You make this claim but fail to back it up. What makes God a bad "parent"? This false claim that GIA makes of plotting a murder? Please, such nonsense.
You ask several questions, then call my position nonsense without supporting your positions. What makes my opinion non-sense or less sense then your position? If you look at the human parent-child relationship, God is an absentee parent. First of all God acts like he/she/it is hiding. No direct communication, intervention, or guidance. Everything that comes from "God" is in the form of feelings and things imagined. People do like to rationalize why they did not get on that bus that rolled down the side of the mountain. Was it because God was looking out for them or they just happened to be in the right place at the right time?
We only know how electricity behaves really. Have you ever seen an electron? Imagine tiny particles behaving to create such a powerful force! By your reasoning atoms should be considered a myth. What about human thought? What about the human mind? These things have not been absolutely proven to exist but are accepted to exist. Don't even think about The Big Bang then because it is just a THEORY. Yes, even science goes by FAITH on things that have to do with our very existence.
Just because we do not understand everything about our existence and the universe we inhabit, does not mean all of the unknowns floating around equates to a loving, caring, father deity. That is exactly what primitive mankind did. Everything they did not understand, every adverse weather event was attributed to an angry God. Today, I feel confidant that those in the know are beyond that tendency. However, this does not disprove a intelligent deity who might hold dominion over the Universe. Yes, it is possible, but the choices are all equally as likely: its choice is to remain hidden, it is oblivious to us, it does not exist as we imagine it to be, or it is completely beyond our comprehension. Each choice could be right, but none can be picked with certainty.
I have read some of your posts lately that are really good. Some of your posts are food for thought for anyone who is looking for truth. But then you go and make a statement like this.
You mean the purple dragon? God has no more authenticity, than a purple dragon. That is the truth for anyone not all ready assimilated into theist mind set. You say we run away from God. That happens in the same manner as every other fantasy out there- pixies, ghosts, aliens, etc. What makes a difference is when some evidence appears to support these notions.
Come on Minor Axis. You made the claim that God is an "absentee parent" to which I raise the possibility that God is not absent there are only people who run away from Him. Then you come back with the purple dragon statement which has nothing to do with the presence of God or humans rejecting Him. If anything you have proven my point that God isn't absent there are only people who reject Him. So you have contradicted yourself.
There are two issues. #1 if God is a parent, he is an absentee parent as I explained above when compared to the traditional parent-child relationship. He is not there in any kind of meaningful sense. Yes, we can imagine a lot of things, but that is nothing like a parent guiding a child.
#2 God, purple dragon, etc, etc, all fall into the same unsubstantiated category. If you think God is whispering in your ear, who is not to say it's not a purple dragon doing the whispering?
Who wishes to control? Is there not freedom of religion in the US and other places in the world?
"Those" you are talking about are really strawmen for the purpose of your argument. You are backing yourself up with assumptions.
Who wishes to control you ask? Just about every religion that exists on this planet. Go turn on the T.V. for lots of examples.
The sacrifice was for mankind and by human standards it is the ultimate sacrifice. You use this method to paint God as a terrible "parent" and then contradict yourself here by switching back. I don't know if you can keep from being hypocritical but at least be consistent.
It is religion that calls God, our Father which assumes something akin to a human parent/child relationship. I mention God as a terrible parent because it does not act as such and it probably does not exist like popular religions think it does (if at all). I'm critiquing the "sacrifice" argument precisely because it's a sacrifice based on human perception, something that ancient man might think. Duh, look at where all the scriptures that modern religion is based upon... ancient man.
If we know that our Earthly existence is just a flash, but Heaven is for eternity, and you keep the big perspective, then Heaven is more the reality than Earth is. Hence, it's not that big of a sacrifice for God to sacrifice Jesus on the cross.
This is where you are wrong. GIA doesn't pick apart anything. He uses half truths, assumptions and outright false information to "prove" his nonsense. If he used a logical approach he would back up what he claims with scripture.
Mostly what we see in religious based discussion are opinions. However when a religion establishes what it calls specific truths, then there is a basis to pick it apart, because it is Faith, not truth. Is there any basis what so ever to believe in Adam and Eve, The Garden of Eden, Noah's Ark and the Great Flood? I say no. At one point in time, all of these stories held sway with those who want and imagine a God who takes care of them. It feels good. But as science has marched forward, these things can easily be discounted. You disagree? No we don't have everything figured out, but as time goes by, more and more will be understandable to us.
I have never claimed to be a Christian. I have been accused of it but I have never claimed it. What I am is seeking truth and so far I see alot of nonsense here. I don't have a problem with anyone who doesn't believe in God or is unsure. I see plenty of evidence for myself to believe but that is my choice. I have looked at many different beliefs, including non-belief, and they all are flawed somehow. Even science is flawed. It doesn't mean I shouldn't look for truth. I don't like when someone concocts premises based on outright lies and then refuses to back up what they say. I don't see how anyone interested in seeking the truth would tolerate such nonsense.
If there is enough information, "truth" can be determined. But lacking information it's tough to analyze and categorize opinions as sensible or non-sensible. BTW, this kind of a conversation is more enjoyable than hurling insults at one another. I'm not here to demean, but here to learn or at least to consider other opinions...