Impeaching Bush?

Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?

  • Yes, between the secret spying and the deceptions, it is justified to put him on trial.

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but not "high crimes and misdemeanors."

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 1 4.3%

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OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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I will look into this further, and report my findings to you.

If you see your professor and are comfortable asking him for more material, I am very open to more exploration. I will caution you however that I do not do well with material I feel is trying to "make a believer" out of me. What I'm really looking for is a science book containing real data.

Too many books these days are very pretty opinion pieces, presented as fact that people run with as if it were iron clad.
As a soon-to-be psychologist, I would never give you something I don't know for a fact that was researched. I love what I study, hope for it to be my profession and want it to be respected. My professor is very well known, even member of the APA, lol. And he is as helpful as it can get, I will ask him and foward you what he told me through PM :)
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OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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You are still talking subjective though. Psychology by itself is a subjective field. Open to interpretation based on previous studies, etc. But we all know that not everything falls into neat little packages.

All Else Failed

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What reason beyond the gathering of time sensitive information does a nation sanction torture?

I find it interesting that you believe every word spoken by the prisoners in Cuba. They are media savants these guys... I'm not saying they are ALL right or wrong, but I assure you they are going to paint as terrible a picture as they can when given the opportunity.

Torture is barbaric and inhumane. No arguments whatsoever. I have been very clear that I find it personally offensive. It's silly for us to argue about it. In reality, we are in about 99% agreement. That 1% is the idea that A) The torture these guys were subjected to isn't even real torture, and B) on occasion, becoming a barbarian is the only way to extract time sensitive information out of a barbarian.

We only have to look at Guantanamo/abu ghraib to see that people were tortured for fun.

I don't believe every word spoken by them...when did I ever indicate that? Its been documented by the UN, and various human rights groups that inspected the place that most of them are innocent and they were being treated like dogs.

I would love to hear what you consider real to unreal torture. I assure you that everything done to them was torture. And no, at no time whatsoever should an intelligent person become a barbarian. I also find it strange that you would call mostly innocent people barbarians.


We only have to look at Guantanamo/abu ghraib to see that people were tortured for fun.

I don't believe every word spoken by them...when did I ever indicate that? Its been documented by the UN, and various human rights groups that inspected the place that most of them are innocent and they were being treated like dogs.

I would love to hear what you consider real to unreal torture. I assure you that everything done to them was torture. And no, at no time whatsoever should an intelligent person become a barbarian. I also find it strange that you would call mostly innocent people barbarians.

So all knowing one, how do you propose to gather intel that is needed to fight the terrorist network?


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no, but our god should be love, and everyone knows love to a certain degree, because we all love ourselves enough to wake up every morning despite what might happen to us. i think love, and god, live in all. if god did not live in everything, then it wouldnt be god, because god Is everything. so you speak less to the person, and more to the god within, and there you find a listening ear. even for my enemy, i will put myself in harms way for him, and even if he did not "know" of my god before, he would know him through the love i tried to give him, and in that, he knows my god, and just might start loving, himself.

my dad once asked me, how do you think other faiths will listen to you when jesus says, "the only way to get to heaven is through me?". and i said, well, jesus is just a word and body, but what he is, is love, so really, the path to heaven isnt nescesarily through a man called jesus, its through the feeling of love. and through this, all can be reached.
I agree with you on this fully. Understand this, before you think about what you are going to say next. The Bible also tells us numerous times that there are many people out there with hardened hearts, people that will not hear the love you try to speak to them because they are deaf to what you are saying, they have rejected God. You can let God work through you but you do not have the power to change a man's heart, only God does. When I try to force 'my' will on someone where the Holy Spirit is obviously not working, it always proves to be fruitless. But when I see the Holy Spirit at work and move in along side Him and let Him use me for His will, it is then that fruit grows, not of my will, but of His.
What I am merely saying in this thread is, is that I am not opposed of making a situation 'uncomfortable' for prisoners. A jail should not be a 'holiday inn'.
I doubt there are going to be 'real' studies done by the APA as they are not allowed 'recreate' the type of environment that we are speaking of here. They are not allowed to do harm to their experimental group. That being said it is not too far a stretch to bet that someone being threatened to have their head cut off will say just about anything to save their neck.


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I agree with you on this fully. Understand this, before you think about what you are going to say next. The Bible also tells us numerous times that there are many people out there with hardened hearts, people that will not hear the love you try to speak to them because they are deaf to what you are saying, they have rejected God. You can let God work through you but you do not have the power to change a man's heart, only God does. When I try to force 'my' will on someone where the Holy Spirit is obviously not working, it always proves to be fruitless. But when I see the Holy Spirit at work and move in along side Him and let Him use me for His will, it is then that fruit grows, not of my will, but of His.
What I am merely saying in this thread is, is that I am not opposed of making a situation 'uncomfortable' for prisoners. A jail should not be a 'holiday inn'.
I doubt there are going to be 'real' studies done by the APA as they are not allowed 'recreate' the type of environment that we are speaking of here. They are not allowed to do harm to their experimental group. That being said it is not too far a stretch to bet that someone being threatened to have their head cut off will say just about anything to save their neck.

i see exactly what your saying. :) I guess its just hard for me to imagine someone being hurt beyond belief. the picture of it in my mind, even if they were the killer of my family, tears me apart inside. and pain doesnt bother me. i mean, i love to play football, always have. if i see a wide receiver coming over the middle, looking back for the ball, im all about taking my shoulder and cutting the person in two,lol. inflicting pain does not bother me, but doing it to someone shackled or something, i dont know, just doesnt sit well inside me for some reason. i really cant explain it, but i take it as being apart of myself. i guess we all have different ways of going about things, like getting information. i can not stop u from choosing how do it, and you can not stop me, but in the end, we seek the same results, and wish to put an end to unnecessary violence, and seek peace. we all have the same goals on this forum, at least, thats what i gather. we just have different ideas, or ideals, on how to go about getting the job done. i dont know how, or if, we'll know which methods are better then others, because like you said, its hard to simulate certain events. but one things is true throughout, we just want a peaceful world, and that is the greatest goal.

And i know this thread isnt about god, sorry bout that guys, u know us religious fanatics, always spouting at the mouth about god any chance we get,lol, jk, but grace, i understand how hard mens hearts are, its the fact that i know my heart was hard once, and through certain people and events, it changed. and i thought, shit, i was a terrible terrible person,lol, i did a lot of terrible shit, and someone, i find love all around now, and peace is the goal...who'd a thunk it? and if that can happen to me, then why not the coldest of hearts? i think, maybe i was so cold to start, so id know how to help other frozen people, without them thinking im trying to push anything on them, because all im doing is just melting the hardness to reveal what i feel is inside all of us, and thats some degree of love. I also think that the more i get better, and the less i get so confused and angry, the better suited i am to be the vesel at any time i want, because that is the gift for someone who loves more and more. i say that because it is what i experience. when i started to change, i got to be a vesel a few times here and there, and it was the most miraculous feeling in the entire world, nothing like it, to be a tool for miracles. and it seems the closer i get to truth and purity, the more often i get to be the vesel for lifes water. and maybe in the end, no matter where i go, or who i meet and talk to, change will always be at hand.
I might be wrong, but if there is anything i dont mind being wrong about in this life, its that. I feel i have nothing to loose, because i'll always have this feeling, and I've got everything to give and gain.

I'm glad we could wrap this thing up properly, with all these good people on here, it sux to see when people think they are being shot at, or cornered, because i feel thats nobodys intention in here, we just believe what we say with such a passion, and in disagreements, we only see words, and not the person in front of us, smiling a happy smile, and not a condescending scowl. like when i said someone could be the president of fantasy world, if they could see me in person, i say it with a joking style, one that would hug the person if they were sitting in front of me, or id use my hands and face and laugh to show it is innocent in nature, to show that im a true friend of whoever im talking to, not someone looking to bring someone else low, or excluded.
if i come across that way sometimes, guys, or whoever reads this, forget about me being an angry type, or condecending in any way, i love all u guys, like family, i dont care if i never even talked to you before,lol, because i may need any of you to save my life or help me one day, in some way, shape or form. and i'll be there for any of you if you need me. :)

All Else Failed

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So all knowing one, how do you propose to gather intel that is needed to fight the terrorist network?
I don't claim to have all the answers, dont even suggest that. Although, abusing a person's rights is totally wrong.

I can suggest the US stop being such a dominent force in the middle east, that would solve much of the problem.


I don't claim to have all the answers, dont even suggest that. Although, abusing a person's rights is totally wrong.

I can suggest the US stop being such a dominent force in the middle east, that would solve much of the problem.

And let them kill each other? Amen brother, thats the smartest thing I've read from you.

I don't think you can sit and criticize every little thing that happens in the world if you don't have some suggestions yourself. I mean real, tangible ideas. The people in charge are at least trying something.

All Else Failed

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And let them kill each other? Amen brother, thats the smartest thing I've read from you.

I don't think you can sit and criticize every little thing that happens in the world if you don't have some suggestions yourself. I mean real, tangible ideas. The people in charge are at least trying something.

Yeah.....why do you put words in my mouth? Just wondering.

If we let NATO and the UN do their job, they could easily keep things straight. There could also be a separate state plan for each faction too.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Yeah.....why do you put words in my mouth? Just wondering.

If we let NATO and the UN do their job, they could easily keep things straight. There could also be a separate state plan for each faction too.
I know we've covered this before...but the US practically IS NATO and the UN...


OTz original V.I.P
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if we let nato and un do their job we will be giving money away because that would be their solution....try to buy peace with america giving the most of course


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If we let NATO and the UN do their job, they could easily keep things straight. There could also be a separate state plan for each faction too.

Their record is pretty lame right now. The world bodies have become politically correct bureaucracy's incapable of fluid movement.

There are dozens of examples of their ineptitude in the last 10 years. Probably more than dozens.


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On false confessions:
This sounds like an interesting book, it speaks about torture too:
Effective Interviewing and Interrogation ... - Búsqueda de libros de Google
So far impossible to find something on the enhanced interrogation methods that is not published in a Blog, the news or some anti-torture site.

I went through both of these links tonight. I enjoyed the second one more (even though it kept killing the good parts!!), but it was written from a more common sense point of looking at the world. It does explain the logical "whys" a person would do or say XY or Z, but didn't offer much in the way of clinical data. That being said though, I believe the author has an excellent grasp on the material.

The first article was also very well done, but I do not believe it addressed our current discussion as well as I'd like. The biggest problem I had with the paper was the fact that their study group was comprised only of cases that were highly suspect to begin with. Even with all indicators pointing to false confessions, only about 50% of the time did this prove to be the case.

The study done on individuals using the typing test was not a reliable test of reality IMO. The paper does make mention of what I'm about to say, but continued to use that data to make its point.

The individuals involved in that test had nothing to gain or lose by the responses they chose to give their interrogators. As such, it seems to me that a high percentage of them would simply give the "right answer" to shut the offending interrogator up.

Strong interrogation techniques are capable of providing false positives, but the material we have to date seems to suggest several things must 'go wrong' for it to happen. The statistical rate of false positives seems to be relatively low in innocent people, where-as the identification of the guilty seems to be high.

What did you gather from these papers? You no doubt will understand their language better than I do! :p


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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You are still talking subjective though. Psychology by itself is a subjective field. Open to interpretation based on previous studies, etc. But we all know that not everything falls into neat little packages.
I see psychology as a scientific field and I would hope for the rest to see it like that too...


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There are many things that can not be scientifically studied in psychology, but they act like their research was done scientifically when it wasn't as it is impossible to for them to replicate many things in a lab due 'do no harm' and studying things in the field means that they do not have any control over so many variable it is unreal. But psychology still wants to insist that they know the answers when scientifically, they don't to many things that they claim to know. This, imo is what gives psychology a bad rap much of the time in many cases.

If they would stick to the things that they can actually research scientifically it would bode well for the reputation of psychology and make their findings more respected by a larger amount of people.

I was going to school to be a psychologist before changing my mind to go into a more concrete scientific area medically due to the above reasons. I just found it harder and harder to sit in a class and listen to things being talked about as fact when it was so obvious that it wasn't because they can not truly replicate life. They just can't. Many generalizations are made that not everyone fits into.


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one experiment that was a good simulation on the topic of how far a person would go to inflict pain on someone he doesnt know, as long as the orders are coming from a "higher authority". through this experiment, you find that the average person is highly likely to inflict enormous amounts of pain on people they dont know, only because they are told that what they are doing is right, and that its right because a higher power says so. and when you join an army, you MUST do as your told, or you are now an outsider.
it was called the milgram experiment, i will add a link that defines what went on. this experiment was featured on the "ghosts of abu ghraib" documentary. and after watching that documentary, and listening to the tortureres, and how blank some of their stares are, and how some of them just cant face up to what they did, they just say, "well, thats what we were ordered to do", to make naked detainees get into sexual positions and drag them around, and make them into nude pyrmamids, just terrible., but u can see the pain on their face that they try to hide.
i liked this experiment because it does a good job of simulating what a person would do under direct orders to inflict pain.......

[ wu :: psychology(compliance) ]


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sorry, i dont know why that last paragraph came out in bold print,lol. but i do think that when a person submits or commits torturous acts, they have to numb themselves to a certain degree. and i think this numbing is an unnatural feeling, one thats reprecutions are sometimes, if not most the time, irriverasable. some people didnt know they had it in them to do such things, and after doint them, they have to reevaluate exactly who they are inside, because they may never have wanted to do something like that if they were never instructed to in the first place.
this may not go for everyone, maybe not even the majority, but i think the effects on the torturer can be just as severe as the person being tortured.


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I still have a hard time calling embarrassment torture.

Call me crazy, but if somebody gave me the choice of nuts in a vice, or make me take embarrassing pictures with my friends.... .... I'll be the guy in the pink tutu.

If I were captured by Al Queada, and I got the treatment of the men in Abu Ghraib... I would thank God every day that I was so fortunate.