OTz original V.I.P
so for other countries its ok to torture to interrogate people but for Americans its morally wrong....thats basically what you just said
It's actually pretty interesting in how people can still support this president. This isn't a democratic or republican issue, this is an issue that affects every last citizen of this great country. The president is sworn to uphold the constitution, yes, that god damned piece of paper as he once called it. It doesn't matter who is in office, defending the constitution and the laws of the land are more important than any administration whether it be democrat or republican. It doesn't matter what any of his predecessors did or said, all that matters now is that he carry out the duties appointed to him within the confines of the law.
We suffered a great loss on 9/11 at the hands of terrorists. They succeeded in ways they could not have foreseen. Not only did they instill fear, they succeeded in turning our government upon its own people. Laws and constitutional rights have been set aside in the name of our safety. We are held in fear that is perpetuated by our own government. Our fears and emotions from that attack were used to take us to war with a dictator who refused to sell us his oil. We were told that we had to attack since he was amassing weapons of mass destruction, even though it was our own government that removed the inspectors from Iraq while they were still actively searching.
Whether the government lied about WMD's or they just didn't have enough intel, they were negligent in getting the right info. It was criminal to say that Saddam had WMD's when there was no proof, the inspectors were still actively searching and we pull them out before they can do their job.
It scares me when I hear about warrantless wire tapping when we have a system in place for the proper checks and balances. Absolute power does not belong to any one branch of the government. A good example of why is the National security letter's used by the FBI. It gave the FBI untethered power to collect information on any US citizen. In a recent audit of only 10% of the letters used so far it was found that the bureau potentially violated the law or agency rules more than 1,000 times while collecting data about domestic phone calls, e-mails and financial transactions in recent years. And according to the patriot act, that information is kept secret. So if they collected information on you illegally, you will never know and you will never be able to correct the problem.
I'm not even going to get into the fact that our government has people "disappeared" to other countries to be interrogated and tortured. That will have to wait for another post
so for other countries its ok to torture to interrogate people but for Americans its morally wrong....thats basically what you just said
I'm not even going to get into the fact that our government has people "disappeared" to other countries to be interrogated and tortured. That will have to wait for another post
looks that way to me
ExactlyThat's not what he said, but Bush and his Gang will tell you that the U.S. Government doesn't torture while hypocritically telling the American people that every other country is wrong for torturing.
so for other countries its ok to torture to interrogate people but for Americans its morally wrong....thats basically what you just said
No, no, no... it's not right for other countries to do, it's not right for us to do and it sure as hell isn't right (or legal) for our government to pick up people off the streets and have them transported to another country that has no problem with torturing information out of suspects. It breaks international law and the President could be tried for war crimes for doing this.
So we have to crack a few eggs for freedom huh? Come on. Torture is pretty much a obsolete form of information gathering, and unreliable at that.I'm not a big fan of torture, but I'm a little conflicted on drawing such a hard line against it too.
With the rules laid out like they now are, why on Earth will a prisoner ever tell an interrogator anything except "**** you. Where's my hot meal?" Now they don't even have to have a fear of the unknown.
I am also conflicted on the correctness of sending prisoners to allied nations that are known to not stand on torture principals the same way we do. We have become too politically correct in this country to gather information that is critical to have in real time. As of today, we have no choice but to ask others to do the hard, disgusting work for us, that we may be able to save lives. I'm not saying it's right, but what I am saying, is how should the decision be made when you only have bad choices? Innocent people die, or we hurt this guy, and in the process become less innocent ourselves?
I fear we're painting ourselves into a terrible corner here. The more tools we lay down forever, the fewer tools we have available to us to stop these people in the future. The driving forces to lay down our weapons will NEVER EVER be quieted, so appeasement to me seems to be a futile gesture.
I have said many times that I wish for nothing more than the vision of the liberal world to be reality. Who doesn't want peace and love and clean air and food and education for all mankind?? The day guns, and power become obsolete will be a great day indeed. The problem is, that today is not that day. If the good men and women of this world refuse to be more powerful than the evil men and women of this world, then evil will prevail. They are not handicapped by our conscience or our morals. If we refuse to be strong, they will say jump, and our only choice will be death, or the question "How high?"
In this vision of the future, idealism itself would be destroyed.
if you think that bush is the only american president to torture for what could be vital information you are living in a fantasy land...I promise you that every president before him used these means and every president after him will too...the only reason why its such a big deal now is because so many people are jumping on the I hate bush bandwagon...a lot of people don't even know why they hate bush they just do because its the in thing to do...sure I don't think he's the best president we've had but he's the only president to have the balls to do what he's done and I do think whats going needed to happen...and yes you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet...I've got no problems with torture and yes I think as prisoners they have it too good...we are the only country that humanely treats prisoners with the exception of the few that might get tortured for info...do you think that our pow's get treated good? no they get beheaded and or beaten to death...
if you think that bush is the only american president to torture for what could be vital information you are living in a fantasy land...I promise you that every president before him used these means and every president after him will too...the only reason why its such a big deal now is because so many people are jumping on the I hate bush bandwagon...a lot of people don't even know why they hate bush they just do because its the in thing to do...sure I don't think he's the best president we've had but he's the only president to have the balls to do what he's done and I do think whats going needed to happen...and yes you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet...I've got no problems with torture and yes I think as prisoners they have it too good...we are the only country that humanely treats prisoners with the exception of the few that might get tortured for info...do you think that our pow's get treated good? no they get beheaded and or beaten to death...
You ignored his ENTIRE post just to say that?You ignored most of my post just to say that?
You ignored his ENTIRE post just to say that?
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