Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I gave you the generally accepted version, not addict alley in your back yard.

and I gave you a rebuttal. not my fault you did agree with it.

I may still believe in the Dream. But the reality is for many they believe it is a pipe dream.

You have done well at spinning this. Once again Caveman sits in darkness and ignores or dismisses reality. Time for a night light in the cave.

The Man

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and I gave you a rebuttal. not my fault you did agree with it.

I may still believe in the Dream. But the reality is for many they believe it is a pipe dream.

You have done well at spinning this. Once again Caveman sits in darkness and ignores or dismisses reality. Time for a night light in the cave.
You arent posting in some condemned building are you with a stolen phone?
While you may have not fulfilled your ideal chose the course you took.
Others can do the same.
We are not responsible for people choices

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
You arent posting in some condemned building are you with a stolen phone?
While you may have not fulfilled your ideal chose the course you took.
Others can do the same.
We are not responsible for people choices

and blah, blah, blah

Has nothing to do with me or what should be believed by others

Telling people to buck up is not the point. Peer pressure and ones perception will dictate more times than not for some.

The Man

Valued Contributor
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and blah, blah, blah

Has nothing to do with me or what should be believed by others

Telling people to buck up is not the point. Peer pressure and ones perception will dictate more times than not for some.

Yes..they need to buck up...the stimulus package did not get everyone that new car and house they thought they were going to get.
I suspect most of those you find in the gutter AA were Obama supporters and are waiting for another handout.

Peer pressure...sell dope LOL.

These people sell as they are looking for the easy buck and are willing to take the risks...not peer pressure


Well-Known Member
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and I gave you a rebuttal. not my fault you did agree with it.

I may still believe in the Dream. But the reality is for many they believe it is a pipe dream.

You have done well at spinning this. Once again Caveman sits in darkness and ignores or dismisses reality. Time for a night light in the cave.

and I gave you a rebuttal.
You posted only your opinion which was shown to be incorrect usage of the term.
It is 'your fault'.
You made it.

I may still believe in the Dream.
Sure you do.....:D
Smoke dreams :eek

But the reality is for many they believe it is a pipe dream.
Ironic you would use that terminology :D

You have done well at spinning this.
After all the years we've debated this subject at another debate forum, haven't you yet learned to read what the thread topic is about?
This thread is about trading one addiction that's legal for another that's currently illegal.
It's all, ALL, about drug abuse.

That is just so sad :D

Caveman sits in darkness and ignores or dismisses reality.
Every time I whip your arse over the topic, you greet me in almost the same exact manner.
That's how I now you're hurting :eek




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These people sell as they are looking for the easy buck and are willing to take the risks...not peer pressure

Yep......Good point.

Peer pressure is more of an issue with the youth element initially experimenting with recreational drugs.

Just try not to confuse Bill on the issue
He reads words no one else can see :D

Joe the meek

Active Member
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I say legalize everything and let the government fuck it up.

If I want to get fucked up myself, it doesn't matter if it's illegal or not, if I want it, I'm going to get it.

The roads would be a lot safer if everyone who drove drunk were stoned instead.

Hell, couple years ago the baptists in my county were trying to have people not vote alcohol in the county for sale. They said it would lead people to drink more. Funny, even when it was illegal in the county to buy alcohol you should of seen all the beer cans on the side of the road IN the county LMAO

Just don't mix nitrous with shrooms and down it with a 12 pack or you may get some really weird dreams;)
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Well-Known Member
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I say legalize everything and let the government fuck it up.

If I want to get fucked up myself, it doesn't matter if it's illegal or not, if I want it, I'm going to get it.

With that attitude, you're a lost cause to abuse.
So be it. Decriminalization merely 'slaps your wrist' and in extreme situations where health is an issue, directs the individual to physical and mental health care for their own good and society's as well.
Also.... decriminalization of drug use/abuse is a lesson to young people/children....that drug use/abuse is a serious issue and not condoned.....where as legalization is a statement of acceptance.
It's contradictory to teach children that drug abuse is harmful while at the same time telling them they can abuse it all they want.
It's an issue that is part of their learning curve into adulthood and what they learn will be expressed as adults.
Decriminalization is not perfect, but the Portuguese model has had recognized success beyond what criminalization or legalization has accomplished.
It treats drug abusers with respect where the current draconian laws have failed ....and still projects reasonable concern to the youth.

Decriminalization is about maintaining a health society, not about jailing every one that uses an illegal drug.

Joe the meek

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With that attitude, you're a lost cause to abuse.

I'm not a lost cause to abuse, but a realist.

Do I have all the answers? NO.

Do I realize what our government did "behind the scenes" to try (and succeed) to outlaw alcohol only to see what happened with that product and organized crime only to have the government realize their "project" was failure? Yes.

Do I think legalizing pot will reduce the the death rate of tobacco and alcohol? Heck no.

I do believe you're right that decriminalization is about maintaining a healthy society.

As far as the mental health ward for me, been though my demons a long time ago and really don't see a need now for a mental health clinic, although some years ago I'd completely agree with you.

I've been around the block enough to realize that pot is a lot less harmful than alcohol. Funny enough, perhaps speaking from personal experience, I've never known anyone to get into a brawl lighting one up as compared to what can happen when a crowd downs a keg.

Meth and prescription drugs are another story.
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Well-Known Member
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I'm not a lost cause to abuse, but a realist.

Do I have all the answers? NO.

Do I realize what our government did "behind the scenes" to try (and succeed) to outlaw alcohol only to see what happened with that product and organized crime only to have the government realize their "project" was failure? Yes.

Do I think legalizing pot will reduce the the death rate of tobacco and alcohol? Heck no.

I do believe you're right that decriminalization is about maintaining a healthy society.

As far as the mental health ward for me, been though my demons a long time ago and really don't see a need now for a mental health clinic, although some years ago I'd completely agree with you.

I've been around the block enough to realize that pot is a lot less harmful than alcohol. Funny enough, perhaps speaking from personal experience, I've never known anyone to get into a brawl lighting one up as compared to what can happen when a crowd downs a keg.

Meth and prescription drugs are another story.

Just kidding about the mental health ward :D

Do I have all the answers? NO.
I don't think anyone has them all......just some avenues of correction better than others.

I do believe you're right that decriminalization is about maintaining a healthy society.

pot is a lot less harmful than alcohol.
Certainly less addictive and does less physical damage, but that isn't my concern in these discussions nor my argument.
If neither were abused to the point they had a negative impact on society, I don't think there would be an issue to argue.
For instance, coffee isn't seen as a menace to society and yet caffeine is addictive.
So it's really a relative issue, not an absolute about drug use/abuse.

In general, what is perceived as hazardous to a society is regulated for it's own safety....that's just common sense.
Speed limits on highways, passing on a centerline, regulations on food and drug purity......are similar concepts we live with and accept as a society without any serious reservations. They relate to the safety and health of a society. Common sense.
But take the laws to the point that speeding violations are punishable with lengthy jail sentences in an attempt to control abuses, and the laws become draconian and unjust for the 'crime' currently seen as a misdemeanor. Would a draconian law justify that all speeding limits be revoked? Of course puts the public at risk.
Same with drug abuse.


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If I want to get fucked up myself, it doesn't matter if it's illegal or not, if I want it, I'm going to get it.

I think this is the attitude most people have, especially for softer drugs like cannabis. If you want it, there's always a way to get it, illegal or not. All the law does is force people into potentially dangerous situations with no regulations.


Well-Known Member
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I think this is the attitude most people have, especially for softer drugs like cannabis. If you want it, there's always a way to get it, illegal or not. All the law does is force people into potentially dangerous situations with no regulations.

All the law does is force people into potentially dangerous situations with no regulations.

It's not the law that forces people into those dangerous situations, it's the quest for a restricted drug.
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Joe the meek

Active Member
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In general, what is perceived as hazardous to a society is regulated for it's own safety....that's just common sense.

What is common sense to some is not common sense to others.

Wouldn't it be common sense to use birth control if you don't want children? And exactly how many unwanted children are there in the United States right now?

If you're saying that some of the drug laws in the United States are ridiculous (particularly for the "recreational" user), I would agree with you.

Luckily, I'm at a point in my life where I could argue that any recreational use drug isn't needed to help one "have fun in life" or "ease the pain of a dull life";)


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I think this is the attitude most people have, especially for softer drugs like cannabis. If you want it, there's always a way to get it, illegal or not. All the law does is force people into potentially dangerous situations with no regulations.

Especially for hardcore addicts of anything! They don't give two shits what's legal or right, they 'need' it so they'll get it.