Republican Judgement

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Minor Axis

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Besides Santorum, do you believe the GOP when they push Over 1000 days without a Senate budget? Based on Senator Kent Conrad's appearance and rebuttal on MSNBC this morning, he sounds like he has a point. I had not heard of the Budget Control Act of 2011.

My impression is the GOP push falsehoods, because they have an ignorant base more than willing to believe. It pays off for them in the short run. Maybe someone wiser than I am will sound in... Who is right here, GOP or Dems?

Rebuttals:GOP Has Convenient Amnesia.

The Talk Radio News Service.

Sen. Kent Conrad, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, in an attempt to debunk claims that a budget had not been passed by the Senate in 1,000 days, pointed to the Budget Control Act of 2011, in a response to rhetoric by GOP that today is the “thousandth day this country has gon’ with out a budget plan”, clarifying how that statement is just “plain wrong”.

“When our colleagues come out here and say we have not passed a budget in 1,000 days … wow,” Sen. Conrad stated from the Senate floor. “Could they have really missed … the consideration of the Budget Control Act? Did they really miss all of that or are they saying something they know not to be true?”

The Budget Control Act, passed by a Democratic Senate last summer, has all the aspects of a traditional budget as well as being much less lenient than previous traditional budgets have been. He stated that the Budget Control Act was “stronger” and “more inclusive” than traditional budgets. He went on to rebuke republicans by stating “Either they don’t know what they did or they are misrepresenting what we all did”.

MSNBC Video of Senator Conrad.


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You rationalize that one charcoal gray crayon is better than another charcoal gray crayon because of the brand name on the box so that you can hide your embarrassment of falling for the flashy commercial. I'm pointing out that they're both just as dirty and both come from the same crayon factory.

Minor Axis

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You rationalize that one charcoal gray crayon is better than another charcoal gray crayon because of the brand name on the box so that you can hide your embarrassment of falling for the flashy commercial. I'm pointing out that they're both just as dirty and both come from the same crayon factory.

I understand your black and white view and I disagree. It's along the lines of anyone who is not as conservative as I am is a liberal... and they are all the same. The current crop of Republican Politicians are lying sacks of shit whose intentions are to disenfranchise the many for the few while pulling the wool over the eyes of the stupid. While being far from perfect, I'd pick an Independent/Democrat any day.

Honestly if I could I'd throw them all out and start from scratch or I might even consider a benevolent dictatorship :smiley24:... that's the only way we will get meaningful change in this country. Of course you probably won't agree with me what "good" meaningful change would mean...

I've come to realize that when a politician lies his/her ass off to millions of people, they are going to automatically grab a huge % of the ones with who the message resonates and who are not going to bother to analyze the truth of the message or don't even give a damn about truth. It just sounds good to their prejudices. "Obama is an evil black anti-American Muslim! He is the cause of all our problems! Don't worry your pretty little head about the last 11 years of war and who started them. Vote for me and I'll shower you in good times". LOL.

Disclaimer- I'm not accusing you of not thinking or being a bigot. I just disagree with your conclusions.

About Mitt Romeny:
The Meaning of Mitt- excellent article in Vanity Fair examining the history of Mitt Romney and Bain & Company.

Romney likes to brag about the good things he did for American business as a part of Bain & Company. Bain's motto:
Bain’s epiphany was that he would create a new enterprise that would invest in companies and share in their growth, rather than just advise them.

But if you look at the results, most of these companies were loaded up with debt at the hands of Bain. Bain made millions, in some cases over a hundred million in fees, while the company eventually went broke sinking with all it's employees. Mr Romney did really well for himself and Bain. I see no evidence he helped anyone other than himself. I see no evidence, his past would make him a good President.

For 15 years, Romney had been in the business of creative destruction and wealth creation. But what about his claims of job creation? Though Bain Capital surely helped expand some companies that had created jobs, the layoffs and closures at other firms would lead Romney’s political opponents to say that he had amassed a fortune in part by putting people out of work. The lucrative deals that made Romney wealthy could exact a cost. Maximizing financial return to investors could mean slashing jobs, closing plants, and moving production overseas. It could also mean clashing with union workers, serving on the board of a company that ran afoul of federal laws, and loading up already struggling companies with debt.
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I understand your black and white view and I disagree. It's along the lines of anyone who is not as conservative as I am is a liberal... and they are all the same. The current crop of Republican Politicians are lying sacks of shit whose intentions are to disenfranchise the many for the few while pulling the wool over the eyes of the stupid. While being far from perfect, I'd pick an Independent/Democrat any day.
The current crop of dems are lying sacks of shit who have successfully pulled the wool over your eyes, apparently. ;)

Honestly if I could I'd throw them all out and start from scratch or I might even consider a benevolent dictatorship :smiley24:... that's the only way we will get meaningful change in this country. Of course you probably won't agree with me what "good" meaningful change would mean...
No doubt about it.

Minor Axis

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The current crop of dems are lying sacks of shit who have successfully pulled the wool over your eyes, apparently. ;)
You keep dreaming about your perfect candidate (I do too), but in the mean time we have to work with what we have to work with. One of huge problems with Republican Contenders is how they bad mouth Big Government in your lives but then want Big Government to dictate sexual mores, contraception, prevent gay marriage/civil union, and all abortions. Their views are myopic or downright deceitful. I go with the latter.

:) Go Santorum! :)
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Got it. Pointing out flaws in repubs is valid and acceptable. Pointing out the same flaws in dems is being unrealistically critical, thus unacceptable.

Yer a trip, Minor. :24:

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Got it. Pointing out flaws in repubs is valid and acceptable. Pointing out the same flaws in dems is being unrealistically critical, thus unacceptable.

Yer a trip, Minor. :24:

You can stop kidding yourself. I have no problem with you criticizing Democrats, but if you can't see the difference between them and the GOP, I must question your eyesight. You are the one who wants to paint everyone with the same color.


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Not everyone, just the Republocrats. They all have the same corporate sponsors, the same goals. The only difference is that the ones that fool you distract you by blaming one group, and the group you think is different distract you by blaming the other. Unfortunately you've bought their lie that there really are two groups.

Name one major federal program that was started under one party that the other party eliminated when they came into power.

Minor Axis

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Not everyone, just the Republocrats. They all have the same corporate sponsors, the same goals. The only difference is that the ones that fool you distract you by blaming one group, and the group you think is different distract you by blaming the other. Unfortunately you've bought their lie that there really are two groups.

Name one major federal program that was started under one party that the other party eliminated when they came into power.

I can't but everything about the GOP is hostile towards average citizens. You can try to spin it but this is not the case with Dems. Yes you can argue they have poor judgment, but they are not hostile towards the bottom 99%.

Speaking of GOP, I think Rick Santorum has just been elevated to one of the most dangerous politicians in America... that is if the idiots vote him in. He scares me to death. This is the kind of leader who if he believes in his own rhetoric would lead us to civil war.

Santorum calls Obama a Snob for suggesting everyone who wants to should be able to go to college.

Santorum Rejects Total Separation of Church and State. And we thought we were better than those Middle East theocratic states??


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Speaking of GOP, I think Rick Santorum has just been elevated to one of the most dangerous politicians in America... that is if the idiots vote him in. He scares me to death.
:nod: I'm pretty sure I posted here a couple of months ago that he said federal law MUST comport to God's Law.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Santorum is not electable

He must be a born again based on his changes in belief from back before 1990

Or just another political hypocrite

Either way not anybody I could even think about supporting

It looks more and more like Obama might do the unthinkable and get another term

Which I could live with if the reps control congress to contain him

I don't want any party to have control of things like in the past. Both dems and reps are abominable when they have full control

How about a part time congress? Send them fuckers home to shut up for 2/3 of a year