Republican Judgement

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By this time I shouldn't be surprised by the *insert proper word* of the voting public....:willy_nilly::24::tooth

Minor Axis

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Look at where this started

Unless I am mistaken it goes back to a democrat posing as a journalist asking Romney about contraception back in January on ABC. Stephanapolus set it up quite nicely

This was well planned.. IMO

I don't think there is any doubt about it

And the reps fell for it lock stock and barrel

So asking a politician a question regarding their political views is a setup? Lol, how delightful a rationalization. :) Whose fault is it the GOP has so many Achilles heals? It's the GOP front runners who hold or kowtow to the hangups of the base. That's like asking a Democrat how they feel about welfare... it's a subject of interest. It's up to the individual to affirm, deny, or question a standard. :)

It amazes me that Santorum can bad mouth contraception and college and no one in the GOP is willing to call him COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH. I heard last night on MSNBC that 98% of Catholic women use contraception. And I heard James Carville say on Bill Mayer that it is the stupid base who are wildly cheering in the background who lure these guys to step in their outrageous statements. Examples: wildly cheering for the number of your state's executions, cheering that the young guy without insurance who has a stroke (or whatever) should be allowed to die instead of paying to treat him. It's simply amazing the level of stupidity that exists on that side of the isle. :)

Can't get the video to run at your link. It's this ancient PPC Mac I'm using as my desktop. I'll check it later on my laptop.

Mitt's big night last night?

Obama gets another 4 years.:ninja

The GOP base is too hung up on their medieval standards to realize that as bad a flip-flopper Romney is, he has the best chance of winning a National election as compared to the other current GOP front runners. You guys can clearly see that the GOP primary is such a circus precisely because of the unreasonable, unrealistic standards of the GOP base. Maybe after the GOP is a broken smoking ruin of a party will moderation creep back in to it. Make no mistake, Eisenhower and Reagan would be appalled at today's GOP.
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Minor Axis

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The War On Texas Women- 3/12/12 Newsweek.

The circular firing squad continues...what exactly is wrong with these people?
Is there some reason why we don't want low income women to have access to birth control and preventative health measures? For a group of people (GOPers) who don't want to pay for "poor" people through out their lives, helping them keep their reproductive rates lower seems like a no brainer does it not?

It’s hard to remember now, but Planned Parenthood once had broad bipartisan backing; in 1964, Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman served as honorary cochairs. Even as the abortion wars raged, its other reproductive-health services, which make up the vast majority of its work, remained largely uncontroversial. The Women’s Health Program was instituted under Gov. Rick Perry in 2007, though it was clear at the time that many women using it would patronize Planned Parenthood.

Then came the conservative sweep in 2010. “This new strategy, which is to end all preventative care at Planned Parenthood, is definitely a new development,” says Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. Last year, Republicans in Congress nearly shut down the government while trying to block federal funding for the organization, none of which goes to abortion services. Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum want to abolish Title X, the Nixon-era program that provides family planning to more than 5 million low-income women, 36 percent of whom are served by Planned Parenthood.

Minor Axis

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With an election coming up, the House GOP is looking back on their accomplishments on behalf of the American people. Here's what they found:

Blew a lot of hot air!

Hmm. Short list.

This apparently has them worried:
With just two weeks until a long Easter break, House Republicans are still struggling to show they are able to get something done in a Congress that has been painted as intransigent and divided during their year and a half as the majority.

Time is dwindling until lawmakers pivot from the business of legislating, and focus on their own re-elections. Republicans have previously sought to score signature accomplishments through legislation, but they complain these items have only died in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

So during the next two weeks, Republicans will turn to messaging efforts by launching a two-pronged blitz against Democrats, first by highlighting the new GOP budget. The second salvo will coincide with the two-year anniversary of President Obama signing his health reform law into law; the Supreme Court will also hear arguments in a legal challenge to that law next week...

Paired with the new budget’s debut will be a vote to repeal a component of the president’s health care law, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). The vote to eliminate the program, which Republicans say opens the door to rationed care, is being touted as the 26thtaken by the House to repeal part or all of the law Republicans deride as “ObamaCare.”

But Democrats view the upcoming fight as a winner with seniors, especially after they somewhat successfully messaged the Republican budget last year as a bid to end Medicare as it’s currently known to most Americans. They also argue that the budget, details of which will be released on Tuesday, essentially reneges on the spending levels agreed upon by Democrats and Republicans during last year’s debt limit deal.

Just one more drum that Democrats will be able to bang this summer: the do-nothing -- or do something wrong -- GOP.
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Minor Axis

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Romney: "I'm a business guy (who spent my business life enriching myself by taking apart companies and destroying jobs)"!

Minor Axis

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Mitt Romney A Bad Choice For America from the Sinister Blog.

The current public image if Mitt Romney is of a small town man, who knows what it’s like to grow up in middle America. He continually says he understand the plight of the working man, he knows how tough it is out there to make ends meet! His ads show him walking trough small American Factories while he bashes unions. Eating apple pie and sipping a coke in quant small town café, small grassroots campaigning. Romney even announced his presidency on a small farm! His current public image makes him out to be a simple Joe Shmo, all American man. Sounds like a great candidate for the next American president, only, his public persona is a lie! He is not your average American! With this blog post I intend to point that out to you, I also intend to prove that he isn’t a friend of small business, he is not a friend of middle America, he has never, and will never be middle class, or poor, and above all he doesn’t care about the debt crisis, he doesn’t care about unemployment, education, or creating a sustainable future for America.

Read more at the link... Ignore the terrible punctuation if you can, lol.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I guess I must be in the minority if this blogger thinks most feel he is a small town guy

Or is that just more distortions

His father was President of American Motors, Governor of MI, just to name a few things.

When you start out on a false premise it makes you look silly

And that is what this blogger has done.

But then Minor says all republicans are evil

So it should be no surprise :p

Minor Axis

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I guess I must be in the minority if this blogger thinks most feel he is a small town guy

Or is that just more distortions

His father was President of American Motors, Governor of MI, just to name a few things.

When you start out on a false premise it makes you look silly

And that is what this blogger has done.

But then Minor says all republicans are evil

So it should be no surprise

I don't, I only say current GOP leadership and all those near the top positions of power are, lol. There is not one GOP leader who believes in honest straight talk and assessement. It is the end justifies the means and selling your soul (lying your ass off) to achieve it. Mostly I can't forgive them for their refusal to compromise. On principle, they'd be happier if the ship sank instead of plugging a few holes to keep it going. The human race will not move forward on an all or nothing approach, but we can implode on that basis.

Minor Axis

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Posted as a public service: How To Speak Republican

* America (United States of): A country located in the N. Western Hemisphere that is #1.
* Bible: A sacred text that provides incontestable answers when thumped.
* Birth Certificate: An official birth record required of all US Presidents, regardless of race, since 2008.

* Capitalism: A system of economic organization that has never been attempted.
* Christmas: A holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, now rarely celebrated due to persecution by atheists.
* Compromise: (uncommon) A form of political suicide.

* Coast (East): A very bad coast of the continental United States.
* Coast (West): Another really inexcusable coast.
* Communism: The belief that the government should ever do anything.
* Condescending: Accurately informed.
* Constitution (U.S.): The hallowed founding document of the United States, the text of which must be interpreted strictly and amended immediately.
* Corporations: Large people who are overtaxed.
* Deficits: 1) Fiscal shortfalls incurred by Democrats that threaten to bankrupt the country. 2) Fiscal shortfalls incurred by Republicans that don't matter.
* Democrat: A political party.
* Election: A method of selecting representatives, the fraudulence of which may be determined by the outcome.
* Elitist: Qualified.
* Endangered Species: Animals that have it coming.
* Evolution: A theory of human origins that is out there.
* Extremist (Liberal): Espousing or adhering to political beliefs that are held by only a majority of Americans.
* Fact: Information that has been verifiably posted to a RedState comment board.
* Forest (National): Trees that have it coming.
* Gut: Region of the body from which decisions should be made.
* Homosexuality: A membership-only lifestyle organization that perpetuates itself through youth recruitment.
* Hitler: A man to whom it would be inappropriate to compare President Obama in spite of the many uncanny similarities.

* Jesus: Charismatic religious leader and son of God; born in Bethlehem in the year 0; beliefs include love, charity, enhanced interrogation, privatized healthcare, elimination of the estate tax, and the right to carry concealed semiautomatic weapons.
* League (Ivy): an association of eight Eastern universities and colleges, the lack of a fancy education from which qualifies a candidate for political office.
* Liberal: A person who should be rounded up and shot but not really.
* Marxism: A political and economic philosophy developed by Karl Marx and promulgated by Paul Krugman.
* Media (Mainstream): Where you won't hear things.
* Medicare: A fraudulent, socialistic boondoggle that is sacrosanct.
* Mexicans: Brown people who have it coming.
* Mountaintops: Ancient rock formations that have it coming.
* Muslims: Brown people who have it coming.
* News: Fox News
* Obamacare: A Federally-mandated policy to address the national oversupply of grandparents through euthanasia.
* Organic: Eaten by lesbians.
* Party (Tea): A grass-roots movement of patriotic Americans fighting for the principle of "No Taxation With Representation."
* Poll: A survey used to determine, to within a margin of error, what percentage of Americans are right.
* Poverty: The condition of having inadequate financial or material resources due to not trying hard enough.
* Propaganda: The politically motivated dissemination of biased information, opinion, or data through its publication in the New York Times.
* Punishment (Capital): The legally authorized killing by the State of someone who is definitely guilty.
* Racism: A form of discrimination that typically happens in reverse.
* Regulation: Rules issued by a government agency for no reason.
* Ronald Reagan: A fictional character based loosely on President Ronald Reagan.
* Scientist: A person who employs a rigorous system of observation, experiment, measurement, and verification to perpetuate his Godless left-wing agenda.
* Social Security: A redistributionist Ponzi scheme that is sacrosanct.
* Socialism: An economic system invented by FDR.
* Taxes: Levies imposed by the government that raise more revenue the lower they are.
* Torture: A method of interrogation that does not rise to the level of torture.
* Terrorist: A person to whom a person who threatens to destroy the U.S. economy unless his demands are met should not be compared.
* Unbiased: Giving equal weight to both sides of the looking glass.
* Wealthy (the): People who earned every penny.
* Up: A direction which, depending on circumstances, is down.
* Warming (Global): An anomalous, anthropogenic increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures that isn't happening.
* Welfare: A government program to distribute Cadillacs to unwed mothers.
* Yes: (no translation available)

Minor Axis

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Jon Stewart on Republican Hypocrisy regarding Obama's Afghanistan trip. "Boohoo, he's politicizing the war".

That said I'm not happy that Obama who ran on a platform of getting us out of war has signed an agreement with Afghanistan that goes through 2024! :( For some relative party perspective, keep in mind that the GOP considers Obama "soft" on war in general.

Minor Axis

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Top Romney Doner Argues We Need MORE Income Inequality:

And while investors like Conard made luxuries available to some Americans, they also bankrupted companies and left workers without jobs, pensions, or health care. Bain Capital, in fact, made billions of dollars for people like Romney and Conard while bankrupting nearly a quarter of the companies in which it invested.

I can't understand why the Haves would argue this? ;)


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Jon Stewart on Republican Hypocrisy regarding Obama's Afghanistan trip. "Boohoo, he's politicizing the war".

That said I'm not happy that Obama who ran on a platform of getting us out of war has signed an agreement with Afghanistan that goes through 2024! :( For some relative party perspective, keep in mind that the GOP considers Obama "soft" on war in general.
Yup. He just took Bush's baton and kept running with it.

Minor Axis

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I was listening to Morning Joe on MSNBC a couple of days ago and one of the (frequent) guests was Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mika's father. Regarding Europe one comment in particular caught my attention. Paraphrased: It was that when governments start talking of "austerity", that an austerity plan must include austerity across the spectrum of society. If austerity is perceived as being focused only on the common people, while shielding the "haves", it will lead to social dissent because the perception in a democracy is the standard should be one of fairness and equal sacrifice across the board. However instead of "equal", I'd push the idea that "relative" would be a better term to use.

Let's leave Europe for a moment and look at the U.S. If it comes down to austerity, which political party in the U.S. has a better shot of implementing a fair "sharing the pain" program? I can guarantee you that it is not the GOP who are of, and worship the value of the haves. :)

Minor Axis

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Richard Mourdoch who defeated Dick Lugar, one of the last "moderate" Republicans in the Republican Indiana Senate Primary, his definition of "bipartisanship":

MOURDOCK: I certainly think bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of view. …

Tea Party-backed Mourdock is not just ideological, he is adamantly opposed to bipartisanship. In fact, he’s called for more partisanship in Washington, saying he’s more interested in destroying Democrats than solving the nation’s problems by working with them.

Olypia Snow, another moderate Republican who recently decided enough bullshit with her party and is leaving. This morning on Morning Joe, she described "A total detachment and disconnect from the real world" describing those in charge of her party.

I know there will be some who disagree with me, but this is exactly why this brand of Republicanism has been and is a disaster for the country and why this type of Republican must be driven from office. The most disheartening aspect of this affair is that it was U.S. voters who put these idiots in office. We are fucking doomed...


This from a guy who does not like Obama on Mitt:
Mitt Romney and the Hypocrisy of Bain Capital

The two core arguments for Mitt Romney's candidacy are (1) that he knows how to create jobs and (2) that he stands a better chance of defeating Barack Obama than his competitors. Is it true that a slash and burn vulture investor is the best advocate for job creation? If you were a factory worker in Ohio or Pennsylvania or the upper Midwest and Mitt Romney killed your job because there was a more efficient use of the capital employed in your factory, are you really going to listen to what Mitt Romney has to say even if you believe in hard work and free market capitalism?

No one is suggesting that Mitt Romney was evil or immoral or corrupt or criminal. If Mitt Romney had founded a business that did not rely on firing thousands of people as part of its business model, this issue would never have come up.

The evidence is that Mitt Romney's job experience centered on job destruction for self enrichment.
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What is really crazy and is an example of "Republican Judgement" (or lack thereof) is that so many of these factory workers mentioned in the quote above will vote for Romney because, as Rick Santorum said, "Politics is a team sport."