See, this is why you consistently lose debates. Instead of arguing the subject matter, you take it to a personal level. And because you are immature, you try to measure things in terms that are entirely irrelevant, or are flat out denials of reality.
Been here for years? Wow. I'm impressed. Not relevant when we're discussing current affairs, not all that impressive when you consider that I'm old enough to be your dad, and have been using the internet since it was the preserve of academics. These days, any idiot can buy their kids internet access, and plenty of them do.
At least 5 people here have had the same tactics? I'd keep that quiet, it doesn't exactly work in your favour to admit that there's a traceable pattern of people who can see your weakness at debating.
Keep on shoveling on everyone who even slightly disagrees with you? Can't really see that on the board, you're the only person that I can see here that fits into the category. As far as I can tell, there's only the guy with the multiple personality disorder that I mock for his transparently feeble methods, and maybe The Man, who I challenge largely on the facts.With you, it's pretty much a waste of time talking facts, because your main response is head-up-the-ass denial.
There are of course other, more intelligent people who I disagree with, but I'm not one to mock people who put up a good argument.
You and I are going to have fun? That I doubt. It will be a diversion for me to drive a bus or two through the holes in your arguments and watch you implode to farcical denial and irrelevant arguments, but reading your posts is like eating marshmallows. Not much substance to them but too much will make you sick.