
What happened ?

  • Zimmerman was looking for the first black guy to shoot.

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  • Martin stalking Zimmerman is Ok

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  • It is a crime for Zimmerman to see where stalker Martin ran to.

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  • The heck with a slow judicial system lets execute Zimmerman now

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  • I think Zimmerman had super human running skills and caught the young black man.

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The Man

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It's no surprise some people will side with the attacker. Zimmerman was doing what neighborhood watch people do. They observe and report, especially in a neighborhood that had seen several crimes in a year and someone is lurking around who fits the description of the ones who committed the past crimes. Martin had no right to attack Zimmerman. Martin probably wanted something to brag about on the Twitter account he had. I read some of his tweets. Martin was no innocent little child.
They only look at the fact that martin was shot and want to dismiss why he was shot..

Martin also has some incriminating Facebook material that was shut down as well in addition to the twitter account.
Sort of the equivalent of good guy gone bad in the last several weeks before his death.


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You cant even answer an easy question...what does that say about you John.

It says I don't waste time on your dumbass Zimmerbigot questions because they are void of any substance. ;)

Since you dodge it repeatably and still post your garbage that Martin was in the right and george wasnt.

You're not real bright are you? You dodge all the logic and evidence and spam this thread with your idiotic fantasy scenario's that exonerate your hero Zimmerman in your little pea brain.

I will answer it for you...correct me if I am wrong.

If George followed Martin ...that gives martin the right to smash Zimmermans head into the sidewalk....your argument is yes.
John thinks that gives martin the right to smash the watchmans head into the sidewalk

This scenario is just as moronic as the last 15 times you posted it. At least try and come up with a new tin-foil bigot hat theory.

But tell us why do you ignore all the evidence and have such disdain for common sense?

Why do you ignore the 911 call?

Why do you ignore the timeline?

Why do you ignore the map of the complex and the location of the crime scene and the associated logistics?

We all know why. Because you and your little peanut gallery of Zimmerbugglettes are fucking bigots, that's why. That and the associated low IQ it takes to be a bigot is a combination that creates an epic fucking loser team.

Black people standing up for their rights pisses you Zimmerbigots off doesn't it? All this whiney bullshit about the media reporting the story is just a cover for your true feelings. How's this make you feel:


That just makes you Zimmerbigots blood boil doesn't it?


The Man

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Here you go again.

I have seen the reports of a witness
who claims to have seen Martin on top of GZ. Please show me where that or any witness said he was BEATING GZ. There is a huge difference.
Please show me where that or any witness
You just said you have read reports...whats the purpose of giving evidence you have already confirmed?

The Man

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It says I don't waste time on your dumbass Zimmerbigot questions because they are void of any substance. ;)

You're not real bright are you? You dodge all the logic and evidence and spam this thread with your idiotic fantasy scenario's that exonerate your hero Zimmerman in your little pea brain.

This scenario is just as moronic as the last 15 times you posted it. At least try and come up with a new tin-foil bigot hat theory.

But tell us why do you ignore all the evidence and have such disdain for common sense?

Why do you ignore the 911 call?

Why do you ignore the timeline?

Why do you ignore the map of the complex and the location of the crime scene and the associated logistics?

We all know why. Because you and your little peanut gallery of Zimmerbugglettes are fucking bigots, that's why. That and the associated low IQ it takes to be a bigot is a combination that creates an epic fucking loser team.

Black people standing up for their rights pisses you Zimmerbigots off doesn't it? All this whiney bullshit about the media reporting the story is just a cover for your true feelings. How's this make you feel:


That just makes you Zimmerbigots blood boil doesn't it?


It says I don't waste time on your dumbass Zimmerbigot questions because they are void of any substance. ;)
Then you shouldnt have any trouble answering it hey John?
You're not real bright are you? You dodge all the logic and evidence and spam this thread with your idiotic fantasy scenario's that exonerate your hero Zimmerman in your little pea brain

What evidence John.
That he followed him
Whew...."lets kill the watchman as he went to see where I went"... absolute fucking morons.
But tell us why do you ignore all the evidence and have such disdain for common sense?

Why do you ignore the 911 call?

Why do you ignore the timeline?

Why do you ignore the map of the complex and the location of the crime scene and the associated logistics?

Who has ignored the 911 call?
Who gives a fuck about the 911 tells nothing of the battle itself.
Are you so fucking stupid that you want to give martin a right to smash Zimmermans head as he went /to see where Martin went.
Jesus fucking Christ you have a clue how fucking ignorant that sounds.

We all know why. Because you and your little peanut gallery of Zimmerbugglettes are fucking bigots, that's why. That and the associated low IQ it takes to be a bigot is a combination that creates an epic fucking loser team.
John you are fucking blinded by your own bigotry,its obvious to everyone. I am serious.

Black people standing up for their rights pisses you Zimmerbigots off doesn't it? All this whiney bullshit about the media reporting the story is just a cover for your true feelings. How's this make you feel:

You do understand you are speaking as a racist with that statement John. dont even understand the concept of a bot to the entire mess....You are the apitimy of the fool
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Slightly Acidic
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You just said you have read reports...whats the purpose of giving evidence you have already confirmed?

Because the reports I read made NO MENTION OF IT. How could I confirm something that DOESN"T EXIST. Only you seem to have that magical ability.

Are you actually that dense? What I said was that I read something that was DIFFERENT from what you claimed. I asked you to show something that was the SAME as what you claimed.

Get it now?

The Man

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Because the reports I read made NO MENTION OF IT. How could I confirm something that DOESN"T EXIST. Only you seem to have that magical ability.

Are you actually that dense? What I said was that I read something that was DIFFERENT from what you claimed. I asked you to show something that was the SAME as what you claimed.

Get it now?

Here you go again.

I have seen the reports of a witness who claims to have seen Martin on top of GZ
. Please show me where that or any witness said he was BEATING GZ. There is a huge difference.

I now see why that fruit is next to your head in your avatar.

The Man

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Witness: No mention of anyone beating the other, and the scuffle happening on grass, not concrete, casting doubt on the assertion that GZ was having his "head smashed into the pavement" when he shot Martin.

So I am lying about what I read?
Fucking find a link to discredit your other post.
Not only that the article is so fucked up its pathetic.
2 gunshots should have been your first clue..that this fucker didnt know anything.
And no a pistol doesnt go "pop"
Pistols are loud as hell as the barrels are short..even a 22 pistol is loud but a 22 rifle goes pop
A 9mm pistol is loud.

If google was only so kind to..............

All Else Failed

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if blacks want justice they should probably target the people that kill more black people than anyone else: Other blacks

white on black crime is (Note, Zimmerman is not white) over-reported and exaggerated

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Hey Man

There are no witnesses saying Martin was beating Zimmermans head on the sidewalk.

There is one witness who states he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman

The head wounds on Zimmerman do not show he was beaten on the sidewalk. They do show wounds but not a beating.

Now if there was a broken nose it would support more of a defense for Zimmerman.

Has anybody ever seen a comment by the EMT,s ???

I would be curious as to there opinion as to what treatment they provided.

I wish we could get some actual debate here. Rather than Watchman being beaten and Zimmerbot racist bullshit stuff


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Here are a few debatable questions ...

"When does someone have the legal right to use deadly force on another person?"

"When does someone have the moral right to use deadly force on another person?"

"Was Zimmerman following Martin, on foot, all the way up to the confrontation between the two?"

"How far back in the chain of events does fault lie?"


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"When does someone have the legal right to use deadly force on another person?"

Since it depends on state laws ... this one can only be determined by the legal writings of any laws concerning this question.

"When does someone have the moral right to use deadly force on another person?"

I would personally say, when that person TRULY feels that their life is in immediate danger. This is up to the individual ... hence why it is important to treat others as you would wish to be treated.

"Was Zimmerman following Martin, on foot, all the way up to the confrontation between the two?"

I honestly don't really know .... I don't think there is enough information out there that REALLY proves this is the case ... I have a gut feeling that this is the case though.

"How far back in the chain of events does fault lie?"

Now this one is TRICKY. Let's start with the confrontation and work backwards ...

IF ... Martin was on top of Zimmerman and actually striking him over and over again ... then this clearly shows that Martin is at fault and Zimmerman was using protection against him.

... now lets go back in the time of events a bit ...

IF ... Zimmerman confronted Martin with a gun pulled and Martin jumped Zimmerman, then the fault now lies with Zimmerman for unnecessarily brandishing a weapon in a non-lethal situation.

... go back further ...

IF ... Zimmerman is following Martin and gets close enough that he hears Martin say on the phone (while talking to his GF) "I'm going to pull a gun on this guy!" ............ this is where things begin to get more complicated .... Logic would suggest that Zimmerman would break off the pursuit at this time and return to his vehicle to wait for Law Enforcement ... but what if Martin made a sudden move towards Zimmerman which made Zimmerman draw his weapon (as if he didn't think he had enough time to retreat at this point?)

.................. Now of course, really there isn't too much in the way of facts in this whole debacle ... we can only go off of what we know .... which isn't much.
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Kakapo Dundee

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644.22z are starting to look like nothing more than a troll here.

This from someone who asks twice in the same post if I am 'that dense'

All I am asking is for you to stop using hyperbole and stick to the evidence.

It's crystal clear that Zimmerman is innocent in your mind and that you have prejudged the court evidence. Your participation as a juror would be a total waste of time.

All Else Failed

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hypothetically, if someone was slamming your head into the ground where you could recive a truamatic brain injury, forever retarding you, the chances that you'd shoot them goes up by a lot

Kakapo Dundee

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I don't think so. If you were on the receiving end of life-threatening blows to the head, you'd either be losing conciousness, or too disoriented to co-ordinate a counter-attack.