or, you know. do the democracy thing- talk about it, vote about it, let the people in charge know how we feel they did and what they should do in the future.
judging after the fact is all we can do about the fact, other than making a time machine and making everything better. by forming our opinions about the situation we can write the history text books and send a signal to people in the future, thats the best time machine we've got. and bush did a piss poor job of handling the situation. people wanted osama and people wanted to heal after the tragedy. he was on the right path imo when he said "let's all go shopping" but attacking iraq was writing a short essay for a multiple choice question.
you're right. what do we do next? millions of lives are on the line, which is why some of us bloggers are sitting with our thumbs up our asses, not saying what to do next because it might be wrong. we need to get past that mentality, come to a middle ground, and get a game plan. im crossing my fingers on my other hand that judging whats happened so far will help us decide what to do in the future.
i say fuck you to people who don't take responsibility for their actions. and the way i see it, more people will call us the bad guys for taking irrational action and causing unnecessary damage.
that's just the thing- we CAN change what will happen. we cant vote in canada or france, and moving out is to abandon the country that raised us (most of us on this thread anyway).
people die everyday for different reasons. the soldiers and iraqis that die in iraq, are dying because an executive decision was made to go to war. they are not dying because they have pulmonary heart disease, they are not dying because they went to classes on the wrong day. these are different events that mean different things to different people, nothing same about it other than people dying.
so what does the death of our troops and iraqi citizens mean to you?
to me, it means we damn well better be careful about what we do this time. im not for quick withdrawl of our troops simply because we want them home. i think we need to sway popular opinion in iraq, calm down the rebellions, and bring stability to the country- whatever that means.
What can we do? I say drop an A-bomb on their ass and turn that place into glass. Then, go down to South America and take those piss ant countries that think they can charge whatever they want for oil and kick them out of their own country. Yep, I think thats an idea. We're America, no one stands in the way of Democracy. Democracy to most Americans is being able to drive their 5 MPG SUV to the nearest Starbucks to suck down the latest and greatest caffeine rush. Then, I say we round up all the Mexicans and make them build that huge wall between us and them and then push them all back into their own country. Also, we should round up all the "docka, docka" people and put them on a boat back to India. Take back our country my fellow Americans! Then, we should build a big wall around the entire country and put blinders on to whatever is going on in the rest of the world. When we need something, we'll toss a few warheads over that way and then go take what we need. No more of this deficit BS. This is OUR world for the taking.