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So what happens if you're a laid back guy who doesn't like to hunt for girls all the time? Ah yes, that means you're just me :dunno

Suppose this was what i was talking about :dunno If you dont hunt for girsl then how would you know how Haus feels :dunno
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2000Si said:
What a fucking stuck up conceited cunt.

Don't let slutty fucking whores like that get you down man.

Is there anything else I can call that dick slurping bitch?

I would have spit in her face and walked away.

whip our your penis and slap in her in the face would have dont nicely too.


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IntruderLS1 said:
Lot's of wisdom already up there. :agree 's


Trent: You know what you are? You're like a big bear with claws and with fangs...
Sue: ...big fucking teeth, man.
Trent: Yeah... big fuckin' teeth on ya'. And she's just like this little bunny, who's just kinda cowering in the corner.
Sue: Shivering.
Trent: Yeah, man just kinda... you know, you got these claws and you're staring at these claws and your thinking to yourself, and with these claws you're thinking, "How am I supposed to kill this bunny, how am I supposed to kill this bunny?"
Sue: And you're poking at it, you're poking at it...
Trent: Yeah, you're not hurting it. You're just kinda gently batting the bunny around, you know what I mean? And the bunny's scared Mike, the bunny's scared of you, shivering.
Sue: And you got these fucking claws and these fangs...
Trent: And you got these fucking claws and these fangs, man! And you're looking at your claws and you're looking at your fangs. And you're thinking to yourself, you don't know what to do, man. "I don't know how to kill the bunny." With *this* you don't know how to kill the bunny, do you know what I mean?
Sue: You're like a big bear, man.
Mike: So you're not just like fucking with me?
Trent: No I'm not fucking with you.
Sue: Honestly, man.


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Wow cant you guys be sympathetic for some one whos feelings have just been HURT and ..... try to be serious ...... Pulling your DICK out to me isnt the way to solve the problem ....... Matt really now :eek: :eek:


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First of all, you set yourself up for disaster by asking a girl that was out of your league, on a date with out even getting to know her or her you. There is a phycological issue right there that needs to be addressed that I don't want to get into.

Get to know a girl with common interests first. Then move in for the kill (figuratively of coarse)
Girls look for relationships in two ways:
#1. Instant physical attraction with the hope that the guy will be all she wants in a man.
#2. A relationship with a guy that has something to offer her that she is looking for in a man. IE: money, affection, nice car, stability, good at licking clit, etc, etc or all of the above. But in most cases, if you can fulfill at least one of her needs, that's good enough for her, because all women think they can train us on the rest.

Just remember Haus, men are hunters. :cool

also well said, thats soo true.


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Tazzy said:
Wow cant you guys be sympathetic for some one whos feelings have just been HURT and ..... try to be serious ...... Pulling your DICK out to me isnt the way to solve the problem ....... Matt really now :eek: :eek:

I am i posted both possitive stuff for him, and negative towards the whore


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Haus said:
Ok when I was fat and ugly i could barely get a girl so i decided to change my look a little bit. and now that im bulky and ok looking i still cant get a girl. I asked out a girl today cause i thought i got a good vibe from her. when i was walking torwards her to ask her out. so i introduced my self. i said hey im bill nice to meet you. she said nice to meet you too. so i said can i take you out to dinner some time. she looked me right in the eye and said your not my type. your too big for me. i said but you were smiling at me. her respnse was not to be mean or anything but i was smiling to hold back my laughter. i was in total shock. why i said. because you look like you have trouble walking. its really discusting. i was like wow thanks for destoying every bit of cofidence i had left in me. i really aprreciate it. thanks. so i am really considering stop exercising and eat shit loads of food so i can be really fat again. i think its for the best. :>(

Sorry Haus, but I can't hold back...That girl was a CUNT!


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2000Si said:
First of all, you set yourself up for disaster by asking a girl that was out of your league, on a date with out even getting to know her or her you.

She obviously is NOT out of his league. If she's that stuck up I'd venture to say that she is out of his league. He came up and respectfully/tactfully asked her out only to get shut down without ever getting to even know his name.

So your saying, walk up to a perfect stranger and ask her out? Sure a date is how you get to know some one better, but you have to get to know them a little bit before you ask them out so they don't think your a freak!

What I meant by phycological issue, is that he may be subconsciously sabotaging his confidence. I feel this way because he said, "maybe I'll go back to eating alot again"...or someting like that. It sounds like he's trying to find an excuse to give up or give up on getting a girl, in my opinion.

That's a gross overgeneralization right there.

#1 applies to those girls that believe "i'm all that and a bag of chips." Those girls are usually the ones that are like the one he tried to ask out, stuck up bitches who think they're too good for everyone else.

#2 applies to more down to earth girls. They're less hostile towards guys, BUT they've been hurt by guys more so than the bitches have.

Most girls out there want one simple thing as far as I've seen... a guy who can make them laugh. Someone they can have fun being around. A relationship cannot progress past dating without this. You first must be friends before you can be anything else.

That is just not so SI. A girl doesn't have to be conceded to want to hook up with a guy because he's hot. Physical attraction is OK to start a relationship on. There's not a damn thing wrong with it. But the girl is taking a risk that there may not be anything more then looks with the guy.

#2 applies to even the girls that maybe have started a relationship or two based on physical attraction. If a girl gets to know a guy and noticed that she likes him because he is a loving person and treats her great, then that becomes her starting point for a relationship.
But that doesn't change the fact that there will always be selfish, conceded bitches, or sweet down to earth women in the dating pool.....and everything inbetween.

Just remember Haus, men are hunters. :cool

So what happens if you're a laid back guy who doesn't like to hunt for girls all the time? Ah yes, that means you're just me.

Your still a hunter, you just have a different approuch. More like a guy fishing in a lake, sitting in a lawn chair with an ice chest full of samiches and beer. Is he not a hunter? LOL


OTz Original
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i would of under stood better if she would of just said no. but i guess all girls dont like really muscular guys. i should of known too cause i go to the book stores alot to look at the magazines and sometimes i see girls looking at the body building magazines and saying thats gross and of course that is my que to leave before they see me.


OTz original V.I.P
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go to Va Beach in the summer a lot of girls down there think its hot....my buddy Justing use to be into body building and he couldn't keep the girls away


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sounds like a bitch to me ...

seriously when a girl likes you ..she will like you for you and not what you look like (but it does help)

keep your chin up =)


OTz Original
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SloMoFo said:
sounds like a bitch to me ...

seriously when a girl likes you ..she will like you for you and not what you look like (but it does help)

keep your chin up =)
thanks slomo. it seems like this was the content of our first convo on aim.


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Haus said:
SloMoFo said:
sounds like a bitch to me ...

seriously when a girl likes you ..she will like you for you and not what you look like (but it does help)

keep your chin up =)
thanks slomo. it seems like this was the content of our first convo on aim.

well on a serious advice thing i would not recommend approaching someone you never spoken to and asking them out ..as a female i must say this is very uncomfortable

i dont like strangers hitting on me ....period

if they start some conversation first and we talk a bit thats fine but not "hi, how are you? lets go out."

get what i mean?

just because a person smiles at you does not mean they want you

i have an example from the other day at work ...an older gentleman was walking my department with a confused look on his face so i smiled at him (as i do with all my customers, male or female) he looked at me kind of weird then kept walking then he looked back so i smiled again

i guess he took my smiling wrong because after he made a purchase he came back to my department and asked me "were those friendly smiles or more then friendly smiles" i must of turned abot three shades of red when i replied "im just a friendly person and i thought you needed some help with something"

in my job we are taught to acknowledge people to let them know we are here (i work in retail) this guy had a confused look on his face so my smiling was my way of letting him know im here to help if he needs it

afterwards i felt uncomfortable because

1. a guy my dads age was hitting on me in a way or i made him uncomfortable and visa versa

2. It made me question my smile ....if im sending the wrong signals or not


The OG
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SloMoFo said:
Haus said:
SloMoFo said:
sounds like a bitch to me ...

seriously when a girl likes you ..she will like you for you and not what you look like (but it does help)

keep your chin up =)
thanks slomo. it seems like this was the content of our first convo on aim.

well on a serious advice thing i would not recommend approaching someone you never spoken to and asking them out ..as a female i must say this is very uncomfortable
i dont like strangers hitting on me ....period

if they start some conversation first and we talk a bit thats fine but not "hi, how are you? lets go out."

get what i mean?

just because a person smiles at you does not mean they want you

i have an example from the other day at work ...an older gentleman was walking my department with a confused look on his face so i smiled at him (as i do with all my customers, male or female) he looked at me kind of weird then kept walking then he looked back so i smiled again

i guess he took my smiling wrong because after he made a purchase he came back to my department and asked me "were those friendly smiles or more then friendly smiles" i must of turned abot three shades of red when i replied "im just a friendly person and i thought you needed some help with something"

in my job we are taught to acknowledge people to let them know we are here (i work in retail) this guy had a confused look on his face so my smiling was my way of letting him know im here to help if he needs it

afterwards i felt uncomfortable because

1. a guy my dads age was hitting on me in a way or i made him uncomfortable and visa versa

2. It made me question my smile ....if im sending the wrong signals or not


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well on a serious advice thing i would not recommend approaching someone you never spoken to and asking them out ..as a female i must say this is very uncomfortable

See SI, told I know of what I speak. :popcorn