Active Member
It will sort itself out on its own.
How's it working out so far?
Never said I did.
Oh - you have no answers, but you somehow know that a universal system where people are not bankrupted because of astronomical medical bills they could never pay if they lived 200 years could never work - despite the FACT it works in every other first world nation that has it.
But you could start by dropping the restrictions on where insurance companies can sell their insurance. That would increase competition to make their product more attractive and affordable to more people.
So allowing health insurance companies who have driven up costs and make massive profits by disallowing payment for life saving care that results in millions of bankruptcies to have even less regulation will work? Such a simple solution. Brilliant.
Also, since a lot of health problems is from our over-eating, sedentary lifestyle, we need a change in culture.
But in the meanwhile, until this cultural enlightenment occurs - deregulate insurance companies even more (they will of course always do what is right by the premium payers
So thats your plan, right?