your right, he said he came to divide, but the one who comes after him comes to unite. im pretty sure thats in there, isnt it? and i like the parts i say, because they are in the correct context of the conversation. but your right, i have to re-read it because i seemed to miss the part about acting violently to your enemies. i thought i read, "love your enemies", but it must have been talking about tough love huh? like killing them out of love? that makes sense right? lol, no, not really. but if you can recite some parts about leaders doing what followers shouldnt do, id be all for it. the only part i can remember jesus saying to not do what he did, was when he said not to follow him down the road of being the sacrificial lamb, (and like you said, the perpetrators, or enemies, were not satan, but a lamb with evil in their hearts, turning them to wolves, aka, there are no wolves or satan people, just pure lambs involved in evil.).
im pretty sure, also, that we are to answer and bow to no one, but god itself. god does not put his judgement in the hands of politicians, are u kidding me? i bow to love, and if love asks to kill my enemies, then love has gone back on the word it teaches.
Love is gospel and law, that is the balance to be looked on. love always makes a balance of itself, because all things lead to love in the end, not just a balance of love and hate in the end, or does heaven have hate too, to balance things out there?
I still dont understand how some people can hear someone talk bad about bush, and think they are bandwagon people, or a million flies to shit, as u say. this is rediculous, ive always been on the short end of popular opinion, especially within christian circles, because in one way, shape, or form, they all let violence into their teachings, to which, i dont understand why. is it because faulty believers just cant think of a better way of getting the job done? or a lack of faith that god can wave his hand and get things done, without people waving their gun?
I hope this is the last time i hear "stop agreeing with the anti bush people, because its not that i hate bush, its that i know love, and i dont bow to those who dont follow it every step of the way, i dont care who or what they are.
And have u ever thought he doesnt change his ground, because during his presidency, the term "flip flopper" was a big issue, and for him to have the balls and strong "character" to admit faults in his convictions or attemps is no longger an option for him, because then he really would be an outsider amongst those closest to him, which he does not want to do, because family means a lot to him, more then doing what is right sometimes.