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Having way too much fun
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I don't really give a rat's ass. Running a state government > running a tiny community activist organization. I guess you're also saying that any governor of Vermont, N Dakota, S Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, Hawaii, New Hampshire and Maine are not qualified to run for President? Interesting.

It all depends on whether they claim to have foreign experience because they can see another country or not. Or if they have command of the English language. Or if they aren't aware of ANY supreme court decisions besides Roe v Wade. Or if they thought it was the founding fathers that put "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance. Or if they actually put a sentence together that actually makes sense... shall I go on?
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Having way too much fun
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Bottom line, she has less intelligence than my 20 year old daughter. And I in no way think my daughter is capable of leading the greatest nation on earth. Keep the trailer trash in the trailer park and out of the white house.


Slightly Acidic
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It all depends on whether they claim to have foreign experience because they can see another country or not. Or if they have command of the English language. Or if they aren't aware of ANY supreme court decisions besides Roe v Wade. Or if they thought it was the founding fathers that put "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance. Or if they actually put a sentence together that actually makes sense... shall I go on?

Then why don't you just say that as opposed to trying to justify your dislike based on some inane notion that the size of her state makes her non-qualified?


Having way too much fun
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Then why don't you just say that as opposed to trying to justify your dislike based on some inane notion that the size of her state makes her non-qualified?

I don't think that her being governor of Alaska disqualifies her at all. In fact, that's about the only plus she has on her resume. But it isn't reason enough for her to run for president or VP.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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can you really call it a state with less population than most major US cities? Hell, there are more moose than people. :D
Hey I like that criteria. :thumbup

We can get rid of the following states since these have smaller populations than Alaska :)

North Dakota
2 democrat senators....... Dorgan and Conrad


A commie independent and a democrat idiot ... Sanders and Leahy

ok so the right side takes a hit. Still a two for one exchange :D

Minor Axis

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Who the hell are these people that would vote for her? Were they sleeping during the interviews and debates during the election...? It blows my mind that people would even consider her. :willy_nilly:

Hmm, "Pretty/photogenic" and "conservative/folksy sounding" = winner! (at least amongst the base) The Republican Party has not recently put much emphasis on brains (evidence= "W", Palin). The sad thing is you actually have voters picking them. :humm:

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Voters do not have to be qualified to vote.

The mere fact Gore even came close should be proof positive of that.

Now you are free to add Bush to the list :D

What the hell is up with the intense hatred and fear of this woman?

You all keep repeating she is an idiot and not to be taken seriously. Looks like you are though??

I thought your guy the Anointed One had a lock for an 8 year term so why the concern about her??


Well-Known Member
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can you really call it a state with less population than most major US cities? Hell, there are more moose than people. :D
But your Obama wasn't mayor of Chicago, or any other city of more or less population.

I have noticed one thing about your arguments, though. Not one word about issues! (emphasis added especially for Minor Axis. :D) Put someone in because he's intelligent, no matter what his agenda??!?

You never answered my question: do you support his plans now?


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I'm not afraid of her, not at all. I'm afraid of the absolutely idiotic voters that would vote her into office... you know, the same ones that voted Bush into office twice. The ones that would rather have someone they could see themselves "having a beer with" in office or trailer trash than someone who is actually intelligent enough to do the job.

And make no mistakes, Palin is nothing more than uneducated white trailer trash. She has no business in politics, hell, half the ass clowns in office have no business in politics. At least the other half have law degrees or real world experience. She's an illiterate community college beauty queen with a vocabulary as well rounded as a two bit whore.
Ya know Tim, I've been thinking about this the last couple days. I think it's ridiculous to insinuate that someone is unfit to serve their government/country because they went to a community college. In fact, it's downright insulting.

The left is always quick to accuse the right of being "elitist". Well, that's exactly what you're doing here.

Not to mention the factual inaccuracy in the statement, since her degree is from the University of Idaho. :rolleyes:


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Ya know Tim, I've been thinking about this the last couple days. I think it's ridiculous to insinuate that someone is unfit to serve their government/country because they went to a community college. In fact, it's downright insulting.

The left is always quick to accuse the right of being "elitist". Well, that's exactly what you're doing here.

Not to mention the factual inaccuracy in the statement, since her degree is from the University of Idaho. :rolleyes:

I think there is a lot of mud slinging between both the right and left accusing each other of being elitist.

It all plays into the game of political spin. If the candidate is considered to be a academic light-weight, they're derided as being stupid and unqualified. If however, the candidate is intelligent and highly educated, they're called 'elitist', out of touch and therefore also unqualified.

Most politicians are elitist anyway, regardless of political party.


Having way too much fun
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But your Obama wasn't mayor of Chicago, or any other city of more or less population.

I have noticed one thing about your arguments, though. Not one word about issues! (emphasis added especially for Minor Axis. :D) Put someone in because he's intelligent, no matter what his agenda??!?

You never answered my question: do you support his plans now?

I completely supported his issues and this is one of the reasons I voted for him. And YES, I absolutely support his plans now. Why wouldn't I? Because the right is bitching and moaning that money is finally being spent on social programs? Because it's actually money that will make a difference for all of us instead of a handful of corporations?

Ya know Tim, I've been thinking about this the last couple days. I think it's ridiculous to insinuate that someone is unfit to serve their government/country because they went to a community college. In fact, it's downright insulting.

The left is always quick to accuse the right of being "elitist". Well, that's exactly what you're doing here.

Not to mention the factual inaccuracy in the statement, since her degree is from the University of Idaho. :rolleyes:

I'm not bemoaning her because she went to a community college, not at all, there is nothing wrong with community college. It's the fact that she isn't even able to formulate coherent sentences. She doesn't even have command of the English language and her lack of knowledge of world affairs and politics was very apparent whenever she opened her mouth.

And as far as the term "elitist" That's what the right was calling Obama. I have never used the term "elitist" when referring to academia.


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I'm not bemoaning her because she went to a community college, not at all, there is nothing wrong with community college. It's the fact that she isn't even able to formulate coherent sentences. She doesn't even have command of the English language and her lack of knowledge of world affairs and politics was very apparent whenever she opened her mouth.

And as far as the term "elitist" That's what the right was calling Obama. I have never used the term "elitist" when referring to academia.
But by your own admission, McCain wasn't intelligent enough for you because of where he placed in his class at the Naval Academy. And much was said about electing McCain and having Palin "one heartbeat" from the Presidency.

But you don't seem to mind that the current person "one heartbeat" away finished 506th out of 688 at the University of Delaware, and said that he found law school "the biggest bore in the world".

I think you don't place as much emphasis on their education as you claim, because if you applied the same standards to both sides, you'd be equally dissatisfied with both. I think you're just playing the intelligence card to bolster other reasons you like one over the other.

Say it Tim, there's no shame in it. You like Obama. You didn't like McCain or Palin. No big deal.

But attempting to somehow legitimize that by blasting the intelligence of the ones you don't like is juvenile.


Slightly Acidic
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Why wouldn't I? Because the right is bitching and moaning that money is finally being spent on social programs? Because it's actually money that will make a difference for all of us instead of a handful of corporations?

What planet are you on? What money is "finally being spent on social programs" as opposed to a handful of corporations? Do you not realize that the entire $700+ Billion from the TARP programs was handed to the nation's largest banks and that money is now totally lost - and untraceable - with zero tangible proof that anything was done with it to actually boost the economy? And the vast majority of the OTHER TRILLION in bailout money is going to large corporate firms in the form of contracts for building "improvements" and "infrastructure" - though as we've seen, much of it is in the form of Congressional pork that has little or no "stimulus" effect. Here in my state, the two largest chunks of cash from th Fed are going to bailout the Atlanta public transportation system which is hundred of millions in the red, and funding a bunch of non-essential pet highway construction projects built by - guess who? - the largest fat-cat contractor who has continually bilked the Government with frivolous over charges and delays in the highway projects.

Please cite some examples of these social programs and how much new money is going into them. I'd love to hear it.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Tange the majority of the Stimulus Package was towards liberal programs.

Might make the liberals thrilled that these programs get funding but it was based on a lie. It is not stimulus. Not in the manner intended. Which is proven by the fact there are discussions about another stimulus package already.

God I love this stupid ass country