How Can God Prove Himself?

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Minor Axis

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Thalmud?? They are the Thamud people, and it has nothing to do with the Talmud book.

First, I need you to know that they did not just reject(the Thamud people), in fact, they kept asking their prophet how their God can prove himself. Their prophet went for God to ask, and said they can choose and see. They chose something like a she-camel coming from inside a mountain. God said alright as long as you don't slaughter her. The thing was granted, and she came the mountain. The mountain cracked and it came out. They slaughtered it. The thing is that who keeps asking not for proof, but for evidence, they don't want anything but to challenge God. It's all, trust me, about arrogance. You just don't accept a superior entity, and the idea of the entity creating you, and mastering you. So you(not you you, but in general) keep your arrogance, and will never believe WHATEVER happens. I think the moral lesson is not that you should not reject God, because not everybody that rejects God is ruined, in fact, some of them actually convert for the best(for them, and for others eventually whatever). The moral is that if you want to change, you should first think outside the box(put aside the arrogance) then argue and debate as you like.

Ok, I mis-typed. Thamud, not Thalmud. All this info was not in your original quotes. How am I to make informed judgments without all the info? ;)

A couple of issues here.
* No proof right, just a story illustrating a point?

* Do you believe that man knows all about the acts of God and/or Nature? I'd say no. So it might be possible for advanced beings to exist in the universe. It would not take very much at all for ancient man to encounter technically advanced beings to think they were dealing with Gods. It's a prevalent theme in Science Fiction stories. How would you know what you are dealing with? Blind faith is not an adequate answer for me.

* It almost seems that you are saying those who question God are arrogant, but asking questions is how human beings learn. Maybe if God provided the right answers, they might be swayed. Have you ever considered that God does not really care if you believe in him, but he wants you take a journey to the truth, wherever that might lead? It's not a sin to question. And it's not a failure if you don't acknowledge a particular religious belief before you die. Do you think God wants blind faith? No if he exists and he is a fair god, don't you think he would want intelligent informed choices? If he has not provided us with the info we need to make informed decisions, that's God's failure. Or it's really NOT THAT IMPORTANT to God what we know and when we know it. If we are his children, and he loves us as children, how high on God's priority list to you think it is that we idolize him? I'm speaking of a real loving relationship, not one based on domination, get out of line and I'll squash you like a bug. That is not love. And if that is the case, God is not deserving of our love.

More importantly is how you live your life. Lots of bad things are being committed daily, wrapped in the shroud of religion. Saying you (not you) are a believer really means nothing as compared with what you do with your life. Belief is not that important, because if you have missed the truth, maybe it will be revealed at the time of your passing. And I'm not talking punishment, but revelation. What's wrong with that?
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Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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i disagree with you there,...(im not trying to be rude,mean, insulting or appear spiteful) i don't want to sway him or convince him. after "dealing" with him and his posts, i feel that it would be more of a detriment than a benefit to have somone not easily understood attempting to speak to people on your behalf no matter what "side" you may be on or what ideology you may have.
(but he does appear to be getting better at times)

no offense intended, i just had a very difficult time understanding more than a few of his posts.

as far as your last question,..i believe that would depend upon the people involved in the attempt at each instance :thumbup

No offense taken. In my case when someone tells me of their faith, I can accept that. I start debating when someone pronounces religious truth on me. And it's not to convince them they are wrong, but to get them to acknowledge what they are talking about is FAITH, not truth or proof as the case maybe.

why do his response's to everyone else seem more clear and understandable now?

I would not say that (especially if you are referring to me). I'm just countering the info provided and trying to get an acknowledgment of no proof provided so far. ;)
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No offense taken. In my case when someone tells me of their faith, I can accept that. I start debating when someone pronounces religious truth on me. And it's not to convince them they are wrong, but to get them to acknowledge what they are talking about is FAITH, not truth or proof as the case maybe.

i meant no offense to him. :D

i did not think that someone with your tact and intellect would be offended during our polite and respectful conversation/discussion


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I would not say that (especially if you are referring to me). I'm just countering the info provided and trying to get an acknowledgment of no proof provided so far. ;)

i was not referring to you, my apologies for not being more clear

unfortunately (maybe not), i have been deemed unworthy of further inclusion in another's discussion :p

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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i did not think that someone with your tact and intellect would be offended during our polite and respectful conversation/discussion

Back at ya.:flowers: (just humor intended. Could not find the "hugs" icon. ;))

unfortunately (maybe not), i have been deemed unworthy of further inclusion in another's discussion :p

Remember, he said "bye bye" a couple of posts back. Maybe he'll have mercy on you and make another attempt to help you see the light. :D
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i did?....funny,...i don't really feel like i was the one who relinquished logic....did i just get transported to a "Bizzaro" plane of existence or something?

lol I didn't write it. I was just translating it. Maybe not a very good translation but who can really say.


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Ok, I mis-typed. Thamud, not Thalmud. All this info was not in your original quotes. How am I to make informed judgments without all the info? ;)

A couple of issues here.
* No proof right, just a story illustrating a point?

* Do you believe that man knows all about the acts of God and/or Nature? I'd say no. So it might be possible for advanced beings to exist in the universe. It would not take very much at all for ancient man to encounter technically advanced beings to think they were dealing with Gods. It's a prevalent theme in Science Fiction stories. How would you know what you are dealing with? Blind faith is not an adequate answer for me.

* It almost seems that you are saying those who question God are arrogant, but asking questions is how human beings learn. Maybe if God provided the right answers, they might be swayed. Have you ever considered that God does not really care if you believe in him, but he wants you take a journey to the truth, wherever that might lead? It's not a sin to question. And it's not a failure if you don't acknowledge a particular religious belief before you die. Do you think God wants blind faith? No if he exists and he is a fair god, don't you think he would want intelligent informed choices? If he has not provided us with the info we need to make informed decisions, that's God's failure. Or it's really NOT THAT IMPORTANT to God what we know and when we know it. If we are his children, and he loves us as children, how high on God's priority list to you think it is that we idolize him? I'm speaking of a real loving relationship, not one based on domination, get out of line and I'll squash you like a bug. That is not love. And if that is the case, God is not deserving of our love.

More importantly is how you live your life. Lots of bad things are being committed daily, wrapped in the shroud of religion. Saying you (not you) are a believer really means nothing as compared with what you do with your life. Belief is not that important, because if you have missed the truth, maybe it will be revealed at the time of your passing. And I'm not talking punishment, but revelation. What's wrong with that?

Am not making fun or trying to by saying the Thamud, just thought you'd mix the two things up, that's all.

First, I did not quote verses that have the whole story, as you see it was mentioned in more than one place to show the significance on its own, for each place. The thing is that you can look up the story yourself.

Second, it is never of arrogance to ask question about God or so, because of you just worship for no reason, you are just imitating, the same as when you don't believe in God and it is proven to you(or you feel like it) and you just like to stay with the herd.

Arrogance, is not when you, but it is when it is proven to you that all that you believe in is your arrogance. They(Thamud) were proven to. However, they never believed, they asked question and it is OK, but when you are answered, and still don't want to believe, it is very arrogant. ASKING QUESTIONS IS NEVER ARROGANT BRO.


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He never saw it coming, what is he, a psychic?

You don't have to be a psychic to realize that convincing a lot of people that you are God's mouth piece will bring you power and riches.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with your belief. I was just curious how you could be so certain. Thanks for answering. Peace be unto you.


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Remember, he said "bye bye" a couple of posts back. Maybe he'll have mercy on you and make another attempt to help you see the light. :D
Well, sometimes people think that they are already in the light. For example, Minor, I think that you are not in the light(you still have the chance LOL), and you think that I am not in the light, simple equation.


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I actually don't know what Muslims say, that is a good saying though. I am not convinced one way or another, I am agnostic.


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You don't have to be a psychic to realize that convincing a lot of people that you are God's mouth piece will bring you power and riches.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with your belief. I was just curious how you could be so certain. Thanks for answering. Peace be unto you.
Prove me he was one of them, I told you to read about him, by people IN HIS TIME that were from Europe if you want, or from China, just read and see what OTHERS said about him.


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I actually don't know what Muslims say, that is a good saying though. I am not convinced one way or another, I am agnostic.
Agnostic is kinda better than atheist to me. They know there is, but have some problems with some definitions due to inaccurate background.
SOMETIMES an agnostic or an atheist have more faith than someone who is an innate believer.


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Agnostic is kinda better than atheist to me. They know there is, but have some problems with some definitions due to inaccurate background.
SOMETIMES an agnostic or an atheist have more faith than someone who is an innate believer.

Atheist annoy me greatly, how can anyone say for certain that there is no god? I don't claim to have all the answers, all I can say is that I've never personally seen anything that proves to me that he is real.


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Atheist annoy me greatly, how can anyone say for certain that there is no god? I don't claim to have all the answers, all I can say is that I've never personally seen anything that proves to me that he is real.
Everyone is free to be what they want, you don't see a man-made law punishing people for being evil, not even on the person level, so as atheists. However, to SEE some proof is not a good idea for others, who see and still be arrogant, just like the comment I posted a couple of pages ago. It's really of zero value, and benefit as well to try to argue something that is controversial, arguments in which the winner is the loser(justified by saying:such arguments have no winner or loser), but you know who is affected, and know for sure that you gave a retort. I will not waste my time bringing evidence to find that my words and efforts are useless to such people. Some people find it amusing to be kept sheep-inline, and not admit what they want to change, because they cannot change. So atheists are free to be what they want to be. But, atheists and agnostics are really annoying to me, especially agnostics, how come you know there is something and you want God to argue you, and prove that he exists. well, Minor, the answer is yes, God can, and he did before, so it is useless to prove he exists, it's of no value to him.


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.... but when you are answered, and still don't want to believe, it is very arrogant. ASKING QUESTIONS IS NEVER ARROGANT BRO.

how are you to know that the answer you receive is the right answer?

is asking god "why don't you prove that you are god?"...considered arrogant by those who believe and god himself/herself?
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