If you want the real story about the teacher read it yourself..
Also here is Graeme Taylor YouTube video that was posted from the school board meeting where is talked about this teacher.
Its basically the same stories I have read and commented on..the only difference being he told a girl to remove her belt buckle rather than a boy.....Makes little difference........The fact remains he made a student take off the belt buckle..The stories vary slightly on the internet..the link you posted regards the bully teachers version in quotes...and by his own story is guilty ..To be honest as a parent it would piss me off worse to pick on a daughter than a son...The slap would be harder....as you made my daughter remove part of her attire in front of class
As far as the video...its a gay boy from another area in the state and has nothing to do with it........he is merely a gay activist that has been involved with other instances.
He is not a witness or a professional on the matter...Just a kid that in all essence is attempting to force gay acceptance as a gay activist.....sharp kid..but nothing of material.
The facts still remain the same
The teacher bullied a child for wearing a belt buckle while he expressed himself with his attire.
The teacher took objection to the belt buckle and injected biased perceptions while doing such.
The teacher was found to be in the wrong and was punished for his actions...as he violated the childrens right to free speech.
The bill as written is very tough on bullying...the part that everyone is throwing a fit about is section 8...which guarantees that the bill doesn't abridge{violate or lessen} the first amendment of the constitution...nor the state constitution
Moral convictions or religious beliefs have always been allowed expression...and shall stay the same.
Thus the bill would have trouble and need a revision anyway if improperly written
(8) This section does not abridge the rights under the First
Amendment of the constitution of the United States or under article
I of the state constitution of 1963 of a school employee, school
volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian. This section
does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief
or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil,
or a pupil's parent or guardian.
As we can see its direction is clear as is written as such as to not violate the constitution.
In a nutshell what this means is...../I will use Tom and Harry for examples.
Tom says..its ok to be gay...go ahead suck a dick..it wont hurt you..there is nothing wrong with it...Gays are people too.
Harry says No...My dad would beat my ass because its wrong..and the preacher says we will rot in hell
Harry shouldnt have to accept Toms belief and fear persecution for not agreeing.
Its no different than a Jehovah witness stepping out of class during a birthday party.
No different than not having to say god in the pledge of allegiance.
No different than passing on pork at lunch time.
A child shouldnt have to sit in class and partake in beliefs against his own.
That would be akin to being in the mideast..and learning about islam whether you like it or not.
In America you dont have to support religion or anything else for that matter....certainly not homosexuality.