Military Respect

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or, you know. do the democracy thing- talk about it, vote about it, let the people in charge know how we feel they did and what they should do in the future.

judging after the fact is all we can do about the fact, other than making a time machine and making everything better. by forming our opinions about the situation we can write the history text books and send a signal to people in the future, thats the best time machine we've got. and bush did a piss poor job of handling the situation. people wanted osama and people wanted to heal after the tragedy. he was on the right path imo when he said "let's all go shopping" but attacking iraq was writing a short essay for a multiple choice question.

you're right. what do we do next? millions of lives are on the line, which is why some of us bloggers are sitting with our thumbs up our asses, not saying what to do next because it might be wrong. we need to get past that mentality, come to a middle ground, and get a game plan. im crossing my fingers on my other hand that judging whats happened so far will help us decide what to do in the future.

i say fuck you to people who don't take responsibility for their actions. and the way i see it, more people will call us the bad guys for taking irrational action and causing unnecessary damage.

that's just the thing- we CAN change what will happen. we cant vote in canada or france, and moving out is to abandon the country that raised us (most of us on this thread anyway).

people die everyday for different reasons. the soldiers and iraqis that die in iraq, are dying because an executive decision was made to go to war. they are not dying because they have pulmonary heart disease, they are not dying because they went to classes on the wrong day. these are different events that mean different things to different people, nothing same about it other than people dying.

so what does the death of our troops and iraqi citizens mean to you?

to me, it means we damn well better be careful about what we do this time. im not for quick withdrawl of our troops simply because we want them home. i think we need to sway popular opinion in iraq, calm down the rebellions, and bring stability to the country- whatever that means.

What can we do? I say drop an A-bomb on their ass and turn that place into glass. Then, go down to South America and take those piss ant countries that think they can charge whatever they want for oil and kick them out of their own country. Yep, I think thats an idea. We're America, no one stands in the way of Democracy. Democracy to most Americans is being able to drive their 5 MPG SUV to the nearest Starbucks to suck down the latest and greatest caffeine rush. Then, I say we round up all the Mexicans and make them build that huge wall between us and them and then push them all back into their own country. Also, we should round up all the "docka, docka" people and put them on a boat back to India. Take back our country my fellow Americans! Then, we should build a big wall around the entire country and put blinders on to whatever is going on in the rest of the world. When we need something, we'll toss a few warheads over that way and then go take what we need. No more of this deficit BS. This is OUR world for the taking.
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All Else Failed

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Whose life do you value more? Your own, or are you willing to sacrifice it for someone who couldn't care less?

Yes, in a war zone, suspicious definitely counts as threatening. There's no such thing as too safe, and I would rather shoot at the wrong time than dismiss it and wind up being shot. But if you want to get shot at and killed, be my guest.

I value human life.

So, you'd blow away a woman if you though she was acting suspiciously? When you do that and find out she wasn't doing anything, what then?

All Else Failed

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Wow. A lot of reading there guys/gals. I wanted to say that I am disappointed in just about everyone who posted something. If you truly want to make a change, go into Politics and become an elected official. It is so easy to sit here and judge after the fact. The American public wanted results after 9/11 happened. I am not saying Bush went about it right, but no President in his position would have reacted the "right" way. There is no easy way to exit this mess we've gotten ourselves into too. If we pull all the troops tomorrow, that region is going to turn into shit. I do feel we need to get the boys and girls home though, it is way overdue.

I say FU** YOU to the rest of the world. If we stood around like the rest of the pansies and watch stuff happen, we will be called the bad guys.

Heres another point guys/gals. If you don't like the way things are happening here in the US, then by all means go live in Canada or somewhere else. Hell go to France. Quit complaining about what the politicians are doing, you can't change it anyway. All you do is sound like whiners. People die everyday from different things. Anyone who dies deserves equal respect, regardless of circumstance. What happened at Virginia Tech was an absolute tragedy. So is what is happening in Iraq or any hospital across America.

I agree that its an extremely hard position to be in, but our current administration has just fumbled pretty much anyhting that has to do with international law.

Having a "F-YOU!" mindset to the rest of the world is one of the many reasons why most of the world hates us. No, they don't hate us, because we're "free" (Which is debatable) or jealous of our lifestyle. They are pissed at us because we have defied pretty much all international laws and broken most rules everyone else on this planet has to follow and turn up our noses at the consequences. We live in a international community. That means we need to play by the rules like every other country in this community. Simply saying "We don't care what you people think! We're doing our own thing! F-YOU!" Is the reason why we are in much of this mess in the first place.

Go live somewhere else if you disagree with something? Apparently you haven't read the first amendment of our constitution? This country was founded on the free trade of ideas and free speech. When you supress the rights of prople or their opinions you're being fascist. Dissent is patriotic. You seem to want people to sit back and take it in the ass from politicians because hey, we can't change anything, right? Come on.

All Else Failed

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What can we do? I say drop an A-bomb on their ass and turn that place into glass. Then, go down to South America and take those piss ant countries that think they can charge whatever they want for oil and kick them out of their own country. Yep, I think thats an idea. We're America, no one stands in the way of Democracy. Democracy to most Americans is being able to drive their 5 MPG SUV to the nearest Starbucks to suck down the latest and greatest caffeine rush. Then, I say we round up all the Mexicans and make them build that huge wall between us and them and then push them all back into their own country. Also, we should round up all the "docka, docka" people and put them on a boat back to India. Take back our country my fellow Americans! Then, we should build a big wall around the entire country and put blinders on to whatever is going on in the rest of the world. When we need something, we'll toss a few warheads over that way and then go take what we need. No more of this deficit BS. This is OUR world for the taking.
LMAO. Is this some sick joke? I really do hope so. Please say yes.

Yeah, lets just perpetuate our imperialist image and drop a nuclear warhead on innocent people to solve a problem! Come, think before you post.

Again, this whole WE'RE AMERICA! WE'RE THE BEST! YOU'RE EITHER WITH US OR AGAINST US!" attitude is the reason why we get in so much international termoil.

"Docka docka" people? Send them back to India? Dude, I really hope you don't think Arabs and Indians are the same thing or you're just a bigger fool than I thought before...


LMAO. Is this some sick joke? I really do hope so. Please say yes.

Yeah, lets just perpetuate our imperialist image and drop a nuclear warhead on innocent people to solve a problem! Come, think before you post.

Again, this whole WE'RE AMERICA! WE'RE THE BEST! YOU'RE EITHER WITH US OR AGAINST US!" attitude is the reason why we get in so much international termoil.

"Docka docka" people? Send them back to India? Dude, I really hope you don't think Arabs and Indians aren't the same thing or you're just a bigger fool than I thought before...

You are a moron, seriously. You can have your ideals, sure. We are America and if the rest of the world doesn't like it, then go fu** off. I don't care if Europe gets attacked by Russia and over-run. I don't care if Iran runs the Middle East. Who cares? We should let dictators kill all their people so there is less money we have to spend feeding the poor, sick rest of the world. If we only took care of our own, look how much money there would be to go around. Oh, I know this is a harsh view, and I really don't care. I've lived long enough to know that we can't help those people, no matter how hard we try. We force democracy because we know IT works. Too bad for the rest of the idiots.

Last time I checked, after we dropped a bomb on innocent people it actually helped stop a terrible war. And look at those people now, I can see they are suffering. Oh wait, we rebuilt their country after we destroyed it. Oh how America prospers. I say Nuke 'em all who stand in our way. France turning their noses up at us? Fine, boom, no more pastries. Wake up, your living in some liberal fantasy land if you think you can change the way things are.

PS. I guess you haven't read the posts where I said 99% of the stuff I type is BS.

All Else Failed

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You are a moron, seriously. You can have your ideals, sure. We are America and if the rest of the world doesn't like it, then go fu** off. I don't care if Europe gets attacked by Russia and over-run. I don't care if Iran runs the Middle East. Who cares? We should let dictators kill all their people so there is less money we have to spend feeding the poor, sick rest of the world. If we only took care of our own, look how much money there would be to go around. Oh, I know this is a harsh view, and I really don't care. I've lived long enough to know that we can't help those people, no matter how hard we try. We force democracy because we know IT works. Too bad for the rest of the idiots.

Last time I checked, after we dropped a bomb on innocent people it actually helped stop a terrible war. And look at those people now, I can see they are suffering. Oh wait, we rebuilt their country after we destroyed it. Oh how America prospers. I say Nuke 'em all who stand in our way. France turning their noses up at us? Fine, boom, no more pastries. Wake up, your living in some liberal fantasy land if you think you can change the way things are.
We can have our ideals but in the long run they don't matter and elected officials will do as they please? Hmmm...

YOU should care about what happens in the world around you because:

A) No matter how iscolationist you want to be, the affairs of the outside world WILL affect you one way or another in time.

B) We live in an international community and have the repsonsibility of cooperating with it.

C) Like I said before, if we retain this imperialistic, self appointed, "We're the rulers of the world!" attitude, we will only get ourselves into more conflict. You need to understand this.

Wow, you think its a waste of time to feed the poor? Thats really sad. Tell me, if you were in a starving person's shoes, would you not want help? Answer that.

Wait, you just said we won't be able to help anyone but you agree with forcing a type of government on might want to think before you type. Also, what gives us the right to force anything on anyone? Have you ever heard of personal choice or not? Its so easy to say these things for people like you. You're nice and comfy in this obease, lazy country where you hide behind the constitution and then turn around and totally disregard it when you espouse your own views on others and try to force them into your way of life. You're nothing but a fascist.

It may have ended a war early, but that doesnt chnage the fact that we killed innocent people. You need to learn that its not always the case that the ends justify the means. To think we can be the big bully on the block and move into any country we feel like is pure insanity, and contradictory of what this nation was founded on. Perhaps you need to do a little historical studying to know that empires never last for long.

You're living in a facist mindset if you think you can change things through imperialism and a violent state of mind.


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A.E.F... In post #43 you mention the fact that this country was founded on the "free trade of ideas and free speech" then in post #44 you go on to bash AllVenoms views, however twisted and demented they may be. They are still his views, and you have no right to say he is wrong for having them. Then in post #46 you even go so far as saying he is a fascist because he is trying to force his views on other people. My friend, there has been no one more vocal about their views in this thread than you. So if he is a fascist for what he says then what does that make you? I understand that you are a 19 year old college kid and you think you know everything about everything. That's ok, you're not the only one. But maybe you should live life a little more before you become so outspoken. Maybe, and this is a great idea, maybe you should personally spend some time over here in this region of the world and see what these people are really like for yourself instead of relying on your cousin who's in the Army, or whatever it was you said. Form your own opinions instead of basing them on the opinions that others have.

All Else Failed

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A.E.F... In post #43 you mention the fact that this country was founded on the "free trade of ideas and free speech" then in post #44 you go on to bash AllVenoms views, however twisted and demented they may be. They are still his views, and you have no right to say he is wrong for having them. Then in post #46 you even go so far as saying he is a fascist because he is trying to force his views on other people. My friend, there has been no one more vocal about their views in this thread than you. So if he is a fascist for what he says then what does that make you? I understand that you are a 19 year old college kid and you think you know everything about everything. That's ok, you're not the only one. But maybe you should live life a little more before you become so outspoken. Maybe, and this is a great idea, maybe you should personally spend some time over here in this region of the world and see what these people are really like for yourself instead of relying on your cousin who's in the Army, or whatever it was you said. Form your own opinions instead of basing them on the opinions that others have.

Yeah, it is important to trade ideas, that is what we are doing. That doesn't mean I have to sit back with a big smile on my face and be forced to agree with him. Plus, I don't think I'm being harsh. If you think its a waste of time to help people who need help, and bomb people who don't deserve to be bombed and someone disagress with that, then conversation is going to get heated. Its only natural. Its the way debates go.

No, its not wrong for him to have his views. Its not wrong for me to have my views. But if I think he's saying things that I think are completely baseless and nonsensical I have the right say they are. Just like he has the right to do the same thing to me and my ideas.

Forcing your views onto other people and saying its ok to invade other countries on a whim IS fascism.

Is there a problem that I'm vocal? Plus, calling people out on what they say is not bad at all.

You accuse me of judging people, yet you make a blanket generlization that I think I know everything just because I'm in college? Come, now.

"But maybe you should live life a little more before you become so outspoken."
Wait wait, you want me to censor what I think just because I'm young?

My opinions are based off of my own thoughts and experiances, but there is nothing wrong with taking first hand information and basing new opinions on things off of it.


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A.E.F... In post #43 you mention the fact that this country was founded on the "free trade of ideas and free speech" then in post #44 you go on to bash AllVenoms views, however twisted and demented they may be. They are still his views, and you have no right to say he is wrong for having them. Then in post #46 you even go so far as saying he is a fascist because he is trying to force his views on other people. My friend, there has been no one more vocal about their views in this thread than you. So if he is a fascist for what he says then what does that make you? I understand that you are a 19 year old college kid and you think you know everything about everything. That's ok, you're not the only one. But maybe you should live life a little more before you become so outspoken. Maybe, and this is a great idea, maybe you should personally spend some time over here in this region of the world and see what these people are really like for yourself instead of relying on your cousin who's in the Army, or whatever it was you said. Form your own opinions instead of basing them on the opinions that others have.

White2000GT, in post #47 you go on to bash AEF's views of bashing AllVenom's views of bashing people who think they can make a difference. They are still his views, you have no right to say he has no right to say he is wrong. :tongue:

seriously, these are forums and we need to get our opinions out. it's good that we have senses of whats right and wrong, we can all bitch at each other until we agree what is right or wrong, or better yet- other people on the forums can discover what they think is right and wrong.

and 19 is the best time to get our ideas out there, we're new to voting and need to get a grasp of whats going on in the world. we're going to accuse you of being wrong, and if you really think you're right you'll respond with why.


Toes in the water...
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just because someone is 19 doesn't make them an idiot, and maybe before you say that sort of thing, you should realize that plenty of 19 year olds have dealt with more than you probably care to admit. And just because you're a whopping 31, doesn't mean you know everything about everything.

A.E.F... In post #43 you mention the fact that this country was founded on the "free trade of ideas and free speech" then in post #44 you go on to bash AllVenoms views, however twisted and demented they may be. They are still his views, and you have no right to say he is wrong for having them. Then in post #46 you even go so far as saying he is a fascist because he is trying to force his views on other people. My friend, there has been no one more vocal about their views in this thread than you. So if he is a fascist for what he says then what does that make you? I understand that you are a 19 year old college kid and you think you know everything about everything. That's ok, you're not the only one. But maybe you should live life a little more before you become so outspoken. Maybe, and this is a great idea, maybe you should personally spend some time over here in this region of the world and see what these people are really like for yourself instead of relying on your cousin who's in the Army, or whatever it was you said. Form your own opinions instead of basing them on the opinions that others have.


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Oh Jeez! Now I've got all the 19 year olds attacking me! Yes, Hotty Toddy, I'm sure there are plenty of 19 years olds who have had to deal with more than I care to admit. And nowhere did I ever say that just because I'm 31 that I know everything about everything. No one knows that much my dear. But, I have been married and divorced, I have procreated, inside of wedlock, three times, been in the Navy for 11 years and have been to more countries in that time than most other people will visit in a life time. I have experienced many other cultures, so I speak from first hand knowledge, not from what I read in some fucking textbook or saw on Fox News. Sure I haven't had to deal with living in poverty or some war-torn country, but don't think for one second that I haven't had to deal with my fair share of shit.
Also, nowhere did I say that anyone is an idiot just because they are 19. Hell, I was 19 once. And guess what! I thought I knew everything there was to know when I was 19 as well.
You kids need to simmer down and stop taking things so seriously. On second thought, keep doing what you're doing. I rather enjoy seeing you kids get all heated up about this shit. It lets me think that the future of this country isn't in as bad of hands as most people might think.


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BTW, if i insulted anyone in this thread my apologies. I get into it too much sometimes. :tongue:

If anyone gets insulted from a friendly, heated debate then they probably don't need to be in the debate. :) It's cool man. But yeah, you do get way too into it sometimes! Haha! That's good though. I still got respect for you. Memento is cool too because he's pretty laid back. And Hotty goes to Ole Miss, so she's cool in my book! ;) I love me some Mississippi girls!
Now... you kids simmer down! Don't make me come up there! :tongue:


Toes in the water...
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Oh Jeez! Now I've got all the 19 year olds attacking me! Yes, Hotty Toddy, I'm sure there are plenty of 19 years olds who have had to deal with more than I care to admit. And nowhere did I ever say that just because I'm 31 that I know everything about everything. No one knows that much my dear. But, I have been married and divorced, I have procreated, inside of wedlock, three times, been in the Navy for 11 years and have been to more countries in that time than most other people will visit in a life time. I have experienced many other cultures, so I speak from first hand knowledge, not from what I read in some fucking textbook or saw on Fox News. Sure I haven't had to deal with living in poverty or some war-torn country, but don't think for one second that I haven't had to deal with my fair share of shit.
Also, nowhere did I say that anyone is an idiot just because they are 19. Hell, I was 19 once. And guess what! I thought I knew everything there was to know when I was 19 as well.
You kids need to simmer down and stop taking things so seriously. On second thought, keep doing what you're doing. I rather enjoy seeing you kids get all heated up about this shit. It lets me think that the future of this country isn't in as bad of hands as most people might think.

I think there's a compliment in there somewhere. ;)

And not only am I a Mississippi girl, my daddy is stationed in Suffolk VA and we live in Currituck County NC, so I get Mississippi and the VA Beach region! :D

I wasn't trying to come across as b****y. I just get frustrated when someone tells me, or implies, that I'm too young to know what I'm talking about. My daddy was in the Marine Corps for 20 years. I've seen more than a lot of people my age, and probably more than some people will ever get to see.

edit Im with A.E.F. If I get too carried away, sorry. Its just something I feel very strongly about.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Wait, you just said we won't be able to help anyone but you agree with forcing a type of government on might want to think before you type. Also, what gives us the right to force anything on anyone? Have you ever heard of personal choice or not?

In all fairness, there's a lot of countries (including Iraq under Saddam) where nobody has any personal choices to make regarding their government. If you believe personal choice is a natural right everybody should have, then wouldn't we be remiss in our duties as a superpower to sit idly by while innocents suffer?


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I think there's a compliment in there somewhere. ;)

And not only am I a Mississippi girl, my daddy is stationed in Suffolk VA and we live in Currituck County NC, so I get Mississippi and the VA Beach region! :D

I wasn't trying to come across as b****y. I just get frustrated when someone tells me, or implies, that I'm too young to know what I'm talking about. My daddy was in the Marine Corps for 20 years. I've seen more than a lot of people my age, and probably more than some people will ever get to see.

edit Im with A.E.F. If I get too carried away, sorry. Its just something I feel very strongly about.

You're right, there is a compliment in there. ;) I know you weren't trying to be b****y at all. You were standing up for yourself (even though my comment wasn't directed toward you, but that's ok) and I respect that!

So are you originally from Ms., or are you just going to college there? I'm from Vicksburg myself.

That's cool that your dad was in the Marine Corps for 20 years. My hats off to him, even though he's a jarhead (and so are you dt3! :D,,, sorry, I'm a squid, so you know I have to take digs at ya).


Toes in the water...
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There's nothing wrong with being a "jarhead". I'm considering it. My mom's family is orginally from MS. Star, actually. Both of my parents went here. Dad graduate on Saturday, got commissioned, and then got married on Sunday. So I'm from a little bit of everywhere. I have family in Vicksburg. Does Quimby sound familiar?


Back By Unpopular Demand
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That's cool that your dad was in the Marine Corps for 20 years. My hats off to him, even though he's a jarhead (and so are you dt3! :D,,, sorry, I'm a squid, so you know I have to take digs at ya).

It's all in good fun. I've been doing it for awhile now! 4 years ago in school all the Marines were moving stuff (in cammies) and a Navy ET1 came up to help and said "See, real men can move stuff in whites" to which I replied........."Gee ET1, I didn't know real men wore whites!"

He was pissed, but my instructors thought it was hilarious!


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Yeah I know where Star is. So you're a country girl at that! Quimby doesn't sound familiar to me, but then again, I graduated high school in 1993 and haven't lived there since then.

Umm... you're considering joining the Marines? Please, in the name of all that is sacred, JOIN THE AIR FORCE!!! And especially if you get yourself a commission. The quality of life in the Air Force is head and shoulders above the other branches. If they weren't so picky about who they take I would cross over to them for my last 6 years of service when it is time for me to reenlist in '09.


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It's all in good fun. I've been doing it for awhile now! 4 years ago in school all the Marines were moving stuff (in cammies) and a Navy ET1 came up to help and said "See, real men can move stuff in whites" to which I replied........."Gee ET1, I didn't know real men wore whites!"

He was pissed, but my instructors thought it was hilarious!

:D That is funny! I laugh because you said it to an ET1. ET's think they are so smart and so much better than everyone else. I HATE the white uniforms and I am so glad that they will be going away soon!

*Colonel Nathan R. Jessup from A Few Good Men voice* "So you can stand there in your faggety white uniform with your Harvard Law School mouth and extend me some fuckin courtesy!!" I love that movie!