Israel kills aids flotilla crew

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Minor Axis

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yes let's put this into perspective.

The Palestinians had their land given away from them by the a highly oppressive British regime to the Israeli's who immediately began a campaign of oppression against a far smaller and weaker people. Since then the Palestinians have been systematically attacked and brutalised.

Israel have done so with the full support of the international community, until recently, because of that very opinion.

The Jews suffered greatly in WW2. Massively. Everyone feels for their people. But they are now doing what Hitler did to them. And, more to the point, a growing number of Israelis are realising just how wrong it is.

I agree with your characterization.

The creation of Israel was a huge mistake in that they have been at war ever since the country was created. Yes there are hostile forces around them attacking them, but frequently they overplay their hand pushing policies that ensure they will never find peace in the Middle East. I'm sure your average Israeli is sick of conflict.
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Hmm so what is up with this eh?

You mean these were just peace activists trying to bring in aid?

Just asking

Apparently this is one of the Authorities that Israel has hands upon.

just use your mind! If this was true, why did they say other stories... they attacked us(threw food cans at the flying-peacefully choppers... poor Israeli soldiers, oh sorry, commandos as Haaretz and Maariv allege...the commandos who were terrified by terrorism, really this disreputes all commandos, Oh dear Egyptian commandos who defended the Shedwan Isle against Israeli choppers, well, Israeli soldiers look like pussy cats compared to their counterparts of Russia or Egypt.

Fake stories, stupid lies that only a sick mind would believe, the problem with Israel is that who defend it are just as stupid as Israel wants them to be...and is why they always get you off point.

If Turkey wanted to tease Israel, they would bring soldiers, not citizens, British, Australians, or even from Norway. Watch it out boy, Israel is digging its grave, the Israeli Intelligence so called Musad, alleged that the next flotilla will be accompanied by the Turkish Navy, the Israeli Intelligence is not that smart to get secrets or read minds(they were fucked and surprised of the Egyptian war against them to leave Sinai, and make peace) all they want is elevating the things up...thumbs up Israel, now you have to dig your own grave yourself...

If you still believe this is true, you should believe what Israeli papers say, every single papers has a dramatic story, one says the Intelligence(it's offensive to intelligence to call Musad with its name) knew that all 50 (who got shot)activists were Al Qaida members , and when the number reached 70 they changed he headlines.

THEY CAN'T LIE, really, think of yourself as a human being that believes possible things, the one who believes such lies doesn't comsider one's self a Haman being in the first place.


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Well, I have heard that they don't want the state of Israel to exist, enough to say that both are as bad as each other
Hamas is not as bad, actually, not bad at all. they should have avenged the assassination, (Israel FORGED aussie passports to assassinate the Hamas leader in Duba) and Hamas never avenged.
Trust me the only fight when a raid happens, only a reaction, but Israel kills for no reason, and never could justify the Massacres and ... tell you what, try to watch this, if you're not interested in Drama, don't concentrate on the words, just see Images.


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complete and utter crap, there can be no doubt that after the events of 911 there was a backlash against Muslims, but not as widespread as you seem to beleive, how the hell do you expect there be continued acceptance and understanding of other culture and religion if you approach with such blinkered ignorance
A backlash is by generalization?
A backlash is a justification?
All of which are a big lie, you know US did that on purpose to get to raid Afghanistan, and later on Iraq. trust me, no country is that stupid to let an airplane hit a building, it was done on purpose.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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A backlash is by generalization?
A backlash is a justification?
All of which are a big lie, you know US did that on purpose to get to raid Afghanistan, and later on Iraq. trust me, no country is that stupid to let an airplane hit a building, it was done on purpose.


you loose more credibility with every post

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Of course the planes were flown into the buildings on purpose

By a bunch of Islamic Extreamists

You read some awful biased stuff and would not know the truth if it slapped you in the face :D


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follow more about this LIVE!

Even the Israeli population don't support what happened:

Israeli Opinion Pole said:
Q: One year following the establishment of the government, how satisfied are you with Netanyahu's performance?

Extremely satisfied — 8.4%

Fairly satisfied — 33.4%

Not so satisfied — 32.7%

Not at all satisfied — 24.1%

Q: How satisfied are you with Barak's performance?

Extremely satisfied — 9.2%

Fairly satisfied — 30.2%

Not so satisfied — 36.8%

Not at all satisfied — 22.9%

Q: Should the flotilla have been stopped using a different method?

The mission should have been carried out as it was — 31.7%

The flotilla should have been stopped using an alternative method — 62.7%

Don't know/do not have a position — 5.6%

Q: Among the following organizations, which do you believe was responsible for the mission's outcome?

The military — 20.8%

The defense minister — 43.4%

The prime minister — 16.1%

Don't know/do not have a position — 8.4%

Q: Should Israel form a commission of inquiry to examine the mission's failures?

Yes — 46.7%

No — 51.6%

Don't know/do not have a position — 1.7%

Q: Should Netanyahu resign due to these failures?

Yes — 8.1%

No — 89.1%

Don't know/do not have a position — 2.8%

Q: Should Barak Resign?

Yes — 20.9%

No — 74.8%

Don't know/do not have a position — 4.2%


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It's a question of how far back do we want to go? The current Israeli state wasn't created organically or even by Jewish conquest. It was carved out by Europeans for (I'm thinking) purely political purposes. Prior to that, if I've got this right since it's kinda new to me, it was a British colony. I can't imagine that happening through cordial invitation.

Prior to that .... ??

How far back to we want to go? If we stay just within the 20th century, it seems to me the land's ownership is in fair dispute. If I were king of the world I'd probably fence the whole area off and let the residents slug it out until they came to a conclusion.

I'm gonna have to read up on the area's history.
It was, some ass called balfour wanted to get Israeli soldiers in the World War in return of giving them their so called promise land...
We, as Arabs call that promise(of Balfour) the promise of that who doesn't own, to that who doesn't deserve In response to what the ass said(A land without people to people without land)
F*ck them both!

About historical records, it's the Arab's, and Jews couldn't falsify that because we have strong evidence.


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Of course the planes were flown into the buildings on purpose

By a bunch of Islamic Extreamists

You read some awful biased stuff and would not know the truth if it slapped you in the face :D
Not as biased as yours are, nor as you are
:p:p:p:p:p:p you misspelled Extremist Captain Israel.:p:p:p:p:p
You may change your mind if the truth slapped your ass
we will trun on the music
Smack That for Akon would help you get back in mind...
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
Well, I have to cope with you loosing logic and brains, watch out, you may loose something off, I see your profile says you're a male, let see a couple of posts later what it would be!

Not as biased as yours are, nor as you are
:p:p:p:p:p:p you misspelled Extremist Captain Israel.:p:p:p:p:p
You may change your mind if the truth slapped your ass
we will trun on the music
Smack That for Akon would help you get back in mind...

I see you came out from the cave for a while

I think you might have sunstroke :D


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I see you came out from the cave for a while

I think you might have sunstroke :D
U say:"I see..."
how in the world do your eyes work while you have no brains...I think it's another fake story that the Pigs' and Monkeys' grandsons came up with:24::24::24::24:

Now after you got your share of what you are used to get, get back to the point!

Since you avoid the point, you know the reason Israel hide their crimes...tell me what makes Israel kill civilians(do not mention suicide bombing, it ended 5 years ago, and the 2008 war against all human forms in Gaza paid the price of sth fake story, tell me why they attacked the flotillas in International Waters( do not bring fake news please)


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Two days after Israel's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla,
another ship packed with activists and assorted supplies sailed
...defiantly toward the Palestinian territory. The Rachel Corrie, a
ship named for an American activist killed in Gaza several years ago,
was planning to arrive in Gaza late Friday or early Saturday. The vessel
left Ireland carrying 550 tons of cement, educational materials, toys
and medical equipment -- the latest effort by peace activists to deliver
food and break Israel's blockade of Gaza. Free Gaza Movement
activist Derek Graham said that once the Rachel Corrie reaches Gaza,
they intend to unload the vessel and return to Ireland. However
this risks further confrontation with Israel, which is intent on halting
ships from delivering aid to Gaza because it fears military materiel
will be delivered to militants in the Hamas-controlled territory. How
has the world reacted to the raid? It won't be the last ship
attempting to break the blockade. The European Campaign to End Siege on
Gaza announced on Wednesday that it has received the funding of the
first three ships of a new fleet headed to Gaza.


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and so much for the activists on the boats not attacking IDF forces prior to them boarding
