License to bully?

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The Man

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Some children do commit suicide but there is more involved than having a conversation. Often times bullying is involved which is the reason for the bill.

The only protection being "stripped" away is protection for bullies.

I don't understand your confusion here but just to clarify: Yes, I think modifying section 8 was a good thing.

Where is any right being "taken away"? Doesn't a child have a "right" to get an education without being bullied?

Section 8 wasn't written to "remove" any rights. You are confused. Section 8 was modified and I am now raising a glass to toast and celebrate!

Seriously I don't have a problem with it. I don't see any rights in the Constitution being compromised.

Not only do I know it is illegal I also know it is wrong just a I know bullying someone is wrong as well.

Yes but not the right to murder someone.

No doubt that free speech is important to you. It is to me as well. I just don't have a problem with the anti-bully bill and I don't believe it infringes on free speech. If you feel this strongly maybe you should exercise free speech and contact you state congress to express your concern. They may be able to explain their intent in passing this law.

You are either/ not in support of peoples rights or have not been following along.
A student was punished for stating his religion did not approve of gays.
It was deemd that the teacher that dished out the punishment had violated his rights
Thus the teacher was punished.
The bully bill was written with section 8 as written to protect this from occurring again in the future.

Here is it below for convenience

(8) This section does not abridge the rights under the First
of the constitution of the United States or under article
I of the state constitution of 1963 of a school employee, school
volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian.

This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief
or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil,
or a pupil's parent or guardian.


As we can see it does not allow a person to kill in the name of jesus{as you implied earlier} or set people on fire
It allows you to state your moral convictions..a religious belief is a moral conviction
Jesus dude...those are already covered under law.....Moral convictions still have to be within the law....If they werent the Muslims could kill us and not be prosecuted.;)
What the section 8 is about is it allows the child to say {as he did} my religion does not approve of gays without being punished as a bully.

Its says nothing about the right to only says that you can state your belief...if you notice it covers staff students and parents alike.......the purpose is to not restrict discussions among all involved...parents can state thier belief as to why lets say they dont want thier Jehovah daughter at the birthday parties...The superintendent could state OK no problem.

The child will now excuse herself from the parties...Fair enough
The same would also apply to a child whos religion does not approve of homosexuality...Fair enough.....Same for a kid that didnt want to dissect a frog......Unless they should be forced to participate against thier convictions{beliefs}..............No they shouldnt

I dont belive that you believe such but merely took the bait from the liberal media and become a bot in their cause of inner duress for the GOP..........It happens,they take a few words take them out of context..publish and create a frenzy.

I am neither left or right..but I find it very difficult to have any respect for the liberal media...the latest here is a perfect example of why....Such actions only cause harm for the advancments that are needed within legislation for an improved society.



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You are either/ not in support of peoples rights or have not been following along.

You are incorrect on both counts.

A student was punished for stating his religion did not approve of gays.

The student in Texas who looks like Napolean Dynamite? Sure, I've read the story. He was punished for stating what he believed in, not for bullying someone.

It was deemd that the teacher that dished out the punishment had violated his rights
Thus the teacher was punished.

Good enough. Teachers shouldn't abuse their authority and are kept in line by school administrators. This story is a good example of that.

The bully bill was written with section 8 as written to protect this from occurring again in the future.

Here is it below for convenience

(8) This section does not abridge the rights under the First
of the constitution of the United States or under article
I of the state constitution of 1963 of a school employee, school
volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian.

This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief
or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil,
or a pupil's parent or guardian.


If teachers get punished for abusing their authority then why was section 8 necessary to start with? The teacher in your example was punished for such behavior in Texas. How would a Michigan law prevent this from happening? Besides the situation was dealt with without a section 8 type rule.

As we can see it does not allow a person to kill in the name of jesus{as you implied earlier} or set people on fire

Show me the exact quote where I stated this law would allow someone to "kill" in the name of Jesus. You are fabricating facts.

It allows you to state your moral convictions..a religious belief is a moral conviction
Jesus dude...those are already covered under law.....

If it is already covered under the law why should it be covered again under another law? Seems redundant.

Moral convictions still have to be within the law....If they werent the Muslims could kill us and not be prosecuted.;)


What the section 8 is about is it allows the child to say {as he did} my religion does not approve of gays without being punished as a bully.

The teenager that was punished in Texas was punished for stating his views, not for being a bully. You are comparing apples and oranges here. Besides the teacher that did the punishing was punished for abusing his authority. The anti-bullying law states that those who falsely claim bullying will be in trouble.

Its says nothing about the right to only says that you can state your belief...if you notice it covers staff students and parents alike.......the purpose is to not restrict discussions among all involved...parents can state thier belief as to why lets say they dont want thier Jehovah daughter at the birthday parties...The superintendent could state OK no problem.

But it creates a bully loophole that could be abused.

The child will now excuse herself from the parties...Fair enough
The same would also apply to a child whos religion does not approve of homosexuality...Fair enough.....Same for a kid that didnt want to dissect a frog......Unless they should be forced to participate against thier convictions{beliefs}..............No they shouldnt

I don't see how any child could be forced to do anything under this law.

I dont belive that you believe such but merely took the bait from the liberal media and become a bot in their cause of inner duress for the GOP..........It happens,they take a few words take them out of context..publish and create a frenzy.

I am neither left or right..but I find it very difficult to have any respect for the liberal media...the latest here is a perfect example of why....Such actions only cause harm for the advancments that are needed within legislation for an improved society.


I'm not concerned with liberals or conservatives. Bullying is a problem and I do believe that every child has the right to an good education in a safe environment.