Religious Inconsistencies

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Minor Axis

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Looks more like Sophistry :p....:D

You forgot the other note of your two note song: attack...

I get it. When Stalin and Pol Pot do it, it's evil but when god does it, it's calamity, distress, etc. :thumbup
When God does it, it's because we pissed him off something fierce. But God gets special dispensation because most of the time we are just like him. ;)

It is these types of entries in any holy text that make me wonder how much Human influence went into the writing ...

All of it. Or do you feel like a deity wrote it?


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Umm, all of it

All of it. Or do you feel like a deity wrote it?

Sorry, I wasnt clear with my post. I meant, how much of ANY holy text is without ANY INFLUENCE from a deity or God. Yes, obvously a Human writes the actual words but they are supposed to represent the demands, wishes or laws of some higher power.

So, what I meant was how much text that is written was thrown in by some individual or group of people that doesnt actually represent their God?


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Deuteronomy 28:56-59
[SUP]58 [/SUP]If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name —the Lord your God— [SUP]59 [/SUP]the Lord will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses.

I get it. When Stalin and Pol Pot do it, it's evil but when god does it, it's calamity, distress, etc. :thumbup

I guess that is only if people are nasty and don't listen to the law. As to explain why it doesn't happen these days, you only have to read the New Testament


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I guess that is only if people are nasty and don't listen to the law. As to explain why it doesn't happen these days, you only have to read the New Testament missed the logic of CityGirl's post and I disagree with your position on the Old Testament.
Set aside the scripture and what do you have?--------> an apologist for Stalin and his imposition of state atheism.

When Stalin and Pol Pot do it, it's evil but when god does it, it's calamity, distress, etc.

Now consider for the moment......
Christ restated the character of God. But what is argued in this forum is the character of God, Old Testament.
One of fire and brimstone. Fear and terror. And the included quote imaged Stalin and Pot on the same level.
You just saw a slick maneuver to rationalize evil done on a large scale.
If God can do it, why not Stalin and Pol Pot?
Seriously, I don't see how you can logically counter that if you hold to fundamentalist beliefs.
I don't hold your rigid beliefs, so it's quite easy for me to see through the bullshit being posted........but at the same time, to be honest and straight with you.......qualities not often seen in this forum concerning religion and faith ....I see issues with fundamentalism, too.

And Mercury.....
that's a good question, but don't expect much of a response.
This thread is all about a beat down of faith and I've shown that the minds of several posting aren't as logical as they try to project.
I expect to see a lot of vengeance :D


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I'm not a fundamentalist, but I don't agree with atheists on this board. Their whole argument is that if God existed, then why is there so much evil. Rational thinking would blame it on mankind, not God.

Yet I can't see any rational thinking in the atheists

Minor Axis

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Sorry, I wasnt clear with my post. I meant, how much of ANY holy text is without ANY INFLUENCE from a deity or God. Yes, obvously a Human writes the actual words but they are supposed to represent the demands, wishes or laws of some higher power.

So, what I meant was how much text that is written was thrown in by some individual or group of people that doesnt actually represent their God?

Look at all of the Holy text. Keep in mind this stuff has been translated and in some cases there are controversies about what the original text ment. Then you have the church who decides what belongs in the Bible. This stuff has the hands of man all over it. The only possible way God was involved is to say that our supreme deity was there behind the scenes directing these people possibly subconsciously to do the things they do. Where this falls down is when you see the mess the Church represents, especially the Catholic church or any of the fundamentalist churches with charismatic leaders riding in limos, and finally you can take one of Jesus's doctrines to diminish practically every church out there, resisting the temptation to exert power over others.

I guess that is only if people are nasty and don't listen to the law. As to explain why it doesn't happen these days, you only have to read the New Testament

So I would infer that the Church keeps the Old Testament around just for nostalgia? ;)


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I'm not a fundamentalist, but I don't agree with atheists on this board. Their whole argument is that if God existed, then why is there so much evil. Rational thinking would blame it on mankind, not God.

Yet I can't see any rational thinking in the atheists

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”

Epicurus 341 BCE – 270 BCE


Having way too much fun
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Sorry, I wasnt clear with my post. I meant, how much of ANY holy text is without ANY INFLUENCE from a deity or God. Yes, obvously a Human writes the actual words but they are supposed to represent the demands, wishes or laws of some higher power.

So, what I meant was how much text that is written was thrown in by some individual or group of people that doesnt actually represent their God?

Alright, let me see if I can give you my perspective on this... let me regress back to my fundie days

The word of god is just that, the word of god. It was divinely inspired but written by the hand of man. We were taught that translation mattered and the King James version was as close as you can get, so we exclusively used that and only that. There were no other religious texts that were divinely written and as such none other to be considered as holy text.
There was zero room for doubting a single verse or word in the bible. It was to be ingested as gospel, the infallible word of god.

Fast forward 20 so years and I have learned many things that cause me to question any holy text and whether any were "divinely" inspired.
Here are may concerns
Translations being incorrect or incomplete
Missing sections, added sections, deleted sections
Multiple holy texts and so many similarities between them
Stories that repeat between different religions with different characters
Why are divinely inspired texts only given to primitive cultures thousands of years ago?
Why would god choose people living in the desert so long ago and then be quiet?
Why no new information?

For me, it doesn't make sense, any of it. I think it makes more sense that primitive man was in awe of nature and it's furry. Couple that with the overbearing loss of loved ones when they died and it makes perfect sense that stories would take shape to help describe the world around us. Stories that help ease the loss of a loved one and how their spirit would live on, which is a great way to ease the pain. And over the millennium these stories were refined and perfected as they were passed down generation after generation. The advent of the written word helped solidify the stories and helped shaped who we were as a people.

I believe that the progression the human species has taken was the logical course. That if we were to start all over again, religion would be the first to spring up to help explain the natural world around us before we matured enough to understand the world through science. I am an atheist who believes that religion was absolutely necessary for our development and that religion is still needed by many and I'm ok with that. But I also believe that thousands of years from now we will be as free from religion as our ancestors were free from science.

Was that thought out enough for you?


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I'm not a fundamentalist, but I don't agree with atheists on this board. Their whole argument is that if God existed, then why is there so much evil. Rational thinking would blame it on mankind, not God.

Yet I can't see any rational thinking in the atheists

I'm not a fundamentalist
OK......I don't know you very well because I'm still relatively new here.

Rational thinking would blame it on mankind, not God.'s an issue of freewill.

Yet I can't see any rational thinking in the atheists
Like all things, there's a large issue of integrity involved.
Some have it, some don't and this isn't exclusive to atheists.
If you noticed, there are connections in religious arguments that often present political undercurrents and it goes to both extremes......fundamentalism vs atheism, extremist right wing politics vs extremist left wing politics.
So how much influence do you think politics is playing in this forum?
Well.....there are at least two apologists for Stalin's state atheism......and their posts are close to the most damning of religion.
In my real life ( as opposed to these forums ) I do know atheists that I can converse with that have no such connections and the conversations about reality and faith are interesting and non confrontational. But then, I don't hang out with socialists :D

Minor Axis

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I'm not a fundamentalist, but I don't agree with atheists on this board. Their whole argument is that if God existed, then why is there so much evil. Rational thinking would blame it on mankind, not God.

Yet I can't see any rational thinking in the atheists

Who promotes this? With a blanket assertion, I think you have mis-characterized the position of Atheists. What humans do has nothing to do with what a God would allow. What you describe would be more of a misunderstanding of fundamentalists who question why God allows all the bad shit to happen on Earth. IMO that would reveal a misunderstanding about what the purpose of this life is.

Rational thinking? Boy, do I have to tell you this is faith? How much rationality thinking do you expect? If we are into rational thinking, and God is purported to love us as his children, he would respect us as we should respect him and our relationship would hold parallels based on human relationships. How many human fathers do you know who expect to be worshiped by their families? :) If there is this God in the background who wants to be though of as our father, why does he hide in the shadows? One way relationships are not healthy.


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Who promotes this? With a blanket assertion, I think you have mis-characterized the position of Atheists. ............................

Of atheists in general, I agree.......but observing this forum specifically, he's spot on.

How much rationality thinking do you expect?
I expected a lot more. But then I'm not the shill who believes in happy dancing spirits in a fantasy land while promoting atheism at the same time-------->:D..........:p

Minor Axis

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I expected a lot more. But then I'm not the shill who believes in happy dancing spirits in a fantasy land while promoting atheism at the same time-------->:D..........:p

This from the champ of mis-characterization who relies on insults to make up for his intellectual shortfalls. The brand suits you. :)


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Who promotes this? With a blanket assertion, I think you have mis-characterized the position of Atheists. What humans do has nothing to do with what a God would allow. What you describe would be more of a misunderstanding of fundamentalists who question why God allows all the bad shit to happen on Earth. IMO that would reveal a misunderstanding about what the purpose of this life is.

Rational thinking? Boy, do I have to tell you this is faith? How much rationality thinking do you expect? If we are into rational thinking, and God is purported to love us as his children, he would respect us as we should respect him and our relationship would hold parallels based on human relationships. How many human fathers do you know who expect to be worshiped by their families? :) If there is this God in the background who wants to be though of as our father, why does he hide in the shadows? One way relationships are not healthy.

So what is the point of this thread if there is mis-categorised of position of Atheists


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This from the champ of mis-characterization who relies on insults to make up for his intellectual shortfalls. The brand suits you. :)

Sour grapes again :D have posted those contradictory thoughts.
It is quite proper to showcase them in a thread of religious inconsistencies.
You apparently thought you could get away with them and address logic at the same time.
Foolish boy :D


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“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”

Epicurus 341 BCE – 270 BCE

I guess Epicurus has never heard of free will.