Jesus, some of the crap I've been reading on here! Firstly, yes prison is a punnishment but are you interested in fucking with their heads so they are even more fucked up when they get out or do you want to rehabilitate them so they can get out with some hope of getting a job and a life? If prisoners when they released are fucked up in the head and still have no skills to get a job then don't be suprised when the rob you to make some money!
I don't what your prisons are like or where you get views of a cushy lifesyle but let me give you the real rundown of what it's like over here. You are forced to share a tiny cell with one or two other prisoners, you get no say who they are, they could be some complete wanker or be really dirty and smelly. In your cell you have a tiny, high up on the wall window with bars, sometimes there is no window so you freeze your arse of in the middle of winter. You are forced to wear crappy prison uniform, usually ill fitting and with cigarette holes and other crap in it. Unless you work, you get £2 a week for cigarettes and other luxuory and are forced to spend between 22 and 23 hours a day locked in your cell. If you work it is doing crappy mundane jobs like picking up excrement that some dirty prisoners throw out of their windows or maybe sitting at a desk stuffing things into plastic bags. You get 1 hour exercise which is just walking round some yard. Food is nutricianal but very basic. You now have a tiny telly in your cell but up untill a couple of years ago you didn't. Also up till a few years ago youdidn't have a proper toilet, just a bucket which you got to clean out once a day. During the day yopu used to have to sit in the cell which would smell of shit. If you misbehave in some way, more than likely you will be punished by being locked in a room for 30 days with nothing except a matress, blanket, pillow and toilet.
Now does anyone think that really sounds like an easy life? Is it any wonder that people who go to prison are more likely to re offend seeing the've had that fucking up their mind?
I think too many of you believe what you read in biased media articles and on the telly.
Personally I think all that is great and no sympathy will come from me. Prison is used as a form of punishment. Even kids are smart enough to realize that when they do wrong, they get punished. If they don't want to get punished, then they shouldn't do wrong. IMO, most crime is due to lazyness. The rest of the world is out working their ass off to make ends meat. When a crime occurs by someone we brush it off as "people are a product of their environment." I agree, we are. But that doesn't change the fact that EVERYONE can work hard and earn money if they attempt to. And if they don't and decide to do it the legal way, then they deserve punishment.