you belive that somehow, by accelerating the most radical concepts of failed conservatism, the nation will experience massive middle class economic growth.

Did I comprehend your political philosophy correctly?


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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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how about the explosion in public sector jobs during that time Johnny

come on Johnny humor us

Show us how the numbers on the public payroll is doing

When the govt on all levels is one of the highest employers in a given area there is a problem

Now lets get back to the across the board freeze on spending which you ignored

Tell me you would accept a 5 year freeze on ALL spending

And quit the bullshit lumping that into the crap about medicare and SS

I will make it easy for you. FREEZE ALL SPENDING !!

Admit it you just can't except that. Because ........ You liberals just love to spend. In fact you have such a taste for spending you liberals have made the republicans do the same damn thing....

We don't have an income problem. We have a spending problem...

You should move to Detroit and get on the city counsel Johnny. They can't see the writing on the wall in capital letters either. You would fit right in and not have to leave the country for a place like China or Cuba that you no doubt would feel more comfortable in.

Minor Axis

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how about the explosion in public sector jobs during that time Johnny

come on Johnny humor us

Show us how the numbers on the public payroll is doing

When the govt on all levels is one of the highest employers in a given area there is a problem

Now lets get back to the across the board freeze on spending which you ignored

Tell me you would accept a 5 year freeze on ALL spending

And quit the bullshit lumping that into the crap about medicare and SS

I will make it easy for you. FREEZE ALL SPENDING !!

Admit it you just can't except that. Because ........ You liberals just love to spend. In fact you have such a taste for spending you liberals have made the republicans do the same damn thing....

We don't have an income problem. We have a spending problem...

You should move to Detroit and get on the city counsel Johnny. They can't see the writing on the wall in capital letters either. You would fit right in and not have to leave the country for a place like China or Cuba that you no doubt would feel more comfortable in.

Anyone who says we don't have an income problem is not being realistic and refuses to look at the entire picture in a realistic way. In fact I'd go so far to say all they are worried about only not paying taxes. Come on Allen, you know this, admit it: any budget is made up of two components, right?

That said, why don't we freeze spending where it is today, and go back to the tax rates during Clinton's time? This would solve some problems, no?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Freeze spending and no new programs

Do that for a couple years and then we can talk about raising taxes

But until then any new revenue will find a way to be pissed away

Govt should be about providing essential services and not the meandering crap it spends on. And yes Johnny, just to make it clear I would include SS and medicare as part of the essential services. And I make no apologies for expecting and demanding my piece of that which I paid into. Along with my employer who happens to be me. So I got double taxed in effect.


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Anyone who says we don't have an income problem is not being realistic and refuses to look at the entire picture in a realistic way. In fact I'd go so far to say all they are worried about only not paying taxes. Come on Allen, you know this, admit it: any budget is made up of two components, right?

That said, why don't we freeze spending where it is today, and go back to the tax rates during Clinton's time? This would solve some problems, no?
Can we also go back to the gov't spending rate and services provided during Clinton's time? Get rid of the "Patriot Act" *spits*, TSA, NCLB, and all the rest? I'd vote for that. :rockon:


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So, let's check John's comprehension level shall we?
Yes, let's. I'm curious how much of this is actual analysis and how much of this is you preening your parrot feathers.

You are eschewing traditional conservatism for libertarianism. We all agree conservatism has failed. So now, you turn to libertarianism, which has a platform of even less banking regulation, and even more radical supply side economic tax policy as superior replacement for conservatism.
I don't recall claiming to be a conservative, abandoning conservatism, or replacing it. Please explain how you came to this conclusion about me.

Given the economic meltdown caused by the deregulation of the financeial industry, and the decline of the middle class caused by supply side economic policy, you belive that somehow, by accelerating the most radical concepts of failed conservatism, the nation will experience massive middle class economic growth.
Again, how do you conclude that I believe this?

Did I comprehend your political philosophy correctly?
No, but I am curious about whether you even tried.


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Maybe, if you take that propaganda as gospel without question ..... like a sheep. Are these "prices" only what the patient pays out at the point of service? Who else pays, and how much? Are there gov't laws restricting the prices to keep them artificially low? Thought the services bear the same name, are they provided at comparable quality of service? Lots of questions to be asked by thinking people.

Minor Axis

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Maybe, if you take that propaganda as gospel without question ..... like a sheep. Are these "prices" only what the patient pays out at the point of service? Who else pays, and how much? Are there gov't laws restricting the prices to keep them artificially low? Thought the services bear the same name, are they provided at comparable quality of service? Lots of questions to be asked by thinking people.

As the thinking person at OTZ, you could go investigate for us sheep and report back...


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Wow... And average folks scream they want the system to stay just like it is? Are we a country of idiots?

Yes, we are a country of idiots. Just look at the fucktards right here that continue to vote against their own families best interests.

Add in the ones who could research for themselves and find out the truth but don't and call themselves "thinking people" and it becomes even more obvious how idiotic we have become as a nation.

There are no mobs of Europeans, Canadians or Australians knocking down the door the the U.S. for our overpriced health care. Their health care has the same excellent standards as ours does without all the middlemen jacking up the price for their cut of every healthcare dollar.

Contrary to Amurika # 1 asshats, we simply are not #1 anymore - except for the fact that we are the #1 most expensive country for health care.



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As the thinking person at OTZ, you could go investigate for us sheep and report back...

No shit. It's really easy these days. Research at your fingertips. But the disease of libertarianism combined with the taxpayer benefits and income he enjoys has clouded his reasoning faculties.


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It is clear to anyone who does not have self inflected cranial rectumitus that wages for the working class and middle class are declining, prices for basic subsistence are increasing, and health care is becoming unaffordable for millions of Americans. The disparity between rich and poor is getting greater. The answer to the cranial rectumitus inflicted conservatives and libertarians is to decrease taxes on the wealthiest even more. The TEA Party idiots will flood the polls this November and accomodate them.

It's going to have to get a lot worse before the idiots wake up.


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No shit. It's really easy these days. Research at your fingertips. But the disease of libertarianism combined with the taxpayer benefits and income he enjoys has clouded his reasoning faculties.
You're the one that made the claim. Minor laps it up like mother's milk (see how nice I'm being, considering all the similes available?). Neither of you questioned. You just parrot the talking points given to you.

You're lazy, John. That's why you insist on lumping people into categories and labeling them. Actually dealing with individuals as individuals would take effort. Besides, you might have to actually change your mind, which requires character. So instead, you sit on your perch and squawk.
