Haus said:
SloMoFo said:
sounds like a bitch to me ...
seriously when a girl likes you ..she will like you for you and not what you look like (but it does help)
keep your chin up =)
thanks slomo. it seems like this was the content of our first convo on aim.
well on a serious advice thing i would not recommend approaching someone you never spoken to and asking them out ..
as a female i must say this is very uncomfortable
i dont like strangers hitting on me ....period
if they start some conversation first and we talk a bit thats fine but not "hi, how are you? lets go out."
get what i mean?
just because a person smiles at you does not mean they want you
i have an example from the other day at work older gentleman was walking my department with a confused look on his face so i smiled at him (as i do with all my customers, male or female) he looked at me kind of weird then kept walking then he looked back so i smiled again
i guess he took my smiling wrong because after he made a purchase he came back to my department and asked me "were those friendly smiles or more then friendly smiles" i must of turned abot three shades of red when i replied "im just a friendly person and i thought you needed some help with something"
in my job we are taught to acknowledge people to let them know we are here (i work in retail) this guy had a confused look on his face so my smiling was my way of letting him know im here to help if he needs it
afterwards i felt uncomfortable because
1. a guy my dads age was hitting on me in a way or i made him uncomfortable and visa versa
2. It made me question my smile ....if im sending the wrong signals or not