Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

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Does anyone see why I should receive negative rep with this post?

It is my second red rep since I have been here,,the first one was a few days after I joined and was due to a misunderstanding in personal nature.

Does the above post have any dangerous advice?
Is it a troll post?

No it is merely a response to a character attack..but since I didnt take the bait...I get red rep?
Perhaps I should go smoke one then re evaluate the post as I just am not seeing it.

Where do these 'negative reps' show up?
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The Man

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That pisses me off , too.
They take advantage of a situation where real people are really suffering and bend it to address their desire to abuse it for recreation.
People cant self regulate...If they did we could survive of off "Americans who want to pay a larger share of taxes"...Another ongoing joke I have seen aross the internet
Wouldnt need to lock the house as well.
Handicap stickers for those that just dont to want walk after parking like the rest....but yet will walk around a giant department store until they find the jogging shoes they want.
Then we have to hand out tickets for those without stickers totally disregarding the actual handicapped and park in the blue
People are in dishonest in general with greed often being the motivation....I would be curious as to how many of those with questionable handicap stickers are smokers.
Those that may need pot will have a tougher time getting a Dr may have already handed out a questionable number of prescriptions..lets face it he cant give it to everyone.

I actually dont have much issue with the usage of pot..but the way the thread is constructed and said arguments in relation/ I couldn't resist the temptation to join in.


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My opinion is completely different than that of the OP and doesn't even come close to defending the OP's position. He wants to make only POT legal, and everything else illegal, because POT doesn't cause harm like legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes. I don't think ANY DRUG should be illegal because I don't believe the government should have the power to make them illegal. Very very different things for very different reasons and very clearly stated. However, considering your complete lack of intelligence, I can see why you'd be confused.

Denial of what, exactly?

He wants to make only POT legal, and everything else illegal, because POT doesn't cause harm like legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes.
Not really.
He got caught up in that deception from a post in another thread.
His position there was the government shouldn't regulate any drugs.

A rather obvious contradiction to this thread.

I don't think ANY DRUG should be illegal because I don't believe the government should have the power to make them illegal.
I think the forum has figured that out :D

Denial of what, exactly?
Man is likely referring your problems with rejecting logic and reality.


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Hit settings in the upper right hand corner..then scroll down to the reps...if there is any red instead of green next to the rep comment its negative rep

Easy guess who gave me my only three :D
And after initiating her own foul mouthed personal attack :D


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People cant self regulate...If they did we could survive of off "Americans who want to pay a larger share of taxes"...Another ongoing joke I have seen aross the internet
Wouldnt need to lock the house as well.
Handicap stickers for those that just dont to want walk after parking like the rest....but yet will walk around a giant department store until they find the jogging shoes they want.
Then we have to hand out tickets for those without stickers totally disregarding the actual handicapped and park in the blue
People are in dishonest in general with greed often being the motivation....I would be curious as to how many of those with questionable handicap stickers are smokers.
Those that may need pot will have a tougher time getting a Dr may have already handed out a questionable number of prescriptions..lets face it he cant give it to everyone.

I actually dont have much issue with the usage of pot..but the way the thread is constructed and said arguments in relation/ I couldn't resist the temptation to join in.

Pretty amazing thread :D

The Man

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Re:pot rocks screw tobacco and alcohol..just isnt fair

Indeed....will have sore ribs tomorrow for sure:D

I will be back..I keep losing internet here as it has been raining..blocking my path to the satellite


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I'd forgotten about this 'rep' business.
Guess I'm still a newbie here.
I've seen many good posts through out the forum and would have rep'd them if I was more familiar with the setup.

I just like to debate so much I guess I forgot :blush


Well-Known Member
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That pisses me off , too.
They take advantage of a situation where real people are really suffering and bend it to address their desire to abuse it for recreation.

No, The Doc's argument is that marijuana isn't medicinally relevant.


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there is plenty of things you can be addicted to that aren't even considered 'drugs'.
Such as chat forums!

I'd forgotten about this 'rep' business.
Guess I'm still a newbie here.
I've seen many good posts through out the forum and would have rep'd them if I was more familiar with the setup.

I just like to debate so much I guess I forgot :blush
Just click the Star of David at the bottom-left of a post. rabbi.gif


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You can lead a horse to water... *sigh*

First of all, stop putting words in my mouth. I never advocated for the deregulation of prescription medication. .......................

My point is I don't believe it's the government's right to tell me what I can put in my body..................................

First of all, stop putting words in my mouth.
Do you bother to read what you post?

The Doc

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Tell that to the numerous physicians and actual health care professionals that disagree with you.

There's one very obvious "insult" to the health care industry in this thread... and it isn't medical marijuana.

I thought this was interesting

" You have got to hand it to stoners: They are some resourceful, and intelligent (not to mention well-versed in law) mother fuckers.
They got their drug of choice “legalized.” Kind of. And under the guise of “medicine” no less. Wow. Impressive. What’s next? Medical tobacco? Medical whiskey? (actually I suppose whiskey was considered medicinal in the 19th century, wasn’t it?)
This is what disgusts me about “medical” marijuana: The abuse of the system.
Yes, I do understand that TERMINALLY ill patients (see: people with less than 6 months to live) who have cancer and lack an appetite because of their chemotherapy and vomit regularly need it to stop the puking, and up their appetite. But what about everyone else?
I’ve heard of people obtaining bogus marijuana prescriptions from “known” doctors for a variety of bullshit reasons. (Also, I think it’s funny that there are these “known” doctors who practice the shady art of exclusively prescribing marijuana to anyone that is willing to shell out $300 for a visit. Fucking hilarious.) Anyway.
I know people who have obtained an Rx for: Headaches (really, Advil didn’t work?), menstrual pains (umm…), back pain (take a vicodin, pussy) and tons of other bullshit (see: fake; non-existent) conditions. Basically, if you’re a stoner, you invent some symptoms, roll into a doctor who is known around the block for handing out ‘scripts, and complain about your phantom illness. He then writes you a recommendation for your dope, and you go pick it up “legally.” Wow.
Why doesn’t the FDA just have some big pharmaceutical company invent THC pills? Wouldn’t that work just as well? Probably. I am 100% in favor of medical marijuana for people who are going to die. If you’re dying, and you genuinely, LEGITIMATELY need marijuana, then fuck it – smoke. Smoke til you die! What irks me are these run-of-the-mill, everyday stoners who falsify a medical condition in order to perpetuate their dependence (see: addiction) of the kind buds. It’s so incredibly stupid to me. It blows my mind.
I used to smoke. I get it. Fuck, if I was still a slave to the danks, I would probably have some bogus clinic membership as well. This whole charade disgusts me. The federal and state governments already have their hands full with alcohol and the all the problems it causes (DUIs, 50%+ rapes and violent crimes involved alcohol, etc.) and tobacco (all these multi-BILLION dollar wrongful death lawsuits.) So why on EARTH would they consider legalizing marijuana?
I’ve driven stoned. It was fucking terrifying. I can testify that I was 150% more fucked up behind the wheel and unable to operate a car safely while high on marijuana than I ever have been driving with a couple of beers in me. Also, every crime I ever committed was the result of some idiotic decision I rationalized while stoned. For example: “Duuuude, I need $40 for a couple dubs, I think I’ll go steal some tools from a construction site and pawn them for cash! Yeaaaah, brah.”
The whole thing, again, disgusts me. What the fuck is wrong with people?
It’s not that I’m anti-weed, I’m just anti-douchebag stoners and pot-smoking lawyers and professors who think they’re clever by obtaining medical marijuana licenses, and then selling that shit on the street, growing it or smoking it under the shield of state law. Fuck ‘em.
Do I think people should do time for marijuana possession? FUCK no. Absolutely not. I think a ticket should suffice. Do I think marijuana should remain illegal? Yes. Yes, and YES. The government does NOT need to open this pandora’s box (no matter how much tax revenue it generates.)
As I once told my friend Tem, “You should thank tweakers (meth addicts) every day you wake up, because if not for them, stoners would be the filthiest creatures on the face of this Earth.”
I stand by those words.
Marijuana nearly ruined my life, and I have deep contempt for the drug, the culture, and those that use it habitually. I want to get something straight though: I don’t hate weed-smokers, I hate STONERS. And yes, there’s a difference. Have you ever heard Chris Rock explain the difference between a black person and a “Nigger”? Well, it’s kind of the same thing (excuse my use of the “n-word”, it was Chris Rock’s example, not mine.)
Weed smokers are people who discreetly smoke, don’t act high (in fact, you wouldn’t know they were high unless they told you), and mind their own business. They obey the law and act as functioning members of society. To them, a joint is tantamount to a cup of coffee and a cigarette to you and me.
Stoners, on the other hand, are disgusting creatures who can only contribute to a conversation if it involves marijuana, marijuana cultivation, strains of marijuana, the legality of marijuana, and the latest issue of high times. These people are worthless, with rotting brains who contribute little to nothing to society and are overall scumbags. We all know a “stoner.” They are bad people. They are the filth on the bottom of my shoe.
These are the people I hate. These are the people that obtain bogus medical cards for their bud and then turn around and sell it to high school kids. I could rant all day, but I’ll stop it here. Stoners should not have the luxury, nor the right to obtain their drug of choice. As long as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine are illegal – so should marijuana. Fuck ‘em."

Greatest I am

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"The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean, is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?"

John Lennon

Isn't that the truth!?! Whether it be the well regulated antidepressant to the "dope" on the street ...

We do not ask because the answer is obvious.
We are gratified by the experience.
People tend not to do what is harmful and the do not find drugs harmful or they would not do it.
It is all about gratification.
Intoxication or a different mindset is pleasurable.



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We do not ask because the answer is obvious.
We are gratified by the experience.
People tend not to do what is harmful and the do not find drugs harmful or they would not do it.
It is all about gratification.
Intoxication or a different mindset is pleasurable.


People tend not to do what is harmful and the do not find drugs harmful or they would not do it.

As a majority of voters still view drug abuse negatively, that looks like an argument that people that chose to live in a culture of drug abuse tend to make poor choices in life.
This parallels the concept that a culture of drug abuse is a negative influence to the health and safety of a society.


Active Member
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We do not ask because the answer is obvious.
We are gratified by the experience.
People tend not to do what is harmful and the do not find drugs harmful or they would not do it.
It is all about gratification.
Intoxication or a different mindset is pleasurable.


True. All we want as humans is to "feel good."

Personally I like the quote as it points out that as a society we should focus more on why so many people have the need for escape from reality .... but this is such a HUGE picture sort of thing that I don't think there would be any easy fix to remove the factors that cause such a depressing and stressful life on people.

I admit that I abuse my health to retreat away from stress with smoking cigarettes ... such a nasty addiction and habit.


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I thought this was interesting

" You have got to hand it to stoners: They are some resourceful, and intelligent (not to mention well-versed in law) mother fuckers.
They got their drug of choice “legalized.” Kind of. And under the guise of “medicine” no less. Wow. Impressive. What’s next? Medical tobacco? Medical whiskey?
I stopped reading here. Apropos that the source is called Impeccable Hubris. Seeing how both tobacco and whiskey are already legal, one wonders how the author got the article written because it's baffling that a literate person could be so dumb. Maybe (s)he used one of those voice-to-text programs.

Greatest I am

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As a majority of voters still view drug abuse negatively, that looks like an argument that people that chose to live in a culture of drug abuse tend to make poor choices in life.
This parallels the concept that a culture of drug abuse is a negative influence to the health and safety of a society.

Drug users and tax payers. Is it time to make the pusherspay for the party?

The drug trade is controlled by Governments and their laws. Theyare controlling drug pushers. Our masters profit while we suffer financiallyand morally. Drug users and tax payers pay heavily for rich elitist parties.

Tax payers have been underwriting the taxes that the drugtrade has not been paying for a long time. That is thousands of dollars to thetax payer every year. The Governments are thus punishing the taxpayer twice. Wepay them to war against us.

For a war we are losing and that was never justified and iscounter to Governmental reports. Governments are not taking their own advice.

Drug users and tax payers have been paying the largest pricein this war while the rich get richer.

Tax payers and drug users.

Had enough of this yet?
