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The Man

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Quit posing to the forum......anyone that reads your posts knows you favor wealth generation and argue for cuts in taxation on the wealthiest knowing that their profiteering is not trickling down to the middle class.....I posted the stats on that.

You agree to raise taxes....when govt spending has increased 40 times since 1960 !!!!
You are posing as a super dooper liberal left langer tooter goober.
You only offer profiteering for the govt !!!....How much of this trickle are you getting stone...when govt spending is 20 grand per citizen ...thats 50 grand per household !!!
No trickle are getting a big stream of piss !!!
Govt trickle is NOT working.
I can not stress this enough.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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If the economy didn't grow, then you can accurately compare this years budget to last years. If the increase in spending is lower than the rate of growth, then by definition it's a cut no matter how you slice it.

a cut is a cut only when it is a cut

you have bought into the baseline budget bullshit. which is assuming x amount of revenue increase and adjust the next years budget accordingly. that is a recipe for disaster that has been used for the last 3 decades and look what that has got for ya

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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There was an element of that going on in home sales, especially in Nevada.
This was essentially why the derivatives were of less than face value to start with.

But it was deregulation and the policy of the Bush admin to ignore high rates of fraud and mortgage
defaults that allowed those market practices and allowed them to continue till the banks collapsed.
it was under Bush admin but the congress had a healthy hand in the mix basically telling banks they needed to lower their loan standards or be faced with discrimination charges if I am not mistaken.
A perfect storm stirred up by all involved.

The Man

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a cut is a cut only when it is a cut

you have bought into the baseline budget bullshit. which is assuming x amount of revenue increase and adjust the next years budget accordingly. that is a recipe for disaster that has been used for the last 3 decades and look what that has got for ya

Right....I want to see how much they spend next year 2013..if spending has went down..then we can talk tax increase to work off debt....and thats just a maybe
Not a projection of what will be spent or how much revenues they think they will gain.
They just keep borrowing....bout time to turn off the faucet ...and budget the current system.
Cuts will only happen if they are forced to happen.
I say make em use last years budget....let em get used to it..then reduce the budget the year after by a few percent and let em battle it out with the cuts...this way they are slowing adjusting to the budget cuts.
Just like the stuff was added in little by little until it got out of hand...lets reduce it little by little until it is practical again.....will give em all year to figure out how to say cut 4 or 5 percent a year.
No tax increases....none until we have 3 or 4 years under our belt of reduced spending


Having way too much fun
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Did you know that govt spending has increases 40 times since 1960?
Same people, same needs,...same roads same cops same bridges same fires..same shit
You can not apply what you are wanting for a base.
Just because we buy more junk and have higher trading.....does not mean mean our govt needs increase linearly in relation to GDP.
So if I buy 2 pizzas and a 12 pack the govt should spend more money?
A higher GDP increases revenues but that does not mean the people have a higher need for the govt.

Do you know that government spending as a percentage of GDP is currently at 23% and falling? Yes, falling.
Do you know that government spending as a percentage of GDP in 1960 was about 19%?

That means government spending has increased 4% as a percentage of GDP since 1960.


And please notice the HUGE spike in spending under Bush and notice which direction it is heading now under president Obama.

and no, I am not happy with our current spending habits and want much much more

The Man

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Do you know that government spending as a percentage of GDP is currently at 23% and falling? Yes, falling.
Do you know that government spending as a percentage of GDP in 1960 was about 19%?

That means government spending has increased 4% as a percentage of GDP since 1960.


And please notice the HUGE spike in spending under Bush and notice which direction it is heading now under president Obama.

and no, I am not happy with our current spending habits and want much much more

Then lets it fall some more !!!!!
We already agree bush spent to much correct ?
It needs to fall further...way said just because I buy a new car some pizza and a big screen the govt needs to spend to?
Our needs are not higher just because GDP goes up...agreed?
Same roads...same cops...same bridges...same white house.
Spending just keeps going up.
Our needs{govt spending} should only increase with population growth and inflation.
Lets let er keep falling{percentage wise}...thanks for the chart..good news for a change :thumbup

The Man

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Ok here is what the stink is about...interest getting ready to bite the ass.


Fuck em...its not like they didnt know about it all this time...and they just spend more and borrow more.
Let the bank shut em off !!!
I can not stress enough we need to reduce spending and pay on the debt !!
Look at those projected interest costs !!
If we dont act fast we are screwed...but raising taxes will not fix have to reduce spending.
Whats the worst that can happen...the bank owns us?
Fuck em...Fuck the federal reserve bank...sue us !!
We are in debt...good luck...going to confiscate public property?
We will pay you when we are ready......bout time to separate from them bastards anyway.


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You agree to raise taxes....when govt spending has increased 40 times since 1960 !!!!
You are posing as a super dooper liberal left langer tooter goober.
You only offer profiteering for the govt !!!....How much of this trickle are you getting stone...when govt spending is 20 grand per citizen ...thats 50 grand per household !!!
No trickle are getting a big stream of piss !!!
Govt trickle is NOT working.
I can not stress this enough.


If you want to live like it's 1960, that's not only your choice, it's one I doubt many would follow.

I hadn't realized your posts here were so shocking devoid of critical thinking.
You are a teabilly and so far all of my discussion with you has been of extreme distortion by you.

You agree to raise taxes
Yep.....if Bush hadn't done such an incredibly poor job of running the US, we obviously wouldn't be needing tax increases and budget cuts at this time to bail out the nation.

You are posing as a super dooper liberal left langer tooter goober.
That was funny......for many reasons.

You only offer profiteering for the govt !!!.
Admit it, your head hurts and you aren't thinking straight :D

How much of this trickle are you getting stone
None.....I retired at the age of 48 and have been living on the returns of investments.....dividends and capital gains ever since.
I haven't even worked for anyone but myself since 1970.
Although not a 1%er, I have been pissing on you :D

when govt spending is 20 grand per citizen ...thats 50 grand per household
You should have considered the consequences when voting for Bush.
That's not my fault....I'll bet you even voted for Bush the second go round.

No trickle are getting a big stream of piss !!!
Govt trickle is NOT working.
Lame. Of course everyone is getting screwed......except for the wealthiest....which makes your argument stupid.

I can not stress this enough.
That is a lot of thinking for 3 brain cells :tooth


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it was under Bush admin but the congress had a healthy hand in the mix basically telling banks they needed to lower their loan standards or be faced with discrimination charges if I am not mistaken.
A perfect storm stirred up by all involved.

I remember reports of SEC staffs being cut resulting in only a few high profile cases being investigated.......but a perfect storm it certainly was when speculation in petroleum drove many in the middle class to defaults and bankruptcy, further intensifying the bank failures.


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Ok here is what the stink is about...interest getting ready to bite the ass.

Fuck em...its not like they didnt know about it all this time...and they just spend more and borrow more.
Let the bank shut em off !!!
I can not stress enough we need to reduce spending and pay on the debt !!
Look at those projected interest costs !!
If we dont act fast we are screwed...but raising taxes will not fix have to reduce spending.
Whats the worst that can happen...the bank owns us?
Fuck em...Fuck the federal reserve bank...sue us !!
We are in debt...good luck...going to confiscate public property?
We will pay you when we are ready......bout time to separate from them bastards anyway.

I can not stress enough we need to reduce spending and pay on the debt !!
You forgot those teabilly tax cuts you keep rambling about......:p

Here comes:
.but raising taxes will not fix have to reduce spending.
You simply haven't made a convincing argument that there is no need to raise taxes other than you want to live in the distant past.

The Man

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If you want to live like it's 1960, that's not only your choice, it's one I doubt many would follow.

I hadn't realized your posts here were so shocking devoid of critical thinking.
You are a teabilly and so far all of my discussion with you has been of extreme distortion by you.

Yep.....if Bush hadn't done such an incredibly poor job of running the US, we obviously wouldn't be needing tax increases and budget cuts at this time to bail out the nation.

That was funny......for many reasons.

Admit it, your head hurts and you aren't thinking straight :D

None.....I retired at the age of 48 and have been living on the returns of investments.....dividends and capital gains ever since.
I haven't even worked for anyone but myself since 1970.
Although not a 1%er, I have been pissing on you :D

You should have considered the consequences when voting for Bush.
That's not my fault....I'll bet you even voted for Bush the second go round.

Lame. Of course everyone is getting screwed......except for the wealthiest....which makes your argument stupid.

That is a lot of thinking for 3 brain cells :tooth

If you want to live like it's 1960, that's not only your choice, it's one I doubt many would follow.
Not 1960 life style stone.
You do realize govt has increased 40 times since 1960....asking to reduce govt spending to about half does not mean living in 1960
I hadn't realized your posts here were so shocking devoid of critical thinking.
You are a teabilly and so far all of my discussion with you has been of extreme distortion by you

You obviously have issue relating to the ability of deductive reasoning.
May I suggest you go cut your nuts outs ....for some political cleansing.
Yep.....if Bush hadn't done such an incredibly poor job of running the US, we obviously wouldn't be needing tax increases and budget cuts at this time to bail out the nation.

Err revenues are up...Obama kept tax policy....err we need to curb govt spending...Of which is up 40x since 1960 btw....where is a good place to stop stone.
How about when govt spending equals 20 grand per every citizen...that would be right now.
None.....I retired at the age of 48 and have been living on the returns of investments.....dividends and capital gains ever since.
I haven't even worked for anyone but myself since 1970.
Although not a 1%er, I have been pissing on you

You aint pissing on did do a pretty good job of stabbing me in the back recently though.....any pissing is by me stone...piss on you.

You should have considered the consequences when voting for Bush.
That's not my fault....I'll bet you even voted for Bush the second go round.
Didnt vote for him either time.....I see you have stooped to Johnny level and just make up shit as you go along.
Lame. Of course everyone is getting screwed......except for the wealthiest....which makes your argument stupid.

Lets see they pay more...the lower brackets dont pay...and who is getting screwed again?.

Dont strain yourself running that through that through your brain.


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Then lets it fall some more !!!!!
We already agree bush spent to much correct ?
It needs to fall further...way said just because I buy a new car some pizza and a big screen the govt needs to spend to?
Our needs are not higher just because GDP goes up...agreed?
Same roads...same cops...same bridges...same white house.
Spending just keeps going up.
Our needs{govt spending} should only increase with population growth and inflation.
Lets let er keep falling{percentage wise}...thanks for the chart..good news for a change :thumbup

You are posting bullshit.
Have you ever considered relocating to some poverty stricken 3rd world nation where very little changes?

The Man

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You are posting bullshit.
Have you ever considered relocating to some poverty stricken 3rd world nation where very little changes?
Govt spending has doubled in the last decade...were we a third world country then?
I mean by your logic..if bush hasnt spent so much we would be a third world country.
Go cut your nuts

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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one look at the increase in public sector jobs over the years is all you need to see there is a spending problem

I have no problem raising taxes on everybody if I thought it would actually be spent to reduce the deficit and the debt. Nothing presented thus far by the left that would accomplish that.

You can rant about the tea party but at least guys like Rand Paul have put out a plan. You may not like the plan. Fine ... How about Simpson/Bowles? Which was an utter waste of money as it has been totally dismissed


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Not 1960 life style stone.
You do realize govt has increased 40 times since 1960....asking to reduce govt spending to about half does not mean living in 1960

You obviously have issue relating to the ability of deductive reasoning.
May I suggest you go cut your nuts outs ....for some political cleansing.

Err revenues are up...Obama kept tax policy....err we need to curb govt spending...Of which is up 40x since 1960 btw....where is a good place to stop stone.
How about when govt spending equals 20 grand per every citizen...that would be right now.

You aint pissing on did do a pretty good job of stabbing me in the back recently though.....any pissing is by me stone...piss on you.

Didnt vote for him either time.....I see you have stooped to Johnny level and just make up shit as you go along.

Lets see they pay more...the lower brackets dont pay...and who is getting screwed again?.

Dont strain yourself running that through that through your brain.

Not 1960 life style stone.
That is exactly what you are arguing for.

You obviously have issue relating to the ability of deductive reasoning.
May I suggest you go cut your nuts outs ....for some political cleansing.
Not much there ^^^^ that equated to intelligent thought.....:D

Err revenues are up...Obama kept tax policy....err we need to curb govt spending...Of which is up 40x since 1960 btw....where is a good place to stop stone.
Translator, please :D

How about when govt spending equals 20 grand per every citizen...that would be right now.
I'll stick with the concept of progressive taxation.

You aint pissing on did do a pretty good job of stabbing me in the back recently though.
I pissed all over you and I even gave you a warning of the coming event :D
I noticed the view count on your dumbass chickenhawk thread went up a little recently :eek

.any pissing is by me stone
Dude, you've got yellow stains all over your clothing......or is that a stripe on your back?:eek

Didnt vote for him either time.....
Sincerely....I doubt anyone believes that, either :cool

Lets see they pay more...the lower brackets dont pay...and who is getting screwed again?.

Dont strain yourself running that through that through your brain.
You have to make a coherent statement for me to consider, first


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one look at the increase in public sector jobs over the years is all you need to see there is a spending problem

I have no problem raising taxes on everybody if I thought it would actually be spent to reduce the deficit and the debt. Nothing presented thus far by the left that would accomplish that.

You can rant about the tea party but at least guys like Rand Paul have put out a plan. You may not like the plan. Fine ... How about Simpson/Bowles? Which was an utter waste of money as it has been totally dismissed

I have no problem raising taxes on everybody if I thought it would actually be spent to reduce the deficit and the debt. Nothing presented thus far by the left that would accomplish that.
My concerns, also.
Raising taxes and budget cuts have to occur at the same time to be effective.
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Govt spending has doubled in the last decade...were we a third world country then?
I mean by your logic..if bush hasnt spent so much we would be a third world country.
Go cut your nuts

I do mean you are posting bullshit, line of bullshit after another.
You make up a lot and twist meanings and facts to the point you've become a cartoon character in John's cartoons.


Having way too much fun
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We are in debt...good luck...going to confiscate public property?
We will pay you when we are ready......bout time to separate from them bastards anyway.

Shouldn't you be working on your end of the world bunker?

one look at the increase in public sector jobs over the years is all you need to see there is a spending problem

You might want to check your facts on this one. Public sector (government) jobs are at their lowest levels per capita since the 60's... and falling. The government is NOT growing, it is shrinking in relation to the size of our nation.


The Man

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Shouldn't you be working on your end of the world bunker?

You might want to check your facts on this one. Public sector (government) jobs are at their lowest levels per capita since the 60's... and falling. The government is NOT growing, it is shrinking in relation to the size of our nation.


I had found a similar chart showing a reduction in fed employees as well...but the decline wasnt as much as your chart maybe 20 percent,,,it did however show a major jump in state and local employees {of which many are federally funded}.
I cant find it now...but the increase in state and local was rather high.

See its not just fed spending getting us anyway...state and local spending has climber very fast.
I would have no objection to spending if it was just fed level
Its the combination of all that equate to 20 grand per citizen...50 grand per household.
Education alone..average 10 grand per student.
Then when we start throwing in federal education in way of grants etc...I think it was close to a trillion itself.
The war and education had about the same spending with defense actually coming in a little less.
We could trim there for sure.
Also cut back state and local funding to the 2000 level...and freeze current tax schema for state and local to revenue per citizen to 2000 levels...then adjust for inflation