Republican Judgement

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An example of Republican Judgement from a Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher in GA. This is the pervasive mindset.

You liberals don't get it! The right doesn’t need the left. The left will collapse if they don’t have the right footing the bills, getting the work done. Conservatives are sick of the liberal agenda. We’re sick of your entitlement mentality. We’re sick of big govt spending money it doesn’t have. we’re sick of your claiming the right to kill the unborn for convenience sake. we’re sick of open borders and a president unwilling to enforce existing laws on immigration to garner votes.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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well I am no southern baptist that is for sure but some of that I would agree with

not the religious crap with the unborn and all that

but we have an ever expanding govt that is way to large for its intended purpose. You won't find the republicans doing much other than lip service to address downsizing. And the democrats sure won't downsize it.


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well I am no southern baptist that is for sure but some of that I would agree with

not the religious crap with the unborn and all that

but we have an ever expanding govt that is way to large for its intended purpose. You won't find the republicans doing much other than lip service to address downsizing. And the democrats sure won't downsize it.
Repubs are selling conservatives a line of crap. They're no more interested in shrinking the federal gov't then the dems ... arguably even less so, since they want an ever-larger military empire.

Minor Axis

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Romney Campaign Slogan: I will work tirelessly to overturn Obama Care.

Obama Campaign Slogan:
Reelect me if you want to see Obama Care continue forward.

Who do you think will win?


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They're twins. Romney just wants to change the name to Romneycare. :D

Is is numerically possible for the Senate to switch hands? If so, it would be a good time to test my theory & see if the repubs will repeal & replace or actually repeal the law, or if they just give lip service and keep it, maybe tweak something here or there so they can claim they really made a difference.

Whichever "side" wins, liberty loses. Control of healthcare decisions is in Washington to stay now.

Minor Axis

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They're twins. Romney just wants to change the name to Romneycare. :D

Is is numerically possible for the Senate to switch hands? If so, it would be a good time to test my theory & see if the repubs will repeal & replace or actually repeal the law, or if they just give lip service and keep it, maybe tweak something here or there so they can claim they really made a difference.

Whichever "side" wins, liberty loses. Control of healthcare decisions is in Washington to stay now.

What we really need is to rebuild the health system from scratch. But that is not going to happen. If they were to have free reign, the GOP would give healthcare lip service while trying to avoid solving any of it's current problems. Indications are a % of average people don't know how to take care of themselves. Let them just lay in the gutter until they expire? I believe an advanced society will try to help them. For example, I think the idea of a force saving plan to be outstanding, HOWEVER, robbing it since the day of its inception is criminal. It does provide ammo to those citizens who don't think government can do anything right... But we need a government, the arbiter of society. So what to do?


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You can continue to vote for a national babysitter in Washington if you want. I'll cancel your vote out.

When you find that someone doesn't know how to do something, the solution is not to do it for them but to teach them how to do it themselves.

Minor Axis

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You can continue to vote for a national babysitter in Washington if you want. I'll cancel your vote out.

When you find that someone doesn't know how to do something, the solution is not to do it for them but to teach them how to do it themselves.

Ah, if it were so easy...

Minor Axis

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Does cutting public sector jobs help or hurt job numbers? ;)

Think Progress: Republican States Cut the Most Public Sector Jobs in 2011

America’s unemployment rate has fallen a full percentage point in the last year on the back of strong private sector job growth. February marked the 24th consecutive month of private sector growth, with more than 240,000 jobs added. But the loss of jobs in the public sector continues to hold back the economy, as more than 600,000 federal, state, and local government employees have lost their jobs since President Obama took office.

And while Republicans are trying to credit their small government ideology with bolstering the current economic recovery, a new study from The Roosevelt Institute’s Mike Konczal and Bryce Covert found that those public sector losses have hit hardest and most often in states where Republicans took control of state legislatures during the 2010 mid-term elections. In 2011, newly-Republican states accounted for 40 percent of the public sector layoffs while cutting government jobs at rates that far outpace the national average:

Minor Axis

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Newsweek: Comparing Party Platforms

If you compare the Republicans vs Democrats State Party Platforms you see polar opposite approaches on how these groups view the role of government. Examine what motivates these opposite groups. Ultimately the Republican's only want government involved in our bedrooms. Other than that, they want a free for all allowing the strongest in society to consolidate power and get stronger. In contrast, the Democrats want government to improve our society.

Although I am an Independent voter, I prefer to see government in the role of leveling the playing field and ensuring all citizens get a fair chance of a good life. When I read down through Republican Party Platforms, I see a group who wants to take us backwards. Out of the Texas GOP I am astonished about how they feel regarding higher level thinking.

You'll also hear a constant drumbeat from Conservatives that the Democrats/Liberals have veered dangerously left. I counter that they are pushing the same issues they have been pushing for the last 50 years. It is the Republicans/Conservatives that have veered dangerously right.

My disclaimer regarding the Democrats and their ideas is that any social program that is created must be supported through taxes with adequate funds to be viable. If the majority does not want to pay for them, then so be it.

Look down this list and decide where you fall and feel free to disagree with the items on the list.

State Republican Party Platforms:
Republicans are against:
*Mandatory Preschool and Kindergarten.
*Mandatory mandates.
*Mandatory immunizations.
*Basically any mandatory thing unless gays or abortion is involved.
*Abortions under any circumstance.
*Higher Level thinking:
Yet the Texas GOP actually opposes thinking. Seriously, their platform proudly declares: “We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills, critical-thinking skills, and similar programs.”
*Public School funding. (I added this one.)

Republicans are for:
*Discrimination against Gays.
*Banning Gays in the Military.
*Invasive ultrasounds.
*Repealing minimum wage.
*Abolishing Social Security.
*Abolish the Federal Reserve.
*Dissolving or removing the U.S. participation in the United Nations.
*Defunding the Arts and Public Radio.
*Declaring life begins at conception.
*Men who have impregnated a woman should have an equal say regarding what happens to the Fetus.
*Teaching creation sciences.
*Sex education should consist only of abstinence.

State Democratic Party Platforms support:
*Gay rights.
*Women's rights.
*Better Health Care.
*Better Schools.


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Minor, there is a difference between local, state, and federal governments, and the roles of each ... or at least should be. When you, erm, when the article you quote lumps them all together as if they are the same thing, it makes your point incorrect at best, or a purposeful lie at worst.


Accidental Bastard
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Condensed version: Democrats support rainbows, kittens, smiles and happiness

Republicans oppose rainbows, kittens, smiles, and happiness

Much shorter read.

The Man

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Both parties suck once in office...The voters are the same,fooled by the promises made during campaign.
People really need to look at the history of a candidate and vote accordingly.

Minor Axis

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you really believe that bull shit don't you

that is pretty lame crap even for you Minor

This list was supposedly pulled from the State GOP Party platforms by the author of the article I linked. Let's say that abortions are allowed for when the mother's life is in danger. Any one, feel free to point out any other inaccuracies in this list. I'll sit by my computer and wait for your reply. In particular, I think the State of Texas GOP ideas regarding higher learning are most amusing. I even have a little trouble believing this is accurately stated. :)

Minor, there is a difference between local, state, and federal governments, and the roles of each ... or at least should be. When you, erm, when the article you quote lumps them all together as if they are the same thing, it makes your point incorrect at best, or a purposeful lie at worst.

Well, this list if it is accurate (I admit to accepting the source), it does illustrate where State GOP organizations are coming from. Does it matter if it's on a federal or state level?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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how is one to reply to what is a supposed real list?

how about actually digging up the real platforms

nah that would mean finding the facts versus posting somebodys interpretation as per what Maulds posted

Condensed version: Democrats support rainbows, kittens, smiles and happiness

Republicans oppose rainbows, kittens, smiles, and happiness