Republican Judgement

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In Memoriam - RIP
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I wish I was smart enough to figure a way out of the mess we all find ourselves in.

I am smart enough to know that those who have 'power' never willingly give it up.

I am also smart enough to know that we have been conditioned to fight amongst ourselves instead of focusing on what's really happening.

One of the main reasons (outside of my blood pressure) I gave up ShillSlaying was I realized you can put a fact in front of someone and they will scream 'that's not true'. hehehehehehehehehe....... whatevs... We'll proceed w/the best government money can buy while we all watch what was once great continue to crumble into ruins.

My Grandmother has been gone since 1997. I'm glad she's not around to watch it. She was already very nervous about how we were heading back then. She'd caution that de-regulation was going to ruin us down the road. She saw the systematic dismantling written on the walls. She was a Democrat. My Grandfather, a Republican. A 'real' Republican of old. She knew for as much money as they had she should be a Republican also but she liked the social programs Democrats supported.

hehehehehehehehehehehe........ Funny, for as much money as was made, she never had a $12k umbrella stand. That's something 'new' money would buy. New money has no class. Or loyalty it appears.

Yep, oh the bitching I would hear if she were still around to watch what's been happening... I do miss her telling me "I am not a bank"... :D
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In Memoriam - RIP
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As an aside, I should also mention another reason I gave up slaying. The insults.

It gets tiring reading people slinging insults at others. It's like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

One really doesn't need to hurl labels to get ones point across. Even if you are highly frustrated the way this last decade+ is going.

It doesn't give one the excuse to be a dick. It just makes one look dickish and puts others on the defensive and makes it damn near impossible for a real discussion to happen. Plus FenceSitters just shake their heads at both sides...

A corrupt politicians dream. More division and distraction. I'm right! No, I'm right! 'round & round they go.......

While our Owners clink their glasses in the middle of the night as their minions keep busy filling up their coffers....



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As an aside, I should also mention another reason I gave up slaying. The insults.

It gets tiring reading people slinging insults at others. It's like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

One really doesn't need to hurl labels to get ones point across. Even if you are highly frustrated the way this last decade+ is going.

It doesn't give one the excuse to be a dick. It just makes one look dickish and puts others on the defensive and makes it damn near impossible for a real discussion to happen. Plus FenceSitters just shake their heads at both sides...

A corrupt politicians dream. More division and distraction. I'm right! No, I'm right! 'round & round they go.......

While our Owners clink their glasses in the middle of the night as their minions keep busy filling up their coffers....

Well said, Moonie.


Active Member
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As an aside, I should also mention another reason I gave up slaying. The insults.

It gets tiring reading people slinging insults at others. It's like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

One really doesn't need to hurl labels to get ones point across. Even if you are highly frustrated the way this last decade+ is going.

It doesn't give one the excuse to be a dick. It just makes one look dickish and puts others on the defensive and makes it damn near impossible for a real discussion to happen. Plus FenceSitters just shake their heads at both sides...

A corrupt politicians dream. More division and distraction. I'm right! No, I'm right! 'round & round they go.......

While our Owners clink their glasses in the middle of the night as their minions keep busy filling up their coffers....


Moonie - while you are 100% correct, and I readily admit I'm a dickish asshole toward the conservobots and libtardatarians that insist it is intelligent to vote against thier own families - I've had enough of their shit and they deserve to be verbally bitch slapped. I KNOW that's not noble, polite, nice or anything it should be. But I'm beyond giving a fuck about decorum with these assholes. I've tried to be nice. I've politely put up facts. and they come right out in the face of facts like little snot nosed children and refute it with an emphatic "Nuh-Uhh!" As if that ends the discussion victoriously in their favor.

To the idiots that insist on voting against their own best economic interests:

If you vote against your own families best interests, that makes you a moron.

If you think America has the best health care system in the world with 1,000,000 medical bankruptcies annually, 67% of those actually having health insurance - that makes you a moron.

If you think the minimum wage should be even less than $7.25 and hour or completely eliminated, that makes you a moron.

If you are retired military, drawing a GOVERNMENT pension, FREE healthcare, and are now a teacher earning a middle class wage and building a SECOND GOVERNMENT PENSION yet think the voters in Wisconsin did the right thing by their public employees, you are a complete blithering fucking idiot. I have a neighbor that not only has those two government pensions and the associated benefits, AND draws SS and MC on top of it. But may god damn and fuck anyone else who would like to have those kinds of benefits after a lifetime of knuckle busting hard work.

If you inherited a business from pappy and grand pappy and look at your employees who bring in your profits with derision and think they are good for nothing drones that you feel compelled to micro manage - they are a reflection of yourself. And that makes you a fucking moron. A guy I went to high school with inhereted daddy's plumbing business and acts just like that.

If you think rewarding billionaires by increasing economic hardships on the middle class will eventually benefit you - you are a moron.

If this post pisses you off, then the shoe fits.

That fact of this matter is that no matter how nice, kind and polite you are to the bots, they will NEVER change. The whole system is going to collapse into a finger pointing heap before people finally realize they brought it upon themselves.

I have no hope of an intelligent dialouge with the bots - I've simply made it my hobby to bluntly point out their idiocy for shits, giggles and entertainment pruposes. Because the fucking TEA Party idiots are probably going to be successful at putting even more right wingers in congress, and there are enough idiots to elect romney, who will stack the Supreme court with Corporatocracy, anti-regulation, anti-middle class political hacks that will fuck the midlle class for decades to come.

Congratulations in advance on your upcoming victory bots.


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you might tell your husband to look in the mirror

I can throw out insults with the best when it is deserved

You husband does that straight out of the box

You might just treat yourself to a nice big bowl of fuck, my compliments. Look in the mirror at your own hypocritical fucking ass Saint Alice.

Have a blessed day. :)


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Just in case any of you batshit bots missed this post at the bottom of the last page - here it is again.

Moonie - while you are 100% correct, and I readily admit I'm a dickish asshole toward the conservobots and libtardatarians that insist it is intelligent to vote against thier own families - I've had enough of their shit and they deserve to be verbally bitch slapped. I KNOW that's not noble, polite, nice or anything it should be. But I'm beyond giving a fuck about decorum with these assholes. I've tried to be nice. I've politely put up facts. and they come right out in the face of facts like little snot nosed children and refute it with an emphatic "Nuh-Uhh!" As if that ends the discussion victoriously in their favor.

To the idiots that insist on voting against their own best economic interests:

If you vote against your own families best interests, that makes you a moron.

If you think America has the best health care system in the world with 1,000,000 medical bankruptcies annually, 67% of those actually having health insurance - that makes you a moron.

If you think the minimum wage should be even less than $7.25 and hour or completely eliminated, that makes you a moron.

If you are retired military, drawing a GOVERNMENT pension, FREE healthcare, and are now a teacher earning a middle class wage and building a SECOND GOVERNMENT PENSION yet think the voters in Wisconsin did the right thing by their public employees, you are a complete blithering fucking idiot. I have a neighbor that not only has those two government pensions and the associated benefits, AND draws SS and MC on top of it. But may god damn and fuck anyone else who would like to have those kinds of benefits after a lifetime of knuckle busting hard work.

If you inherited a business from pappy and grand pappy and look at your employees who bring in your profits with derision and think they are good for nothing drones that you feel compelled to micro manage - they are a reflection of yourself. And that makes you a fucking moron. A guy I went to high school with inhereted daddy's plumbing business and acts just like that.

If you think rewarding billionaires by increasing economic hardships on the middle class will eventually benefit you - you are a moron.

If this post pisses you off, then the shoe fits.

That fact of this matter is that no matter how nice, kind and polite you are to the bots, they will NEVER change. The whole system is going to collapse into a finger pointing heap before people finally realize they brought it upon themselves.

I have no hope of an intelligent dialouge with the bots - I've simply made it my hobby to bluntly point out their idiocy for shits, giggles and entertainment pruposes. Because the fucking TEA Party idiots are probably going to be successful at putting even more right wingers in congress, and there are enough idiots to elect romney, who will stack the Supreme court with Corporatocracy, anti-regulation, anti-middle class political hacks that will fuck the midlle class for decades to come.

Congratulations in advance on your upcoming victory bots.


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In Memoriam - RIP
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Moonie - while you are 100% correct, and I readily admit I'm a dickish asshole toward the conservobots and libtardatarians that insist it is intelligent to vote against thier own families - I've had enough of their shit and they deserve to be verbally bitch slapped.

Didn't I put up a link to a political discussion board where bitch slapping would be appreciated? One can slay til their hearts content.:ninja Not that it will do one lick of good.

*digs around again*

One of the first things I noticed about OTz when I came here was their political section - for the most part - was insult-slinging free. Or at least IntelligentInsults were slung;) It was refreshing and tame after the onslaught I've seen over many political discussion boards.

It was nice to see somewhat civil discussion going on. By a lot of the same people still here.:cool

Minor Axis

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Sure, but maybe they were onto something back in the day. A 90% tax bracket helped smooth ruffled feathers of the envious, while the tax breaks kept the money circulating.

Basically the 90% tax bracket indicates over a certain income level, you really don't need any more money for your own needs. Which tax breaks are you referring to?


Well-Known Member
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Basically the 90% tax bracket indicates over a certain income level, you really don't need any more money for your own needs. Which tax breaks are you referring to?
I don't know, specifically. I heard that back then there were tons of opportunities for high income earners to have tax write-offs, so that their actual tax burden was much lower than the published rates.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I don't know, specifically. I heard that back then there were tons of opportunities for high income earners to have tax write-offs, so that their actual tax burden was much lower than the published rates.

a look at the tax revenue during the 90% rate and then when lowered should indicate if there was a change to the worse. I do not recall there being a dramatic difference so it seems logical to assume that in exchange for lowering the rates that many write offs were eliminated in exchange for lowering the rates.


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NBC's Rock Center had a story on The rich people of Brazil buying up real estate in south Florida. At about the 9:15 point in the video, reporter Natalie Morales explains how the trickle-down effect is boosting the economy in the area.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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So much for all that union influence the bat shit bots claim.


Unions are endangered species. Corporations and conservatives have been working tirelessly to align the laws against unions, they will cease to exist. When groups try to organize they will be slapped down legally and physically. Maybe we can see the return of indentured servitude? In the end, the higher salaries and benefits that the working class received will now go into the pockets of the corporatists and share holders where it belongs. Just be happy you have a job and a hovel to call your own.


Active Member
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Unions are endangered species. Corporations and conservatives have been working tirelessly to align the laws against unions, they will cease to exist. When groups try to organize they will be slapped down legally and physically. Just be happy you have a job and a hovel to call your own.

