God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.

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Joe the meek

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maybe you dont understand what he's talking about perhaps

No, it's the same old shit, different day. The OP does bring some good points to the table, but thread after thread on the same theme kind of gets old. If I'm the customer, I'm just tuckered out with him trying to sell me the same car each week with a different paint color.
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No, it's the same old shit, different day. The OP does bring some good points to the table, but thread after thread on the same theme kind of gets old. If I'm the customer, I'm just tuckered out with him trying to sell me the same car each week with a different paint color.

Quite yer bitchin' Josephine. You have no obligation to read his posts or comment on them. I ignore probably 95% of all posts on OTz. Lighten up before your hemmoroids get inflamed. :p

Joe the meek

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Quite yer bitchin' Josephine. You have no obligation to read his posts or comment on them. I ignore probably 95% of all posts on OTz. Lighten up before your hemmoroids get inflamed. :p

I've been here long enough where normally I do ignore GIA threads as they usually run the same theme, but the parent theme struck a nerve. Total bullshit.


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Magnetic force can and is demonstrated daily. God is not.

Many scientists have came to the conclusion that the universe could not exist without a Grand Designer. God is demonstrated daily in such knowledge. You are incorrect.

Magnetic forced do not curse you to everlasting torture if you do not believe in it.

But without proof how can anyone believe in magnetic force or anything else like atomic theory. Not applying the same philosophy is very hypocritical.

Sure but never as low as today. What does that prove? That things are at there best for this point in time and that fear mongers should shut TF up because they are lying.

Never as low as today? Where did you get such information? Where is your proof?

We escaped from imposed stupidity by a tyrant who would not allow man free will. Note what happened the first time A & E exercised their will and not God's. God threw a sissy fit all over them as well as us. That is against scriptures and unjust.

You have lost something in translation and interpreted it wrong.

You read it wrong then.

Really? I could have sworn I have never read the words "shove yourself" in Genesis. Could you give me the exact place where this was said?

Jews have authority over their own book and Christians do not even as they usurped it.

Jews and Christians have authority over how they decide to use it.

You will note that they have a more moral view than Christians.


I looked at the link and don't see what you are talking about. Your interpretation is wrong. The author of the website, Eric Knickerbocker, doesn't seem to take the same view as you.

God says it did in terms of knowing good and evil. The talking snake gave more pertinent information than God did. I call that a lie of omission on God's part.

The snake told Eve she would be the same as God if she ate. Since this didn't happen the snake told a lie outright.

Is it good parenting to let children die when you have the means to keep them alive.

Where did God murder A & E literally? God gave them a choice and told them if they ate the fruit they would "surely die". That is suicide not murder.

God had the means and made sure A & E could not get to them.
I call that murder. What do you call it?
Good parenting?


Again, God told A & E what would happen and gave them a choice. They chose wrong. Does that make God a bad parent or were A & E just a couple of dumbasses?

Greatest I am

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How do you quantify if YOUR pitch is productive?

By knowing that it has not been refuted or challenged in any significant way.

Your product has pretty much always been the same and it gets old pretty quick IMO.

I go from God to the economy. How much diversity would please you?

Complaints are cheep. So is the product you have bought.
How old is the product I am refuting and how long has apologists not been able to explain their flawed theology.
How long has people prayed to an invisible super God who never shows up and as shown, does not deserve any respect.


Greatest I am

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Many scientists have came to the conclusion that the universe could not exist without a Grand Designer. God is demonstrated daily in such knowledge. You are incorrect.

Define “ many “ in %. Your many is few.
Get the stats and you will see just how few believe in I D.
Prove your point or be seen as a liar.
But without proof how can anyone believe in magnetic force or anything else like atomic theory. Not applying the same philosophy is very hypocritical.
You don't have proof of magnetic force!
Do you not use a computer?
What is creating the electricity for it?
As to atomic force. Have you never had a medical test that included radiation.

Never as low as today? Where did you get such information? Where is your proof?

You have lost something in translation and interpreted it wrong.

Really? I could have sworn I have never read the words "shove yourself" in Genesis. Could you give me the exact place where this was said?

Jews and Christians have authority over how they decide to use it.

I looked at the link and don't see what you are talking about. Your interpretation is wrong. The author of the website, Eric Knickerbocker, doesn't seem to take the same view as you.

The snake told Eve she would be the same as God if she ate. Since this didn't happen the snake told a lie outright.

Where did God murder A & E literally? God gave them a choice and told them if they ate the fruit they would "surely die". That is suicide not murder.

Again, God told A & E what would happen and gave them a choice. They chose wrong. Does that make God a bad parent or were A & E just a couple of dumbasses?

I will continue below. This progamme is going nuts on me.

Greatest I am

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Many scientists have came to the conclusion that the universe could not exist without a Grand Designer. God is demonstrated daily in such knowledge. You are incorrect.

But without proof how can anyone believe in magnetic force or anything else like atomic theory. Not applying the same philosophy is very hypocritical.

Never as low as today? Where did you get such information? Where is your proof?

You have lost something in translation and interpreted it wrong.

Really? I could have sworn I have never read the words "shove yourself" in Genesis. Could you give me the exact place where this was said?

Jews and Christians have authority over how they decide to use it.

Sure and the Christians went for guilt while the Jews went for reward.

The question was not on use. It was on who likely has the right interpretation and thus authority over their own scriptures. Christianity has no authority over Jewish writings unless they usurp it.

I looked at the link and don't see what you are talking about. Your interpretation is wrong. The author of the website, Eric Knickerbocker, doesn't seem to take the same view as you.

I spoke to their moral view. Not that they spoke of parenting.
Informative wasn't it?

The snake told Eve she would be the same as God if she ate. Since this didn't happen the snake told a lie outright.

Did Eve not become as Gods in the knowledge of good and evil?
If lies are the criteria for judging Eden then God lies of omission out weight all other lies.
Most of the information they had before eating came from the snake. Count the points.
Where did God murder A & E literally? God gave them a choice and told them if they ate the fruit they would "surely die". That is suicide not murder.

Did God lock away the tree of life?

Would you hold back what your child needed to live.
Would you watch it die and do nothing?
Would you, like a JW watch you child die while there was blood in the fridge?

Again, God told A & E what would happen and gave them a choice. They chose wrong. Does that make God a bad parent or were A & E just a couple of dumbasses?

So if your child puts his head in the gas oven, by his choice, you would just honor his choice and let him die.
Are you that sick?


Joe the meek

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Yet you cannot refute the premise.

I can't refute the premise that man is a better parent than the God I know?

Hypothetically speaking, I've never known the God as I've come to know in my own mind to sexually abuse children and then threaten their child to torture their pet if they say anything about the sexual abuse to anyone. I've also have not known that God to be hooked on drugs only to deliver a baby that is so screwed up due to drugs, ONLY to go out an have the same issue again with another newborn infant. The list is endless.

Man has the potential for great good or great harm, and in my mind, God gave him that potential. So far, things don't look too good for man IMO.

Crap, what year are we in and how far have we come when you have people trampling other people to death for an early holiday opening for store?

Greatest I am

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I can't refute the premise that man is a better parent than the God I know?

Hypothetically speaking, I've never known the God as I've come to know in my own mind to sexually abuse children and then threaten their child to torture their pet if they say anything about the sexual abuse to anyone. I've also have not known that God to be hooked on drugs only to deliver a baby that is so screwed up due to drugs, ONLY to go out an have the same issue again with another newborn infant. The list is endless.

Man has the potential for great good or great harm, and in my mind, God gave him that potential. So far, things don't look too good for man IMO.

Crap, what year are we in and how far have we come when you have people trampling other people to death for an early holiday opening for store?




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Define “ many “ in %. Your many is few. Get the stats and you will see just how few believe in I D. Prove your point or be seen as a liar.

Many is many not majority. You are asking me to prove something I did not say. Once again you have interpreted wrong and made a false claim.

You don't have proof of magnetic force! Do you not use a computer? What is creating the electricity for it? As to atomic force. Have you never had a medical test that included radiation.

Have you ever seen magnetic force in a physical form? Some people believe that is proof of non-existence which is a silly idea.

Electricity has the power to kill someone therefore it is evil by your definition.

Just more of the same nonsense that you misinterpret and parrot.

The question was not on use. It was on who likely has the right interpretation and thus authority over their own scriptures. Christianity has no authority over Jewish writings unless they usurp it.

This is only matter of opinion.

I spoke to their moral view. Not that they spoke of parenting. Informative wasn't it?

Yes, now I know you don't interpret things well enough to even be able to parrot them.

Did God lock away the tree of life?

He created it why would he need to "lock it away."

Would you hold back what your child needed to live. Would you watch it die and do nothing? Would yo
u, like a JW watch you child die while there was blood in the fridge

Where did God watch A & E die while there was blood anywhere? You falsely add to your comparison for your own advantage.

So if your child puts his head in the gas oven, by his choice, you would just honor his choice and let him die.
Are you that sick?


So you are saying if anyone dies this way it is the fault of the parent? What kind of parent creates such dependence in a person and is fully responsible for every choice they make. Your premise conflicts with reality.


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Yes. Any parent or God that lets their child die when they can save it is one immoral S O B.

Would you save your child or follow your God's example and let them die?


You are saying that for every human that dies because of the choices they make the parent is responsible.....


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You are saying that for every human that dies because of the choices they make the parent is responsible.....

If you told your child not to eat any apples from the bowl on your table and she did. So you threw her out of the house and let her starve to death then if it were up to me I would throw you in prison.

You can never win this argument. That is why GIA uses it so much. He is baiting you. Stop defending God in the A&E story. By doing so you make your God out to be a monster. Just state the obvious. It's a myth.


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If you told your child not to eat any apples from the bowl on your table and she did. So you threw her out of the house and let her starve to death then if it were up to me I would throw you in prison.

You can never win this argument. That is why GIA uses it so much. He is baiting you. Stop defending God in the A&E story. By doing so you make your God out to be a monster. Just state the obvious. It's a myth.

So you want to compare a hypothetical situation to prove a point? I say look at the world around you and think about what you are saying: That for everyone who dies it is the fault of the parent.

I disagree with you Born. When GIA's premise is held up to reality it fails bigtime. This is why GIA dodges questions and refuses to explain himself.


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So you want to compare a hypothetical situation to prove a point?

I fail to see how my hypothetical situation differs from the A&E story. If you're going to defend God for his action toward Eve then you might as well defend my hypothetical abusive parent. But there is a moral option available to you. It's simple. The A&E story is a myth. You don't really believe it do you? You don't have to give up Christianity to accept the obvious.


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I fail to see how my hypothetical situation differs from the A&E story. If you're going to defend God for his action toward Eve then you might as well defend my hypothetical abusive parent. But there is a moral option available to you. It's simple. The A&E story is a myth. You don't really believe it do you? You don't have to give up Christianity to accept the obvious.

Differences? Well let's take a look: It takes 2 humans to reproduce whereas God isn't 2 humans. God created man and the universe man is lucky he hasn't destroyed earth, yet. And so forth and so on.

This is just another ridiculous example where apples and oranges are compared to produce some silly desired result. It is completely hypothetical on the human part and only focuses on one small part to, once again, give a desired result. When held up to reality and what the story of A & E is really about GIA's premise is extremely flawed. The very heart of GIA's point depends on an emotional response and judgement from human beings in a mortal situation here in this existence whereas the story of A & E took place at or near the beginning of creation. These situations are not comparable and neither is God and mankind.

Now, that being said it also sounds like GIA is saying that anyone who dies because of decisions they make are completely not at fault. The fault lies with the parents. What a ridiculous premise.

Greatest I am

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So you want to compare a hypothetical situation to prove a point? I say look at the world around you and think about what you are saying: That for everyone who dies it is the fault of the parent.

I disagree with you Born. When GIA's premise is held up to reality it fails bigtime. This is why GIA dodges questions and refuses to explain himself.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

The wage of sin is death. What sin did Jesus do to earn his wage?
