If you think that banning guns will stop crime, then you're sorely mistaken.
I'm sorry but if you cant see how far off your gun deaths my country is in the statistics which I have already posted here, you are either a - seriosly delouded or b- saying that Americans are steereotypically homicidal maniacs.
Curious.....How many of those crimes are committed by people with no prior record of violence against innocent people?
I think if you look for results that are accurate, rather than just support your own hysterical thinking, you'll find that the vast majority of people that are murdered are either
A: Violent offenders, or living a violent lifestyle.
B: Preyed on by offenders that would beat you with a brick if they needed to.
You like most have a tendency to act as if anyone that owns a gun, wants to commit a violent act.
Frankly, thousands of lives are lost every year, to provide drug users with thier fix, I have no part of that.
Armed robberies....I've never done that either.
Guns, knives used to commit rape.....Never done that
Drive-by shootings....Nope never done that either
So I'm either a responsible gun owner....Or I'm delusional