Please point out where I said it would.
Please work on your reading comprehension before responding.
How much clearer can I make it? I want the tax code fixed AND reduced government waste and fraud.
Then why do you propose it if it wont cure it !!
You want the tax code fixed how?
We already have more revenue than while under Clinton...if you should be screaming anything it should be a cut for the middle bring it more on par with upper and lower class.
I agree we have a tax code problem...first being to complicated..and a damn tax for everything....thus why we have such large revenues.
If I bought something from you...then you bought something from me {retail}...we just paid the govt can not piss without wanting to make a dime from it.
You cant even die peacefully.
Property taxes
Business fees
it just goes on and on.
If all this was eliminated and we went strictly to a straight would have to be supply the 20 grand of spending per citizen....over 6 trillion dollars in 2011 !! {Fed state and local}
See tim state and local spending has went up as well...its fucking us just as bad.
Did I mention spending has went up 40 times since 1960 !!!!
40 times !!!!
Its not an error
Forty times !!!
And you agree to a tax hike ???? !!!!!! ???? !!!!!!
You should be ashamed .........go cut your nuts out tim :tooth
While I may be against abortion in general...I am for political cleansing.