I agree with you on this fully. Understand this, before you think about what you are going to say next. The Bible also tells us numerous times that there are many people out there with hardened hearts, people that will not hear the love you try to speak to them because they are deaf to what you are saying, they have rejected God. You can let God work through you but you do not have the power to change a man's heart, only God does. When I try to force 'my' will on someone where the Holy Spirit is obviously not working, it always proves to be fruitless. But when I see the Holy Spirit at work and move in along side Him and let Him use me for His will, it is then that fruit grows, not of my will, but of His.
What I am merely saying in this thread is, is that I am not opposed of making a situation 'uncomfortable' for prisoners. A jail should not be a 'holiday inn'.
I doubt there are going to be 'real' studies done by the APA as they are not allowed 'recreate' the type of environment that we are speaking of here. They are not allowed to do harm to their experimental group. That being said it is not too far a stretch to bet that someone being threatened to have their head cut off will say just about anything to save their neck.
i see exactly what your saying.

I guess its just hard for me to imagine someone being hurt beyond belief. the picture of it in my mind, even if they were the killer of my family, tears me apart inside. and pain doesnt bother me. i mean, i love to play football, always have. if i see a wide receiver coming over the middle, looking back for the ball, im all about taking my shoulder and cutting the person in two,lol. inflicting pain does not bother me, but doing it to someone shackled or something, i dont know, just doesnt sit well inside me for some reason. i really cant explain it, but i take it as being apart of myself. i guess we all have different ways of going about things, like getting information. i can not stop u from choosing how do it, and you can not stop me, but in the end, we seek the same results, and wish to put an end to unnecessary violence, and seek peace. we all have the same goals on this forum, at least, thats what i gather. we just have different ideas, or ideals, on how to go about getting the job done. i dont know how, or if, we'll know which methods are better then others, because like you said, its hard to simulate certain events. but one things is true throughout, we just want a peaceful world, and that is the greatest goal.
And i know this thread isnt about god, sorry bout that guys, u know us religious fanatics, always spouting at the mouth about god any chance we get,lol, jk, but grace, i understand how hard mens hearts are, its the fact that i know my heart was hard once, and through certain people and events, it changed. and i thought, shit, i was a terrible terrible person,lol, i did a lot of terrible shit, and someone, i find love all around now, and peace is the goal...who'd a thunk it? and if that can happen to me, then why not the coldest of hearts? i think, maybe i was so cold to start, so id know how to help other frozen people, without them thinking im trying to push anything on them, because all im doing is just melting the hardness to reveal what i feel is inside all of us, and thats some degree of love. I also think that the more i get better, and the less i get so confused and angry, the better suited i am to be the vesel at any time i want, because that is the gift for someone who loves more and more. i say that because it is what i experience. when i started to change, i got to be a vesel a few times here and there, and it was the most miraculous feeling in the entire world, nothing like it, to be a tool for miracles. and it seems the closer i get to truth and purity, the more often i get to be the vesel for lifes water. and maybe in the end, no matter where i go, or who i meet and talk to, change will always be at hand.
I might be wrong, but if there is anything i dont mind being wrong about in this life, its that. I feel i have nothing to loose, because i'll always have this feeling, and I've got everything to give and gain.
I'm glad we could wrap this thing up properly, with all these good people on here, it sux to see when people think they are being shot at, or cornered, because i feel thats nobodys intention in here, we just believe what we say with such a passion, and in disagreements, we only see words, and not the person in front of us, smiling a happy smile, and not a condescending scowl. like when i said someone could be the president of fantasy world, if they could see me in person, i say it with a joking style, one that would hug the person if they were sitting in front of me, or id use my hands and face and laugh to show it is innocent in nature, to show that im a true friend of whoever im talking to, not someone looking to bring someone else low, or excluded.
if i come across that way sometimes, guys, or whoever reads this, forget about me being an angry type, or condecending in any way, i love all u guys, like family, i dont care if i never even talked to you before,lol, because i may need any of you to save my life or help me one day, in some way, shape or form. and i'll be there for any of you if you need me.