What has Palin done to "poke her head up?" She's a sitting Governor. Like the sitting President you adored so much, shouldn't her family be afforded the same level of respect and kept off limits? Or is her family fair game just because you don't like her?
So what you're saying is that when Letterman insults her family - unprovoked, she deserves it, and should just take it. If she responds - then she's just "putting herself in the spotlight" - which in turn opens her up for more ridicule because she "poked her head up." Your logic is very confusing.
Out of curiosity - I wonder how people would have responded if Bill O Reilly had cracked a joke about Melia Obama getting "knocked up" by a stranger at a basketball game?
I've answered that question (what has she done to poke her head up) already.
I have also stated I don't think families are fair game.
Letterman made a very bad joke in my opinion. If I haven't said that here, I am now. As I previously said, she could have ignored it, as Clinton did McCain's retched joke, or she could have deftly back handed him. Instead she ramped up the drama and kept it going.
Please do no be so disingenuous as to say that joke was about Willow. It wasn't. It isn't logical or honest to assume it was. Bristol has been pregnant, Willow has not. So with regard to Malia, aside from it being wholly reprehensible, it would not be logical either.