John, can the Democrats do anything wrong in your eyes? Or are you just for blaming everything on the Republicans?
Where do you come up with statements like this? Do you read posts with the intent to understand what was posted?
Pay attention now:
Too many liberals have abandoned the working class.
I have previously acknowledged the fondness Democrats have for lobby money. How much clearer can I be?
It is a known FACT that the right wing - right wing encompassing libertarians, conservatives, neo-conservatives, Republicans etc. - support big business over the working class. That is a foregone conclusion. They believe in taking care of the big monied interests in the theory that through their inherent goodness, capitalist blessings will "Trickle Down" upon the masses.
Well I am here to tell you that I have first-hand experience with over 32 years and counting of work and business experience that "Trickle Down" has failed the working class miserably. It is pissing upon the heads of the working class and telling them it is raining.
Do the Democrats do anything wrong?
FUCK YES! Need me to spell it out any plainer for you?
The Democrats have left the working class to the Republicans. Many middle class and working class people see this and have turned to the right despite the fucking they are taking from the right. The right wing employs a massive disinformation campaign through the media - what was once known as the "Liberal Media" has been purchased by the monied interests. Don't believe it? Check this out:
That is why I keep telling anyone who will listen that the United States is governed by the Corpratocracy. It is not a fucking secret - the information is available to anyone willing to seek it out. The "Mainstream Media" is no longer the liberal media - it is the Corporate Media - and they are getting their message out quite effectively.
Wages are decreasing. Health insurance is getting prohibitively expensive for most American families. Employee benefits are decreasing. Corporate profits and the incomes of the top 1%, however, are exponentially inceasing. These are verifiable facts.
Yet despite these facts, many of the working class cling to the very Republican/Conservative/Libertarian political philosophies that are fucking them over in plain sight. Why? The Democrats have failed to get their message out. While the Democrats were counting their reelection dollars contributed by the monied interests, the monied interests were busy buying up the media and convincing the voting public that Democrats were the enemy of the working class.
So - has the right wing leopard changed his spots and now representing the will of the toiling masses?
The only hope the working class has in this two-party system is what remains of the skeleton of the Democratic Party that once represented them. Until a viable Labor Party rises from the ashes of the Democratic Party, the working class in America is fucked.
Do you understand my position now?