
What happened ?

  • Zimmerman was looking for the first black guy to shoot.

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  • Martin stalking Zimmerman is Ok

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  • It is a crime for Zimmerman to see where stalker Martin ran to.

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  • The heck with a slow judicial system lets execute Zimmerman now

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  • I think Zimmerman had super human running skills and caught the young black man.

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The Man

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He and his wife had been in the Big Brother / Big Sister program as well and mentored 2 Black children.

It does appear he is the opposite of what racist Jesse and gang portrayed him.

The Man

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Any more damning evidence from the conspiracy bunch ?
Its been very quiet here due to the new findings


The Man

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That must have been you retro that red repped me..The language gave it away..well that and you are the only one that reds me

You are so grown up !!

And yes that was a wound on his head and not a "hairline" as you implied ...hairlines dont open up and bleed


And yes I busted the Audio experts that you linked to !!

What else do you have?




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I see you're still talking to yourself.
How can you call people who say "give me evidence before I make up my mind" conspiracy theorists?
Have you ever actually spoken to a real conspiracy theorist? They're down right mental and in denial of actual facts

The Man

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Well when you have a guy that had his head beat on the sidewalk .
Police saw the wounds, paramedics saw the wounds,confirmed beating by a witness.
Thats pretty much real evidence.
I am not saying that you disagreed with the evidence..but there are people that do.

The Man

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Someone green repped me..I cant tell who though while on probation.
Thanks for the green rep person un known it is appreciated


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I agree, however, if by chance Zimmerman was walking back to his SUV and Martin approached Zimmerman IF Martin already had a clear lane 60 yards to his residence, I could see where the roles are now reversed and Martin is the aggressor.

Damn joe - why is it you ALWAYS defer to Zimmermans defense? All of your posts lead right back to defending Zimmerman. WTF happened to your common sense? I'd expect to see this kind of shit from those morons over at FF - but from you? SMH. :unsure:

Joe the meek

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Damn joe - why is it you ALWAYS defer to Zimmermans defense? All of your posts lead right back to defending Zimmerman. WTF happened to your common sense? I'd expect to see this kind of shit from those morons over at FF - but from you? SMH. :unsure:

John I'm not defending Zimmerman, only stating that I could SEE how Zimmerman's actions could be construed as self defense. By the same token, I've also noted under what circumstances Zimmerman should fry.

The FACT is neither you nor I know exactly what happened, and I've been holding on to the notion that EVERYONE should hold off judgment until the facts are released by the investigation.I have no doubt that if the investigation reveals that Zimmerman should go to trial, he will. THEN it will be up to a Jury, not every tom dick and harry on an internet forum.Everyone agrees that Zimmerman should never of gotten out of his SUV, but that alone isn't grounds IMO to fry the guy.I'm erring on the side of the law as it stands now only for the fact the way the news has handled this story.

Heck, NBC came out with an official apology for splicing the audio of the phone call to make it look like Zimmerman was a racist.

Think about this. You quoted a couple of lines from wikepidia (sp?) to make the comment that it seems that Hitler was a Christian. Do I know how Hitler felt about Christianity in his heart? Hell no. But from those couple of sentences you had formed an opinion to originally knowing shit from shinola about the subject (if you knew more about the subject, I doubt you'd quote a couple of sentences from an online source).

I'm still waiting for your response per your request to the link where the rapper edited a video to make it look like the cops were in the wrong and the cops were awarded a mil apiece for their troubles. Part of the reasoning behind that story is the fact that video's can be deceiving, and here you had a person INTENTIONALLY editing a video to NOT show the "truth" of the events videoed. The news has seem to go out of it's way on this Martin case, and that is one BIG reason why I'm waiting for the investigation to come out with their facts. You however on the other hand, always seem to jump on a crusade about a topic to beat it to living death LOL Go do some good and instead of pounding the drums here, go volunteer so time in a soup kitchen;)
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John I'm not defending Zimmerman, only stating that I could SEE how Zimmerman's actions could be construed as self defense. By the same token, I've also noted under what circumstances Zimmerman should fry.

But it's just a coinkydink you always wind up back at giving Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt, right?

The FACT is neither you nor I know exactly what happened, and I've been holding on to the notion that EVERYONE should hold off judgment until the facts are released by the investigation.I have no doubt that if the investigation reveals that Zimmerman should go to trial, he will. THEN it will be up to a Jury, not every tom dick and harry on an internet forum.Everyone agrees that Zimmerman should never of gotten out of his SUV, but that alone isn't grounds IMO to fry the guy.I'm erring on the side of the law as it stands now only for the fact the way the news has handled this story.

The FACT is that Zimmerman caused the death of Trayvon Martin by being a stupid motherfucking asshat and getting out of his car and going after Martin. Everything else is fucking irrelevant Zimmerbot bullshit.

Heck, NBC came out with an official apology for splicing the audio of the phone call to make it look like Zimmerman was a racist.

None of that matters. I stated up front at the very beginning of this issue waaaaaay back in the firsts posts that Zimmerman was not likely a racist or even a bigot - he's simply a plain old idiot with a gun and a CC permit. It's you Zimmernbots that keep bringing race up.

Think about this. You quoted a couple of lines from wikepidia (sp?) to make the comment that it seems that Hitler was a Christian. Do I know how Hitler felt about Christianity in his heart? Hell no. But from those couple of sentences you had formed an opinion to originally knowing shit from shinola about the subject (if you knew more about the subject, I doubt you'd quote a couple of sentences from an online source).

WTF kind of rabbit trail crapola is this, lol? It's well established Hitler was raised Catholic and believed in an Aryan Jesus. The link was for the ignorant doombuggers that started that thread. Try and stay on topic ok?

I'm still waiting for your response per your request to the link where the rapper edited a video to make it look like the cops were in the wrong and the cops were awarded a mil apiece for their troubles.

I just asked for a link. It's called "netiquette" to post links with stories like that.

Part of the reasoning behind that story is the fact that video's can be deceiving, and here you had a person INTENTIONALLY editing a video to NOT show the "truth" of the events videoed. The news has seem to go out of it's way on this Martin case, and that is one BIG reason why I'm waiting for the investigation to come out with their facts.

The 911 tape is the end of the story as far as Zimmerman's responsibility goes. Makes no difference what the media says. FYI - I knew about this loooooong before the media got onto to it. I signed the first petition in support of Martin's parents before everyone else jumped on the band wagon.

You however on the other hand, always seem to jump on a crusade about a topic to beat it to living death LOL Go do some good and instead of pounding the drums here, go volunteer so time in a soup kitchen

I simply find it amazing how certain triggers can make otherwise reasonable people lose their fucking minds and defend a moron like Zimmerman. In this instant case, the triggers are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that have made so many conservative pin heads lose their already small minds. They see Al and Jesse and go into severe asshat mode leaving all common sense behind an taking whatever the opposite position happens to be. That's just plain stupid.

And aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? See you at the soup kitchen.

Joe the meek

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The FACT is that Zimmerman caused the death of Trayvon Martin by being a stupid motherfucking asshat and getting out of his car and going after Martin. Everything else is fucking irrelevant Zimmerbot bullshit..

I agree that this could of been averted if Zimmerman would of stayed in his car. That said, it will be up the current investigation to determine the facts and to see if Zimmerman should stand trial. That is a FACT that neither you nor I can disagree with. Anything bullshit either you or I say is just that at this point, bullshit.

Just find it funny you don't have a comment on how a rapper edited a video to make it look like the police did something wrong and now the police are going to get paid big bucks LOL

As far as Al and Jesse goes, I always find it ironic how some of the black people I know can get away with calling them some of the names they have for them. I don't think much of Martin's parents for having the main circus clowns come to town. They wanted a 3 ring circus, they now have one.
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I agree that this could of been averted if Zimmerman would of stayed in his car. That said, it will be up the current investigation to determine the facts and to see if Zimmerman should stand trial. That is a FACT that neither you nor I can disagree with. Anything bullshit either you or I say is just that at this point, bullshit.

It all goes back to Zimmerman getting out of the car and going after Martin. Everything after that is irrelavent except to those with Al and Jesse triggers.

Just find it funny you don't have a comment on how a rapper edited a video to make it look like the police did something wrong and now the police are going to get paid big bucks LOL

There was not enough information in your link to form an opinion. The rapper will simply file bankruptcy since he seems pretty small time. Besides that, I have no interest in Rap or rap videos and have little sympathy for the plight of moonlighting cops with overblown egos and authority complexes. Any blood they get from the rapper turnip will go to their lawyers anyway.

As far as Al and Jesse goes, I always find it ironic how some of the black people I know can get away with calling them some of the names they have for them. I don't think much of Martin's parents for having the main circus clowns come to town. They wanted a 3 ring circus, they now have one.

You have the Al and Jesse trigger big time - but you can't see it because it blinds you to reason.

The Martin's are solid, hard working Americans just like you and me. If you feel no empathy for them in losing their son, I don't know what to say about your character Joe.

Really bro - you should reflect on that a while.

Joe the meek

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You have the Al and Jesse trigger big time - but you can't see it because it blinds you to reason.

The Martin's are solid, hard working Americans just like you and me. If you feel no empathy for them in losing their son, I don't know what to say about your character Joe.

Really bro - you should reflect on that a while.

Agreed about the Jesse and Al complex. Some black people I know feel the same way about them.

They lost a son, I feel bad for the situation. Right now I also know of 4 children who are going to be fucked by the court system because no one cares about them, and given time, they will end up in jail and most likely have children who will go through the exact same cycle. Long story short, Martin could of had the chance to walk away from Zimmerman (both you and I don't know about that for a FACT). Some kids don't have choices.