How should they Pretend?

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The Man

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I made a list earlier john where all the increase took place...cut on the worst offenders
Military actually came in last if I remember correctly much for the "cost of the wars" bullshit
Time to let that one rest
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The Man

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Here you go john....finding cuts should be no problem...Excluding military

Fiscal Year 1960
Federal Pensions $12 billion
Federal Health Care + $1 billion
Federal Education + $2 billion
National Defense + $53 billion
Federal Welfare + $3 billion
All Other Spending + $23 billion
Total Federal Spending $97 billion

Fiscal Year 2011 +1yr +5yr
Federal Pensions $782 billion
Federal Health Care + $858 billion
Federal Education + $114 billion
National Defense + $878 billion
Federal Welfare + $466 billion
All Other Spending + $504 billion
Total Federal Spending $3,603 billion

Federal healthcare ....858 times higher
Federal pensions ....63 times higher
Damn good place to start right there

Federal education....57times higher...I think we can make some cuts for sure
Federal welfare ....155 times higher....we could actually leave much of this for now as it should reduce when the economy booms.

Defense ...16 times higher.


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The Man

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Maybe that is a problem with our system. As soon as someone executes pain, they will be voted out for the next big fibber who makes better promiese?

Thing is once you have an increase or add a new agency ...its just kinda there.
People are more interested in creating something else that costs....than digging and digging and to where the money is going and what to eliminate.

How can you fire em anyway?....they havent done anything wrong...right?


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I have no problem with most of those tax increases but would like to see a sunset clause on some of them

The problem is there is so much crap that can be cut that never gets addressed. Many of it ear marks that are a few hundred thousand here and a few hundred there that never get cut. How about we treat things like in our own family budget. Start by eliminating all the non essential stuff and then put a freeze on the rest for a while.

Neither party is serious about cuts though

So why should anybody want to give them more to spend until they come up with a viable plan. And that includes immediate cuts and not the crap where some won't take effect for x number of years. Otherwise it is like giving an alcoholic another drink with the promise the alcoholic will quit the next day. Then the next day comes and the same process repeats itself. Groundhog Day

I have no problem with most of those tax increases but would like to see a sunset clause on some of them
Set a time limit and then review.

Neither party is serious about cuts though's all the other guy's fault.

Then the next day comes and the same process repeats itself. Groundhog Day]

The Man

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Islands have long been excellent tourist destinations.
Our 50th state is a popular series of islands and one big tourist destination.

Cuba was once very popular until it went Communist.

Location, location, location.
People go to beautiful places for vacations.

There are many beautiful islands with resorts.

True...still bad locations though...for me anyway :D


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I have no problem with most of those tax increases but would like to see a sunset clause on some of them
STRONGLY disagree!
It's these temporary measures that are keeping so much investment capital on the sidelines. Whatever is done needs to be permanent. Congress can always change it later.

Investors learn how to make money whether it's a bull market or bear market. They can also make money whether taxes are high or low. That's not the problem.

The problem is there is so much crap that can be cut that never gets addressed. Many of it ear marks that are a few hundred thousand here and a few hundred there that never get cut. How about we treat things like in our own family budget. Start by eliminating all the non essential stuff and then put a freeze on the rest for a while.

Neither party is serious about cuts though

So why should anybody want to give them more to spend until they come up with a viable plan. And that includes immediate cuts and not the crap where some won't take effect for x number of years. Otherwise it is like giving an alcoholic another drink with the promise the alcoholic will quit the next day. Then the next day comes and the same process repeats itself. Groundhog Day
I don't think we can cut enough to balance things. We have to pay our bills. Plus the Johns and Minors of America are so convinced that if the gov't doesn't do it then it doesn't get done, that they would never stand for adequate cuts. It's all academic, though, because as you point out, nobody in Washington is serious about cuts.

The Man

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I'll address this first......I didn't argue for a tax increase, but I didn't argue against one.
The point was with rising profits being at record highs, corporations don't need income tax cuts to improve their business models.
At the same time, they obviously don't need a significant tax increase that upsets their business models.

I haven't a clue as to what you are referring to. Do you?

I'm not arguing to socialize anything, the discussion is about taxation.
Do you know what socialism is in the economic sense?

You aren't thinking straight.....I really do mean an all encompassing corruption to benefit the 'self'.

Then it was meaningless.

The biggest reason for offshoring is labor costs.
Now you're offering up a bizarre plan for subsidizing labor parity.
See how complicated it becomes.
It would be better to give new business starts, incentives than all of existing and successful corporations already running at record high profit levels.

Are you now praising Obama ( :D )

We've had more than a 2% improvement and analysts call it sluggish.

OK....I posted> "Well....I did show that corporate profits were at all time highs and still climbing, so I don't see a valid argument to cut their taxes. "
Increasing consumerism is a fast track to job creation in the present scenario. What don't you see in that?

I suspect you don't understand the relationship of supply and demand to industrial growth.

Layoffs and restructuring had the greatest impacts in efficiency.

Any tax at all has an impact....the problem is how to run a country on on a specified budget.
Bush cut taxes too much on the wealthy and scheduled the cuts too far in advance while waging a war and then butted up against an economic crash. Add in rising energy costs and the middle class took what seems like an almost unrecoverable hit.
Now they are being hit again with new taxes.
All the while corporate profits soar.

Not worth my time responding to.

They are the consumer base.....with out expanding consumption there isn't any reason for there to be increased production based on anything other than the birth rate.
That's really a pretty simple concept.


Agreed, but a non sequitur to your above statement.

Nor does trickle down economics create jobs in the current scenario.
We are seeing money piling up at fantastic rates in the 1% class and corporate profits rise at record rates.......and job creation lags.....the current tax equation is out of kilter and magnifying the situation to your suggestions illogical.
This is not in support of's what is actually happening while middle class wages decline.

I probably won't be able to respond much today.....but go ahead anyway ;)

I'll address this first......I didn't argue for a tax increase, but I didn't argue against one.
The point was with rising profits being at record highs, corporations don't need income tax cuts to improve their business models.
At the same time, they obviously don't need a significant tax increase that upsets their business models.

We have high corp taxes as well as high payroll taxes.. so corps move and set up across the ocean.
While doing such...we lose the ability to export that product {which provides wealth}
We have to import the product as a result...thus unemployment goes up..and GDP also goes salaries are lost.
I haven't a clue as to what you are referring to. Do you?

You aren't thinking straight.....I really do mean an all encompassing corruption to benefit the 'self'.
Yes...and that includes cheating the govt itself
The biggest reason for offshoring is labor costs.
Now you're offering up a bizarre plan for subsidizing labor parity.
See how complicated it becomes.
It would be better to give new business starts, incentives than all of existing and successful corporations already running at record high profit levels.

And tax avoidance.
Then lower labor costs if you feel that is the reason.
Our labor costs are high stone as we take from the rich to give to the poor who give it back when they make a purchase...whats the point.

For demonstration purposes lets reverse that for a minute....if you taxed the poor and gave it to the rich...the rich then pay the workers with that same dollar..Prices are cheap as the labor costs are very low...this actually causes deflation.....They both accomplish the same thing however one increases prices and wages..the other decreases prices and still have the same buying power on payday from the same host...whats the point.

OK....I posted> "Well....I did show that corporate profits were at all time highs and still climbing, so I don't see a valid argument to cut their taxes. "
Increasing consumerism is a fast track to job creation in the present scenario. What don't you see in that?

Then a tax reduction is needed to have more funds to purchase goods and services.
Also cutting corp taxes...keeps jobs here..thus reducing unemployment.

I suspect you don't understand the relationship of supply and demand to industrial growth.

Earlier you claimed it a labor price issue.
The demand is already there...they just choose to set up where as costs are lower.
Layoffs and restructuring had the greatest impacts in efficiency.
I already stated that..and was part of the reason corps were improving.

Any tax at all has an impact....the problem is how to run a country on on a specified budget.
Bush cut taxes too much on the wealthy and scheduled the cuts too far in advance while waging a war and then butted up against an economic crash. Add in rising energy costs and the middle class took what seems like an almost unrecoverable hit.
Now they are being hit again with new taxes.
All the while corporate profits soar.

A specified budget needs to be supply the need of common man that would otherwise cause chaos
Law ,roads ,military etc. not a shift in funds

Housing caused the crash...not related to tax cuts.
What is wrong with corp profits?..looking at your chart and and adjusting for inflation..there is no big further it is scaled on GDP much profit they had of GDP ...if the GDP isnt raising as fast as inflation...there is no gain...if your actual profits remain the same after adjusted for inflation but GDP as not only have a larger share of GDP profit....not actual profit.
Not worth my time responding to.

Why not? If the rich arent paying the salaries of the middle class the who is?

They are the consumer base.....with out expanding consumption there isn't any reason for there to be increased production based on anything other than the birth rate.
That's really a pretty simple concept

All are the consumer base....increased consumption comes with more available funds{lower burden} tax being one of them.
There is already a need for much production...but we are letting it go over seas due to our codes.

Nor does trickle down economics create jobs in the current scenario.
We are seeing money piling up at fantastic rates in the 1% class and corporate profits rise at record rates.......and job creation lags.....the current tax equation is out of kilter and magnifying the situation to your suggestions illogical.

Someone has to be rich...someone has to be poor..its just a fact everyone needs to accept..its not going to can not paint a middle class...well you could but it would be short lived.

For demonstration...{ i know how much you hate em} if we raised minimum wage to 100 bucks an hour for instance

The poor are richer /and the richer are poorer....the rich can no longer grow and we all become poor ...pepsi is now 9 bucks a bottle
You are to worried about a strong middle class...forget Romney forget Obama and the coined terms.
People are charged for a good or service by what they will pay...not by what they make...the stronger {more} the middle class the more they will charge for a product or service as more can afford it...this makes the rich get richer ...and the poor are poorer as the price is out of their range.
Fuck the middle class they are snobs anyway:p....I am interested in the poor man not suffering...and not relief via entitlement but rather a level playing field for workers...which raises wages accordingly.
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The Man

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Why exclude military?? We could cut our military funding in half and still be at or near the top.

It is the least offender by far on the list....with the other cuts we would prosper and still be the elite.
We need to keep ahead on the costs.
If we dont pay through the teeth for contract on technology someone else will.
Money wins here.


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...............(edited for brevity)...................

We have high corp taxes as well as high payroll taxes.. so corps move and set up across the ocean.
While doing such...we lose the ability to export that product {which provides wealth}
We have to import the product as a result...thus unemployment goes up..and GDP also goes salaries are lost.
It's a factor, just not the main factor which is cost to manufacture.
And that's a labor issue.

Obviously not or you'd post it :D

Yes...and that includes cheating the govt itself
Proving you committed a logical fallacy by arguing it was an absolute.
My generality was correct.

And tax avoidance.
No, If I state something is bigger, there is no 'and'.......only something less.
It's up to you to prove other wise.

Then lower labor costs if you feel that is the reason.
Or increase efficiency in the manufacturing process......the main issue the US faces is still costs of labor in the product or service compared to competing nations.

Our labor costs are high stone as we take from the rich to give to the poor...
Blabbering nonsense :D

who give it back when they make a purchase...whats the point.
You don't have a clue as to how our economy works.
Doesn't it embarrass you to proof read this crap?

For demonstration purposes lets reverse that for a minute
Your fallacies are built on demonstrations and frequently go counter to reality.

if you taxed the poor and gave it to the rich
Why bother to tax those that have the very least? No matter what the tax rate, the revenue stream is going to be insignificant......see how your demonstration failed at the get go?

the rich then pay the workers with that same dollar
First, there wouldn't be many tax dollars collected and if that was all the workers were paid, workers would wind up being the poor paying themselves........your logic is all fucked up :D

Prices are cheap as the labor costs are very low...this actually causes deflation
All you did was engineer a slave economy.
It's stupid.

They both accomplish the same thing however one increases prices and wages..the other decreases prices and still have the same buying power on payday from the same host...whats the point.
A complete waste of time to even have read it.

Then a tax reduction is needed to have more funds to purchase goods and services.
I do think there is a good argument for reducing the tax load on the middle class.

Also cutting corp taxes...keeps jobs here..thus reducing unemployment.
The stats show that corporate profits have never been higher and never risen as quickly.
Reducing taxes is a minor issue that only affects new start ups and failing businesses that already have less tax liabilities because they are failing.
There is a good argument to assist them, but not the corporate environment as a whole because it has been shown they have recovered and producing profit at record rates.
As shown, corporate tax cuts at this time simply will not increase consumer demand.
It's a stagnant economy with profits stacking up on the corporate side.....this is a fact I've proven in my discussion with you.

There is no way you can deny it by 'demonstration'.

Earlier you claimed it a labor price issue.
It is largely a labor cost issue.
And it's even gone into the intellectual side of the labor issue.
Big pharma, especially Pfizer, is building large research and development centers in China because they can hire 3 educated professionals ( scientists ) there for the price on one in the US.

The demand is already there...they just choose to set up where as costs are lower.
WTF is that?
The demand of what, and now claiming costs of what are less?
Be a little more specific so others can understand you.

I already stated that..and was part of the reason corps were improving.
Indeed, corporate business models adjusted to supply and demand pressures....this is what I told you from the beginning and you don't seem to understand the relationships.

A specified budget needs to be supply the need of common man that would otherwise cause chaos
Law ,roads ,military etc. not a shift in funds
Of course, and an island economy structured on tourism won't supply the needed revenue stream as you claimed it would.
You've been talking out your ass :D

Housing caused the crash...not related to tax cuts.
What has this to do with the price of tea in China?
The banking system treating flaky home mortgages as derivatives while speculation in crude oil drove up energy costs at the same time.
The system crashed.
What is your point?

What is wrong with corp profits
Nothing, they are doing well as a whole, profit wise...I gave you the stats on that.
Your argument is to cut their taxes and you have no argument for the need.

Why not? If the rich arent paying the salaries of the middle class the who is?
As I posted...typical rhetoric of teabagger mentality.
The issue is.....wealth has been accumulating within a minority of the economy that you argue need a tax cut.
You need to be looking at this from a pragmatic standpoint, not the dogma of ranting fools.

All are the consumer base....increased consumption comes with more available funds{lower burden} tax being one of them.
I agree there is a good argument for giving the middle class tax reductions......why the fuck can't you understand the words I use?

There is already a need for much production...but we are letting it go over seas due to our codes.
The constant denial of reality is not a logical argument.

Someone has to be rich.
I have no problem with that.....:D

someone has to be poor
No....that's an argument for economic slavery.
Some may chose not to participate and leech on the good will of others, but no one should be made/forced to be poor.

you can not paint a middle class
WTF are you babbling about?

For demonstration...{ i know how much you hate em}
Well.....the ones you've posted have been stupid.
Are you trying to prepare me for some new chuckles? :D

The poor are richer /and the richer are poorer....the rich can no longer grow and we all become poor ...pepsi is now 9 bucks a bottle
I take it the Republicans wouldn't compromise and we hit that fiscal cliff?
I doubt the poor would be any richer, though....just everyone poorer.
But continue with your fantasy.

You are to worried about a strong middle class...forget Romney forget Obama and the coined terms. your just killed off most of the middle can we worry in your demonstration about a class of people that disappeared?

You weren't thinking, were you.

People are charged for a good or service by what they will pay...not by what they make
Indeed, and if they can't afford those rates, they don't buy.....that condition , when wide spread, is called a recession and the extreme case a depression.

the stronger {more} the middle class the more they will charge for a product or service as more can afford it
No.....not 'will'.....'can', but it still hinges on supply and demand pressures that cost to build/service considerations influence in a capitalistic economic model.

You are talking crap.

.this makes the rich get richer ...and the poor are poorer as the price is out of their range.
That was all Wanker logic :D

Fuck the middle class..........

I am interested in the poor man not suffering
I just might have to copy this thread to disk, also......lots of laughs so far :thumbup
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It is the least offender by far on the list....with the other cuts we would prosper and still be the elite.
We need to keep ahead on the costs.
If we dont pay through the teeth for contract on technology someone else will.
Money wins here.
So you're claiming that 50% of the military budget goes to R&D.


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It is the least offender by far on the list....with the other cuts we would prosper and still be the elite.
We need to keep ahead on the costs.
If we dont pay through the teeth for contract on technology someone else will.
Money wins here. you really think the economic model of the Bahamas, a tourist attraction, could provide the revenue stream you claim we need for defense?

( that's rhetorical....of course you do :D )