New Jersey to Ban Death Penalty

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I just don't understand people like you AEF....I go to work every day to protect people like you, people that say it's bad to punish these criminals the way that they NEED to be punished....why the hell not go to prison? I mean shit, I'd get free meals, free cable, name brand clothes for 1/10 what the go for retail, AND I have bleeding heart liberals to protect my civil rights for me! I could assualt and disrespect all the officers there then when I get my ass beat I can get out of trouble by just hiring a Johnny Cochran wanna-be in a cheap suit to stand up for my "civil rights!"

Frankly, it sickens me. These people are supposed to be allowed to have rights when they have spent their lives violating others??? Come work with me for awhile, see what I go through everyday with these assholes. You say lock them in maximum security cells am I right? Well, my prison in Close Custody with ICON segregation, which is the highest in the US, and these inmates STILL get everything that I mentioned before.....

Punishment? Whatever, these fuckers may as well be living in the Hilton!
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debbie t

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i strongly disagree with capital punishment for all the usual reasons.but i have to say ,here in the UK it sickens me when life does not mean life and scum get out after only a few years.i feel also that prison is such a soft potion here and rehabilitation doesnt work ,and that prison should be unpleasant ,ie no tvs with mega amounts of channels?
i feel that prison officers in this country also do really tough job and for very little thanks,the police get so pissed off that they feel unable to do an appropriate and useful job,it is soul destroying for them


OTz original V.I.P
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I just don't understand people like you AEF....I go to work every day to protect people like you, people that say it's bad to punish these criminals the way that they NEED to be punished....why the hell not go to prison? I mean shit, I'd get free meals, free cable, name brand clothes for 1/10 what the go for retail, AND I have bleeding heart liberals to protect my civil rights for me! I could assualt and disrespect all the officers there then when I get my ass beat I can get out of trouble by just hiring a Johnny Cochran wanna-be in a cheap suit to stand up for my "civil rights!"

Frankly, it sickens me. These people are supposed to be allowed to have rights when they have spent their lives violating others??? Come work with me for awhile, see what I go through everyday with these assholes. You say lock them in maximum security cells am I right? Well, my prison in Close Custody with ICON segregation, which is the highest in the US, and these inmates STILL get everything that I mentioned before.....

Punishment? Whatever, these fuckers may as well be living in the Hilton!


All Else Failed

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I just don't understand people like you AEF....I go to work every day to protect people like you, people that say it's bad to punish these criminals the way that they NEED to be punished....why the hell not go to prison? I mean shit, I'd get free meals, free cable, name brand clothes for 1/10 what the go for retail, AND I have bleeding heart liberals to protect my civil rights for me! I could assualt and disrespect all the officers there then when I get my ass beat I can get out of trouble by just hiring a Johnny Cochran wanna-be in a cheap suit to stand up for my "civil rights!"

Frankly, it sickens me. These people are supposed to be allowed to have rights when they have spent their lives violating others??? Come work with me for awhile, see what I go through everyday with these assholes. You say lock them in maximum security cells am I right? Well, my prison in Close Custody with ICON segregation, which is the highest in the US, and these inmates STILL get everything that I mentioned before.....

Punishment? Whatever, these fuckers may as well be living in the Hilton!
Um, where in this thread have I said i was ok with how our current prison system is ran? I was just talking about capital punishment? So where you're getting this from eludes me. :confused I am fully aware of how messed up our prison system is. I think it needs to be SEVERELY re-thought.

You do not lose all of your rights when in jail, you still have rights, and thats the way it should be. Even criminals need to be protected, as much as you may not like that. Its just the way things work.

debbie t

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every one even the lowest scumbag should have human rights,im an amnesty international member so put my money where my mouth civilised country in the 21st century should have capital punishment.
you know ive always liked the film escape from newyork...maybe a better system and let them all fight amongst themselves:jk


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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Um, where in this thread have I said i was ok with how our current prison system is ran? I was just talking about capital punishment? So where you're getting this from eludes me. :confused I am fully aware of how messed up our prison system is. I think it needs to be SEVERELY re-thought.

You do not lose all of your rights when in jail, you still have rights, and thats the way it should be. Even criminals need to be protected, as much as you may not like that. Its just the way things work.

The only thing that they need to be protected from in there is being killed or raped by other inmates, and that's what I am there for. As far as all this other crap, appeal after appeal after appeal while on Death Row, STUPID! If you've killed someone, you deserve to die, if you've raped or molested a child YOU DESERVE TO DIE! Simple as that. Keeping these people around is doing nothing but bleeding taxpayers dry while the inmate sits on Death Row laughing at the fact that he knows he's never getting executed thank to all the people out there that cry and bitch about how inhumane the Death Penalty is.

All Else Failed

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I just think its weird that a few of you are saying "they lose all of their rights when they commit a crime!". Um, yeah maybe a few but not all of them.

All Else Failed

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The only thing that they need to be protected from in there is being killed or raped by other inmates, and that's what I am there for. As far as all this other crap, appeal after appeal after appeal while on Death Row, STUPID! If you've killed someone, you deserve to die, if you've raped or molested a child YOU DESERVE TO DIE! Simple as that. Keeping these people around is doing nothing but bleeding taxpayers dry while the inmate sits on Death Row laughing at the fact that he knows he's never getting executed thank to all the people out there that cry and bitch about how inhumane the Death Penalty is.
No, its not stupid, considering that the odds of an innocent person sitting on death row right now are pretty decent.

Its actually cheaper to keep a murder in jail than to kill him, did you know that? I believe Tim posted an article about it earlier on.

So do you really believe that people that kill people in any situation deserve death?

All Else Failed

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On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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No, its not stupid, considering that the odds of an innocent person sitting on death row right now are pretty decent.

Its actually cheaper to keep a murder in jail than to kill him, did you know that? I believe Tim posted an article about it earlier on.

So do you really believe that people that kill people in any situation deserve death?

Let me rein in my emotions for a second and respond to that....

You have to understand where I'm coming from as well. I risk my life EVERY DAY to go to work with these criminals. Yes, I chose this career but you know what, I'm proud of what I do. I will concede that there are a FEW situations where if a person is convicted of killing someone that they need not be put to death.....Involuntary Manslaughter, accidents happen. BUT...if a person is convicted of purposely thinking out and murdering someone else, YES they DO deserve to DIE!

But, you cannot "accidentally" molest a child, you cannot "accidentally" rape those situations, there is no room for negotiations in my opinion.


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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Oh, and as for the odds of someone innocent on Death Row right now...slim sweetheart, I know what it takes to get someone handed the Death Penalty, and it's not easy....But hey, stranger things have happened.

All Else Failed

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Let me rein in my emotions for a second and respond to that....

You have to understand where I'm coming from as well. I risk my life EVERY DAY to go to work with these criminals. Yes, I chose this career but you know what, I'm proud of what I do. I will concede that there are a FEW situations where if a person is convicted of killing someone that they need not be put to death.....Involuntary Manslaughter, accidents happen. BUT...if a person is convicted of purposely thinking out and murdering someone else, YES they DO deserve to DIE!

But, you cannot "accidentally" molest a child, you cannot "accidentally" rape those situations, there is no room for negotiations in my opinion.

Trust me, I personally know many correctional officers through my family, I AGREE that you guys are in a tough situation, and I can sympathize for that with you. The thing I just think, is that the prison system in America is shit. It needs to be corrected so that inmates and officers don't have to worry about violence etc etc.

What do you think about people, that go out as a group, seeking to kill people? I.E. soldiers?

debbie t

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altho i disagree with boxer (ant chance of an innocent being put to death is worth any amount of money to stop)i have to empathise with her because of the job she does.its very difficult to have any humane feelings toward people of that ilk when you have to deal with them day in and day out.i can imagine the abuse she has to take and no one will defend her rights to respect etc.
its easy for me to take my view ,i dont deal with it,im not on the front line


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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As far as soldiers going out with the purpose to kill...

That's not the same thing, they are defending our country, defending our right to even lead normal lives. HOWEVER, if they torture or kill innocents, then they fall right into the criminal form to me.

Peter Parka

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Oh, and as for the odds of someone innocent on Death Row right now...slim sweetheart, I know what it takes to get someone handed the Death Penalty, and it's not easy....But hey, stranger things have happened.

Wrong, there are cases going on all the time in the USA of people on death row being cleared of the crime they were sentenced to death for, only a few months ago I was watching a program about recent cases of these. If abolishing the death penalty stops any innocent people being killed, I'm all for it.

debbie t

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we do have a lot of people whove been omprisoned for years getting out here thanks to dna etc,it is quite worrying to that to such a large extent.


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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altho i disagree with boxer (ant chance of an innocent being put to death is worth any amount of money to stop)i have to empathise with her because of the job she does.its very difficult to have any humane feelings toward people of that ilk when you have to deal with them day in and day out.i can imagine the abuse she has to take and no one will defend her rights to respect etc.
its easy for me to take my view ,i dont deal with it,im not on the front line

I appreciate this from you Debbie....

And I can see where you and AEF are coming from as well but you're right, working with inmates day in and day out has hardened my heart towards them and their plights. I have no sympathy for them. Don't misunderstand, there are certain times when I have to sit and take a time-out during certain days at work because I am by nature a sympathetic and caring person. To work in a prison is hard on the mental state of a person. BUT I also see things differently than the rest of you. I look at situations from a different point of view.


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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Wrong, there are cases going on all the time in the USA of people on death row being cleared of the crime they were sentenced to death for, only a few months ago I was watching a program about recent cases of these. If abolishing the death penalty stops any innocent people being killed, I'm all for it.

This is why a lot of the states now are passing the law that if you were convicted and sentenced to Death before a certain date, you automatically are granted a new trial. Which I'm all for! I don't in ANY way condone killing an innocent man or woman.

Peter Parka

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It's true that new DNA systems ect are coming in which clears people found guilty years ago but there are still cases going on today where people are convicted of crimes they haven't committed. Corruption in the Police force ect really isn't that uncommon which leads to these miscarriages of justice.