Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
Both parties practice crass politics
As to your example about a restaurant I think a PRIVATE business has every right to ban ANYBODY they choose.
You make it as though one has no alternative. Where as that just opens up an opportunity for another restaurant to serve those customers. It is piss poor business but they should have the right to keep out anybody they choose.
How about a restaurant that wants to allow smoking? Do you think they should have the right to allow it despite state laws? I imagine you will say they have no right and give all the normal reasons that employees and other patrons would be forced to put up with the smoke. Where I would see it is a free market and the patrons and the workers did not have to choose to eat there or work there.
As to abortion I am personally against it. I would not recommend it for anybody but my point is that it is none of my business. And I would not consider it an across the board personal failure. Each instance is different. There is no excuse one could say but that is for those living in a perfect world. I would never condemn somebody for opting for an abortion though as I have seen what that type of stigma can do up close and personal in two instances. Not my family but those I know closely.
As to your example about a restaurant I think a PRIVATE business has every right to ban ANYBODY they choose.
You make it as though one has no alternative. Where as that just opens up an opportunity for another restaurant to serve those customers. It is piss poor business but they should have the right to keep out anybody they choose.
How about a restaurant that wants to allow smoking? Do you think they should have the right to allow it despite state laws? I imagine you will say they have no right and give all the normal reasons that employees and other patrons would be forced to put up with the smoke. Where I would see it is a free market and the patrons and the workers did not have to choose to eat there or work there.
As to abortion I am personally against it. I would not recommend it for anybody but my point is that it is none of my business. And I would not consider it an across the board personal failure. Each instance is different. There is no excuse one could say but that is for those living in a perfect world. I would never condemn somebody for opting for an abortion though as I have seen what that type of stigma can do up close and personal in two instances. Not my family but those I know closely.