Fucking massive negative there, James. I believe that if we could've solved this without losing any lives, including people who I considered friends, then that option should've been explored.
I have never, and will never, say that we shouldn't be in Iraq. I'm disappointed that's what you took from my posts in that thread.
I firmly believe, to state it simply, "we broke it, we bought it". We have a responsibility to the Iraqi people to rebuild a stable government.
I am the exact opposite of disillusioned. A week ago I got a job offer repairing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that would include 3 month rotations to Iraq and back. Ask Amber. I REALLY wanted to take that job. I'd take it tomorrow if it was only up to me.
In fact, since I've gotten back from Iraq and out of the Marine Corps, I've been feeling guilty. Guilty that I have friends still over there fighting the fight, while I'm sitting here comfortable with my 7-3 job where the biggest decision of my day is deciding if I'm getting gas before or after work.
Part of me WANTED to reenlist. Part of me WANTS to be back over there. But it's not all up to me now.
I'm not disillusioned, I merely believe the military option should always be a last resort.