
What happened ?

  • Zimmerman was looking for the first black guy to shoot.

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  • Martin stalking Zimmerman is Ok

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  • It is a crime for Zimmerman to see where stalker Martin ran to.

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  • The heck with a slow judicial system lets execute Zimmerman now

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  • I think Zimmerman had super human running skills and caught the young black man.

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The Man

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It appears as if the lies the girl is telling were at the direction of Crump the family friend lawyer of the Martins

She is now impeached on several areas, especially GZ's response to TM after TM confronted GZ and asked him, "What are you following me for?" I'm so glad West brought this out, see my post here. Her first answer to Crump was that GZ responded with "What are you talking about" not "What are you doing around here." (Audio clip here.) Crump, immediately realizing that this was different than what she had told Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, stopped her and told her she had said something different to the Martins, and asked her to start over. She began again, and told it the Crump and Martin way....

After reading the transcript, she finally admitted (today) she had changed her version at the urging of Crump, but said she had just been mixed up because she rushed through Crump's interview and didn't think carefully about what she was saying.

Sad thing is nothing will happen as it will only cause more social tensions and be turned into another race Issue.
"State moves to remove Crump from the bar and file tampering with witness charges because he is black"
IMO crump needs to be called to the stand...he will deny he made the instructions.
But the fact that he intentionally lied about her age to protect her from questioning as well as misled the public that this was an execution should discredit him.
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The Man

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States witnesses turning against the dishonest prosecutor.

In Zimmerman trial, prosecution’s case circling the drain.
Prosecutors in the closely watched, racially charged trial — seeking to convict Mr. Zimmerman of murder in the February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin — have stumbled, analysts say, as several key witnesses have cast doubt on the state’s version of events and on several occasions have portrayed the defendant as a credible, even sympathetic figure

At worst, testimony has irreparably harmed the state’s case and made a murder conviction a long shot.

Famous defense attorney Mark Geragos said during a CNN interview Monday night said the case “is close to being over.”

“This prosecution is dead in the water,” he added.


Let us pray that more honest testimony continues.


Slightly Acidic
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As we enter into the second week of the murder trial of George Zimmerman, I have been thinking a lot about whether George Zimmerman will take the witness stand. For a man who spoke to Sean Hannity on Fox News on July 18, 2012, confidently claiming that he was acting in self-defense when he killed Trayvon Martin, I would think he has more of that confidence to make those same claims to a jury of peers. But, if West and O'Mara have the guts to put their client on the witness stand, they will have a lot to worry about, as George has told a lot of different tales about exactly what happened that rainy night in Sanford, Florida. I know that if I was on trial for murder and I honestly believed that I was acting in self-defense, I would want not just to clear my name with the jurors, but I would want to clear my name with the world. I understand that George is protected by the fifth amendment of the United States Constitution, however I would want to get in that witness box and shout to the world my innocence.

But, unfortunately for George there are five different interviews (Feb. 26 - Interview at Sanford Police Dept, Feb. 26 - Written Statement to Sanford Police Dept, Feb. 27 - Video Re-Enactment With Sanford Police Dept, Feb. 29, Interview with Sanford Police Detective Serino, July 18 - Hannity Report on Fox News) where he repeatedly contradicts himself, so he might think he is better off staying silent until the verdict is read.
Here are some damn good reasons why George Zimmerman is afraid to take the witness stand:

Read more:

The autopsy report and details about the trajectory of the bullet and the wound are of real concern to me. That is hard evidence that is difficult to refute.

The Man

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If i remember right it was essentially "straight in"...which means they could have been standing...but not likely as the screams continue up to the point of the shot...which Zimmerman would have had to continue to scream after martin let him up...I would expect seeing Zimmerman going for a gun or getting one pulled on you would cause one to at least twist sideways...jump back etc{as well as screaming or yelling by the one getting it pulled on him.
I remember reading there was a flash contact of the hoodie itself suggesting it protruded down...also the body part of the hoodie was shown to not be up against the body during the shot,but had space between the body of the part of the hoodie and the body suggesting he was not in an upright position.....I had considered this could happen if martin was jerking back if he was standing...but the shot was almost point blank.

However if Martin was at about a 45 degree angle while on top which is about right for the one on top...and Zimmerman shot while at that angle that would also put his wrist at the natural angle as well.

Not sure I believe Zimmerman's account of Martin saying "you got me"
He did pass two lie detector tests,but questions were not asked in regard to what martin said when he was shot.
IMO Zimmerman is not being totally honest to exactly what happened.....but I dont think he went out with intent to kill martin...I think he wanted to keep a visual on Martin...Martin decided to whip his ass.{even kill him}

The reason I say this is Martin ran when he saw Zimmerman...Martin thought he had been doing a crime in the recent past IMO
The reason he didnt go home is he couldn't as Zimmerman would know which unit he then lived in.
Martins reaction to seeing Zimmerman was "Oh shit" and took off...This made Zimmerman think he had a live criminal on his hands so he wanted to keep the visual on him


Slightly Acidic
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Except Zimmerman himself said that Martin was NOT running.

HANNITY: Why do you think that he was running then?

ZIMMERMAN: Maybe I said running, but he was more —
HANNITY: You said he’s running.
ZIMMERMAN: Yes. He was like skipping, going away quickly. But he wasn’t running out of fear.
HANNITY: You could tell the difference?
ZIMMERMAN: He wasn’t running.
HANNITY: So he wasn’t actually running?
HANNITY: OK. Because that’s what you said to the dispatcher, that you thought he was running.


The Man

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Perhaps the blows to the head did some damage :p
Its odd for sure...his story had been sticking with the story he ran..from the original call to several interrogations.

He did run Zimmerman got winded trying to see where Martin went,,then dispatch told him "we dont need you do do that"
IMO he did run.
With Martin running people can say he was scared of Zimmerman...thus the downplay on running.{IMO}

Also according to the GF martin ran as was trying to get out of sight of the "creepy ass cracker"

IMO Zimmerman's story only deviated as he was being persecuted for the truth.

Also it appears that Martin at least had racial he stated George was a creepy ass cracker.{according to the GF.}
As said earlier Martins character is very relevant to the case.
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The Man

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Yep, because there are different legal standards that apply to being a defendant as opposed to being a dead murder victim. As there should be.
Martin cant get on the stand...thus the allowance of hearsay evidence by the GF...essentially testifying for martin.
A witness even a dead ones credibility has the right to be questioned {Martin become a witness by the state putting on the GF}
The deceased character and state of mind are very relevant.
Especially due to all the lies that were presented by the media...via martins family.
Martin was repeatably kicked out of school...Not to mention being in possession of stolen jewelery.burglary tools and marijuana.
The mom says he was an angel...fact is she had kicked him out prior to the incident as she couldn't control him.
Then we have videos of fights his friends made of of him holding guns on his cell phone...talking of being a self admitted gangster.
But the most compelling text was made before he got shot that night.....An associate of his during a text conversation told him he needed to quit that shit before he got one planted in the chest.
Well since he did get one planted in the chest...lets find out why the friend predicted such would occur.
Martin essentially was bragging about himself..while peers were non supportive of his behavioral turn that had taken place in the recent months.

Alien Allen

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have not heard anybody commenting about Zimmerman going for his phone to call police when confronted by Martin\

I believe that Martin thought he was going for a gun and that started this mess

I would not testify if I was Zimmerman and that is just common sense from a defense standpoint. There is nothing to gain and only things can go bad. To those who state that is chicken shit and flies in the face of one being innocent I say bull. There is nothing more he can add which has not been stated to either police or on that tv interview.

I have yet to see anything to remove reasonable doubt. Just about every witness has been handled well by the defense raise enough doubt to find innocent of murder. Seems like the police had it right from the beginning when they did not want to press charges. If this had been a black on black incident it never would have made the news which is as it should be.

I can see a manslaughter charge and conviction but even then would not see it warranting much more than 6 months and then probation.

The Man

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have not heard anybody commenting about Zimmerman going for his phone to call police when confronted by Martin\

I believe that Martin thought he was going for a gun and that started this mess

I would not testify if I was Zimmerman and that is just common sense from a defense standpoint. There is nothing to gain and only things can go bad. To those who state that is chicken shit and flies in the face of one being innocent I say bull. There is nothing more he can add which has not been stated to either police or on that tv interview.

I have yet to see anything to remove reasonable doubt. Just about every witness has been handled well by the defense raise enough doubt to find innocent of murder. Seems like the police had it right from the beginning when they did not want to press charges. If this had been a black on black incident it never would have made the news which is as it should be.

I can see a manslaughter charge and conviction but even then would not see it warranting much more than 6 months and then probation.

have not heard anybody commenting about Zimmerman going for his phone to call police when confronted by Martin\

I believe that Martin thought he was going for a gun and that started this mess
Possible yes...however I think the chances are slight {its pretty rare for a stranger to just pull a gun when you approach them}

I would not testify if I was Zimmerman and that is just common sense from a defense standpoint. There is nothing to gain and only things can go bad. To those who state that is chicken shit and flies in the face of one being innocent I say bull. There is nothing more he can add which has not been stated to either police or on that tv interview.
For sure....let the lawyer do the talking.

I have yet to see anything to remove reasonable doubt.
Agreed...the state has shown zero for a murder charge...IMO the prosecutor should be punished for such.

Seems like the police had it right from the beginning when they did not want to press charges.
Exactly as there is zero evidence of a crime have been committed.

I can see a manslaughter charge and conviction but even then would not see it warranting much more than 6 months and then probation.

Here is where I disagree...the state has been putting on a murder trial...A manslaughter conviction is merely a compromise conviction to a murder charge.
A jury will hand out lesser convictions as a compromise with lack of evidence.
Point being if the state went for manslaughter to begin with and has no evidence they are better off going with murder and hoping of a manslaughter conviction.

Had the state went for manslaughter charges to begin with.
One doesnt think the defendant is near the monster as a murderer.
So therefore is less likely to get a conviction to begin with.

I would have to let him walk,even if I thought he was guilty of manslaughter as it is merely a compromise conviction to murder.
Remember the elements to manslaughter in the affidavit were never mentioned so how can I tell if they have been met?

The Man

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As suspected the father of martin who stated in the beginning that the voice screaming wasnt his sons...did not make it up on the stand.


SANFORD, Fla. — Prosecutors wrapped their case against George Zimmerman on Friday afternoon after the mother and brother of teenager Trayvon Martin testified Friday that they believed the screams on a 911 call seconds before his death were his, not those of Zimmerman.

"I heard my son screaming," said Sybrina Fulton, who listened to the 911 tape of the final moments of his life on Feb. 26, 2012. Fulton said she had to listen to the tape only once to know it was her 17-year-old son. She also testified that she didn't think Trayvon was responsible for his own death.

The defense began with Zimmerman's mother, Gladys Zimmerman, briefly testifying that it was her son screaming for help on the phone. "That's George's voice,'' she said.

Additionally after the state put on its case and provided zero evidence of a murder nor any circumstantial evidence to to support the theory of murder...the bias judge denies the defenses request.

After Bao's testimony, Zimmerman defense attorney Mark O'Mara attempted to have the case thrown out for lack of evidence and his client acquitted. "There's enormous evidence that my client acted in self-defense,'' O'Mara said. "There is no other reasonable hypothesis."

O'Mara said prosecutors failed to prove that Zimmerman acted in ill will, spite or hatred, which is needed to convict someone of second-degree murder. "I would suggest there's no direct evidence to support second-degree murder," O'Mara said, adding that the state failed to provide enough circumstantial evidence to prove their case. He referenced multiple conflicting witnesses that by themselves, he said, created reasonable doubt.
Judge Debra Nelson denied the acquittal bid.

The state has provided zero that it could not have been self defense...while providing zero evidence of a murder...Incredible.
This is nothing but a legalized "lynch job"
If when said and done...he is found innocent...expect some people still believe it was an execution murder based upon race.
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Re: Incredible

As suspected the father of martin who stated in the beginning that the voice screaming wasnt his sons...did not make it up on the stand.


The state has provided zero that it could not have been self defense...while providing zero evidence of a murder...Incredible.
This is nothing but a legalized "lynch job"
If when said and done...he is found innocent...expect some people still believe it was an execution murder based upon race.
Yes and it is just as much Obamas fault as it is his biased medias fault. There was absolutely no call for him to make any statement about poor little Trayvon, all he cared about was going after the evil "gun". :(

He don't give a damn who he hurts as long as he gets his antigun point across. Any riots will be on his shoulders IMO.

The Man

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Indeed reminds me of the time he criticized the law in regard to the professor who became combative with the police over simple and standard requests.

Seems like Obama has to become involved with anything to do with race only to later find out he was wrong...It could be said he has racial issues.

Kakapo Dundee

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Re: Incredible

He don't give a damn who he hurts as long as he gets his antigun point across.

And the gun nuts don't care how many innocents end up dead as long as they are allowed to continue to play sheriff. It's about time America's third world attitude to firearms was put to bed. This case demonstrates perfectly that in the wrong hands,firearms end up killing the wrong people.

Kakapo Dundee

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Re: Incredible

The state has provided zero that it could not have been self defense...while providing zero evidence of a murder...Incredible..

It would appear that either you haven't been following the trial, or there's a circuit missing somewhere in your logic function.

Zimmerman had no business to be stalking Trayvon Martin, IGNORED POLICE INSTRUCTIONS not to engage, followed an unarmed minor and shot him at close range.There's no DNA evidence under Trayvon martin's fingernails that would indicate that he ever had a hold on Zimmerman, nor is there any DNA on the murder weapon to indicate that Trayvon Martin ever touched the gun. The lies around Zimmerman being beaten are not consistent with the forensic evidence, nor are they consistent with the superficial head injuries.

Those who seek to excuse Zimmerman for his crimes can talk up riots all they like, it's just juvenile scaremongering to try and draw a fog over the evidence. Evidence is increasingly pointing to his guilt.

Jackass master

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Re: Incredible

And the gun nuts don't care how many innocents end up dead as long as they are allowed to continue to play sheriff. It's about time America's third world attitude to firearms was put to bed. This case demonstrates perfectly that in the wrong hands,firearms end up killing the wrong people.
You surely have no experience with guns. They are a tool just like so many other things a person may have. Mine have never killed anyone but will if they act against me or my family. Folks that wind up dead generally were up to no good and had no legal reason to be where they were.

The Man

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Re: Incredible

It would appear that either you haven't been following the trial, or there's a circuit missing somewhere in your logic function.

Zimmerman had no business to be stalking Trayvon Martin, IGNORED POLICE INSTRUCTIONS not to engage, followed an unarmed minor and shot him at close range.There's no DNA evidence under Trayvon martin's fingernails that would indicate that he ever had a hold on Zimmerman, nor is there any DNA on the murder weapon to indicate that Trayvon Martin ever touched the gun. The lies around Zimmerman being beaten are not consistent with the forensic evidence, nor are they consistent with the superficial head injuries.

Those who seek to excuse Zimmerman for his crimes can talk up riots all they like, it's just juvenile scaremongering to try and draw a fog over the evidence. Evidence is increasingly pointing to his guilt.

You have no evidence he engaged trayvon.
No hits etc on trayvon.
Even if he did {which there is no proof} does not give one the right to try to kill the other unless he is trying to save his own life.
Evidence shows that trayvon had no hits etc on him.
Evidence shows the altercation took place not to far from the SUV.
Evidence shows Martin never tried to go home.

Zimmerman shot trayvon in self defense....there is zero evidence that a murder took place
Again you cant not provide one single shred of evidence this was a murder.
You base your entire opinion based upon "he shouldnt have got out of the SUV"
He was never told to not get out of his SUV......and even if he had been instructed as such IT DOES NOT GIVE TRAYVON THE RIGHT TO BASH HIS HEAD.
Fuck trayvon...its sad he died yes..but you can not go around attacking people and start smashing their head into the cement.
Has Zimmerman not been armed...the news would have been much different.
"Watchman dies at the hand of a troubled young man who had developed major behavioral problems in the recent months."

You obviously dont even know what a murder charge is here is the states as you keep posting the same garbage unrelated to evidence of a murder.
The is not one single shred of evidence a murder took place.

The Man

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Re: Incredible

You surely have no experience with guns. They are a tool just like so many other things a person may have. Mine have never killed anyone but will if they act against me or my family. Folks that wind up dead generally were up to no good and had no legal reason to be where they were.

KD appears to be heavily anti-gun...IMO this explains his position on this case.
"A man was shot...the one holding the gun is a murderer."
He is not aware that...millions of people use them to hunt alone.
The govt regulates the hunting to keep species balances in check....A simple example is deer here in Mo....They have been gaining in large numbers as soon more will be allowed to be hunted.

People use em to protect their livestock chickens and what not...a good pop may be enough to keep them scared away..if not then they may have to be shot.
Protection while deep in the woods from big cat and bear....if either decides to attack and you arent armed ...will end up like Zimmerman on the losing end of the stick.
And indeed to protect ones self during a home invasion burglary and the sort....if not one can end the victim of a brutal assault ....I guess one could grab the kitchen chair but with KDs logic we should then takes chairs from citizens.
If we want to use KDs logic we should tear out all sidewalks.

The Man

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Zimmerman has no moral right to claim self defence. He instigated the fight.Should have followed the instructions of the authorities.

Zimmerman has no moral right to claim self defence.
Sure he does as the sidewalk was being used as a weapon.
He instigated the fight.

There is not one single shred of evidence he instigated the

Should have followed the instructions of the authorities
Again..he was never told to not get out of the SUV.

You are providing zero evidence to support a murder has been committed.