
What happened ?

  • Zimmerman was looking for the first black guy to shoot.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Martin stalking Zimmerman is Ok

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It is a crime for Zimmerman to see where stalker Martin ran to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The heck with a slow judicial system lets execute Zimmerman now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think Zimmerman had super human running skills and caught the young black man.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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All Else Failed

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I'm sure you'd like everyone who can push your prejudices into the dirt with nothing more than common sense to leave, but I'm afraid it doesn't work like that in the grown up world. You'll need something a little more mature than 'head in the sand' denial tactics if you want to be taken seriously.

Been here for years and I've talked to far worse people than you, believe me. In the end, there have been at least 5 people in the past that posted here that have had the same tactics that you keep on shoveling on everyone who even slightly disagrees with you.

You and I are going to have fun.
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Kakapo Dundee

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Been here for years and I've talked to far worse people than you, believe me. In the end, there have been at least 5 people in the past that posted here that have had the same tactics that you keep on shoveling on everyone who even slightly disagrees with you.

You and I are going to have fun.
See, this is why you consistently lose debates. Instead of arguing the subject matter, you take it to a personal level. And because you are immature, you try to measure things in terms that are entirely irrelevant, or are flat out denials of reality.

Been here for years? Wow. I'm impressed. Not relevant when we're discussing current affairs, not all that impressive when you consider that I'm old enough to be your dad, and have been using the internet since it was the preserve of academics. These days, any idiot can buy their kids internet access, and plenty of them do.

At least 5 people here have had the same tactics? I'd keep that quiet, it doesn't exactly work in your favour to admit that there's a traceable pattern of people who can see your weakness at debating.

Keep on shoveling on everyone who even slightly disagrees with you? Can't really see that on the board, you're the only person that I can see here that fits into the category. As far as I can tell, there's only the guy with the multiple personality disorder that I mock for his transparently feeble methods, and maybe The Man, who I challenge largely on the facts.With you, it's pretty much a waste of time talking facts, because your main response is head-up-the-ass denial.
There are of course other, more intelligent people who I disagree with, but I'm not one to mock people who put up a good argument.

You and I are going to have fun? That I doubt. It will be a diversion for me to drive a bus or two through the holes in your arguments and watch you implode to farcical denial and irrelevant arguments, but reading your posts is like eating marshmallows. Not much substance to them but too much will make you sick.


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Been here for years and I've talked to far worse people than you, believe me. In the end, there have been at least 5 people in the past that posted here that have had the same tactics that you keep on shoveling on everyone who even slightly disagrees with you.

You and I are going to have fun.

So you are going to have fun with KD kicking your inarticulate ass all over the forum? That's good because that's exactly what is happening.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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See, this is why you consistently lose debates. Instead of arguing the subject matter, you take it to a personal level. And because you are immature, you try to measure things in terms that are entirely irrelevant, or are flat out denials of reality.

Been here for years? Wow. I'm impressed. Not relevant when we're discussing current affairs, not all that impressive when you consider that I'm old enough to be your dad, and have been using the internet since it was the preserve of academics. These days, any idiot can buy their kids internet access, and plenty of them do.

At least 5 people here have had the same tactics? I'd keep that quiet, it doesn't exactly work in your favour to admit that there's a traceable pattern of people who can see your weakness at debating.

Keep on shoveling on everyone who even slightly disagrees with you? Can't really see that on the board, you're the only person that I can see here that fits into the category. As far as I can tell, there's only the guy with the multiple personality disorder that I mock for his transparently feeble methods, and maybe The Man, who I challenge largely on the facts.With you, it's pretty much a waste of time talking facts, because your main response is head-up-the-ass denial.
There are of course other, more intelligent people who I disagree with, but I'm not one to mock people who put up a good argument.

You and I are going to have fun? That I doubt. It will be a diversion for me to drive a bus or two through the holes in your arguments and watch you implode to farcical denial and irrelevant arguments, but reading your posts is like eating marshmallows. Not much substance to them but too much will make you sick.

u mad bro?

Oh please you've been taking every single argument to a personal level. Are you absolutely blind? This is true. Yet again, getting uppity about "personal" things when you have done it time and time again to others. It is truly astonishing.

when you consider that I'm old enough to be your dad, and have been using the internet since it was the preserve of academics.

Not impressed, either.

At least 5 people here have had the same tactics? I'd keep that quiet, it doesn't exactly work in your favour to admit that there's a traceable pattern of people who can see your weakness at debating.

But you see, this is not what is happening here. I'm talking about people who did the exact same thing that you are doing in this VERY post. Accuse others of something, then do it yourself in almost every thread. Cry to someone else.

You and I are going to have fun? That I doubt. It will be a diversion for me to drive a bus or two through the holes in your arguments and watch you implode to farcical denial and irrelevant arguments, but reading your posts is like eating marshmallows. Not much substance to them but too much will make you sick.

Don't doubt too soon. I think I may be more than a simple diversion for you since you've dedicated such a post to three sentences that I just typed. :]

The fact is, you'll never listen to whatever I have to say. Ever. You'll keep on pulling out the "personal" cards and continue to accuse others of doing things you have done yourself to make yourself look like the victim, or trot some inane fact about yourself to seem "superior". It is a simple pattern I see. It is fun to argue with.

So you are going to have fun with KD kicking your inarticulate ass all over the forum? That's good because that's exactly what is happening.

Pull a chair up, Trayvonbot. You're one of my favorites too.

Kakapo Dundee

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Another string of flat denials that I could easily demolish, but really, it's getting boring. You've lost every argument relating to the thread topic, and don't appear to be benefiting from the advice and coaching coming your way from multiple board members. While it would be fun to play to the audience and write another lengthy post for their amusement,it would be of no benefit to you, nor would it advance the debate any. I'm not sure what time it is on your planet, but I'd wager that you've already started drinking [cue the flat denial]. Until you can bring coherent reasoning to your hatred of legal process,you'd be correct in assuming that I have little interest in your ramblings on the subject.

All Else Failed

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I am not denying anything. I am pointing your personality traits out when it comes to posting.

Until you can bring coherent reasoning to your hatred of legal process,you'd be correct in assuming that I have little interest in your ramblings on the subject.

This coming from a guy that basically wants to throw Zimmerman away ASAP.

Kakapo Dundee

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Interesting that you determine that from the dozens of posts that I have made all along. My position has always been one that the legal process for any claim of self-defence should be based on a court examination of the evidence. Please don't assume that my challenge to any of your less-civilised notions of how the law should work means that I am directly opposite your rabid support for gunplay.

All Else Failed

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My position has always been one that the legal process for any claim of self-defence should be based on a court examination of the evidence

Anyone can see from the course of the thread that you wish to see Zimmerman hung. We know what you think happened. What you want to have happened that night. You already said once that you think the court should "convince you" over the integrity of the laws surrounding the case, which is *not* what the trial is about.

There's that ego again! haha

Kakapo Dundee

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Ego is reading whatever fits your prejudice into other people's posts.It's why you are absolutely useless at debate.

My position has always been that whenever there is a violent death that results in a claim of self-defence, it should be investigated rigorously and tried in a court of law. I'm interested in this particular case, because when you cut out all the braying of the bigots on both sides, there doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot of admissible evidence.

When cases like this are decided on circumstantial evidence, it is inevitable that one side will be unhappy with the verdict.And when there's not much hard evidence, the best way to get an acquittal is to shout loudly and try and sway public opinion,which is what Zimmerman's people did as soon as they realised that this was not going away without being scrutinized by the courts.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Ego is reading whatever fits your prejudice into other people's posts.It's why you are absolutely useless at debate.

Oh please. You have a track record of coming off as "more civilized" than other users. You have referred to yourself and your home country as being "more civilized" on many occasions. Do not deny this.

My position has always been that whenever there is a violent death that results in a claim of self-defence, it should be investigated rigorously and tried in a court of law. I'm interested in this particular case, because when you cut out all the braying of the bigots on both sides, there doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot of admissible evidence.

and when all is done and said for, the court will decide his guilt or innocence

he will never get murder 2 though.

which is what Zimmerman's people did as soon as they realised that this was not going away without being scrutinized by the courts.

Trayvon's side has been doing far more of that. People in congress broke floor rules in support of Trayvon without even knowing what really happened, for god's sakes

Kakapo Dundee

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Oh please. You have a track record of coming off as "more civilized" than other users. You have referred to yourself and your home country as being "more civilized" on many occasions. Do not deny this.
Why would I? It's a fact.In this country criminals and citizens alike do not routinely own and carry handguns. In this country, we don't allow amateur cops to carry handguns, and they follow the fucking training instead of acting on their prejudices. In this country, if someone gets shot, there is a trial as a default setting.

I'm proud that this country IS more civilised than Florida. If you're not comfortable with that, it's your problem, not mine.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Why would I? It's a fact

No it is not. You're abusing and misusing the term "civilized" for your own ends.

In this country criminals and citizens alike do not routinely own and carry handguns

That is because the demographics of your country are vastly different.

and there is nothing wrong with citizen legally owning handguns or carrying them

In this country, we don't allow amateur cops to carry handguns

Zimmerman was not an amateur cop and probably didn't think himself to be one, actually.

'm proud that this country IS more civilised than Florida. If you're not comfortable with that, it's your problem, not mine.

Lets be honest here, you really want to say America, not just Florida. This is not about my comfort. This is about you confirming, in this post, your egoism.

The Man

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Minor Axis

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If you're not going to make a balanced poll, what's the point of it?

I was wondering where the Zimmerman was stalking Martin choice is? I've not voted because I don't care for the choices either.

I've not heard anything about Martin following Zimmerman around... Zimmerman called the police who specifically told him not to get involved with someone who was walking though the neighborhood because he thought he looked suspicious, and after ignoring the police ended up shooting an unarmed black teenager who turned out to be returning from the store?

Kakapo Dundee

Active Member
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I was wondering where the Zimmerman was stalking Martin choice is? I've not voted because I don't care for the choices either.

I've not heard anything about Martin following Zimmerman around... Zimmerman called the police who specifically told him not to get involved with someone who was walking though the neighborhood because he thought he looked suspicious, and after ignoring the police ended up shooting an unarmed black teenager who turned out to be returning from the store?

There's no evidence that Martin was involved in a struggle either. Those who would have us believe that zimmerman was being battered to within an inch of his life cannot explain why there is no forensic evidence on Martin [apart from the obvious bullet wound]. Surely, if they were hand to hand fighting, there would have been more than the superficial wounds to Zimmerman's head?


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Something the liberwolfs drew up no doubt....Racist to make such a poster and imply that Zimmerman shot him because he was black and had a hoodie.
Nice spin though John.

Just somebody making money off this tragedy like Trayvon's mother who trademarked his name to make some cash. How any parent would have the presence of mind to do something so low after losing a child is unbelievable.

The Man

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Just somebody making money off this tragedy like Trayvon's mother who trademarked his name to make some cash. How any parent would have the presence of mind to do something so low after losing a child is unbelievable.

The very next day as well...I found it somewhat disturbing/The mother wasted no time at all

The Man

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There's no evidence that Martin was involved in a struggle either. Those who would have us believe that zimmerman was being battered to within an inch of his life cannot explain why there is no forensic evidence on Martin [apart from the obvious bullet wound]. Surely, if they were hand to hand fighting, there would have been more than the superficial wounds to Zimmerman's head?
There's no evidence that Martin was involved in a struggle either.
Goes to show martin was quite the fighter hey.
Those who would have us believe that zimmerman was being battered to within an inch of his life cannot explain why there is no forensic evidence on Martin [apart from the obvious bullet wound].
As Zimmerman wasnt whipping his ass..Martin was whipping Zimmermans ass.
Surely, if they were hand to hand fighting, there would have been more than the superficial wounds to Zimmerman's head?
Broken nose
Fat lip
Minor facial abrasions.
On Zimmerman....apparently martin was a capable fighter/ why he resorted to head smashing only he knew.