Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

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Educate yourself.


Learn to comprehend what you link to.
My position is and has always been in this debate......decriminalization........your link refers to 'criminalization'.

Your level of comprehension is appalling.......:D


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0.00z do you rationalize your position in this post when you argue to support legislation that exposes children to legalized drug abuse and legalized addiction?
You present arguments in the religion threads that present God as a slave owner, and yet argue for legislation to chemically enslave adults and expose children to the same risk.
What's your logic to this contradiction?

On God's covenant and morality.

..........................(edited out youtube video)

As above, so below.

We are to emulate God as you say.
Do you want your child to aspire to be as you are and even better?
I do with mine.
Or do you want him to never reach your level or surpass it?

What makes you think that God would want less for his children?

Paul speaks of us being either slaves to sin or slaves to God.
Do you see God as a slave owner?


Greatest I am

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0.19z do you rationalize your position in this post when you argue to support legislation that exposes children to legalized drug abuse and legalized addiction?

What's your logic to this contradiction?

A contradiction in your mind only.

Are children today exposed to illegal drug use and addiction?

Would it be better to expose then to legal drug use and addiction with no pushers on every street corner trying to sell them their products?



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A contradiction in your mind only.

Are children today exposed to illegal drug use and addiction?

Would it be better to expose then to legal drug use and addiction with no pushers on every street corner trying to sell them their products?


A contradiction in your mind only.
That was your post. There is no denying it, GIA. I gave the quote.
And in this thread you have been supporting the legalization of drug abuse and addiction.

Are children today exposed to illegal drug use and addiction?
Let's correct that statement.
This thread is not about the concept of 'use''s about abuse and addiction. You defined that in your opening post.
True, your logic became very twisted and even more illogical when you backpedaled and started an argument of prescriptions for recreational abuse.
At that point, you put the doctor in the position of being the pusher but kept on arguing for legalization of drug abuse and addiction........and as pointed out from another thread, you really advocate legalization for all illegal drugs , not just pot.
Somehow, your argument went to the crazy idea that legalizing drug abuse and addiction would prevent children from becoming argument with no examples and no logic.
You even argued not to teach children the hazards of abuse and addiction untill they became of age to abuse them.
( Crap.....even your argument for abuse and addiction staggers about mindlessly like a drunk )

To answer your question properly....."Are children today exposed to illegal drug use and addiction? " ...yes, and your theories expose them to even more hazards. To increase drug abuse and addiction does not reduce risk.

Would it be better to expose then to legal drug use and addiction with no pushers on every street corner trying to sell them their products?
It would be better to reduce the exposure to drug abuse and addiction along with reducing the presence of drug pushers.
I've given you proof of success with decriminalization in Portugal and all you do is deny the concept.
I've presented in this thread, evidence that decriminalization is a better concept than the current status of the drug war in the US...and better than legalization.

You are enamored with legalized abuse and addiction and use children as your means to satisfy yourself......and that is selfish and of a twisted mentality.

And immoral.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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ah but Stone you have stated in the past there is not difference between use and abuse with regard to pot.

you have always claimed any use is an abuse

in which case it makes no sense for you to support decriminalization

silly Neanderthal :D


Well-Known Member
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ah but Stone you have stated in the past there is not difference between use and abuse with regard to pot.

you have always claimed any use is an abuse

in which case it makes no sense for you to support decriminalization

silly Neanderthal :D

You've been smoking while reading this thread......admit it :D
I've made no such claim at this forum and at the other site I did state there were legitimate medical uses......I even stated that in this thread.
Back to remedial 'Engrish' for you......oh, wait, weren't you the one at the other debate forum that claimed higher education should be dumbed down ......well, that explains a lot :D


V.I.P User
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I don't think people can get addicted to pot and they certainly don't go out and committ crime to get money for it.....maybe lay in bed and forget to work, but committ crime for it....naaaa. Alcohol effect people in more unpredictable ways.


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I don't think people can get addicted to pot and they certainly don't go out and committ crime to get money for it.....maybe lay in bed and forget to work, but committ crime for it....naaaa. Alcohol effect people in more unpredictable ways.

That's been noted before and addressed.
A Rand study out some 7 or 8 years noted that the decision to use recreational pot was often a decision to enter into a culture of drug abuse. Pot is merely seen as a safer way to experience it. That's the biggest issue with recreational pot abuse, IMO.
You can find studies on the internet proving pot abuse is safe ( like Norml ) and I can produce studies contrary to that where steady abuse causes mental problems.

But I suspect we all have known heavy users and they just don't walk and talk right :D
There wouldn't be pot heads if there wasn't a strong desire to get high, now would there? :D
Alcohol abusers are often associated with other drug abuses, including pot.
But this thread is about legalizing pot for the purpose of abuse by replacing current alcohol and tobacco abuse.
The Man brought up the point.....why would alcohol and tobacco abusers want to stop for pot?
Indeed, pot is often associated with alcohol abuse.
The thread starter also ventured into the subject of replacing drug pushers with doctors in order to write prescriptions for the recreational abuse of drugs.
Crazy, eh?
Read the whole thread if only for the humor.

So....this is not the typical pot argument about what drugs do the the least damage. Pot obviously does less physical damage than alcohol. This thread is about legalizing abuse and addiction.
The thread starter has even argued that children would be safer in an environment of legalized drug abuse and addiction......and that they should not be taught information about drug abuse issues until they'd become of a legal age ( what ever that is? ).

My position is decriminalization of use, not just of pot....all addictive/illegal drugs.....and Portugal has cut general drug abuse by about 50% in the last decade using this concept.
It's not draconian and their jails aren't full of users and their expenditures for medical intervention reduced.
Will it happen here? I doubt it. The legislation here is obviously political rather than practical.

Greatest I am

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I don't think people can get addicted to pot and they certainly don't go out and committ crime to get money for it.....maybe lay in bed and forget to work, but committ crime for it....naaaa. Alcohol effect people in more unpredictable ways.

Oh my. The 50 thousand or so Mexicans that have been murdered in the last few years will not agree.

There are good reasons why some South American countries have now legalized pot. Death being one of those reasons.

Rethink if you think pot does not kill or do harm. Under a legal system it would not but under our illegal system, it is murder on many.



Well-Known Member
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Oh my. The 50 thousand or so Mexicans that have been murdered in the last few years will not agree.

There are good reasons why some South American countries have now legalized pot. Death being one of those reasons.

Rethink if you think pot does not kill or do harm. Under a legal system it would not but under our illegal system, it is murder on many.


There are good reasons why some South American countries have now legalized pot. Death being one of those reasons.

You are full of shit making a claim that is false.
Marijuana use is illegal or decriminalized in most countries and South America/Central America is no different.

Read the list:

Possession is legal in:
Cambodia ( actually the law is unenforced )
Iran ( if used for food :D )
Nepal ( illegal but not enforced )
Peru ( with restrictions )
Pakistan ( sorta )

Oh my. The 50 thousand or so Mexicans that have been murdered in the last few years will not agree.
That's mostly a drug war among criminals.
While innocent bystanders do get caught up in it, it's competition to see who supplies the drugs.
As far as pot goes.....the Rand report out several years ago pointed out that criminal activity would continue. While the market price would be relatively controlled by the government, the criminal is likely to side step the controls to make up losses, by not paying the taxes due on the product. So illegal competition would continue and violent confrontation still possible.
Along with a failed tax plan goes a failed health support plan due to lost tax revenue and an increase of social problems driven by increased drug abuse.

Face it......your arguments, in this thread and the BS you post in the religion threads appear to point to an attempt to undermine our society.

Rethink if you think pot does not kill or do harm.
Are you aware of what you posted?
And you want to legalize drug abuse and addiction?

Under a legal system it would not but under our illegal system, it is murder on many.
It's 'murder' of a society your way.
Decriminalization makes more sense.
I've given you the Portugal example several times.
That you refuse to comment and continue an argument for drug abuse and addiction is telling of your intentions.


Well-Known Member
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Oh my. The 50 thousand or so Mexicans that have been murdered in the last few years will not agree.

There are good reasons why some South American countries have now legalized pot. Death being one of those reasons.

Rethink if you think pot does not kill or do harm. Under a legal system it would not but under our illegal system, it is murder on many.

That's not pot. That's black market, which would largely go away with the end of the "war on drugs."


Well-Known Member
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An accurate and informative post stone:thumbup


Could you imagine the extra burden the inflated medical costs from the social impact of legalizing drug abuse and addiction, would impose on the tax payers in the up and coming Obamacare?
Innocent taxpayers essentially become the financial slaves to an expanding culture of drug abuse and addiction.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Could you imagine the extra burden the inflated medical costs from the social impact of legalizing drug abuse and addiction, would impose on the tax payers in the up and coming Obamacare?
Innocent taxpayers essentially become the financial slaves to an expanding culture of drug abuse and addiction.

could you imagine the amount of money and resources that could be diverted from the bullshit war on drugs towards health care if we got out of the dark ages.

nah I did not think so

Neanderthals ..... :D


Well-Known Member
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could you imagine the amount of money and resources that could be diverted from the bullshit war on drugs towards health care if we got out of the dark ages.

nah I did not think so

Neanderthals ..... :D

Like I've posted in the past, decriminalization works better than your bizarre theories of embracing the weed.
Legalization of drug abuse and addiction as a solution to drug abuse reduction and drug rehabilitation are merely 'pipe dreams' ( :D.....:p )
Perhaps the 'smoke' has blurred your faculties and you've lost your senses?

Silly bunny.....:D


Sarcasm is me :)
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could you imagine the amount of money and resources that could be diverted from the bullshit war on drugs towards health care if we got out of the dark ages.

nah I did not think so

Neanderthals ..... :D

Yah but that would be triple dipping.. Government already taxes muchy snacks, would divert money from the war on drugs and could also collect taxes on it also.

Naw they would make it go staright to their pocket book... Turds they all are.. :24: