Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

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The Man

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let me see if I have this correct GIA
You live in Canada and want to legalize pot to stop the Mexicans from killing each other?
Sort of like legalizing hand grenades to reduce shootings.
You see GIA a person kills because they are willing to kill ......We just have some areas that have some mean shits{in this case a stretch of mexico and also the states}..I suspect they will blow your ass away for your old chevy as well or if they suspect you might be french,looked at em wrong..didnt mind your own business..the list goes on...some of these people are not Mexican as well

There are droves of people right now that will put on a suicide vest and walk out into a crowd.
Death and ones perception on it goes to what you were taught and your social environment.
besides if you put the people out of work as you propose they will merely commit other crimes for money as they are doing...they have no interest in having a legitimate job that pays 8 bucks an hour...thats why they are criminals

I guess we could legalize poaching to cut down on the number of illegally shot animals with your logic
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give me a couple of days to respond to the Cave Man beliefs

I am moving into my new digs tomorrow and will be awol for a day or two

Take all the time you need to copy and paste all your past comments :D....:p decided to live in one of those holes you've been digging?
Tell me more :p


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Legalizing marijuana is a much different discussion then legalizing all drugs correct? The position for the legalization of marijuana has heaps of research done to support their cause, despite the slightly less research done against it. The effects of marijuana are less lethal in it's current form than ciggarrettes and despite the effect of the high, it causes less problems then alcohol(I.E. you can't die while in DT for weed)
That being said, the argument to legalize ALL drugs(cocaine, heroin, Meth, etc..) has much less weight due to the much more harmful effects of those "harder drugs".
Right? :naughty


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Legalizing marijuana is a much different discussion then legalizing all drugs correct? The position for the legalization of marijuana has heaps of research done to support their cause, despite the slightly less research done against it. The effects of marijuana are less lethal in it's current form than ciggarrettes and despite the effect of the high, it causes less problems then alcohol(I.E. you can't die while in DT for weed)
That being said, the argument to legalize ALL drugs(cocaine, heroin, Meth, etc..) has much less weight due to the much more harmful effects of those "harder drugs".
Right? :naughty

Legalizing marijuana is a much different discussion then legalizing all drugs correct?
It could be, but this thread was set up by the thread starter as a concept of trading abuse and addiction of harder drugs off for the recreational abuse of pot.
However, in another thread, GIA posted he thought all drug abuse and addiction should be his motives in this thread are questionable.
His arguments here drifted into an odd perspective of doctors prescribing drugs, in general, for the purpose of recreation and becoming the new 'pusher'. Forget that prescription drugs are legally controlled.....few doctors are going to get involved in drug pushing if they have any respect for the oath they take.
Also in this thread are claims that children are safer in an environment exposed to the legal abuse of drugs.
So.....this isn't the typical pot thread :D

The position for the legalization of marijuana has heaps of research done to support their cause, Norml and pot advocates :D
Actually, better results have been shown through decriminalization of use/abuse compared to either legalization or the current set up in the US.

The effects of marijuana are less lethal in it's current form than ciggarrettes and despite the effect of the high, it causes less problems then alcohol(I.E. you can't die while in DT for weed)
No one is arguing about the effects of pot abuse.......other than this important finding by Rand......that, as a generality, the initial acceptance of pot for recreation is a decision to enter a culture of drug's merely seen as a safer means to enter.
Once there, other drugs become options to experiment or not.

That being said, the argument to legalize ALL drugs(cocaine, heroin, Meth, etc..) has much less weight due to the much more harmful effects of those "harder drugs".
Other than GIA and perhaps a Libertarian or two, I don't remember anyone arguing to legalize hard drugs .....but in Portugal, decriminalization of illegal drug use and abuse ( including pot and all hard drugs ) has shown a decline.....about 50% since the laws changed about a decade ago.

The Man made a comment earlier that few seemed to grasp........why would an alcohol/tobacco user/abuser want to change to pot?.....there is already a high incidence of alcohol abusers using it and there is no reason to stop on either, they are both legally accessible in most Counties... and that's unlikely to change) just because pot becomes that idea is shot down and it was the original basis for this thread.

The real issue about drug abuse, what point does abuse have a negative effect on the viability of a society?
The more technological and complex, the greater the damage from abuse.
So the argument is......society has the right to defend it's welfare.
When drug abuse appears to be of societal detriment....a society reacts by exerting influence to reduce the negatives.
If it weren't of a societal impact, no one would care about control. Coffee being a good example.

The current situation in the US is obviously too draconian.
But legalization of use and marketing is merely a product of the insane...or political.....( often a combination I suspect :D )


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The real issue about drug abuse, what point does abuse have a negative effect on the viability of a society?
The more technological and complex, the greater the damage from abuse.
So the argument is......society has the right to defend it's welfare.
When drug abuse appears to be of societal detriment....a society reacts by exerting influence to reduce the negatives.
If it weren't of a societal impact, no one would care about control. Coffee being a good example.

while I agree with your sentiments about drug use/abuse and it's detrimental effects on society, I have to argue with your semantics on this particular quote. The escape of Slaves from southern USA, pre-emancipation, was detrimental to society as it stood at that time and you don't here anyone arguing here that said emancipation and previous escapes should be considered criminal. Labor camps, Sweatshops, etc. could be considered beneficial to a society as they bring in a large amount of labor to build capital, as well as providing jobs to those who may not have them otherwise(in terms of sweatshops). Nobody would argue their criminalization.

Drug abuse and it's illegalization should be considered soley for the benefit of the harmful properties to those affected by the drug use, including consideration for the vicitms of crimes commited by those under the influence of said drugs. Societies are adaptable to most any given circumstances and will fundamentally react and adjust to problems caused by drug abuse, however the individual who suffer should be given protection.


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while I agree with your sentiments about drug use/abuse and it's detrimental effects on society, I have to argue with your semantics on this particular quote. The escape of Slaves from southern USA, pre-emancipation, was detrimental to society as it stood at that time and you don't here anyone arguing here that said emancipation and previous escapes should be considered criminal. Labor camps, Sweatshops, etc. could be considered beneficial to a society as they bring in a large amount of labor to build capital, as well as providing jobs to those who may not have them otherwise(in terms of sweatshops). Nobody would argue their criminalization.

Drug abuse and it's illegalization should be considered soley for the benefit of the harmful properties to those affected by the drug use, including consideration for the vicitms of crimes commited by those under the influence of said drugs. Societies are adaptable to most any given circumstances and will fundamentally react and adjust to problems caused by drug abuse, however the individual who suffer should be given protection.

I have to argue with your semantics on this particular quote.
Semantics is about the meaning of words.

The escape of Slaves from southern USA, pre-emancipation, was detrimental to society,,,,,,
Your argument is about context and it has one hell of a fallacy associated with it.
What was detrimental to society with your scenario was the legalization of slavery, emancipation was a correction of that injustice.

Labor camps, Sweatshops, etc. could be considered beneficial to a society as they bring in a large amount of labor to build capital
Let me're a closet Republican :24:
Of course they aren't beneficial to a society.
The fallacy......the labor is already there to be had. It's abuse by immoral businessmen leveraging the labor market for personal gain. Pay workers the value of their input and you generate consumers, pay sweatshop wages and you enrich the individuals controlling the process.
This is exactly what early labor unions faced. The struggle of a class to survive with dignity.

Nobody would argue their criminalization.
Have you ever heard of minimum wage legislation?
Let me help you:

Drug abuse and it's illegalization should be considered soley for the benefit of the harmful properties to those affected by the drug use,...................
The problem with that logic is that bystanders are also affected by the actions and rationale of those abusing drugs. From transportation to the work place, from the actions of professionals in their line of work to the interactions of everyday people, a society contending with intense distractions tends to make decisions flawed by those distractions......they are called 'poor choices' and along with those 'poor choices' is a decline in social values.
A list to consider:
ahem.....remembering your argument supporting sweatshops......there are probably a lot of social values being bent to allow defacto slavery. ( and I'm not accusing you of imbibing....just pointing out how a society's values are affected, altered and then accepted.)
It's done by accepting......what's the harm in just a little bit more, over and over and over until the result is an obvious negative. That's the path to the failure of a society.
It's the selfishness of the individual arguing for self benefit at the expense of the health and security of a society.
We've recently experienced this with the banking failures where men controlling the financial industry of the US made decisions at the expense of our society and almost brought it down.
Were they necessarily drug abusers, no.....but not only were their actions of illicit intent, politicians
legislated that lack of oversight and the public went along on what they perceived as get rich opportunities.
Poor decisions in a society, en mass.
Or how about the poor decision to invade Iraq that supposedly 70% of the public supported?
They weren't all fundamentalists on a crusade against Islam :cool

Societies are adaptable to most any given circumstances and will fundamentally react and adjust to problems caused by drug abuse,...............
That's usually legislation to control the abuse.
Prohibition failed. Alcohol abuse continues and our society has failed in it's duty to contain the damages from it.
In depth:
( this is a downloadable PDF file )
In 2006 , the estimated total economic cost of excessive alcohol consumption in the United States amounted to $223.5 billion or $1.90 per drink, which equals about $746 for each man, woman, and child on a per capita basis. Of the $223.5 billion, $161.3 billion (72.3%) represent costs from lost productivity. Of this $161.3 billion, the two greatest losses came from impaired productivity at work (45.9%) and lost productivity due to the 83,180 alcohol-related deaths (40.3%).

Within the $24.6 billion (11.0%) estimate due to increased healthcare costs, the largest expenditures came from specialty treatment for alcohol abuse and dependence (43.4%) and hospitalizations from excessive drinking medical conditions (20.8%). The biggest cost from other effects comes from criminal justice system costs, totaling $21 billion, due to crimes that are not considered mainly alcohol-attributable, such as assault versus drinking and driving. The cost of motor vehicle crashes also accounted for a significant percentage of the total cost related to other effects ($14 billion in total).

Of the total economic costs of excessive drinking, binge drinking amounts to $170.7 billion (76.4%), underage drinking equals $27.0 billion (12.1%), drinking while pregnant represents $5.2 billion, or 2.3% (mostly related to FAS), and the costs of crime come to $73.3 billion (9.2%). The federal, state, and local government bear these economic costs ($94.2 billion) along with excessive drinkers and their families ($92.9 billion), with the government bearing most of the costs for healthcare expenditures and excessive drinkers and their families covering productivity losses.

That's just the effects of alcohol. As The Man pointed out, there is no logical reason for that abuse to stop just because pot is added to the list of approved drugs to abuse.
Now consider that legalization of pot, or hard drugs in general, is only going to increase those losses along with an increase in social stress and further decline in a values system.
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Stone, you misunderstood me, I OBVIOUSLY wasn't advocating for either slavery or sweatshops...
I think you also missed where I stated that the individuals using drugs often have victims who are affected but that one persons drug use doesnt tend to dramatically affect society as a whole..

I am playing a bit of devils advocate here. I am in law enforcement and my wife is a substance abuse counselor. I am very aware of the detrimental affect that drugs have on society.

but don't EVER call me a republican!!!!! LOL, :mad

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Somehow I knew that republican comment might stick a nerve with Robdag

I moved across from an Obama supporter. Can't wait to dig up a Ron Paul poster to put in the front yard. :D

In the new house now

Pot still needs to be legalized :D


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Stone, you misunderstood me, I OBVIOUSLY wasn't advocating for either slavery or sweatshops...
I think you also missed where I stated that the individuals using drugs often have victims who are affected but that one persons drug use doesnt tend to dramatically affect society as a whole..

I am playing a bit of devils advocate here. I am in law enforcement and my wife is a substance abuse counselor. I am very aware of the detrimental affect that drugs have on society.

but don't EVER call me a republican!!!!! LOL, :mad

but don't EVER call me a republican!!!!! LOL,

one persons drug use doesnt tend to dramatically affect society as a whole
Indeed, however, that argument is often used ( among other excuses ) as a central rationale/argument for legalization.
If the issue was of only one person abusing a drug, society wouldn't likely project a defensive stance. But the scenario in question is one of many participants.

I am playing a bit of devils advocate here.
Not wise with people that don't know you very well :D
Please tip me off next time. :)

I am playing a bit of devils advocate here. I am in law enforcement and my wife is a substance abuse counselor. I am very aware of the detrimental affect that drugs have on society.
Now I know you a bit better........:)


Well-Known Member
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Somehow I knew that republican comment might stick a nerve with Robdag

I moved across from an Obama supporter. Can't wait to dig up a Ron Paul poster to put in the front yard. :D

In the new house now

Pot still needs to be legalized :D

Somehow I knew that republican comment might stick a nerve with Robdag
I did too :D

I moved across from an Obama supporter. Can't wait to dig up a Ron Paul poster to put in the front yard. :D

In the new house now
Good to hear...:)

Pot still needs to be legalized :D


The Man

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Somehow I knew that republican comment might stick a nerve with Robdag

I moved across from an Obama supporter. Can't wait to dig up a Ron Paul poster to put in the front yard. :D

In the new house now

Pot still needs to be legalized :D
I moved across from an Obama supporter.

IMO you should be able to get a medical prescription for anxiety alleviation.
Can't wait to dig up a Ron Paul poster to put in the front yard.

Excellent...I take it you work and dont expect a handout from well as understand Obama is just an ordinary man incapable of the position he holds

In the new house now.

I gathered that when you stated you moved across from an Obama supporter .... are you suffering short term memory loss my friend :p


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If it makes you feel any better, I had to fight my wife for Obama signs since she wanted to put up Hillary Clinton signs....


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Does she have a sister...I could use a good woman

She has 2, but one is an ignorant uneducated blind accepter of everything religious and swallows the southern gospel evangelican mantra with a dash of "I heard it on TV".
Her other sister is an inhuman bitch, who believes that her slightly upper middle class standing gives her superiority over everyone in her family, and tried to get my wife to quit college and work in fast food because she was "abusing the welfare system" and "harming her children" by being in school. She is a right wing nut with no reason to be!

but you can have at either of them!!! :yuk:willy_nilly: