
What happened ?

  • Zimmerman was looking for the first black guy to shoot.

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  • Martin stalking Zimmerman is Ok

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  • It is a crime for Zimmerman to see where stalker Martin ran to.

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  • The heck with a slow judicial system lets execute Zimmerman now

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  • I think Zimmerman had super human running skills and caught the young black man.

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Dear oh dear....The big lie continues to gather pace.

Shoot an unarmed man because he inflicts a few cuts and bruises? That's hardly a balanced and measured response.

A few cuts and bruises? The minimizing continues. But that idiocy aside the extent of injuries really isn't the issue. It is like they say hindsight is 20/20 the important thing is these documented injuries support Zimmerman's account of what happened. He was being attacked. You see when Martin attacked him was Zimmerman supposed to wait until his injuries were bad enough before he defended himself? No. Having one's head bashed into the concrete and being told you are "going to die" is good enough reason.

Big Al1

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If they're a coward, maybe. And therein lies the whole flaw of the self-defence law. It's far too subjective.

Only to those who think like you. Someone being attacked shouldn't have to make a decision between death and prison. It is only natural to use whatever means available to survive an attack. Zimmerman stated on the 911 call that Martin was coming to "check him out". Martin even passed Zimmerman's vehicle at one point. This proves Martin as the aggressor. He wasn't the frightened "child" running for his life the media has tried to make him out to be.

Kakapo Dundee

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America really is the only country that tolerates this kind of nonsense. The civilised world generally requires a reasonable standard of proof before passing the death sentence....

................wait up, actually that's another symptom of America's problems. The rest of the civilised world has largely abandoned the practices of the Wild West altogether.Consequently, WE DON'T GET THE URGE TO POINT A FUCKING GUN AT EVERY STRANGER WHO WE THINK MAY AT SOME TIME COMMIT A CRIME THAT MAY SCARE US INTO THINKING THAT WE MIGHT DIE.

The rest of the civilised world has grown up, manned up, and hardened up.'Merica, you're welcome to join us in not being constantly scared, if you can handle it.


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'Merica is too busy being the world leader.

It is stupid to discuss whether or not Zimmerman is a "coward". He was definitley smart for carrying protection in a neighborhood with crime like that. He had every right to defend himself when he was attacked.

Kyle B

V.I.P User
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America really is the only country that tolerates this kind of nonsense. The civilised world generally requires a reasonable standard of proof before passing the death sentence....

................wait up, actually that's another symptom of America's problems. The rest of the civilised world has largely abandoned the practices of the Wild West altogether.Consequently, WE DON'T GET THE URGE TO POINT A FUCKING GUN AT EVERY STRANGER WHO WE THINK MAY AT SOME TIME COMMIT A CRIME THAT MAY SCARE US INTO THINKING THAT WE MIGHT DIE.

The rest of the civilised world has grown up, manned up, and hardened up.'Merica, you're welcome to join us in not being constantly scared, if you can handle it.

I've never had a gun pointed at me nor witnessed another person point a gun at someone.


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I've never had a gun pointed at me nor witnessed another person point a gun at someone.

Me either. But you have to understand since no one pays any attention to piss ant countries like New Zealand they have to focus on what happens here in the US. Funny how many foreign people are so concerned about what happens here. Probably jealous no one gives a shit what is going on in their little speck of the world.


Having way too much fun
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A few cuts and bruises? The minimizing continues. But that idiocy aside the extent of injuries really isn't the issue. It is like they say hindsight is 20/20 the important thing is these documented injuries support Zimmerman's account of what happened. He was being attacked. You see when Martin attacked him was Zimmerman supposed to wait until his injuries were bad enough before he defended himself? No. Having one's head bashed into the concrete and being told you are "going to die" is good enough reason.

Only to those who think like you. Someone being attacked shouldn't have to make a decision between death and prison. It is only natural to use whatever means available to survive an attack. Zimmerman stated on the 911 call that Martin was coming to "check him out". Martin even passed Zimmerman's vehicle at one point. This proves Martin as the aggressor. He wasn't the frightened "child" running for his life the media has tried to make him out to be.

'Merica is too busy being the world leader.

It is stupid to discuss whether or not Zimmerman is a "coward". He was definitley smart for carrying protection in a neighborhood with crime like that. He had every right to defend himself when he was attacked.

Me either. But you have to understand since no one pays any attention to piss ant countries like New Zealand they have to focus on what happens here in the US. Funny how many foreign people are so concerned about what happens here. Probably jealous no one gives a shit what is going on in their little speck of the world.

I cannot believe you guys are sticking up for an Atheist!!!


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I'd say the wounds on his head and nose along with the eyewitness who says Zimmerman getting beaten is proof enough. Nothing else really matters.

Equal force....there will be a lot more dead teenagers if a broken nose is justification to shoot someone to death. How many school-yard scraps end in a broken nose?

He should have been charged with a lesser crime to begin with.
There is nothing to show that he is a murderer.
It comes down to did he use excessive force during the fight {self defense}
This following shit makes no difference ..the fact he was a watchman makes no difference...the fact that martin was 17 makes no difference
The fact that the police told him we dont need you do do that makes no difference.
What martins GF makes no difference.
Who started it makes a little difference but doesnt solely determine the outcome.
You guys really need to accept this

If they had arrested him for manslaughter he would had a better chance of a fair trial...Over charging leads to sympathetic convictions of lesser crimes whether guilty or not.

So your opinion did he use excessive force given the situation.
You have to accept that he was getting his head beat as there is nothing to show otherwise.
Broken nose,fat lip and minor facial abrasions to go along with the head gashes.
The funeral parlor has already stated that martin didnt have a mark on him.
This would put george on the losing end from start to finish
Should he have kept fighting and hoped for the best...or was shooting him excessive.{it comes down the the head and sidewalk tim}

Laws vary from state to state....charging him with 2nd degree murder gives them "wiggle room". They can always plea down, never up.

Not even a gunshot wound? Miraculous!


I read a little on Fla manslaughter laws...Voluntary manslaughter is what he needed to be charged with if anything.

Then it is a determination of whether excessive force was used in self defense....which I find proper..if we didnt have these laws we could kill each other merely because we were in a fight.

Absolutely it makes a difference. Everything is considered when determining the chain of events that lead to the shooting.

Only if you are suggesting he went to go murder martin then yes....but how the two of them ended up face to face really doesnt matter.

Let me explain..if we were in Fla and I came up and slapped the crap out of just cant shoot me.
If I start getting the better end of you you still cant shoot me...unless I am placing you in great peril.
If you came up and slapped me rather than me slap you first..the same would also apply.
Granted it may make a little worse for the aggressor character wise but should have no determination whether or not justifiable force was used..

IMO if you are getting your head smashed a shooting is justified...comes down to opinion I suppose.

Have you ever hit your head on the concrete?...Working on a car etc just from a few inches...Dodging a falling starter of similar.

It hurts like hell tim.

I asked you to do this...go find some concrete and gingerly hit the back of your head on it...nice and slow.
Now imagine that being hard enough to split your head open...receiving multiples of these you will be LUCKY to maintain CONSCIOUSNESS with much softer blows.

Now imagine the pain..everything going into slow motion and a feel of desperation occurs.

Ever get into a good fight Tim..get hit so hard..that time slows way down..what do you tell yourself tim?
"I cant take anymore shots like that"..and do whatever you have to do.

Thats how it is Tim...Its a different world...if your head is being smashed to the point of busting open... and how many slams took place that didn't bust the head open?..go look at the pictures there is a lot of red area across the back of his head that isnt blood.

As said tim...let me give you a gun..get on top of you then start smashing your will shoot me.
A jurror cant really comprehend what is going on unless they start getting their head smashed or are professional fighters

Really??? So you've been in Zimmerman's shoes?

Does that give martin the right to smash his head?

So fighting back isn't allowed, but shooting is...damn glad I don't live in your neighbourhood.

There is nothing to show that he followed him after he hung up the phone

Lets say he followed him Tim if it makes you feel better...and I will agree with it for the question below.

Would that give martin the right to try and kill the watchman?
Simple yes or no will suffice

"the watchman" lmao....that still makes me laugh. so bias

Flip the coin over, if you are prepared to accept that it has two sides. You're walking home, minding your own business, and you see a suspicious-looking guy get out of a SUV. There's been a spate of burglaries in the area......


I suppose his head was split open from being smashed in the grass.
Jesus Christ he had his head smashed into the sidewalk...anyone suggesting otherwise is merely trying to be difficult

No stitches and reports saying the wounds on his head weren't bad enough to go to emergency that night. He'd get cut simply from falling to the ground...the wounds are not that bad.

There is no arguing with ignorance. Too many latino bigots are out to lynch GZ and some are buying into the crap.

Ass. Just because someone wants justice you assume it's a race

it doesn't need that bad for someone to think their life may be in danger when they're getting beaten

So he *thought* a kid walking down the street was up to no good, he *thought* his life was in danger...bullshit. He thought wrong and has to pay the price.

A few cuts and bruises? The minimizing continues. But that idiocy aside the extent of injuries really isn't the issue. It is like they say hindsight is 20/20 the important thing is these documented injuries support Zimmerman's account of what happened. He was being attacked. You see when Martin attacked him was Zimmerman supposed to wait until his injuries were bad enough before he defended himself? No. Having one's head bashed into the concrete and being told you are "going to die" is good enough reason.

Equal force....a deadly gunshot is not equal force for a broken nose.

Kakapo Dundee

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Me either. But you have to understand since no one pays any attention to piss ant countries like New Zealand they have to focus on what happens here in the US. Funny how many foreign people are so concerned about what happens here. Probably jealous no one gives a shit what is going on in their little speck of the world.

Your mentality reminds me of the British standpoint in the 1970's. They too were once a credible force globally, trading on past glories, still teaching their kids that Britain was the greatest, and quietly deluding themselves that they still mattered. America is not the global force that it once was.

Kakapo Dundee

Active Member
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'Merica is too busy being the world leader.

It is stupid to discuss whether or not Zimmerman is a "coward". He was definitley smart for carrying protection in a neighborhood with crime like that. He had every right to defend himself when he was attacked.

Not that you're prejudging at all there, aye?