All Else Failed
Well-Known Member
I think its pretty fair to say that even a Iraqi that is freindly to the US would rather have us not be in his backyard controlling his life.
No, actually i'm a history major. Its a fact that the militias did most of the fighting and that France saved our butts later on with their navy.
I'm not mocking the military at all. I have several family members in the military. I just think this administration is using the military to accomplish its own gain. Its pretty clear that we won't be able to ever change the Iraqi's minds. We aren't fighting an enemy over there, we are fighting a idea, a philosophy thas been instilled in that region for thousands of years. They do NOT want us there and we have no right to force "democracy" on them.
The Iraqis do NOT want us there. Why do you think they lie when questioned, allow insurgence to use their facilities, and even cooperate with them?
Are you even remotely aware that we are there at the invitation of the constitutionally elected government of Iraq? We have said many times, that if they ask us to leave, we will. They have said publicly many times that they would like for us to stay and continue to help. They do want us there.
Washington Post said:BAGHDAD, Sept. 26 -- A strong majority of Iraqis want U.S.-led military forces to immediately withdraw from the country, saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease sectarian violence, according to new polls by the State Department and independent researchers.... source
The most common theory heard on the streets of Baghdad is that the American military is creating a civil war to create an excuse to keep its forces here.
"Do you really think it's possible that America -- the greatest country in the world -- cannot manage a small country like this?" Mohammad Ali, 42, an unemployed construction worker, said as he sat in his friend's electronics shop on a recent afternoon. "No! They have not made any mistakes. They brought people here to destroy Iraq, not to build Iraq."
As he drew on a cigarette and two other men in the store nodded in agreement, Ali said the U.S. government was purposely depriving the Iraqi people of electricity, water, gasoline and security, to name just some of the things that most people in this country often lack.
"They could fix everything in one hour if they wanted!" he said, jabbing his finger in the air for emphasis.
Mohammed Kadhem al-Dulaimi, 54, a Sunni Arab who used to be a professional soccer player, said he thought the United States was creating chaos in the country as a pretext to stay in Iraq as long as it has stayed in Germany.
"All bad things that are happening in Iraq are just because of the Americans," he said, sipping a tiny cup of sweet tea in a cafe. "When should they leave? As soon as possible. Every Iraqi will tell you this."
LOL. You know what man. The first couple of times I read your posts, I really thought you were a guy who had it all together. I disagreed with you in a lot of ways, but you didn't strike me as the type to just spout off about things you didn't take time to study first. First impressions can be wrong I guess.
As a side note to my main point here, France took care of France during the American revolution. They helped us no doubt, but I assure you, it wasn't a glorious French Navy victory over the British that "saved our butts."
You may be a history major, but you're certainly not an American History major.
Are you even remotely aware that we are there at the invitation of the constitutionally elected government of Iraq? We have said many times, that if they ask us to leave, we will. They have said publicly many times that they would like for us to stay and continue to help. They do want us there. The story Hottie told earlier about her fathers experience has been my experience as well. I've spent so much time over there it's ridiculous, and the hospitality of those people never ceases to amaze me. White said something profound also in that nobody can speak for 100% of the Iraqi citizens. What you're doing, is you're watching the news, and you're listening to your Air-America, and you are basing your views on a part of the world you've never seen on the 1% that you're told about.
If you build a poll, and ask the average Iraqi, "Would you like to see Iraqi forces able to fully secure this country without the help of the Coalition forces?" What do you think they'll say? The answer is "Of course!!" Now with that question asked, you can extrapolate however you like and tell Americans that they want us gone because they said such-and-such, but if you ask that same question differently... "Do you want Iraqi forces to take full control today and send the Coalition forces home immediately?" And the answer is probably going to be more along the lines of "well, we're not quite ready yet, but hopefully soon."
Anybody can point to a place on the map and find people who hate any country. You can even find citizens of every nation on earth that hate their own country. What makes you think these should be the representatives of their societies?
What you're doing, is you're watching the news, and you're listening to your Air-America, and you are basing your views on a part of the world you've never seen on the 1% that you're told about.
No kidding! The news highlights the bad things because they want to spark controversy in America. If the person in charge of the station doesn't agree with the war, they will put a slant on it. Unfortunately, good things never make it into the news. Nobody gets emotional or excited by good news. It's the bad news that Americans can relate to because all most people want to focus on is the bad. It's easy to start a conversation about something awful so everyone can sympathize with one another.
The news will play a video of an American shooting an Iraqi civilian, but what you don't see off screen is the group of Iraqis with weapons or bombs threatening the lives of the very soldiers that fight to keep you safe.
Honestly, if an Iraqi is threatening an American life, shoot 'em. I would. If anyone threatened my life and I was in the military, I would considering that a threat to my country, and there is nothing more important to me in this world.
I was reading through another forum and somebody started a poll asking if soldiers deserved the same respect as the students killed at VT. By respect, they mean that every time a soldier dies, the flag should be flown at half-staff. Everyone on there is saying that the men and women in the military are more than aware that they are going to die, so it's different. Someone even said people join as a last resort, not to protect our country or our freedom. And then there was the person who said we should mourn fallen Iraqis. I know there is a lot of military respect on this forum, and I wanted to see what everyone's opinion is on why people join, or what level of respect our military deserves.
I don't really want to get going just yet, but I will say that I think it is a tad ridiculous for an Army soldier to ask for the flag to be flown half-staff everytime a member of the armed forces dies. It would permanently be down there.
You know, I have the utmost respect for people in the military. But one thing that really bothers me is when people who aren't in the military are put down in comparison merely for chosing a different path. Simply because you are not in the military does not mean you aren't making a difference in this world or making it a better place to live. Show respect both ways.
The point I wanted to make is, in my opinion, it's bullshit for someone who's never been in the military to criticize or disrespect the military.
Wow. A lot of reading there guys/gals. I wanted to say that I am disappointed in just about everyone who posted something. If you truly want to make a change, go into Politics and become an elected official.
It is so easy to sit here and judge after the fact. The American public wanted results after 9/11 happened. I am not saying Bush went about it right, but no President in his position would have reacted the "right" way.
There is no easy way to exit this mess we've gotten ourselves into too. If we pull all the troops tomorrow, that region is going to turn into shit. I do feel we need to get the boys and girls home though, it is way overdue.
I say FU** YOU to the rest of the world. If we stood around like the rest of the pansies and watch stuff happen, we will be called the bad guys.
Heres another point guys/gals. If you don't like the way things are happening here in the US, then by all means go live in Canada or somewhere else. Hell go to France. Quit complaining about what the politicians are doing, you can't change it anyway. All you do is sound like whiners. People die everyday from different things. Anyone who dies deserves equal respect, regardless of circumstance. What happened at Virginia Tech was an absolute tragedy. So is what is happening in Iraq or any hospital across America.
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