Palin Quits

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I'm not afraid of her, not at all. I'm afraid of the absolutely idiotic voters that would vote her into office... you know, the same ones that voted Bush into office twice. The ones that would rather have someone they could see themselves "having a beer with" in office or trailer trash than someone who is actually intelligent enough to do the job.

And make no mistakes, Palin is nothing more than uneducated white trailer trash. She has no business in politics, hell, half the ass clowns in office have no business in politics. At least the other half have law degrees or real world experience. She's an illiterate community college beauty queen with a vocabulary as well rounded as a two bit whore.
Well there ya go. Style over substance. Vote for the slick Willies and the smooth Obamas. At least Clinton knew what he was doing and had experience. Like it or not Obama is totally inexperienced. He never was in charge of anything. Other than community activist orgs.

Damn that truth hurts dont it :D

I see they are pondering another stimulus package. Do you really think if a republican did that you liberals would not be howling. That is an insult to the voters and people that pay taxes. Wonder which liberal programs would get in the next round of wasteful spending. And wow this 11 trillion stimulus is about as effective as aspirin is for getting a hard on. What a joke. ;)
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You know, at least Obama had a academic background in Politics. He majored in Political Science in his B.A and studied law.

Sarah Palin had to attend 5 universities to obtain her degree for some reason, and she worked as a sports reporter prior to her entry into politics.

And no, Obama didn't have executive experience. Neither did McCain.

The McCain campaign made the 'experience' issue a bigger deal than it really was anyway. It's not like Obama is single-handedly running the country himself, some of his staff are quite experienced...

Even gaffe-prone Biden... Come on, he used to take the train home from work. That's hardcore.


Having way too much fun
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Style over substance? Seriously?

You still don't get why I voted for him, do you. Let me see if I can break it down for you.

Realistically we only had two options last election, McCain and Obama. With this in mind I had to choose between the status quo and the new guy. Well I looked them over very closely and it was a hands down defeat for McCain, among various reasons, how can you justify voting in a man who sang "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"? And we wanted this guy as president? Plus the fact that he had a proven track record of being a hot head. He was at the bottom of his class (like Bush was) so he isn't very intelligent. His Daddy got him through school (like Bush) He believed that drilling for more oil was our way out of the energy crisis which is very short sighted.
And then we had Obama as the other candidate. He went to Harvard on loans and grants (nobody giving him a free ride) and worked hard enough and was intelligent enough to graduate at the top of his class. You can't take that away from him. With that resume alone he could have worked for any company he wanted. Not because he knows someone or his daddy is important, but because he is the best and brightest. That right there was reason enough for me. A chance to have a president that is actually very intelligent and a hard worker. Now add in the fact that he was a constitutional professor and then a state legislator who had a record of not only reaching across the isle, but working with the other side on a regular basis to get things done.
And the final reason I voted for him... There was nothing on him. The best the right could come up with was a defuncked association with Bill Ayres and calling him an empty suit or that he gives good speaches. Really? That's it?
Absolutely nothing but talking points that are still parroted today. And when I see you guys still parrot these bullshit phrases today it's hard to take you seriously. I mean seriously, and empty suit? You don't even come close to stacking up to his accomplishments. Are you seriously saying you can do better than graduating magna cum laude at Harvard? Hell, neither Bush nor McCain even had the grades to get into Harvard let alone graduate top of the class. And now we are talking about miss community college Palin herself running for president. You republicans need to get your house in order. Stop going for the idiots and get someone in there with charisma and intelligence and I'll possibly get behind them. But not these ass clowns that you keep holding up as the next savior of the republican party...

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I never said he was stupid. I said he was not experienced. He is showing it too. Only a liberal would love what he is doing to the economy. Other than the war the biggest complaints from the left about Bush was his ratcheting up the budget deficit and how that would effect our future. I guess what you all really meant was damn it he spent on the wrong things. It is mind boggling how anybody can defend his reckless spending. And you damn well better believe it is reckless when all it did was go to liberal programs for the most part with no immediate gains. Hell I could accept some of it if it actually did something. But it aint done nothing yet and all we have done is saddled ourselves with more and more massive debt while at the same time looking at spending another trillion on health care over the next 10 years, another stimulus and the idea of a cap and trade that will destroy jobs. Congrats Tim, you make an excellent choice.


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Style over substance? Seriously?

You still don't get why I voted for him, do you. Let me see if I can break it down for you. Yay! Finally sombody willing to give it a shot, even if it is someone who makes baseless personal attacks on unknown politician.

Realistically we only had two options last election, McCain and Obama. With this in mind I had to choose between the status quo and the new guy. Lesser of two evils. I dream of the day we will abandon that notion.

Well I looked them over very closely and it was a hands down defeat for McCain, among various reasons, how can you justify voting in a man who sang "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"? Do you know the context? And we wanted this guy as president? Plus the fact that he had a proven track record of being a hot head. Proven track record bad, no track record good. Got it. He was at the bottom of his class (like Bush was) so he isn't very intelligent. Bottom of the Naval Academy class. Any idea how many wash out and don't graduate at all? His Daddy got him through school (like Bush) He believed that drilling for more oil was our way out of the energy crisis which is very short sighted. And incomplete. He also supported all other alternative energy sources.

And then we had Obama as the other candidate. He went to Harvard on loans and grants (nobody giving him a free ride) I've been looking for any proof at all of that. Have you found it? Can you cite it, please? I'd be most grateful and worked hard enough and was intelligent enough to graduate at the top of his class. You can't take that away from him. Yes he is intelligent, but intelligence does not equal wisdom. Only experience can give wisdom, and even then it's a longshot bet. With that resume alone he could have worked for any company he wanted. Not because he knows someone or his daddy is important, but because he is the best and brightest. That right there was reason enough for me. He could have STARTED for any company he wanted, no way in hell he could have walked in the door and get the CEO position, which is what you voted him into. A chance to have a president that is actually very intelligent and a hard worker. Now add in the fact that he was a constitutional professor and then a state legislator who had a record of not only reaching across the isle, but working with the other side on a regular basis to get things done. Compared to McCain, who also had a reputation of "reaching across the aisle" albeit only as a lowly US Senator.
And the final reason I voted for him... There was nothing on him. The best the right could come up with was a defuncked association with Bill Ayres and calling him an empty suit or that he gives good speaches. Really? That's it? Again, Proven track record bad, no track record good. Got it.
Absolutely nothing but talking points ... [... blah blah nothing more pertaining to me]

eta: do you support his plans now?

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Well there ya go. Style over substance. Vote for the slick Willies and the smooth Obamas.

And we should respect this opinion because Palin has substance? I guess as she is the sexy hot darl'n of the Republican Party, she gets special consideration... :p

Minor Axis

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Realistically we only had two options last election, McCain and Obama. With this in mind I had to choose between the status quo and the new guy. Lesser of two evils. I dream of the day we will abandon that notion.

Keep dreaming! Democracy appears to have it's short comings as the humans keep messing it up. ;) BTW prolific use of blue bold text is annoying.


Having way too much fun
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Or could choose to conveniently forget that she was the Governor of one of the 50 states.

can you really call it a state with less population than most major US cities? Hell, there are more moose than people. :D


Slightly Acidic
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can you really call it a state with less population than most major US cities? Hell, there are more moose than people. :D

Yes, I can really call it a state. It's a state. It has three branches of goverment and a budget in the hundreds of millions. Far more complex than anything Barack Obama ever managed or dealt with.


Having way too much fun
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from the article...

According to the nationwide poll, close to 67% of Republicans want Palin to be "a major national political figure" in the future. And 71% of them say they would likely vote for her if she ran for president in 2012.

Who the hell are these people that would vote for her? Were they sleeping during the interviews and debates during the election...? It blows my mind that people would even consider her. :willy_nilly:


Having way too much fun
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Yes, I can really call it a state. It's a state. It has three branches of goverment and a budget in the hundreds of millions. Far more complex than anything Barack Obama ever managed or dealt with.

Chicago has 4 times the amount of people that Alaska has with the state of Illinois containing over 12 times Alaska's population.


Slightly Acidic
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Chicago has 4 times the amount of people that Alaska has with the state of Illinois containing over 12 times Alaska's population.

I don't really give a rat's ass. Running a state government > running a tiny community activist organization. I guess you're also saying that any governor of Vermont, N Dakota, S Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, Hawaii, New Hampshire and Maine are not qualified to run for President? Interesting.