of which there is a lot of
but then congress does not think a million here and a million there is a big deal
how about just a dam spending freeze?
Instead of this bullshit crap where they use base line spending to start from
What is the problem with that?
Or better yet an across the board cut of 2% from from all programs
Here are some stats 1960 and 2011...Fed only.
Fiscal Year 1960
Federal Pensions $12 billion
Federal Health Care + $1 billion
Federal Education + $2 billion
National Defense + $53 billion
Federal Welfare + $3 billion
All Other Spending + $23 billion
Total Federal Spending $97 billion
Fiscal Year 2011 +1yr +5yr
Federal Pensions $782 billion
Federal Health Care + $858 billion
Federal Education + $114 billion
National Defense + $878 billion
Federal Welfare + $466 billion
All Other Spending + $504 billion
Total Federal Spending $3,603 billion
Federal healthcare ....858 times higher
Federal pensions ....63 times higher
Damn good place to start right there
Federal education....57times higher...I think we can make some cuts for sure
Federal welfare ....155 times higher....we could actually leave much of this for now as it should reduce when the economy booms.
Defense ...16 times higher.
The huge offenders seem to be...federal pensions and and federal health care...being damn near half the cost....big chops needed
Chop some of the education costs off....we cant throw money to fix stupid it hasnt been working.
welfare should easily cut by half with the economy boom.
I propose to wipe out govt pensions...fuck em.
If the govt forced it on Gm then it should be good enough for them too.
782 b saved..damn near a fourth of the budget
Fed health care..at 782 times higher...gonna cut lets say a fat third
300 billion saved.
Fed education 57 times higher...cut half
67 billion saved.
fed welfare...155 times high...cut about half off say 80 b
80 b saved.
defense shave a little off say 100b
100 b saved
the all other spend line about 20 times higher...cut a fourth
125 b saved
about a trillion and a half saved..my cuts were all very reasonable and should be doable.
about 40 percent
just cutting the pensions alone is major itself.....the payout is just crazy..damn near as much as defense itself.....the cozy massive pensions have to go.
There is my proposition 40 percent ...then the welfare{as the economy booms} should fall saving more.
States should be forced to do similar...wiping pensions to start...and have a limit of how much money they can collect per capita...what ever the average state spending was in 1960..then adjust it for inflation.
same for local.