The absolute irony the pours from your posts is priceless...
I hope you realize that it's been quite some time since I took any of your posts seriously, stopped debating facts with you and made it my mission to make you look like a fool... It's not hard actually
No one who stated who started the attention...or is that beyond your capabilities?
And now attacked a watchman and was slamming his head into the ground.
Looks more like a couple drunk wanna be debaters trying to have a debate with me.This is looking more and more like a comedy skit. :24:
Wow...full bloom hey Tim?
Looks more like a couple drunk wanna be debaters trying to have a debate with me.
No one stated who started the altercation....figure it I missed a word..or is that to tough for you.I'm sorry, does that come in English?
No one who stated who started? In what world does that even make sense? I'll guess that you meant to say, "no one started who started the altercation". If that is indeed the case, it's yet another lie on your part. Here's what you said:
By claiming that Martin attacked Zimmerman, you have implied that it was Martin that initiated the confrontation. It would really serve you well if you'd pay attention to what you're saying before you post.
No one stated who started the altercation....figure it I missed a word..or is that to tough for you.
I have several things going in addition to dealing with your lame ass.
Nah, I'm completely sober... though I've already proved on more than one occasions that you aren't even in my league when I'm drunk.
Please tell me what it's like to be this delusional... I'm genuinely curious.
There are no witnesses to say that george started the altercation...but a statement saying martin did.No no, I figured out what you meant... doesn't change the fact that you butcher the English language on a regular basis.
It's funny how you completely ignored the rest of my comment though. You know, where I proved that you were the one that implied that Martin started the altercation. :24: I guess you don't let pesky things like facts get in your way though.
There are no witnesses to say that george started the altercation...but a statement saying martin did.
You always seem to ignore facts when they get in your way.....can we say shadows anyone :24:
If you are at your best,you are rather certainly should not be trying to brag..makes you look more like a fool with every post little boy.
Anyone who mistakes gashes for shadows should give it up :24:
Oh and by the way..martins father said that was not martin screaming.
There are no witnesses to say that george started the altercation...but a statement saying martin did.
You always seem to ignore facts when they get in your way.....can we say shadows anyone :24:
Now I know you are lying. I took the time and read EVERY eye wittiness statement. Not ONE SINGLE person saw how the altercation started. All of them started watching after the fight was already in progress.
Get YOUR facts straight
So wait... Zimmerman is equal to a physician now? Wait, they're supposed to do no harm and Zimmerman gunned down an innocent kid. The problem is that he took it a step further than he should have... he reported it, that's fine... good job. But he chose to stalk the kid, which led to the fatal confrontation.
Actually yes, I am "breeding"; I have an amazing 5 year old son that can put together more coherent and logical arguments than you seem to be capable of.
Thats the best you can do? would have been better off skipping my post in your typical fashion.So wait... Zimmerman is equal to a physician now?
Still listening to jesse and the gang I see...He was a young man,not a kid.Wait, they're supposed to do no harm and Zimmerman gunned down an innocent kid.
Actually yes, I am "breeding"; I have an amazing 5 year old son that can put together more coherent and logical arguments than you seem to be capable of
Now I know you are lying. I took the time and read EVERY eye wittiness statement. Not ONE SINGLE person saw how the altercation started. All of them started watching after the fight was already in progress.
Get YOUR facts straight
See, once again you've proven that you're incapable of paying attention to what is said. I never once said definitively what the things on Zimmerman's head were. I merely said that they could be anything from wounds to shadows.
Except that nobody said that Martin started the altercation... to a person, they all said they saw it already in progress. You really need to stop lying, it seems to be a pathological problem with you.
Thats the best you can do? would have been better off skipping my post in your typical fashion.
Still listening to jesse and the gang I see...He was a young man,not a kid.
Oh if you havent heard he was smashing the head of the watchman into the know the gashes that you thought were shadows...please dont tell me you still think they are shadows.
He must get it from his mothers side
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