I hate the fucking things. Wherever I have worked, I've always either managed to have them replaced, or at lease halved (Only 1 Instead of 2 fluro bulbs in each bay)
They give me the worst headaches.
Yes they cycle in in a bad way for people with Migraines and who are prone to seizures as well as depression.. It was said that they had improved to be much better but I believe it to be false as my depressions bouts are much worse around them and like I said I am about to get rid of them ( in my house ) for LED Light versions..
[FONT=arial, Arial, Helvetica]A common question about the use of fluorescent lights, such as the long tubes and the spiral compact fluorescent lights regards the potential for headaches, particularly migraines and some types of seizures. Due to the State of California's recent proposal to mandate the use of fluorescent lights (to save energy), this question has been frequently brought up in the media lately, such as on the Neal Boortz radio show and some newspapers.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, Arial, Helvetica]There is some truth to these claims, although they generally affect only a very small percentage of the population and there are solutions. For people affected by the flicker of fluorescent lights, the issue is very real.
[FONT=arial, Arial, Helvetica]Not to mention it is now illegal to dispose of these except to send them to a special centre due to the poison they release.. [/FONT]:mad