Israel kills aids flotilla crew

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You may want to get ready for phase II

I heard the idiots are going to try to send another ship or ships over despite this and another warning.

There are proper ways to get aid there. It is a political act to do it any other way.
Why do you call them idiots? They are very peaceful and will remain so, I heard something about Turkey declaring war over Israel if they don't set people free. Although it seems hard to believe, it is hard to imagine, Turkey, along with Iran, u know Israel would come to an end, but not The End.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Why do you call them idiots? They are very peaceful and will remain so, I heard something about Turkey declaring war over Israel if they don't set people free. Although it seems hard to believe, it is hard to imagine, Turkey, along with Iran, u know Israel would come to an end, but not The End.

Peaceful :24::24::24:

Thanks that made my day :D


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The whole world thinks the Arabs are terrorists, and support antisemitism , while you can see lots of terrorism in this video, and no Arabs.
whilst the second part of this is true the opening statement is certianly not true

Minor Axis

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The deaths and injuries were condemned by the UN, EU and other countries. The US, in contrast, was restrained in its response, expressing regret and saying it was "currently working to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy".

The U.S. is just being diplomatic with one of it's allies? About 10 years ago I got sick of Israel pulling their stunts and receiving blanket support from the U.S. no matter the accusation. Does anyone find it ironic that this religious based state is in a constant state of war with it's neighbors. Of course I should assign partial blame the powers that carved this spot out of the Middle East to plunk a Jewish state. Although there are many cases of terrorism against Israel, are they trying that hard to achieve peace? I guess it depends on your perspective and how you lean. How many countries do you know of that expect to have a buffer zone on their border?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The U.S. is just being diplomatic with one of it's allies? About 10 years ago I got sick of Israel pulling their stunts and receiving blanket support from the U.S. no matter the accusation. Does anyone find it ironic that this religious based state is in a constant state of war with it's neighbors. Of course I should assign partial blame the powers that carved this spot out of the Middle East to plunk a Jewish state. Although there are many cases of terrorism against Israel, are they trying that hard to achieve peace? I guess it depends on your perspective and how you lean. How many countries do you know of that expect to have a buffer zone on their border?

How many countries are surrounded with enemy that want to see them wiped off the fact of the earth?

How is it Israel has made peace with Egypt and Jordan and a couple others?


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How many countries are surrounded with enemy that want to see them wiped off the fact of the earth?

How is it Israel has made peace with Egypt and Jordan and a couple others?

But they don't want them wiped off the world, do they? Very few muslims believe in that, in the same way very few muslims want a society that completely follows the Qu'ran. You're talking about a few extremists, the likes of Bin Laden and all those the west has bundled under the umbrella Al Qaeda.

The Israelis made peace with the other nations under growing international pressure. And most likely because they aren't on the Jews "holy land".

Going back to the original point of this thread - you support the murdering of innocents. Your opinions on this matter are as off the mark as Dana's about memorial day.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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But they don't want them wiped off the world, do they? Very few muslims believe in that, in the same way very few muslims want a society that completely follows the Qu'ran. You're talking about a few extremists, the likes of Bin Laden and all those the west has bundled under the umbrella Al Qaeda.

The Israelis made peace with the other nations under growing international pressure. And most likely because they aren't on the Jews "holy land".

Going back to the original point of this thread - you support the murdering of innocents. Your opinions on this matter are as off the mark as Dana's about memorial day.

Show me where I supported the killing of innocents??

"Very few Muslims" includes Hamas. The extremists seem to be in charge. IMO

As to your outrage it might be nice to have some balance and see you condemn the indiscriminate suicide bombing while at it. I won't claim you support that though??

The whole region is a mess. When you can answer how it is Israel has been at peace with Egypt and Jordan to name a couple then you might have an answer as to why the Palestinians are not wanting peace.


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Show me where I supported the killing of innocents??

"Very few Muslims" includes Hamas. The extremists seem to be in charge. IMO

As to your outrage it might be nice to have some balance and see you condemn the indiscriminate suicide bombing while at it. I won't claim you support that though??

The whole region is a mess. When you can answer how it is Israel has been at peace with Egypt and Jordan to name a couple then you might have an answer as to why the Palestinians are not wanting peace.

your siding with the Israelis on every issue shows you approve of the slaughter of innocents. That's what they've been doing their for over 50 years.

I explained previously that the reason Hamas are in power is because of the much needed benefits they provide, not because of their ideology. Muslim nations in the middle east do not want to be ruled by the Qu'ran, which is why the likes of Bin Laden are failing miserably. It's the same with the Palestinians. They want democratic elections like the rest of us.

The Israelis didn't make peace with Egypt, it was the other way around. And the leader who signed it was assassinated shortly after because everyone knew it was nonsense on the Israelis side. As part of the deal, Egypt gained modern weaponry from the US which is probably the only reason there is still "peace" between the two nations.

Those agreements are completely different to the Palestinian situation. How could the Palestinians accept a peace agreement from a nation that is constantly trying to wipe them out? And, by all accounts, succeeding. Palestinians want peace with Israel, they just want some of their country back so they can live normal lives. The Israelis want them all dead.


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Blah, blah, blah

You still are condoning the suicide bombers I see

Wonder how your anarchy would work in the part of the world :D

Suicide bombing in comparison to the international terrorism Israel are engaged in is a drop in the ocean and a direct result of the Israeli policies. It's like looking at a grain of sand in comparison to an entire beach.

If I was living under conditions like the Palestinians I'd fight, wouldn't you?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Suicide bombing in comparison to the international terrorism Israel are engaged in is a drop in the ocean and a direct result of the Israeli policies. It's like looking at a grain of sand in comparison to an entire beach.

If I was living under conditions like the Palestinians I'd fight, wouldn't you?

Nope I would not fight

I would get rid of Hamas and negotiate and live in peace


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You do realize the the IDF warned the vessels to go to an Israeli port so that the supplies could be inspected prior to distribution in order to make sure there were no weapons included, right? They were warned on multiple occasions to do this or they would be boarded. You also realize that one of the passengers was quoted as saying, (paraphrasing) "we'll have one of two happy endings. Either we'll make it to Gaza or we'll be martyrs". You also realize that this flotilla was sponsored by the IHH, that has been noted to have ties with Al-Qaeda and other global jihad networks?

Israel acted in self-defense... blockades have been used in the defense of countries and in war throughout history. The United States blockaded Cuba to keep Soviet nuclear weapons out of that country, the United States and Great Britain blockaded both Germany and Japan in WWII.

Everyone is so quick to condemn Israel for every little thing they do in the interest of protecting themselves from terrorists.


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the ships crew were waiting with clubs etc......when the israelis boarded they could self defence be a reason?


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You do realize the the IDF warned the vessels to go to an Israeli port so that the supplies could be inspected prior to distribution in order to make sure there were no weapons included, right? They were warned on multiple occasions to do this or they would be boarded. You also realize that one of the passengers was quoted as saying, (paraphrasing) "we'll have one of two happy endings. Either we'll make it to Gaza or we'll be martyrs". You also realize that this flotilla was sponsored by the IHH, that has been noted to have ties with Al-Qaeda and other global jihad networks?

where are you getting your news for that? I'm guessing it's coming straight out of Israel. Ties to Al Qaeda? Like Al Qaeda's ties to Iraq? :24: :24: yeah that "intelligence" was about as spot on as WMDs! :24: :24:

The captives from the ship offer a wildly different side than the official Israeli one:

The BBC said:
Speaking as he arrived back in Berlin wrapped in a blue blanket, Mr Paech, a member of a German opposition party, said Israel's operation "was not an act of self-defence".

The Guardian said:
"It was like war," said Annette Groth, a German politician who was on the Mavi Marmara, the activists' flagship. "They had guns, Taser weapons, some type of teargas and other weaponry, compared to two-and-a-half wooden sticks we had between us. To talk of self-defence is ridiculous."

And it was so obviously full of hardened terrorists:

The Guardian said:
As many as 40 Britons, including a 63-year-old timber yard owner, Peter Venner, from the Isle of Wight and a 43-year-old postal worker from Edinburgh, Theresa McDermott, were among those detained in the desert city of Be'er Sheva. One British activist, Ahsan Shamruc, was being treated in hospital for his injuries and was said to be in a stable condition.

Even The Times published this:

The Times said:
Britain presses for inquiry into aid convoy attack
Philippe Naughton and Judith Evans June 1 2010 4:06PM

William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, today called for a “transparent and thorough investigation” into the botched raid

No one is buying the Israeli story except those sympathetic to the Israeli cause of wiping the Palestinians out.

Israel acted in self-defense... blockades have been used in the defense of countries and in war throughout history. The United States blockaded Cuba to keep Soviet nuclear weapons out of that country, the United States and Great Britain blockaded both Germany and Japan in WWII.

You cannot possibly compare Israel's to The UK & US blockade of Germany and Japan to this. Israel have the Palestinians living in one of the most brutal regimes this planet has ever seen and is literally starving them to death in between frenzied terrorist raids.

Israel in comparison has very little to fear from the Palestinians. Israel is one of the most armed countries in the world, with the most armed standing right behind it. The Palestinians only pose a threat (and it's a tiny percentage of the Palestinian population) because of the brutal and inhumane regime the Israeli's make them live in.

Everyone is so quick to condemn Israel for every little thing they do in the interest of protecting themselves from terrorists.

The terrorists they created. The terrorist they continue to create every time they bomb the crap out of the most oppressed people on the planet. You would obviously side with Hulk Hogan in a wrestling match against a 2 year old.


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hold on now....if there was no blockade self confessed israel haters like iran for instance would be flooding palestine with rockets and other weapons

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Ed your sources are just as suspect

You want to believe the worst of Israel

And have totally ignored the fact the boats were warned multiple times in advance not to proceed

cam elle toe

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Israel have used underhanded tactics before to achieve the results they want.

Look at the recent episode where they FORGED aussie passports to assassinate the Hamas leader in Dubai.

Not just Aussie ones, but British as well.

No AMerican ones though;)

Yeah, I know...Offtopic, but I think its relevant.


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why are my sources suspect? British media only lacks the US's blind support of Israel. Britain and it's media has no motive in this situation, if anything they lean slightly towards the Israelis

the boats were carrying aid. aid. to aid a problem that is 100% Israels doing. with people from all over the world trying to help the most oppressed people on the planet.

Whether they were warned or not, you do not send commandos onto an aid ship and start killing people.